So This Is War

Chapter 16

“What do you want me to do for you today?” Wylie asks from where she’s perched on the counter, wearing one of my shirts and looking disheveled from me running my hands through her hair all night, tugging on it, twisting it over my fist, even running it over my skin, loving the contrast of the red color on my skin.

Last night was . . . Christ, I feel like Jesus walking on water this morning. That’s how amazing it was. Like nothing could penetrate this feeling, this amazing, glorious feeling. And it’s all because of her.

People always say, there’s nothing like love at first sight. Well, there sure as fuck is lust at first sight because I knew it. I knew she’d be perfect for me the moment I saw her. I could feel it deep within me, and last night was evidence of that.

She was playful.


And open to everything.

She took charge but also submitted to me.

And I realized last night that nothing will be better. No one will ever be better. She has ruined me in the best way possible.

“What do I want you to do for me?” I ask as I carry over a cup of coffee to her. “Uh, take naked pictures for me and put them in a book so I have something to take with me on away trips. That’s going to be priority number one.”

She chuckles and pulls me into her with her legs around my waist. She runs her fingers over my scruff and says, “Do you really think I’m going to do that?”

I slip my hands under her shirt and grip her hips. “If you were a good assistant, you would.”

“Doesn’t seem like the kind of task an assistant would do.” Her fingers trail through my hair, and I find myself sighing into her touch. The control this woman has on me is incredible.

“It’s the kind of task I require from you, so if you could get that done, that would be great.”

She chuckles and leans in, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. “I’ll see what I can do.”

I slide my hands up her back. “That’s what I like to hear.”

“In all seriousness, what can I do for you?”

“Make a post or two,” I say, “and then work on your art. Seriously, babe, I don’t need a lot of help, so focus on you.”

“I can’t take your money, Levi, if I’m not doing things for you.”

“Then don’t take it.”

She pulls away slightly. “And how the hell am I supposed to afford anything if I’m not making money?”

I pause. “I’m going to guess me saying that I can pay for things isn’t going to fly.” She shakes her head. “Fine,” I bemoan. “Uh, I guess just whatever you think needs to be done. I have nothing in particular, so if you think something needs to be done, then have at it.”

“What about my dad’s tasks?”

“Oh, he wants you to pick me up more books to rewrite. He’s really into that idea. Looks like his creativity has run out.”

“I can do that,” she says. “Anything in particular?”

I tap my chin. “Maybe a book on Colorado?”

She chuckles. “Do you really read those?”

“I do now. I find them fascinating. Just don’t copy and paste text so I’m rereading the same shit over and over again.”

“You noticed that?” She winces.

“Yeah, I did and I missed out on some valuable information.”

“Well, I don’t plan on rewriting anything for you, so nothing to worry about,” she says with a kiss to my nose. “I’ll be sure to pick you up some more books about other states.” She kisses me again, then pulls away. “Okay, you need to leave or else you’re going to be late, and you don’t want my dad questioning why you’re late.”

“I’ll just tell him I was busy sticking my dick inside his daughter.”

She smirks. “Not suggested.”

“Shame.” I let out a heavy sigh and kiss her nose before pulling away. “I better get out of here before I repeat what we did this morning.”

“Probably should.” She crosses one leg over the other, drawing my attention to her sexy thighs.

I push my hand through my hair and take a step back as I continue to stare at her. She notices, and to my dismay, she smirks, then uncrosses her legs and spreads them.

“Fuck,” I mutter as her pussy comes into view. “Baby, don’t do this to me.”

She chuckles and then hops off the counter. She takes my hand in hers and guides me over to the door. With her hand on my chest, she stands on her toes and kisses my chin. “Go, I’ll be here when you get back.”


“Naked,” she confirms.

“Good.” I kiss her one more time, and before I do something stupid, I take off, leaving her behind.

But I admit there’s a large smile on my face because those words, “I’ll be here when you get back,” gave me chills. I. Want. That. More than I thought I wanted.

“GOOD MORNING, BOYS,” I say as I walk into the locker room, feeling like that meme of Leonardo DiCaprio walking along the street, a gleeful pep in his step and a smirk on his face.

