Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Questioning

[Arissa’'s POV]

"Then let's not waste anymore time." I announced, perking up. "I've been dying to burn some energy off."

Nodding, Ivan began to move forward, being sure to remain in the shadows. We didn't want to be spotted, nor did we want to be smelled. If we were caught, then we wouldn't have the benefit of surprise on our side.

"Hear that?" I asked, grabbing Ivan’s shoulder to stop him. "Just ahead.”

Staying quiet, I listened intently. Muffled voices drifted towards me, one a woman's and the other a man's.

"Can you determine their words?" He asked, turning his gaze to mine.

"Mmmm," I murmured. "They're discussing an attack for later this evening. Seems we found a mole and your precious Gisele is conspiring with them."

Ivan watched intently with me as Gisele and one of the guards protecting the inner lines of the compound talked. I could only make out bits and pieces of their conversation.

"What do you mean planning an attack?" Ivan asked, turning his gaze to mine. "Are they planning on allowing the hunters to make it to the estate again?"

"Ssshhhh." I hissed, bringing my finger to my lips. How the hell did he expect me to fully hear what was said if he was talking? I was already straining myself enough as it was and knew that before long I would be too tired to do much of anything.

That was one bad thing about using my special abilities without having a wolf. It drained my human self and then it would take a few days to come back. That was how the incident happened with Gillian's best friend and future beta. He was aware of my secret and took advantage of it after one of my many fights in the arena.

"Arissa,” Ivan’s concerned voice sent a shock rolling through me as I ripped my thoughts away from that night a few months back.

"What?" I whispered, trying to remain calm. "I'm trying to listen."

"I doubt that." Ivan puffed. The look in his eyes said that he wasn't buying any lie I was trying to feed him. Shit, it seemed that the closer we grew the less I could fool him. "You looked like you were about to throw up.”

"Well," I laughed. "Given what you attempted to do to me earlier I could do that."

It was a low blow, but I hoped that it would get him to back off. Right now nothing else mattered except catching Gisele and her conspirer and questioning them.

"Give me that box." I instructed, holding out my hand. "I want to play a game of wack a mole."

Ivan didn't argue, instead he reached into his pocket and produced the metal container that held the poisoned darts.

Shocked, I took it from him and opened it. Grabbing two darts between my fingers I aimed and waited for the light breeze that was currently blowing to calm. Only when I was sure that it wouldn't interfere with hitting my target, did I flick my wrist and let the darts fly.

A wave of satisfaction rushed through me as the darts hit their marks, putting the traitor Gisele and her partner on high alert.

"Time to go." I announced, jumping up and beginning to stroll forward.

I watched as Gisele's eyes grew wide with shock once she spotted me walking towards her. From the look on her face, it was easy to tell that she was trying to come up with an excuse to her actions. At least she was until she saw Ivan stroll up behind me.

"I-lvan..." She stammered rushing forward. "Why are you here?"

Reaching out, she attempted to touch Ivan’s arm, but stopped as he let a warning snarl escape him. Apparently he wasn't going to beat around the bush. Good, that meant less time would be wasted. "Care to explain what you two are doing together?" Ivan snapped, crossing his arms.

"I was just checking to see if the plan was still going smoothly.” Gisele responded instantly with a look of shock and fear. Lifting her hand, she attempted to cover her mouth to stop whatever verbal diarrhea may come next.

"Alpha," the guard that she was speaking with called, rushing forward. "We only intended to distract you while an assassin attempted to take out Arissa.”

I couldn't stop my laugh of amusement as the guards eyes widened and his mouth fell open into a comical "oh".

Man, this serum worked fast and it seemed that these two were very much caught red-handed. That meant that I could torture them once we returned to the estate.

"Who put you up to it?" Ivan demanded, grabbing Gisele's arm hard and yanking. "TELL ME!"

Tears began to well in Gisele's eyes while she shook her head. Blood dripped from her lips from where she bit them in an attempt to stay quiet. It looked like she was trying her best to withstand it, but the serum was getting the best of her.

"SPEAK!" Ivan roared, allowing his alpha aura to escape to strengthen his command.

"Your father.” Gisele wailed, falling to the ground. "He wants to gain control of the estate and your pack. He promised me the position of luna once I succeeded in helping him claim it.”

Even though I should have been happy in that moment, I felt a pang of pain rush through me as my eyes looked at Ivan. He stood stoically staring down at Gisele, who was a sobbing mess at his feet. If anyone understood what he was feeling at this moment, given what his father was doing to him, it was me. After all, I had been betrayed by a parent as well, and I had completely lost my standing thanks to that betrayal.

It seemed we had more in common than I thought, and maybe that meant that even if I refused to truly let him in or accept him, I could still be a partner that got him. If there was one thing that we, the broken people, needed, it was someone that understood. But would he accept my kindness or take it as pity? I didn't know and I didn't dare attempt to find out.

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