Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Run-in

[Arissa's POV]

The next few days went by in a blur of being trapped in a room and kept on twenty-four hour surveillance. It was clear that Ivan expected me to attempt another escape, and he was taking precautions.

It wasn't all bad since I had cute maids to flirt around with, but by the third day, I had grown bored and wanted a change of scenery.

After waking up early and showering, I decided to attempt venturing out. I was surprised to find that my usual guards were gone and I could actually leave. However, I stayed on alert since I wouldn't put it past that bastard Ivan to trick me.

I kept my eyes peeled as I slowly followed my nose towards the scent of fresh flowers and earth. It was something I was no longer used to, so it drew me the most.

I continued to move until I found myself standing in front of a large glass door that led the way to an overly extravagant greenhouse.

Inside were flowers of all colors and bushes filled with fruit. The paths were made of cobblestone and rose bushes that were trimmed to perfect squares and lined the path to make sure no one ventured off.

Sitting in the middle of the greenhouse was a large fountain with a statue of the moon goddess holding a baby wolf in the middle of it.

Mystified and extremely impressed, I began to move forward, taking it all in.

Above, the sun shone brightly against a perfect blue sky, illuminating everything around me. The whole scene was like something from a dream that I wasn't quite sure wouldn't disappear if I simply reached out and touched it.

Continuing to move, I made my way towards the fountain so I could sit and admire the view. However, I didn't expect to find someone there lounging on a chair while sipping on a cup of tea. Her raven-black hair sat over her shoulder in an elegant braid, contrasting with her porcelain skin. Her dark eyes, which were surrounded by thick lashes, watched me predatorially. And her curvy body was tense as if ready to attack.

I realized that I had just found something fun. I let a smile spread across my face as I began to move forward once more.

"Hello!" I called conversationally. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

For a moment, she pursed her lips and crinkled her nose. She was making it clear that she found me disgusting, and that just made me want to mess with her more.

"Cat got your tongue?" I asked, taking the seat beside hers. "Or are you mute?”

I watched as her face began to turn red with anger and I bit back the giggle that wanted to escape. "Who are you?" She asked, gaining composure. "Are you a servant?"

Was I a servant? I guess in a way, I was if being needed to be on call to make a child was serving. "Perhaps," I said, smirking. “I guess you could say that.”

"Then why do you have the audacity to take a seat while you should be working?" She snapped. "Because I do what I want when I want."

I was finding more and more amusement in her reactions and found myself wanting to push a bit further.

"And right now I want to spend my time in the presence of a beauty.”

Lifting my hand, I trailed a finger along her cheek and burst into laughter when she pulled away. "How dare you!" She growled, jumping up. "Do you know who I am?"

Did I know her? Nope, I didn't, but I was sure she was going to let me know.

"I am the future Luna of this pack!"

Oh, this was getting good.

If she was truly the future Luna, there was no way that Ivan would hound me for an heir. That meant that she was being played like a fiddle.

"Future Luna, huh?" I purred, standing and pressing myself against her. "Then you must know how amazing Ivan is in bed, right?"

I don't know what came over me, but I wanted to break this cocky bitch.

"Maybe next time we should ask him to let us play together.”

Leaning in close, I nipped at her ear, causing her to stumble backwards and fall, landing right on her huge ass.


"Aw, are you afraid?" I continued, stepping forward so I was hovering over her. “I prom..."

I never got to finish my sentence as a hand clamped down on my shoulder. Tensing, I turned just enough to find Ivan standing right behind me.

"Fuck," I hissed, realizing he had heard everything based on the look of pure amusement on his face.

"Sorry," he chuckled, tightening his hold on me. "Did I interrupt something fun?"

"Ivan!" The woman yelped, jumping up and grabbing his arm. "This servant has been lying about having an indecent relationship with you! If anyone else were to have heard, your reputation would be ruined! "

Rolling my eyes, I waited to see how Ivan would react. Would he reveal what our true relationship was or would he play along?

"Servant?" He repeated, eyeing me. "And how exactly do you serve?"

Fuck, he was actually going to sell me out to this bitch. Deciding that I would play along with him, I turned and plastered a smile on my face. Pressing my body against his, I felt pure joy by simply seeing his cocky expression shift.

"Do you really want me to say it?" I purred, placing a hand against his cheek. "Do you think your future Luna will appreciate knowing what you did behind her back?"

By the instant flash of confusion that crossed Ivan's face, I confirmed what I had already assumed. This woman was being played and was happily living in her world of delusion.

"Luna?" He repeated, looking at the woman that was still clinging to him. “I don't remember naming anyone my Luna."

"I-ivan..." the woman stammered as her eyes grew wide. "You told grandfather.”

"I told him I would give you a chance to prove yourself." Ivan corrected.

Unable to hold on any longer, I broke into laughter as I watched the woman's cocky demeanor turn to one of pure embarassment.

"Whoops," I giggled, wiping a tear from my eye. "Seems you are quite deluded.”

The woman opened her mouth and shut it while she tried to think of a way to save herself. But after a moment, her eyes filled with tears.

"Ivan, how could you?" She whined, covering her face with her hands and running away. Continuing to laugh, I lifted a hand and waved.

"Bye!" I called after her. "It was nice to meet you, future Luna!"

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