All my guys look up from where they sit and watch me sit on the bench of the locker room where I start removing my shoes.

They’re silent for a moment and then Silas speaks up. “Someone sucked his dick.”

“I agree,” Eli says. “I haven’t seen him this happy since the chef put an extra piece of bologna on his sandwich.”

OC leans forward and examines me. “He has a permanent smile on his face. That’s a my dick was sucked smile.”

Pacey checks me out as well. “I concur.”

Halsey remains quiet off to the side, but I do feel his gaze on me as I look up at all my boys. “You’re being offensive.”

“Dude, tell us it’s not true,” Pacey says.

“I don’t have to tell you anything,” I say. “Can’t a guy just be nice to other guys without the assumption that his dick was sucked?”

“Yes,” Silas says. “But when said guy has been a real bastard recently, evasive, basically MIA, then we have the right to question about the sucking of your dick.”

“He’s right. It’s the law,” Eli adds.

“The law of what?” I ask.

“Brotherhood,” OC says. “It’s the law of brotherhood.”

“There’s no such law,” I defend.

“It’s unspoken,” Pacey says.

“Then how do we know it’s enforceable?” I ask.

“Because . . .” Eli says. “Because we said so.”

“Wow, great argument, remind me to use that when I’m in the pits of a controversy.” I slip out of my sweats, leaving me in my compression pants.

“He’s avoiding the topic,” OC points out. “Makes me think that he really did get his dick sucked.”

“Of course he did,” Silas says. “Just look at his stupid grin. The only time I’ve ever seen him grin like that is after a wild night with a woman and when he tried ground mustard with his bologna for the first time.”

“He’s right,” Pacey says. “That grin is reserved for two occasions.”

“The question we now pose is . . . who was it?” Silas asks.

“Great question,” Eli says. “Could be a random . . . could be the assistant.”

“It’s not the assistant,” I say, maybe a touch too quickly and a touch too defensively. “Don’t even suggest that.”

“Whoa,” Pacey says as he looks around at the boys. “Just a joke, man.”

“A joke that’s not funny,” I say.

“He seems pretty defensive,” Silas says.

“Very defensive,” OC adds as he leans in close to me and takes a sniff. “He doesn’t smell like he’s lying, though.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Pacey asks.

“Gross, dude,” Silas says.

Eli points back and forth between OC and me. “The more you two hang out, the more you start to act like each other. I don’t like it.”

I glance over at OC and then back at the boys. “It’s true, there’s a certain scent people get when they lie.”

“See?” OC thumbs toward me.

“Holmes, tell them they’re idiots,” Pacey says.

Halsey looks up from where he’s taping his stick. “I’m not paying attention. Don’t include me in this idiocy.”

Grumbling, Silas says, “Just tell us who sucked your dick, Posey.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Coach Wood shouts from the entrance of our locker room, scaring the shit out of all of us.

To my dismay, my teammates duck their heads, acting like they weren’t just talking about Coach Wood’s daughter sucking me off, leaving me looking like a deer in headlights.

“I, uh . . . you know⁠—”

“My office, now,” he says before turning away and walking to his office.



When he’s out of earshot, Silas says, “That doesn’t sound good.”

“You think?” I shout. “Christ, here I was in a good mood⁠—”

“Because of the dick sucking,” OC says.

“Because I was just in a good mood, for fuck’s sake,” I yell. “And you guys ruined it.”

I put my pants back on and then slip my feet into my slides before I head to Coach Wood’s office.

I swear, if he heard anything about the assistant talk, I’m going to murder all my friends. Sorry, Agitator fans, your starting lineup is now deceased.

I walk past an assistant coach and give him a head nod before I knock on Coach Wood’s office door.

“Get in here,” he yells.

Great, he seems like he’s in a good mood.

I let myself in and take a seat, not even waiting for him to tell me to do so.

Studying me, he leans back in his chair and says, “You fucking my daughter?”

Dear God in heaven.

Sweat creeps up the back of my neck as I try to remain calm and not give away anything. “No,” I say. “Why would you think that?”

“What was Silas saying, then?”

