So This Is War

Chapter 15

“Thank God you answered,” I say when Sandie’s face pops up on my phone. She’s already in bed, Dale next to her wearing his headphones and most likely listening to an audiobook.

“What’s going on?”

“He took me to a sex club, I touched a woman’s breasts, he was hard as stone, I broke, we fucked . . . twice, and now he’s claimed me as his, and I’m about to go to his bedroom where I’ll be sleeping for the foreseeable future.”

Her mouth falls open as she stares back at me.

She blinks a few times. “Uh . . . how did this all happen in the matter of a few hours?”

“I have no idea but, oh my God, Sandie, the man can fuck. Like . . . really fuck. I’ve never experienced anything like it. And his hands are huge and his body is huge and his pecs are, ugh, God, they’re so amazing, and his penis, Jesus, Sandie, his penis. It’s tattooed and long and thick, and I swear he touched me in places I never knew existed.”

“Wait, tattooed?”

“Yes, easily the hottest penis I’ve ever seen. And he was right, he has smooth balls. And I really like playing with them. I liked them so much that I truly believe I might suck them. I’ve never done that before, but his balls deserve to be sucked.”

Sandie glances at Dale, who’s thankfully oblivious to our conversation, and whispers, “You seriously want to suck his balls?”

“Desperately,” I say. “Like I might just go into his room right now, strip him down, and dangle his balls like grapes over my mouth.”

“Wow, okay, so really obsessed with his balls. Got it. Can I ask, though, how did you break?”

“He was going to take another girl to a private room in the sex club—and I know that sounds insane, but just go with it—and I asked him not to because I wanted him.”

“You straight up told him?”

“Yes,” I say. “I couldn’t stomach the thought of it. Anyway, he made me come fast and hard, then when we got back to his apartment, he apologized for everything, and I apologized. He said he wanted to make this happen, and we’d figure out my dad later.”

“Wow, okay so . . . how do you feel about that?”

I can’t hide my smile. “I feel kind of amazing. I’ve never felt like this around a man before, and he’s such a man, Sandie. Like this is why you should date older men because older men aren’t idiots. They know what they’re doing, and if the way I just came from his mouth doesn’t prove that, I don’t know what does.”

“So you’re all in then?”

“I guess so. He said I could still work for him, do the more serious things like his socials and calendar and packing, but the asinine shit is off the table. He wants me to focus on my art and what I want from my career, and when the time comes, we’ll tell my dad. Until then, we’re just going to be . . . us and, oh my God, as I say that to you right now, I remember him telling me that we’d keep this information between me and him. I hope he doesn’t mind that I told you.”

“Oh, I doubt that he’ll mind.”

“You can’t tell anyone.” I point my finger at her.

“Who the hell would I tell?” she asks.

“I don’t know . . . Dale?”

She glances behind her to a now sleeping Dale with his headphones on, then back at me. “Trust me, Dale won’t be finding out. Your secret is safe with me.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“Of course, anything for my girl. Are we okay with you being the one who broke? Are you excited about what’s happening? Do I need to be gleefully clapping my hands and fawning over your new relationship?”

“Yes to everything,” I answer. “This feels . . . it feels like it could be something, Sandie.”

“If you feel that way, then nurture it. Don’t let your worries or fears get to your head because I know you’ll have them.” She knows me so well. Because, deep down, I do fear that I’ll go all in, and he’ll grow bored of me. That I won’t be good enough. That he’ll get his fix and then leave.

But my fears are something I need to battle because I trust Levi.

“I’ve already started having them,” I admit.

“Well, stop it,” she says. “You deserve this. You deserve a man who’ll care for you and support you. Lift you up. Soak him up and enjoy every second. Who knows, maybe he’s the one.”

I smirk and let out a sigh. “Is it weird that I’ve thought about that? We’ve barely been around each other, but something about him makes me feel like we belong together.”

“I can see it. Mark my words, I think you’re going to be Wylie Posey.”

“Oh my God.” I roll my eyes. “Please, one step at a time.”

“And what would the first step be?” she asks.

“Go to bed with him tonight.”

“Well, then, good luck and report back. Also, I’m happy for you, Wylie.”

“Thanks.” I blow her a kiss and hang up. I then stick my phone in my basket of things that I’m taking to Levi’s room and head out of the nanny hole and down the hallway, through the kitchen and toward his bedroom where he meets me halfway down the hall.

I chose a simple pink tank top and matching pink shorts to wear to bed tonight, and he’s already in his briefs. He smiles as he approaches and places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

“I like what I see,” he says.

I give him a once-over. “I really like what I see.”

He chuckles. “Going to double-check the locks. Make yourself comfortable, and I’ll be right back.”

While he heads toward the main living space, I move into his bedroom. I’m immediately transported back to the club with the black walls and furniture and carpet. But whereas the club felt almost cold, in some respects, Levi’s room is comfortable.

I set my basket down and take my charger and cell phone to the unoccupied nightstand. I feel weird slipping into his bed without him, so I wait. Thankfully, he’s quick and when he walks into the bedroom, spotting me just standing next to his bed and not climbing in it, he questions me.

