Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Father's Death

[Arissa's POV]

Images of that day began to flash unbidden in my mind, sending me back to that time in which I wished to forget.

I remember laying in bed recovering from broken ribs and a busted skull. There was just the faintest of tugs at my consciousness, indicating that someone was trying to mindlink with me.

Out of pure curiosity, I let that person in to find that she was my maid, Tracy.

She was hiding under a desk with her hands held over her mouth and nose in an attempt to stay quiet. The scene she was seeing was something that would haunt me even now.

Standing there with his hand covered in blood was Isaac, but the blood that stained his skin wasn't his own.

In his hand, he held the hilt of a sword, and the blade of that sword stabbed cleanly through my father's chest.

The look on my father's face was one of pure shock and betrayal. At first I didn't understand it since he didn't know Isaac, but after Tracy shifted her gaze a little further, there stood my mother with a look of triumph on her face.

At that moment, I was left in confusion and rage. Why was this man here and why was my mother helping him? What exactly was going on?

I'm sure my father felt that way too, as life slowly slipped away from him.

Had the sword been removed, he probably could have healed himself, but with the blade in place, the skin couldn't be repaired. From the way his body stayed completely stiff, I knew that he had been drugged with a paralysis potion. Otherwise, there was no way he wouldn't fight.

My mother and Isaac were monsters that happily watched my father take his final breath. Afterwards, I saw the beginning of my mother and Isaac's sinful acts and tried to pull away. I didn't want to see them touching and caressing each other, spreading my father's still warm blood across each other's skin

It was only when I managed to slap myself that I finally broke free and was left to mourn alone in my dingy cell on that cold island where the only escape was death.

Something warm was trickling down my cheek and an odd caress managed to snap me out of it, returning me to that cramped carriage.

Opening my eyes, I found Ivan sitting much too close with his hand out touching my cheek where a tear that managed to escape had been.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, quickly jerking away from his reach. "Why are you touching me?" For a moment, Ivan just stared at me with an unfathomable look that caused my heart to start racing.

"What?" I asked, trying desperately to calm down. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You were whimpering the word, father." He said slowly, finally breaking the silence. "And then started crying.”

"I think you're mistaken.”

My cheeks began to burn with the blush of embarassment that was beginning to spread. There was no way I could have let him see me like that, no way.

My pain was my own to bear, and I had no intention of letting anyone else near it. However, within just a few days, Ivan had managed to get a peek twice. I really needed to be more careful when I was around him.

"Were you remembering your father's death?” Ivan suddenly asked, rocking me to my core.

"It doesn't matter.” I said slowly, putting my guard up. "And it doesn't concern you even if I was.” The area around us grew quiet as Ivan processed my words.

"I suppose you're right." He sighed, pulling his hand away and leaning back in his seat.

I don't know exactly what I had expected to happen, but a sudden rush of disappointment hit me at how quickly he gave up.

Did this mean that, deep down, I wanted him to continue to push? Would I have opened up if he had continued? I didn't know and I didn't have time to dwell as our carriage came to a stop and Ivan stood with a stretch.

"Dont’ stay up too late.” He said, getting out and not bothering to see if I was following.

Shaking off my conflicting emotions, I got out of the carriage and wondered why it mattered whether or not I stayed up too late.

"Hey!" I called, rushing after him. "What's going on tomorrow?"

Whatever it was, there was no way that I was going to be part of it. Tomorrow was the blood moon, and I had already managed to acquire a pair of handcuffs that I fully intended to use while I was still sane.

"Whatever it is, I have no intentions of participating.” I continued.

"Even if it involves more spying?" Ivan challenged.

Shit, that did sound enticing, but again I couldn't. I needed to be locked away. If any of the male wolves around his estate smelt me, they would come for me. I couldn't risk it.

"Can it wait until the next day?" I asked, feigning innocence.

Stopping, Ivan turned and met my gaze. From the curiosity that flashed in his eyes, I knew that I was coming off as suspicious.


"Listen," I sighed, deciding to just say it. "I don't know if you remember, but I am an omega, and omegas have this problem every blood moon." Never would I have thought I'd be discussing something like this, but here we were.

"Hm," he considered, beginning to smirk. "Are you saying that you will be causing trouble with all my men tomorrow?"

Yep, he knew about my issue and was even aware that the blood moon was tomorrow. So why the hell was he even attempting to ask me if I wanted to spy?

"I've already figured out how to handle it." I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest, which he was blatantly eyeing.

"I could help you, you know." He purred, leaning in so close I could feel the heat of his body. "All you have to do is give the word."

Stepping back, I tried to calm my heartbeat, which was becoming erratic.

"I wouldn't do that.” I tried, though it didn't sound too convincing. Fuck, this man was really starting to unnerve me.

"Oh, really?" He challenged, coming close again.

I continued to back away as he stepped forward until I felt my back pressing against something. Realizing I had managed to get myself trapped between the carriage and Ivan, I let out a string of profanities.

"What are you planning?" I growled as he began to lean his face closer to mine.

"I still owe you punishment for calling me uncle.” He chuckled, pressing his lips against mine. "It is time to fulfill it."

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