I feel tempted to shift, to fidget, to do anything to help dispel my nerves, but I remain calm instead and try to relax the shake in my bones.

“He was being an idiot. All of them were. I arrive in a good mood, and they think that I had sex with someone.”

“Did you?”

“No,” I say, the lie flying out of my mouth before I can even think about it.

“So you’re not doing anything with my daughter?”

“With all due respect, sir, I’m trying to avoid her as much as possible. I really don’t think traveling with her and having her stay in my room was a good idea.”

“Why?” he asks, his scowl growing.

“Because I was a goddamn nervous wreck the whole time, and I wasn’t able to focus on my gameplay.” Semi true. “I need my space and time to, you know . . . take care of myself, and having her there is not helping.”

He slowly nods, still studying me. “You have been off your game lately.”

“This whole arrangement has been stressful,” I say. “Maybe we should, I don’t know, call it quits.”

“Not happening,” he says. “Just apply pressure in other ways. Make her rewrite more books, make her repaint your place, decide you don’t like the color and repaint it again.”

I run my hand over my brow. “Isn’t there something I can get her involved with here at the stadium? Like a charity or something? Maybe I can have her talk with Penny or Blakely, get her involved in a way that focuses more on the business side of things so she gets a taste of that, rather than making her do menial tasks.” I clear my throat. “I think . . . I think she doesn’t care about the work I’m giving her. She still finds time to do her art it seems. So maybe you’re going about this the wrong way. Maybe you need to show her what a corporate job could be like. That it’s not boring, that she could have fun with it.”

He rocks back in his chair, pursing his lips together as he gives it some thought. After a few seconds, he says, “Might not be a bad idea.”

Um . . . come again?

Did he just say my idea wasn’t bad?

My God . . . did he have his dick sucked last night?

Trying to stay calm, I say, “I can talk to Blakely and Penny and see what they can come up with and report back to you.”

He slowly nods. “Yes, do that. And make sure it’s something that makes her use the skills she’s acquired in school, but make it fun for her as well, something that applies to you and the work you’re doing.” Well, that’s certainly a one-eighty. He wants his daughter to have fun.

“Yeah, we can work on that,” I say.

“Good.” He leans forward now and looks me in the eyes. “Good idea, Posey.”

My right nipple just went erect.

“Thank you, Coach,” I say as I casually cross one leg over the other. “You know, I was thinking about it the other night, and then bam, it came to me⁠—”

“Get the fuck out,” he says, pointing at his door.

“Sure. Yup, see you out on the ice.”

PENNY: I know you’re getting ready for a game, but can we just pause for a moment and talk about last night? Were you drunk or was all that real?

Ollie: Penny! I was going to ask the same thing. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Winnie: Did we really help you find your HEA?

Blakely: Were you really texting us when she was fondling you?

Levi: It was real, ladies. I told her about you guys, and she wanted to see your response to us getting together. You did not disappoint. Then yes, she started fondling me. She fondled me all night long.

Ollie: I don’t think I could be happier.

Winnie: Eep. It’s love!

Blakely: Are you happy?

Levi: I am, really happy. Definitely not love . . . yet, but I think she could easily be the one for me. She’s amazing. Everything about her and yes, we are aware of the consequences. We’re working it out and trying to figure out a way to make this all make sense so when we tell her dad, he doesn’t kill us.

Penny: I think that’s smart. Maybe don’t tell him until you know that you’re in love and what you guys have is the real deal.

Blakely: Solid advice. No need to disrupt the equilibrium if you don’t have to.

Winnie: You can spend these weeks getting to know each other.

Ollie: And fucking each other.

Levi: Always so eloquent, Ollie.

Ollie: That’s what I’m here for.

Levi: By the way, Penny and Blakely, do you think we can think of a role for Wylie to do that would incorporate what you guys do but will also introduce her to the corporate side of life and add a touch of charity in there as well?

Penny: I think we can think up something. Why?

Levi: To get Coach Wood off my back about making Wylie do strange tasks, I suggested she see the corporate side of life to see how she likes it. He thought it was a good idea.

Blakely: Oh, that was a good idea, Posey. I’m impressed.

