Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Brutal Killer

[lvan's POV]

A burst of roars broke from the hunters as they all began to shoot. However, Arissa was quicker than their arrows, easily dodging, causing them to begin shooting at one another.

I had to admit that I was pretty impressed with her. She was handling it on her own like it was nothing. Not even my seasoned fighters were as agile.

"GET HER!" One of the hunters bellowed as they grew wise to what she was doing.

Dropping their weapons, they lunged forward in an attempt to grab her, but she jumped up and landed on one of their backs, causing him to fall. Then she grabbed the other by the head and twisted, easily snapping his neck.

I don't know if it was the fact that she could kill and fight so cleanly that impressed me, or if it was the fact that she did it without batting an eye. From the look on her face and the aura that surrounded her, you could tell that she was enjoying what she was doing.

"Enough watching." I sighed, giving a stretch.

Dropping to the ground, I began to shift, deciding that it would be better to help her in my wolf form. As my body began to contort and reshape, I could feel Bastian beginning to stir. A hint of excitement flared as he gave a howl.

Kill?" he asked, looking around the area. “Help her?’

That's right.’ I responded.

I was now fully in wolf form and ready for action, as was Bastian.

Surging forward, I let him take over while I watched from the sidelines.

He burst through the wall of bodies to find Arissa ripping the throat of her latest victim, and a surge of appreciation rushed through him. He was clearly just as fascinated with this woman as I was. “Who is she?’ He asked as her bright blue eyes looked at us. “Why does she have an odd aura? Odd? What exactly did he mean by "odd"?

Confused, I tried to pick up on what may have laid past the murderous intent that she was currently radiating. I didn't find anything odd, but then again, my senses were nowhere near as sharp as Bastian’s

"Who the hell are you?" Arissa huffed, drawing my attention back to the issue at hand. "These are my enemies to kill."

I felt a jolt of excitement rush through me as her eyes flashed red. Even if she was wolfless, she most certainly possessed the power of a wolf, but why wasn't it as strong as it could be?

It seemed that I still had much to learn.

"She has a friend!" One of the hunters called, drawing his comrades" attention to him. "RETREAT!" "You're afraid of a woman and a wolf?" Another spat, not bothering to budge.

"Look what she has done on her own?" The hunter responded with annoyance. "Retreat!"

For a moment, the hunters debated whether or not they should make a run for it, and after a breath, they began to back off.

"Not so fast!" Arissa growled, lunging forward and tackling one to the ground while his buddies began to run away, leaving him behind.

“Bastards.’ I spat as I watched her finish off her current target.

Once she was finished, she jumped up and prepared to move, but I bit the back of her shirt, stopping her.

"What?" She snapped, fixing her gaze on me. "Wait..." As she continued to examine me, it seemed that recognition was beginning to flare. "Ivan?"

“That's right.’ I responded through mindlink. “What the hell were you thinking?"

There was no point in playing nice. What she had done was stupid, and it could have ended badly. "What do you mean?" She demanded, beginning to wipe the blood from her face. "I was trying to leave and these assholes attacked.”

Leave... Something about the way she said it stabbed at my heart and sent Bastian into a frenzy. “No leave.’ Bastian whined.

Inducing such a strong reaction from Bastian was pretty impressive.

"Could you take your human form while talking to me?" She huffed. "Or are you rubbing it in my face that you can shift?"

I guess she had a point. For a wolfless wolf to see another like this was painful.

“Right.’ I sighed, beginning to shift.

Bastian let another long whine escape as I took control and pushed him aside. He was fine for when I was fighting, but he wasn't needed at other times.

“Asshole.’ He growled before fading.

"Better?" I asked once I was human.

I met Arissa’s gaze and smirked as her cheeks flushed pink ever so slightly and her eyes began to roam across my body. I didn’t miss her freezing for a moment as she examined my dick.

"Like what you see?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

"Who likes such a small thing?" She huffed, turning. "Anyway, why the hell are you here?"

"I came to find you." I responded easily while trying to hide my irritation over what she said about my size. I wasn't small, and to even refer to me as such was highly offensive.

"And if I didn’t want to be found?" She challenged, looking over her shoulder. "I've told you that you won't get me to cooperate.”

"You know, you keep saying the same thing again and again.” I pointed out. "It gets pretty old." There was no telling what the future held, and I was sure I could melt her heart in due time. I just needed her to stick around long enough.

"You don't seem to get it." She snapped, drawing my attention back to her. "And look, I tried to leave and you came to get me."

"Don’t you know it is dangerous out here?" I asked, motioning towards the dead hunters on the ground.

"Don’t you know that everywhere is dangerous in this world?" She countered. "Everyone is all about number one and will happily kill you without second thought for their own good. The only safe thing that we are offered is death. *

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