Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Proposition

[Arissa's POV]

"Me?" I repeated, feeling amusement flare. "Do I owe you money?"


No? Then could it be...

"That bear was your pet!"


Hm... if the bear wasn't his pet and I didn't owe him money then...

"You're here to finally kill me!" I yelped in excitement.

"To be so young, you seem ready to end your life." The man chuckled, lifting his brow.

Laughing, I let his words wash over me. Of course, I was ready to die! After two twelve years of pure hell, who wouldn't be?

"If you're just going to not tell me why you're here, then I'm going to sleep.”

Turning, I made my way to the small cot I was given to rest on and plopped down.

"I've got a proposition for you.” The man announced once I got comfortable.

"Go on."

If he thought I was going to get back up, he was wrong.

"I'm listening.”

Closing my eyes, I waited for him to speak.

"I'm here to make you a mother.” He began.

Eyes widening, I turned over and fixed my gaze on him.

What the hell did he just say?

"Mother?" I repeated, uncertain if I had heard him correctly.

"That's correct.” He huffed, crossing his arms. "I need an heir."

"And what does that have to do with me?” I asked, slowly sitting up. "Aren't there plenty of women willing to throw themselves at you?"

If I said he wasn't good looking, I'd be lying. However, if he thought I was some easy bitch, he was wrong.

"Go find someone else. I'm not interested.” I yawned.

"What if I promised you freedom afterward?" He pushed.

Freedom... what would I do with that? I didn't even know the meaning of that word anymore.

"Not interested.” I sighed, closing my eyes.

"How about revenge?" He tried.

I could feel my interest being piqued by that word.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes and fixing them on him.

"I am Ivan Fredrickson, the Liutenant General of the Rose Thorn Army.” He responded with a slight bow.

The Rose Thorn Army, huh? If memory serves me right, that army fought off the rogues that threatened the land. But, wasn't Ivan Fredrickson my bastard stepfather's brother?

"Do tell me why my own uncle would want to make me a mother." I sighed, sitting up. If he wanted to play pretend with someone, I wasn't the one.

"For future reference, I am not your uncle.” He hissed, his eyes growing darker. "You are not the blood daughter of my brother.”

"True." I agreed, smiling slightly. "If I were, maybe he wouldn't have thrown me into this hell.” Maybe he wouldn't have, or maybe he would. Since I wasn't blood related to him, I would never know.

"You killed his son." Ivan pointed out, drawing me from my thoughts.

"l didn't kill him." I corrected. "The hunters killed him."

I felt no remorse for what happened to that bastard, but I wouldn't take the blame. Had he not attempted to rape me, maybe he would still be alive.

"And..." I continued smiling even bigger. "I'm happy it happened.”

Ivan's face remained impassive as I spoke, giving the impression that he too didn't give a fuck what happened to his nephew.

"Now, you are free to leave.” I sighed, beginning to relax again. "I'm exhausted from that battle.” "You never answered my question.”

"Hm?" Was he kidding?

"Do you want revenge?"

Did 1 want it? Of course I did! However, I wasn't about to admit that to him.

"Not interested.”

"How about if I promise you that you can reclaim your rightful place as Alpha of the Tonitru pack?" "What?"

Jumping up, I rushed forward and grabbed the bars of my cell. What the hell was this man playing at?

"What the hell are you planning?" I growled, no longer amused. “Isn't that bastard Isaac your brother?"

Was this some type of sick joke that these brothers were enjoying? Wasn't it already enough that I endured beatings and tauntings everyday?

"FUCK OFF!" I screeched, feeling my little remaining sanity beginning to snap. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"

The sounds of footsteps and shouting could be heard, quickly making their way towards my cell. "LEAVE!"

I had just begun to yank at the bars of my cell door when two guards appeared with restraints. "Back up!" One ordered Ivan. "Keep your distance from this bitch.”

Nodding, Ivan stepped back and watched while the guards entered and grabbed for me.

"Stay back!" I growled, bracing myself. "Don't fucking touch me!"

As the words left my lips, I felt something sharp stab into my neck. Lifting my hand, I found a dart where the pain was.

"You," I gasped.

I never got to finish my sentence as the world around me began to blur and then turned completely dark

[lvan's POV]

I remained silent as I watched the guards surge forward in an attempt to calm the raging Arissa. Again, I found myself wondering what she had been through for her to be how she was now.

As she fell to the ground after being jabbed with a dart cured with anesthetic, I moved forward, feeling the overwhelming compulsion to help her.

"Move aside.” I growled, grabbing the closest guard's shoulder. "Don't touch her."

The guard turned to me in confusion as I threw him aside and then grabbed the other.

"I'll take it from here."

Neither guard attempted to argue as I scooped the now unmoving Arissa into my arms.

"I've already paid your master for her. Therefore, she is mine."

Not bothering to wait for the guards to respond, I made my way out of the cell and down the hall towards the stairs that would lead me out of this hole that Isaac was keeping Arissa in.

Was I surprised that she was mentally unstable? No, not given the conditions she was forced to live in. The wounds and scars on her body were enough to show just how poorly she had been treated throughout the years.

Feeling disgust roll through me, I quickened my pace. Maybe she hadn't agreed to my deal, but there was no way in hell that I was going to let her stay.

When she woke, I would make her see reason and then we would go from there.

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