“Everything okay?”

“Yes,” I answer. “Just waiting for you.” I pull on my bottom lip. “Last chance to change your mind about me being here.”

“Change my mind?” he says as if it’s the most insane thing he’s ever heard. “There’ll be no changing my mind. I’m dead set on this. If you chose not to sleep here, I’d follow you straight over to your twin bed.”

I chuckle as he moves to his side and climbs in. He holds the sheets and bedding back for me, but I don’t move right away.

“That would be quite the sight, you in my twin bed with me. Bet your feet would hang off the end as well.”

“They would.” He pats the mattress, but I don’t move. He sits taller with a confused look on his face. “Everything okay?”

I twist my hands together. “Just nervous.”

“Why are you nervous?” he asks.

“Because I like you,” I say. “And that freaks me out. I haven’t really liked anyone in a while. And you made me come hard, and that freaks me out as well because I really only know what an orgasm is from my own devices. It was rare a partner gave me one. And you’re really, really hot, which freaks me out as well because I’ve never been with anyone as tall or attractive, or well-endowed as you.” His smile stretches from ear to ear. “And I realize that you could have any girl you wanted and⁠—”

“And I want you,” he says as he moves across the bed and tugs on my hand, helping me join him in bed. “I want you, Wylie.”

“Are you sure?” I ask on a wince.

He chuckles. “Fucking positive. Because if you haven’t noticed, you’re my fucking dream. Everything about you. I like your spunk and your attitude. I love your hair and your eyes, your fucking body. I love that you tell me what you want, when you want it. And I love how free you are, how open you are to new things. I’ve never truly been with someone before, someone I want in my bed, someone I want to wake up next to, and that should freak me out, but it doesn’t because this feels right.”

“It does,” I say. “And that freaks me out.”

He laughs, pulling me down on the bed with him. After turning out the light, he tugs me in close so I’m resting on his chest with his arm wrapped around me and his hand resting on my hip. My God, this feels nice. Given that Dad wasn’t particularly tactile or demonstrative growing up, I often craved affection. And it looks like Levi Posey is a cuddler.

“Do you know what freaks me out?” he asks, the rumble of his chest right beneath my ear.

“What?” I ask as I rest my hand on his stomach.

“The fact that you like bologna. I’ve never met another person who likes bologna.”

I chuckle softly. “I’m starting to think you have a real bologna problem.”

“Babe, you should have realized that from day one.”

“Apparently. Well, maybe our first date can be a picnic with bologna sandwiches.”

“Don’t tease me because that seems like the ultimate date.”

I relax into his hold, loving how he can make me feel at ease, especially when all of this is sort of crazy and up in the air.

“Are you nervous about my dad?”

His thumb rubs over my skin as he says, “Yeah, of course. He told me several times to stay away from you, and look how well that worked out. I just need to figure out a way to make this right, to show him that it’s okay, that we’re okay. I mean, he can’t really kill one of his best defensemen, can he?”

“I sure hope not. I know my dad will be disappointed in me.”

“But why?” he asks. “I don’t get it. And I don’t mean that to sound heartless, but I don’t understand why your dad treats you the way he does. Why doesn’t he trust your judgment? Would it be so bad to date one of his players? Sure, there are a few bad eggs out there, but for the most part, we’re good men, so wouldn’t he want that for his daughter?”

I lightly run my fingers over his short chest hair. “I think it stems from my mom,” I say. “I don’t know much about what happened between them. I was far too young to know anything, but I do know she walked away. I haven’t had any contact with her, and he never talks about her. I think he was hurt and has held on to that hurt for years. A part of me thinks because I’m a product of her, he feels apprehensive about me and what I’m going to do with my life. Maybe he doesn’t trust me not to leave him. I really don’t know. But it’s been hard living under his regime. I’ve made the most of it and have found ways to connect with him, even if they’re small, but those moments are few and far between.”

“Do you ever think about just not listening to him, not trying to appease him?”

“Pretty sure being in your bed right now is me not listening to him.”

Levi chuckles. “Yeah, I guess so. But do you ever want to stand up to him?”

“I’ve tried, but it just ends in a fight. It’s like nothing gets through to him.”

“Would you ever just . . . throw in the towel, give up on making anything of that relationship?” He slips his hand under the waistband of my shorts and soothingly strokes my hip. I love it.

I love this sense of possession.

“Maybe,” I say. “I guess it would depend. If I truly couldn’t get through to him, I probably would because I don’t think it’s fair for me to have a toxic and controlling relationship with my father rather than a loving one. I don’t think it’s at that point yet. I think there’s hope, but it all depends.”

“Is your career a deal breaker for you?” he asks.

“Yes,” I answer without even having to think about it. “I don’t want to do something that I hate for a living. How is that fair to me? And that’s what he doesn’t understand. Sure, I went to school for business, but that’s because I was trying to make him happy. Last year, I started realizing that I can’t please others for the benefit of their comfort and at the expense of my discomfort. It was a tough conversation I had with my dad, and I know he didn’t take it well, hence the situation we’re in, but I’m hoping that maybe if I make something of myself, if I can prove to him that I can do this, he might be okay with it.”

