Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Condemned

[Arissa's POV]

I sat on my knees in the middle of the large throne room, staring up into the cold, black eyes of my stepfather. His face held no signs of emotion, and his lips were pressed tightly together.

Somehow, he already knew of Gillian's fate and had been ready to throw me to the dungeon the minute I returned.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, unable to stay quiet. "I tried to save him."

I knew that nothing I said would save me, but I had to try.

"Please, believe me."

As I spoke, I kept my gaze firmly fixed on him.

"Do you think your words hold any weight?" He asked, slowly leaning forward.

"N-no," I stammered.

"You let my son die." He continued standing. "Not only that, but you also left his body behind for the hunters to do what they please with it."

Surging forward, my stepfather let his hand connect with my cheek, sending me sprawling to the ground.

A loud crack echoed around the room as my head connected with the tiled floor.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here and now!" My stepfather snarled, grabbing my hair and pulling.

"I have no reason." I responded weakly.

There wasn't any reason for him to not kill me. I was always a sore spot for him, and this was the perfect reason to get rid of me without any question.

"Insolent bitch!"

A yelp escaped me as he pulled hard enough to lift me from the ground.

"Death would be too good for you.”

With a loud growl of rage, he heaved, throwing me across the room and crashing into the wall. "Take her away!" He roared at the guards that stood by the door, keeping us in and everyone else out. "Be sure to chain her feet as well. Tell the caretaker he is not to feed her for a week. "

"Yes, sir.” The guards boomed together.

Letting out a laugh, I collapsed on the floor and closed my eyes. It seemed that, after years of torture, everything was finally over and I could die in peace.

Two Month's Later...

[lvan's POV]

I stared up at the large arena where voices could be heard cheering on whoever was currently losing their life. It was a disgusting way to entertain oneself, but it was my brother's favorite.

If it weren't for the fact that I was in need of an omega to procreate with, I wouldn't have even come on such an occasion.

Grimacing, I made my way inside and towards where Isaac waited for me. He had invited me here to pick out an omega to take back with me. I needed to create an heir to get the elders off my back, and what better way than to get a breeder?

As I made my way towards the steep stairs that led to the main sitting area of the arena, Isaac came strolling down.

He wore a white button-down with the top buttons unbuttoned so you could see his chest hair beneath and a pair of black sacks. His long black hair was up in a bun at the top of his head, and it seemed he had grown out his mustache and beard.

"Brother," he called, opening his arms wide. "I was starting to believe that you were going to blow me off."

"Of course not." I responded. "I got stuck dealing with some matters.”

"Come, come," he continued, closing the distance between us and wrapping an arm around my neck. "The main event is just about to start.”

"Hurray," I grunted sarcastically. "You know how much I dislike this type of thing."

It was quite boring to sit and watch criminals fight for their lives against wild animals. I preferred to hunt them like live game, but to each their own, I suppose.

"Our first up is special.” Isaac said, winking. "Come, Tania is waiting on us.”

"How is she, by the way?" I asked, allowing Isaac to lead me towards the top of the stairs and out into the much too bright day.

"Same as always." Isaac responded. "I'm hoping that this fight today will brighten her mood." Brighten her mood... From what I knew, she just hadn't been the same since her daughter was thrown into the dungeon for unintentionally killing Isaac's son, Gillian. Though Isaac did his best to sooth her, she just wouldn't come out of her slump.

"Is this special fighter that entertaining?” I asked, lifting my brow as I spotted the woman in question watching us approach.

She looked much older than the last time I saw her. Her pale skin held wrinkles and dark circles marred her undereyes. Her golden blonde hair, that used to always be fixed to perfection, looked lackluster and she seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

"Something like that." Isaac said, taking a seat beside his wife and then motioning for me to do the same.

Letting out a sigh, I lowered myself onto the stone bench and turned my gaze towards the middle of the battle ground, where a lion was currently ripping a man apart.

"Poor fool." I hissed as the beast ripped the man’s head clean from his body. "Tell me again why you enjoy things like this.”

"Isn't it enjoyable to watch criminals get their justice?" Isaac asked in confusion. "Hanging them or torturing them just isn't the same as making them pay a bloody price."

As Isaac spoke, I could see a slight mania behind his eyes.

"Ah!" He said, snapping me out of it. "Here she comes now!"

"She?" I repeated looking towards where his gaze was.

Squinting I made out a tiny figure being led out onto the grounds by two large guards that made her look like a child in comparison. Her long blonde hair hung in greasy knots around her body, and her frame looked to be nothing more than a skeleton. Her eyes that stared straight ahead were flat and held no semblance of humanity. Her skin, which was much too pale, was covered in scars and lash marks. She was nothing more than a walking dead woman, but somehow held herself with strength and poise.

"Isn't that..." I began as recognition struck me.

"That's right.” Isaac beamed proudly. "It is Arissa.”

As the words left his mouth, I tried to put this girl with the one I knew from before. Back then, she was a mere teen that was just blossoming into a beautiful woman. How was it possible she ended up like this?

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