Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Father

[lvan's POV]

I kept my gaze firmly fixed on the man that was making his way towards me.

He was right; it had been a long time since the last time we spoke or saw each other. If it was left up to me, I would hope to never have to see him again.

"Why are you here?" I asked coldly. "I don't remember welcoming you.”

"Now, now," he pouted, closing the distance between us and hugging me to himself.

Tensing, I tried to control the urge to punch him for even touching me.

I didn't know why he would suddenly appear, but I knew that he was up to no good.

Our relationship was never a cordial one, and if it was left up to me, I would never see him again. "Why are you here?" I repeated, pulling away.

As if to answer his question, a dainty cough sounded.

Turning, I found a woman with long raven black hair and porcelain skin staring at me with caramel eyes that held a look of hunger.

She wore a much too-tight red dress that accentuated her hips and breasts. Her long legs were visible beneath a high hem line, and she wore six-inch heels on her feet.

Her face was painted with a smoky eye, pink blushing cheeks, and bright red lipstick. I could tell just by looking at her what was going on here.

"I think I've told you before I have no intention of marrying.” I said, slowly moving my gaze from the woman to my father. "Or have you forgotten?”

"You do realize you are already thirty five, right?" My father sighed. "You aren't getting any younger. It is about time you settled and conceived an heir. "

Rolling my eyes, I tried to hold back what I truly wanted to say. He thought I was oblivious to his trying to plant a spy by pretending to bring me a bride, but I wasn't going to fall for it.

"I'm already working on an heir.” I pointed out. "So you don't have to worry."

"What?" My father stammered, his eyes growing wide with disbelief.

"Didn't brother tell you?" I asked, feeling surprise rush through me. How was it possible that Isaac hadn't run his mouth about me buying Arissa? *

"You can't possibly be serious about creating an heir with her!"

It seemed that Isaac had spoken to him.

"Oh, but I am." I smirked, making my way to my desk and taking a seat. "Now, why don't you and that woman leave."

"Her name is Giselle, not that woman." My father growled, his gaze growing darker. "And instead of dismissing her, why don't you get to know her." As he spoke, he made his way over to the woman who was trying to look hurt. "She is the daughter of my beta and is very strong. You will receive a wonderful heir from her.


"Stop being stubborn.”

It seemed that he really was hell-bent on planting her beside me. If that was the case, maybe I could play along.

"If I agree to your request, what do I get in return?”

I watched in amusement as my father's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets from shock.

"What do you get in return?" He sputtered, seeming unable to process what I had just said. "You get a strong wife and partner!”

"But I have no interest in that.” I pointed out, leaning back in my chair and propping up my feet. "I have an omega that is also strong and has alpha blood to help me create an heir. Isn't that better than a woman who only carries beta blood? "

I couldn't stop myself from looking towards Gisele to see if my words had angered her. When I saw the dark look in her eyes and how tight her expression had become, I felt a sense of satisfaction.

If she wanted to go along with my father's ridiculous plan, that was fine, but I wasn't going to make it easy.

"Mind your words." My father warned, trying to remain calm. "Must I remind you that the omega you intend to procreate with was responsible for my grandson's death.”

"So? Wasn't it you that always preached survival of the fittest?"



I was growing tired of this back and forth. If all he wanted to do was challenge me, then he could leave.

"I think it is time you left." I said, hearing Hans and Igor outside the door. "I have a prior engagement that can't be postponed.”

"What?" My father yelped as I began to lead him out the door. "What about Gisele?"

Turning, I fixed my gaze on the woman who was still feigning hurt. Maybe I could have some fun with her for a bit.

"She can stay.”

As I spoke, I saw her face brighten and a look of triumph flash across her eyes. I had to hold back my laughter as I contemplated just how I could torture her.

"I see you're at least listening to me." My father sighed, bringing my attention back to him. "Treat her kindly!"


With that, I ushered him out and watched as he disappeared down the hall. From behind, I could feel Gisele approaching as Hans and Igor gave me questioning looks.

"Later." I huffed, stopping any and all questions they may have been dying to ask. "First, one of you escort this woman to a guest room.”

"Thank you.” Gisele purred from right behind. "I promise I will do my best to please you.”

Holding back a grimace, I forced a smile.

"Sure, have a good evening.”

I was too tired to play nice right now, and I needed to inform my men of the hunter attack. The sooner she was gone, the better.

"Good night.” She called out as Igor began to lead her away, leaving just Hans and I standing in front of my office.

"Your father is trying to force another bride on you?" Hans asked once the two were out of earshot. "Later, there are more important things to discuss.” I snapped.

"More important?" Hans repeated, in confusion.

"Correct," I responded. "Arissa was attacked by hunters in the forest just beyond the grounds. I think it is about time we show those bastards they can't take us lightly. "

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