Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Arrested

[Arissa's POV]

I began to pull the quickly weakening man behind me as arrows continued to fly towards us. How hunters managed to get into these woods was beyond me, but from the strong attack, I knew there were many hiding in the shadows.

"Let me go." Gillian rasped, digging his feet into the ground. "I have to fight."

"Are you stupid?" With Gillian's current condition, he would most certainly die if he attempted to take the hunters on. "Stop being stubborn and come on!"

Giving a tug, I attempted to get Gillian to move, but he remained in place.

My heart was beginning to pound, and fear was clawing its way through me. The hunters were closing in, and this fool was trying to act tough!

"Dammit!" I growled, letting go and fixing myself in front of him.

What the hell was I even thinking? Was I truly that afraid of being banished that I would put myself in danger for an asshole like Gillian?

"Stay there,” I commanded over my shoulder. "That arrow has silver on it, and one wrong move could end you."

I didn't quite know what I was planning, but I needed to keep Gillian alive.

Bracing myself, I looked around, trying to spot the well-hidden hunters. As I did so, I tried to think of a way to escape.

"Get out of the way!" Gillian growled, grabbing my shoulder.

My eyes grew wide as I flew to the side. An arrow shot straight at where I was standing and stabbed Gillian's chest.

Blood exploded from where the weapon connected with skin, and Gillian's body jerked.

"Gillian!" I screamed, jumping up and rushing forward as he fell to the ground. "No, hey, wake up!" His eyes were shut and he wasn't moving. His skin had already begun to take on the hue of the dead.

He was gone. There was no mistaking that, and now I was really on my own with these hunters. "Stay back.” I growled, getting to my feet. "Come any closer and I will rip you to shreds."

I couldn't actually rip them apart since I didn't have a wolf, but I hoped they would buy my bluff.

As I waited for the hunters to show themselves, I continued to look around for an exit.

With the light breeze that was blowing, I could pick up on the scents of my opponents even if I couldn't see them. They were surrounding me, and it looked like my only way out was up. Clenching my teeth, I whirled and dug my nails into the bark of the closest tree to me and began to climb.

I could hear the hunters bursting forward as they realized what I was up to, but I continued to climb. Breathing quickly, I clambered onto the nearest branch to me and pressed my back against the tree trunk.

Looking around, I tried to figure out a path. I needed to make my way back to the packgrounds and not the mating house.

Closing my eyes, I reached out, searching for the familiar aura of my destination. When I managed to find it, I began to move.

The hunters gave chase below on the ground as I jumped from branch to branch, using the treeline as a means of movement and camouflage. Occasionally, arrows would whiz past, but they managed to miss me.

Through a break in the treeline, I could spot the packgrounds and gave a sigh of relief. Just a little bit further and I would be safe. At least, safe from the hunters.

Feeling a surge of newfound energy, I jumped forward and fell to the ground. Landing on my feet, I began to move, keeping my gaze fixed ahead.

Behind me, I could hear the hunters yelling, but I didn't dare look back.

There would be guards stationed where the woods ended and the packgrounds began. Once I was there, the hunters would stop.

I continued to move until finally, I burst out into the world that was covered in red light from the bloody moon.

Two men standing by rushed forward, stopping me with their weapons held towards my chest. "What are you doing?" One growled, placing the blade of his spear against my skin. "Speak."

"I'm Arissa Armondi, stepdaughter of Alpha Isaac. I'm being chased by hunters! *

As I spoke, the guard dug his blade deeper, cutting into my flesh.

"Why would the stepdaughter of Alpha be dressed as a breeder?" The second guard growled. "Because I have no wolf." I sighed, feeling a surge of pain and annoyance rush through me. "Please call him and have him confirm it.”

Had I remained in the grace of my stepfather, the pack would be well aware of who I was, but that simply wasn't the case.

Ever since discovering I was wolfless when I turned 8 years old, I was demoted to an omega and kept hidden away from the pack to not cause my stepfather embarrassment.

"Please!" I begged, peeking over my shoulder towards the darkness where I was sure the hunters waited.

The guards remained quiet, examining me as if I was a parasite before finally nodding.

I waited as one seemed to disappear into his own head. The other, who kept his blade fixed against my chest, eyed the woods just behind me.

"He said to bring you to him.” The guard announced, returning to the present. "Come on." Nodding, I began to move forward, positioning myself between the two guards as they began to lead me forward. Neither spoke nor acknowledged me, and from their demeanor, you could tell that they were annoyed with having to escort me to the castle, where my stepfather waited,

When we arrived, two more guards were waiting. Spotting us, they surged forward, grabbing me and placing silver cuffs around my wrists.

Hissing, I tried to jerk away, but the painful metal continued to rest against my skin.

"What is this?" I demanded, shooting a glare towards the guards that had cuffed me.

"You're under arrest for running away from the mating house.”


I wasn't quite sure if I was hearing things correctly. My stepfather was actually arresting me?

"Are you serious?" I asked, unable to process how quickly things turned.

"Please cooperate with us.”

Knowing nothing I said would work, I simply nodded and allowed the guards to lead me towards where my stepfather waited to condemn me.

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