Ollie: I’m impressed too.

Levi: I don’t see why you’re so surprised. I’m not an idiot.

Penny: Yes, you are.

Blakely: You most certainly are.

Ollie: Biggest idiot I know.

Winnie: Sorry to say, but you’re an idiot.

Levi: Wow, says the happily-in-love women whom I helped form your relationships.

Penny: Not this again.

Winnie: I asked Pacey about that, and he said you were full of shit.

Ollie: Silas said the same.

Penny: Eli gave you credit for some of the texting, but that’s it.

Blakely: Halsey still says he would have figured it all out on his own either way.

Levi: Erroneous! They are all liars, and I hope they burn in hell for it.

Ollie: Wow, a bit extreme, don’t you think?

Levi: Extreme would have been wishing all of you to burn in hell. I just wished it upon them. I can wish it upon you too if you would like.

Penny: We’ll pass.

I JOG up to my apartment door and unlock it, my mind set on one thing . . . Wylie.

We won our game tonight, but it wasn’t an easy win. OC scored a goal with an assist from Halsey in the last thirty seconds of the game to put us on top. It was fucking stressful, and I know Coach Wood wasn’t happy with how it all went down.

At least we won. That’s what should matter most.

And after the game, I got in a quick leg workout . . . and I mean quick before taking a shower and hurrying back to my car.

Now that I’m home, I’m fucking excited at the possibilities.

I open the door, and I’m surprised when I walk into a quiet and dark apartment. Fuck, is she not here? Panic seeps through me as I shut the door and lock it behind me.

“Wylie?” I call out as I take off my shoes.

“Bedroom,” she says, causing my mouth to water.

I try to keep cool as I walk down the hallway to the bedroom. I part the door open and find her completely naked on my bed, her hands in soft cuffs that I had made specifically for my furniture. Long straps connect to the corner of the bedposts that can be adjusted, with soft cuffs that wrap around the wrists. Her feet are strapped in as well.

How the hell did she do this?

I slowly shut my bedroom door as I stare at her and how her legs are parted, waiting for me. Her submission a gift ready for me to explore.

Keeping my eyes on her, I shed my suit jacket and slowly unbutton my dress shirt, her eyes following my every movement. She watches intently as I work on every single button, taking my time because I’m addicted to her shameless perusal.

Wetting my lips, I ask, “How did you do this yourself, Wylie?”

“Took some time,” she says, “but it was worth it. Worth it to see your reaction.”

With my shirt parted open, I move in closer, testing the restraints. They’re not quite tight enough, which I’ll adjust, but nonetheless, it’s exactly how I want to find her. Needing to feel her, I start at the top of her ankle and drag my finger across her smooth skin, running over her calf, to her knee, up her inner thigh and right between her legs where I press my finger along her slit.

Her slick . . . ready . . . cunt.

I wet my lips, my dick growing harder. “You’re wet.”

She nods. “I’m incredibly turned on.”

“Good,” I grunt out.

Keeping my eyes on her, I slowly undo my pants. I let them fall open and then push them down just far enough where I can pull my cock out. It peeks past my briefs, and I take in the greedy, hungry expression in her eyes as I run my hand over the tip.

“You want my cock?”

“Badly,” she says.

“You want me in your mouth?”

“Everywhere,” she says, wetting her lips.

Another good answer.

Wanting to be naked with her, I push my pants down along with my briefs and socks. My shirt is next and then I’m proudly naked where I let her take me in. With my gaze set on her, I tightly grip my length and stroke myself. The sound of my strokes fills the air as she shifts on the bed, clearly wanting to touch herself as well.

But I’m not going to let that happen. I’m the one touching her tonight.

As I run my hand down my length and back up again, I gaze at her hard nipples and how they’re pebbled to the cool night air. “You’re so fucking hot. I want to come all over you.”

“Tell me where,” she says breathlessly.

I stand on the bed and adjust the straps. When I feel that they’re tightened to the point of no escape, I kneel and drag my cock over her lips.

