Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Sudden Urges

[lvan's POV]

I didn't know what possessed me in that moment, but seeing that look of fear in her eyes set me off. I wanted to let her know that she was safe and try to help her forget whatever it was that haunted her.

Maybe this wasn't the best of times to be doing this, but I didn’t have the habit of fighting my urges and just went along with them. She would probably attack me later and that would be fun, so for me this was a win-win.

"What the hell are you doing?" Arissa growled, placing her hands on my chest and shoving.

I was surprised by how powerful she was as I stumbled backwards. Sure, I had seen her in action, but I still didn't expect that from someone so tiny.

"Punishing you." I responded, once I had managed to stop myself from falling.

I watched as her mouth opened and closed. She was clearly left stunned, and I had to admit, it was cute.

"Didn't we agree that you wouldn't punish me anymore?" She finally snapped, crossing her arms over her chest that was rising and falling with each and every angry breath she took.

"I promised not to spank you." I pointed out, earning myself another look of anger from her. Damn, this was really just too enjoyable. "Now remember this when you decide to call me uncle."

She didn't respond as her eyes narrowed and her jaw twitched. Even though she was clearly trying to look intimidating, she was nothing more than a porcupine that needed to look tough since it was so soft inside.

"You know what?" she sighed, suddenly beginning to smirk.

Shit, that damn switch of hers seemed to have turned on. What was she going to say or do now? "If you want to kiss me that badly, you could just ask.” She purred, sauntering towards me and grabbing my tie. "You don't have to use excuses to do it."

I didn't know what she was getting at, but I knew damn well if I asked, she would tell me no. She had resisted me tooth and nail from the minute I saved her from that damn cell she was withering away in.

"Who are you trying to fool, little girl?" I asked, deciding I would play along. "I'm pretty sure if I were to ask you, you would insult me and then go on about the maid or one of my guards being fun.” Her eyes flashed in annoyance for a split-second, indicating I had hit the mark, but soon she recovered and her smile grew brighter.

"Are you jealous?" She asked, pressing her chest against my stomach. "Does it make you mad that I'm interested in everyone but you?"

Did it make me mad? Of course it fucking did! However, I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Don't be so fool of yourself, sweetheart.”

"Too bad," she sighed, suddenly stepping away, leaving me feeling like something important had suddenly disappeared. "I was actually going to reward you if you told the truth.”

Shrugging, she turned on her heel and began to make her way towards the entrance of the estate. For a moment, I remained in place, confused about what had happened. Did I really just let her one- up me by trying to one-up her? There was no way that was going to happen!

Moving forward, I grabbed hold of her wrist and yanked her to me, pressing my mouth firmly against her. Fuck, she tasted good and that tiny moan that escaped her made my dick throb.

I didn't know what had gotten into me, but my Bastian was beginning to stir, and he was becoming excited. It seemed that he wanted this girl as much as I did, and that alone startled and confused me.

"W-what?" She gasped, attempting to pry her mouth away.

"You said if I wanted to kiss you, I should." I pointed out, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close. "I'm doing just that.”

"I didn't mean it," she tried, but stopped as I muffled her words with my lips once again.

At first, it seemed like she was going to continue to resist, but soon her arms were snaking around my neck and her nails were digging into my skin. Groaning, I lifted her into the air so that I didn't have to strain my back just to keep kissing.

Her mouth opened as another moan of pleasure escaped, and our tongues began to dance together. Sparks flew and the world around us seemed to disappear instantly. What the fuck was this woman and why was she having such an effect?

“Mate,’ Bastian gasped in wonderment.


How the hell did he get that this tiny little thing was our mate? There was no way.

“She is my mate.’ Bastian insisted, shocking me to my core.

"No," I growled, suddenly pulling away and dropping her to the ground. "There's no fucking way." "What?" Arissa rasped as she tried to process what was happening.

Her breath was coming in deep puffs and her lips were swollen, making her that much more alluring. However, I had to resist. It seemed that Bastian was getting the wrong idea, and that was making me feel some sort of way towards her. I wouldn't give in to such a fucking ridiculous thing as a mate bond, and I wouldn't let myself fall in love. The day that happened, I could kiss everything goodbye because then I would admit to having a weakness.

"Go back.” I growled, causing Arissa’s eyes to grow wide with shock.

"What the hell is your problem?" She hissed, quickly collecting herself. "You were the one..."

"GO!" I roared, sending my alpha aura crashing into her.

I watched in shock as she flew backwards, landing on the ground hard enough to send rocks and dirt flying. Did I really just do that to her? Fuck, what was wrong with me.

"I'm..." I began, beginning to move forward.

"DON'T!" She shrieked, jumping up.

Her dress was now torn and her arms were bleeding. She had hit the ground hard, and I was the one to blame.

"Stay the fuck away from me.” She continued, her voice shaking with emotion. "DON'T FUCKING COME NEAR ME EVER AGAIN!"

Shooting me one last vehement look, she turned and ran away, clearly trying to keep me from seeing her cry. I had truly messed up, and I didn't know if there would be anyway to make up for it.

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