Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Mole Hunt

lvan's POV]

The next night, I waited where Arissa and I had agreed. The moon above still had a hint of red to it and I immediately found myself wondering if it woukd affect her.

After what happened between us, I wasn't entirely sure that she was over her heat period.

Letting out a sigh, I tried to remain calm as images of Arissa laying on the bed shirtless and flushed with passion flashed across my mind. Fuck, I wanted her. More than I had ever wanted anyone else. That fact alone concerned me.

Was this obsession due to not being able to properly taste her or was it something more?

'Mate," Bastian growled in annoyance.

'No one asked you." I huffed back.

How was it even possible she was my mate? Out of all the she-wolves out there, how could it be her? I didn't feel that annoying draw to her that others described and I sure as hell didn't feel like I would die without her.

“Soon,’ Bastian smirked, “Wait for the new moon.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed my annoying wolf to the side and fixed my attention on the grounds ahead.

At this time of night, no one was roaming except the guards that I had hand picked. If anyone was responsible for double crossing and allowing the enemy to breach my land, it would be one of them. Tonight, I would make sure to pick them off one by one for their betrayal.


Jerking, I whirled around to find Arissa behind me laughing like a hyena.

Shit, I had been so distracted I wasn't on guard and she managed to sneak up on me. Irritation rushed through me, causing a low growl to escape me.

"Payback." Arissa giggled. "For all those times you snuck up on me."

I didn't know if I should be annoyed or proud that she managed to get me. Not many were able to catch me offguard, even when I was distracted. For someone without a wolf, she sure did possess many of one's attributes from strength, speed, and agility.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She suddenly asked, shivering slightly. “It is freaking me out.” "How am I looking at you?" I asked, feigning ignorance. "Could you explain?"

As I spoke, I took a few steps forward, causing Arissa to stumble backwards. All irritation I had felt only moments prior, was turning into amusement.

"Stop it." She hissed, holding up her hands to ward me off. "You need to focus on the mission at hand."

Oh ho, now that I had gotten the upper hand, she didn't want to play. Too had, this was payback for her actions.

"That can wait.” I laughed, managing to pin her against a tree. "First, I owe you a punishment for being naughty."

"What is with you and punishment?" She asked, bristling. "You're really like an old man.”

Old man... that was it.

Swooping down, I claimed her mouth with mine, causing a gasp to escape her. As her mouth opened I bit down on her lip and began to nibble at it.

If she wanted to call me an old man, I would happily make her feel good so she could remember what this old man was capable of.

"Let... go..." She gasped, managing to pull her mouth free.

Despite her words, her body thrummed with heat and I could smell her arousal. It seemed that her disgust for me wasn't as strong as she pretended it was.

"Could you stop doing that!"

"Doing what?" I asked innocently. "Making you feel good?"

From her expression I knew that she wanted to deny it, but her flushed cheeks and the scent of her juices betrayed her.

Opening her mouth, she tried to think of something to say. However, when nothing came, she simply snapped her lips together and narrowed her gaze.

"Are we going to hunt or not?" She snapped. "If we aren't I'm going back to my room."

"We are." I confirmed, growing serious. "That was just to remind you of your place.”

"Right," she huffed, rolling her eyes. "Next time I will remember that you are sensitive about your age."

Shooting a glare, I held back the urge to attack her again. She was right, we needed to begin the hunt so that my grounds would be secured again come morning.

"Then let's move." Immediately feeling regret over the fact we had something important to do. Teasing her truly was too much fun.

"So, which ones do you think are the traitors?" She whispered from beside me.

As she spoke, her eyes flashed with excitement and her killer aura began to radiate. I once again found myself amazed at how different she truly was from the Arissa I knew in the past.

"We will have to question them using truth serum.” I explained, pulling a small metal box from my pocket and opening it. "We will work our way to each station and jab them with these darts that are treated with the serum.”

"Does the questioning include torture if they're traitors?" She asked, excitement beginning to radiate from her.

"Do as you please.”

If these men were traitors working for my father, then I would make an example out of them. This would show my old man and anyone else who wanted to cross me that I wasn't an easy target. It seemed that they had forgotten and now I would remind them.

"Then let's not waste anymore time." Arissa announced, perking up. "I've been dying to burn some energy off.”

Nodding, I began to move forward, being sure to remain in the shadows. I didn't want to be spotted, nor did I want to be smelled. If we were caught, then we wouldn't have the benefit of surprise on our side.

"Hear that?" Arissa asked, grabbing my shoulder to stop me. "Just ahead.”

Staying quiet, I listened intently. Muffled voices drifted towards me, one a woman's and the other a man's. I couldn't make out exactly what was being said, but it seemed Arissa could. Just how good were her senses?

"Can you determine their words?" I asked, turning my gaze to hers.

"Mmmm," she murmured. "They're discussing an attack for later this evening. Seems we found a mole and your precious Gisele is conspiring with them.”

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