“I want to come on this pretty mouth.” I move over her cheeks. “On this gorgeous face.” I move my cock over her tits. “Fuck, do I want to come on these again.” I move farther down to her stomach. “I want to come here and watch it pool over your belly button.” Then I bring my cock to her slit and run the tip along her slickness. She sucks in a sharp breath as I say, “I want to come here, and come inside you. I want you covered. I want you to know exactly who the fuck you belong to.”

“You,” she says as I test her entrance, just barely pushing inside her. “I belong to you.”

“That’s fucking right, Wylie.”

I pull away and tug on her ankle straps one more time. “You comfortable?”

“Very,” she says.

When I stare at her body, taking in her reddened cheeks, her dazed expression, and the heave of her chest as she anticipates my next move, I can’t tear my eyes away from her tits, so I move back up her body and straddle her again.

This time, I run my fully erect cock over her hardened nubs. “Fuck, this feels good,” I say as I enjoy how her nipples feel against my sensitive flesh. Like goddamn heaven.

But I need more, so I push her breasts together, slip my cock between them, and start fucking her tits again.

“These,” I say on a grunt as I pump my hips. “These will be the death of me. These goddamn tits. Fuck, I love them.” I pump harder, the soft flesh of her breasts enveloping my cock, bringing me so much goddamn pleasure that I could live here. I could spend hours here, my cock going in as I run my thumbs over her nipples, playing with them, toying with her, getting her hyped and ready for what’s to come.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” I say as I continue to pump, my balls tightening. Fuck, I need to stop, or I’m going to come way too soon. “Out on the ice, I think about you.” I pause my strokes and let her breasts naturally fall. “I think about your fuckable mouth.” I stare down at it as I move up her body and run the tip of my cock along her soft, plump mouth. “I dream about making you gag. Of you taking me to the back of your throat and swallowing.” I tug on her chin with my thumb, parting her mouth open, and I slide my cock inside. I angle my body so I can better slip inside. “Take my cock. All the way, Wylie. Fucking take it.”

She opens wider, and I slide inside, hitting the back of her throat where she gags, then I pull out.

“Yes, baby, like that. Eat this cock.”

I pump in again, going a little farther. She gags harder, her eyes watering, and for a moment, I fear that I went too far until she sucks hard on my dick as I pull out. When I’m all the way out, she smiles and says, “More.”

“Fuck,” I grunt and then pulse into her mouth, twice in a row, loving the sound of her not being able to handle my girth.

I grip the headboard, and I thrust into her mouth again.

And again.

And again.

Each time, she gags and tugs on my cock on the way out to the point that my dick exits her mouth with a pop.

“Fuck, baby.” I pulse into her again. “Even during the game, I kept thinking about this sinful mouth and your greedy cunt.” She runs her teeth along the underside of my cock, and I see stars. I pull all the way out and breathe heavily, my cock throbbing, precum on the tip, my balls looking for a release.

But not yet.

Not fucking yet.

She needs to come with me.

So I go to my nightstand, where I pull out a vibrator and some lube, wanting to do some exploring.

“Has anyone played with your ass?” I ask. She shakes her head. “Will you let me?”

“Yes,” she says breathlessly.

Satisfied with her response, I apply some lube to a thin vibrator and then reach under my bed where I pull out a triangular wedge pillow and place it under her hips, angling her upward. Then I adjust her leg straps again so they’re pulling her tight and wide. When I’m pleased with her positioning, I bring the vibrator to her ass and slowly press it inside her.

“Oh God.” She’s resistant at first so I pause.

“Wylie, I need you to unclench.”

“I’m sorry,” she says as she takes a deep breath. “Just new.”

I stop for a moment and look her in the eyes, wanting to earn her trust. “You know I won’t hurt you, right?”

Her eyes connect with mine as she nods her head. “I know.”

“Then trust me, okay?”

She nods and lets out another breath, unclenching. Once I believe she’s ready, I inch the vibrator inside her, and when I feel like it’s in a good spot, I ask her how she is.

Her breath is already labored as she says, “Good.” Pleased with her response, I realize just how fucking fun this will be. The thought of her coming apart at my hands makes me want this so much more.

With her consent, I turn on the vibrator and watch her eyes widen as a new sensation pulses through her.

