Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Hunters

[Arissa's POV]

I made my way across the grounds of Ivan's estate, not bothering to look behind me. If he wanted to follow, he could, but I wasn't going to wait.

Just ahead was a line of trees and dark woods. It seemed that one thing he and my father had in common was the need to remain secluded and hidden.

In a way, I guess I couldn't blame them given we needed to remain unknown to the humans and hidden from hunters. Not that it helped, given the attack two months prior.

Stopping, I let a shiver rush through me as images of that night flashed across my eyes.

"There." The faintest of voices drifted.

Tensing, I remained quiet, extending my hearing. It seemed I wasn't alone, and I didn't know if this person was a friend or foe.

"Shit, she heard you.” An even louder voice hissed.

Fuck, they were definitely not friends.

Going on the offensive, I extended my senses, trying to determine exactly how many there were. Soon, I managed to smell at least a dozen different scents and realized I was surrounded.

"Come out!" I called out just as an arrow whizzed past my cheek, barely grazing it in the process. A stinging sensation erupted from where it managed to tear skin, and warm liquid began to trickle down my skin.

Letting a growl erupt, I moved forward. If they wanted to play, I would play.

Many arrows began to fly towards me, but I managed to dodge each one and jump on the first hunter to come into sight.

A string of profanities escaped his lips as he aimed his crossbow and attempted to fire. Grabbing the weapon, I pushed forward, jabbing it into his chest and cutting my palm on the arrow that stuck from it.

The hunter let out a whoosh of air and doubled over from the hit, allowing me to slam my elbow into the back of his neck, knocking him to the ground.

"Any last words?" I asked, placing my foot on his neck and applying pressure.

"Go to hell." The hunter spat.

"Nah, you go there.” I laughed, pushing down hard enough to feel a satisfying crack.

For a moment, the hunter's body twitched, but soon it went still. Feeling a surge of bloodlust, I removed my foot and looked around for my next victim. The biggest mistake these hunters made was fucking with me, and now I wanted them all dead.

Extending my senses again, I located my next target and began to move. Now that they were aware of my capabilities, they would be on better alert.

"Don't let her get near!" A voice roared.

The hunters were no longer trying to mask their locations, and an explosion of action erupted in front of me.

Men dressed in camouflage began to rush at me from all sides. Smirking, I bent down and pushed, launching myself off the ground far enough to grab a limb that sat above me. Grabbing it, I twisted my body enough to flip on top of it and looked down.

Below, the hunters readied their weapons.

"Fire!" Their leader commanded with a wave of his arm, illiciting a spray of arrows towards me and the limb I stood on.

Feeling my need to kill grow I smiled broadly and leapt, knocking the arrows in my path aside with my arm and landing on the nearest hunter.

Letting out a predatorial snarl, I opened my mouth wide and bit down where his jugular was located.

The taste of his blood was intoxicating, and I wanted more. Tightening my teeth, I pulled, ripping the jugular and skin, leaving the man to bleed out.

Standing, I whirled around, taking in the hunters that were surrounding me, ready to shoot.

"Go ahead." I teased, letting out a laugh. "But don't blame me when you end up shooting each other.”

This was a game of who could move quick enough and I sure as hell didn't plan on being the loser. "Put your hands up! " One of the hunters called.

"Hmmm, no." I didn't have to listen to them.

"We will shoot!” He warned cockily.

"Go ahead."

To prove that I wasn't afraid, I took a step forward, causing the hunter to pull his trigger.

"Say goodbye to your buddy." I laughed, easily ducking before the arrow landed. Instead, it connected with the chest of the hunter directly behind me. "Told you."

Roars of outrage escaped the other hunters’ lips as they began to fire. Giggling, I danced around, dodging and occasionally just getting grazed.

While they were distracted, I grabbed another and wrapped my hands around his neck. He clawed at my wrists in an attempt to break free, but I continued to tighten.

"Goodbye." I purred, tightening just enough to feel his bones snap beneath my fingers. "Now, whose next?"

[lvan's POV]

I could hear the sounds of struggle up ahead, causing me to pick up my pace. I couldn't believe that Arissa would be dumb enough to venture out herself and planned on punishing her once we returned to the estate.

Just ahead, I could make out a circle of hunters, and they were aiming their weapons upwards towards something in the tree.

Cursing, I made to shoot forward, but stopped as the hunters began to pull their triggers. Arrows began to fly forward towards the sky, and with them, I could feel my heart plummet. I knew there could only be one person in those trees, and there was no way she could survive an attack like that. Feeling my rage beginning to boil, I made to move just as she appeared like an angel of death. Her aura radiated with the need to kill, just as it had in the arena.

I continued to watch as she landed on the closest hunter and took him to the ground. She wasted no time biting down on his neck where his jugular was located and then pulled, severing it.

This woman truly was something, and I found myself wondering what she would do next. Would she be able to handle the rest without me? Should I sit and see? These thoughts rushed through my mind as she taunted the group that was now surrounding her.

"What will you do next?" I murmured. "Give me a good show."

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