“Oh my God, Levi.” Her expression is so fucking sexy. Confused. Elated. Turned on. “This is . . . oh God, I can’t . . . this . . . oh fuck.”

“Different, right, babe?”

“Very,” she says as she squirms against her straps. “I . . . fuck, I like this.”

Smiling to myself, I lower my mouth between her legs and bring my tongue right to her clit. I’m not playing around now, I’m ready to tease her. Edge her. Make her scream my name.

“Oh fuck,” she cries as I suck her clit into my mouth. I want to bring her to her apex fast. I want her crying in desperation for me to make her come. I want her so fucking crazy mad for release that she lashes against the restraints and begs me.

I want her to remember this forever. Wanting this forever.

Keeping her spread with two fingers, I play around with her sensitive nub, swiping it with my tongue and making short, concise flicks, which I know will heighten her enjoyment quickly.

“God, Levi,” she moans. “You’re so good.”

Pleased, I cup one breast and squeeze. Her hips lift, and her clit grows against my lips, letting me suck her in harder.

“Fuck me,” she yells. “Yes, Levi. Oh fuck, again.”

Loving her reaction, I continue to play with her clit while I circle her nipple with my finger, teasing her and testing how far I can push her.

Her breath becomes labored.

Her stomach begins to hollow out.

Her hips lift higher.

Her hands tug on the restraints.

And when she tenses beneath me, I pinch her nipple just as I flick my tongue over her clit. Her hips buck up and she lets out a cry of pleasure.

“I’m going to come,” she yells.


I pull away and sit back on my calves, letting just the air of the room circulate around us as her eyes fly open. “Levi,” she says desperately.

“What, baby?” I ask as I smooth my hand over her calf and then kiss it.

“I’m . . . I’m close.”

“I don’t want you coming yet.” I straddle her stomach, press her tits together, and start fucking them again, loving the feel of driving through them. This will never get old. Ever. I’d say it’s my third favorite way to get off with her. Number one being her pussy. Number two her mouth. Maybe one day she’ll let me take her ass.

“Will you let me fuck your ass one day, Wylie?”

She gasps when I pulse hard against her tits, using her for my own pleasure. “Yes,” she answers.

“Then I’d truly own you,” I say as I pull away and move back down her body, checking on the vibrator. “Still feel good?”

“Amazing. I need more.”

“I know,” I say as I start massaging her clit, moving the pads of my fingers in circles.

“Yes,” she says, her arms tugging on the restraints. “More, Levi.”

Her hips rotate.

Her chest heaves.

And her fists clench as I bring her right to the edge again, her pussy so wet that my mouth waters to lick her up.

I pull away and remove myself from the bed as she cries out in frustration.

“Levi, why?”

“Because I can,” I say as I move to the side of the bed and grab one of my favorite vibrators to use on a woman—a smart wand.

I bring it to my balls first and turn it on, letting it vibrate all the way up to my cock where precum comes out the tip again. I kneel on the bed and bring the tip to her mouth where she licks it off and tries to suck me into her mouth, but I don’t let her. Not yet. I move back between her legs as I edge myself as well, removing the wand. One touch of her clit has her lifting her head and body in surprise as she cries out in pleasure.

“Oh my God, yes, Levi, yes.”

Her skin breaks out in sweat as she moves her hips faster, and I can tell she’s getting close. I let her ride out the wand, seeking her pleasure, keeping my eyes on her the entire time, and when I see her mouth fall open, ready to cry out, I turn off the vibrator and pull it away.

“No,” she yells. “No, Levi. Please.”

I turn off the other vibrator as well and remove it, leaving her buzzing but with no release. I need to kiss her. So I part her lips with my tongue and kiss her wildly. I love her mouth. I love how she kisses me because it feels so real, like with every stroke she means it. I could do this forever, so I get comfortable and play with her nipples.

I keep my mouth on hers, making out with her while I twist, pinch, and pluck at her nipples.

She groans against my mouth.

She tugs on her restraints.

And she lifts her chest, seeking more.

Her body is flush, sweaty. Her eyes are wild with hunger. And I’m fucking satisfied. This. With her. It’s . . . everything. I’ve done this with other women, but nothing beats this connection with Wylie. Nothing beats her reaction. Nothing beats her body. Her incredible cunt. It’s beyond pleasure.

“What would you do if I left you like this, with no release?” I ask.

“Please don’t, Levi. Please don’t do that to me.”

I stroke my cock, which is swollen, ready for release as well.

“I could make myself come.” I tug tightly and lift so she can watch me. “I could come on your tits, on your neck, or on your face. Where do you want it?”

“Inside me,” she says. “I want you inside me.”

“What if I don’t want to come inside you?”

Her eyes well up as she looks at me. “Please, Levi.”

Well fuck, I can’t deny that. Her.

I move to the end of the bed, undo her legs from the cuffs, and bend her legs so her knees are pressed against her chest. Then, thanks to the angle of the pillow, I enter her.

Immediately, she clenches around me, and my eyes roll to the back of my head from how slick, how warm she is.

“Baby, this cunt is mine, you hear me?” I push against her legs as I thrust into her. “No one else comes inside you, all mine.”

“Yours,” she pants out as I drive into her. Sliding along her inner walls, I feel her contract around me, squeeze me, make me see fucking stars. “Fuck, Levi, I’m . . . I’m ready.”

I pull out of her, and she cries out in anger.

“Don’t,” she says, her eyes watering. “Please, Levi. Please fuck me. Please make me come.”

Feeling wild, I undo her cuffs, flip her to her stomach, then push inside her again. This time, I lean forward and grip her neck, feeling her rapid pulse on my fingers as my hips fly wildly into her.

Over and over and over again.

Not stopping.

Not taking a breath.

But claiming everything about her.

Her delicate neck.

Her delicious body.

Her sweet cunt.

It’s mine, all fucking mine.

“Yes, oh my God. Levi . . . ahh,” she cries as her entire body convulses. She screams out in pleasure, her orgasm ripping through her at such a powerful rate as her pussy grips me like a vise.

“Motherfucker,” I yell as I pulse one more time just as she clenches around me. I still as my cock swells and I spill into her, shooting my cum so hard that everything around me goes black, and my body floats as all feeling and sensation is directed toward my cock pulsing inside her. “Jesus Christ.”

I take calming breaths as I twitch inside her, both of us catching our breath.

After a few seconds, I slowly remove myself and pick her up from the bed. She feels spent in my arms as I carry her into the bathroom where I set her on the counter and start a bath for us. While the water is running, I cup her cheek. She lazily smiles up at me as I kiss her lips.

“You okay?”

“Perfect,” she says. “Really perfect.”

“Good.” I bring my hands to her hips and say, “We should have talked about this sooner, but are you on birth control?”

She chuckles and nods. “I wouldn’t let you come like that if I wasn’t. There’s no doubt that would have made me pregnant.”

I laugh and kiss her forehead. “Yeah, pretty sure that’s the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had.”

“Same,” she says as she rests her head against my chest. “I’m . . . I’m exhausted.”

“Then let me take care of you.” I wrap my arms around her and rub her back. “You’re all mine, Wylie, and I’ll do everything to make sure you’re protected and taken care of.”


LEVI: There’s going to be a delivery at the apartment soon. Wanted to let you know so you aren’t alarmed when people knock on the door.

Wylie: Ooo, a delivery, what is it?

Levi: Something for you.

Wylie: Really?

Levi: Yup. I want you to be comfortable, and I want you to be inspired.

Wylie: Are you going to make me cry?

Levi: I hope not. The only crying I want from you is when you’re calling out my name. By the way, how do you feel? Sore?

Wylie: Yeah, but it’s a good kind of sore.

Levi: I’m sorry.

Wylie: Please don’t apologize. I want to be sore from your cock. I want to walk around and still feel you inside me. I want to look in the mirror and see your beard burn. I want all of it.

Levi: Baby, don’t get me hard in the locker room.

Wylie: When will you be home?

Levi: After a training session. Won’t be long.

Wylie: Good because I want you again.

Levi: I want you every goddamn second.

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