“I know you will, Wylie. If anything, I know that you’re determined. Learned that from the fucking torture you put me through these past few weeks.”

I chuckle. “It was a fun kind of torture.”

“For you, maybe. For me, I think my dick almost fell off.”

Laughing, I kiss his chest and then sit up on my elbow to look down at him. “What made you say yes to helping him out?”

His hand smooths over my ass now as he says, “Didn’t have much of a choice. Hate to admit it, but my dick has gotten me into some trouble in the past, and Coach Wood has helped me out of some potentially sticky situations. He’s held that over my head.”

“Ahh, I see. So it’s not your typical nature to play around with assistants and make them do crazy things?”

“No,” he says emphatically. “Christ, I didn’t even want an assistant. I was fine with how I was handling things on my own. And it’s not like I’m a big-ticket player like Taters, or Hornsby, or even OC now. I’ve skirted under the spotlight and done my own thing. But I didn’t have a choice with your dad.”

I draw a circle on his chest and say, “I can still see the look of shock on your face when I walked through the door of my dad’s office. It took everything in me not to laugh.”

“Yeah, it was a mixture of shock and relief since I’d been looking for you for God knows how long. I even had the hotel give me video of us that night at the bar to help me find you. Looks like my private investigator was a fucking moron, given the girl I was looking for was stealing my bologna this whole time.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, he didn’t look all too well.”

“That night at the bar.” He wets his lips. “I knew the moment I started talking to you that you’d make a lasting impression. I was planning on one night, but after five minutes with you, I was prepared to ask for your number.”

“Are you just saying that?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “No, Wylie. I wouldn’t just say something like that.”

I smile down at him and run my finger over his nipple, which makes him bite down on his lip. “There was this one picture I found of you with your shirt off in the locker room. Your hair was wet, and you were looking off, a scowl in your brow. It was one of the sexiest pictures I’d ever seen. I can’t tell you the number of times I got off to it.”

His brow rises. “Really?”

I nod. “Yup. I had a big crush, Levi.”

“Had . . . or have?”

I smirk. “Have.”

“Good.” He cups my ass and says, “And whose idea was it to torture me with not wearing a goddamn bra?”

“That was a combination of me and Sandie. She’s my best friend. She’s been along for this entire ride, and I, uh, I kind of told her about us. I hope that’s okay.”

“That’s fine,” he says as his finger drags along my crack, sparking an ember of heat inside me. So I drag my fingers down to his stomach where I play with the divots of his abs. “You need to be able to have that open relationship. So she helped you make me weep at night?”

“You wept?”

“Wylie,” he says, looking dead serious. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. You check all the goddamn boxes, every single one of them. And you were walking around my apartment in a threadbare shirt with no bra. Yes, I fucking wept myself to sleep.”

I laugh and pat his stomach. “You poor man. And yes, she aided in making you weep. It wasn’t until after we found the email, though.”

“What email?” he asks, looking confused.

“It was in the Vermont book,” I say. “It was the first email I’m assuming my dad sent you because they were the first tasks you made me do.”

“Oh shit,” he says. “Fuck, that’s right. You showed up when I was reading over the email I’d printed, and I just stuck it in the closest thing I could find. So from that email, you knew what was going on and decided to torture me?”

I nod. “Yup. Wanted to teach you a lesson and my father one as well. Then there was one night, after I walked in on you and Patty Ford . . .”

“A great but torturous night,” he says while running his hand over my ass. “I got to see you come for the first time, and it was so fucking perfect, but I didn’t get to be the one who did it.”

“Yeah, that was quite the night.” I smile softly, remembering it. “Well, after that, my dad called me, and we got in a fight. That made me change my perspective. I decided to stop messing around with you and instead focus on the job and my art. But then something in you switched.”

He slowly nods. “Yeah, uh, I was actually chatting with some of the girls and asking for their advice. They suggested that you knew about the deal I had with your dad, so I turned the tables on you.”

“They seem smart. Who are they?”

“Ollie, Penny, Blakely, and Winnie. So Silas’s, Eli’s, Halsey’s, and Pacey’s girls. I went to them because, frankly, my teammates are idiots when it comes to relationships. I figured they were the better option. I’ll admit, we had some ups and downs, but they were helpful. I haven’t told them about this yet. They’ll freak out.”

“Really?” I ask. “Tell them.”

“Right now?” he asks.

“Yes, I want to see their reactions.”

“Okay.” He reaches for his phone, and I lie back down on his chest, moving my hand to the bottom of his stomach near the waistband of his briefs.

I watch him pull up a text thread, and he starts typing.

Levi: ALERT. ALERT! Update.

He presses send and then leaves it at that.

“That’s how you’re going to open a text message?” I ask.

“They like the dramatics,” he says just as his phone starts buzzing. Together, we read the texts.

Blakely: Oh God, what now?

Penny: I don’t think I can handle any more alerts from you.

Ollie: Did you choke her, and it didn’t go over well?

I snort at that one.

Winnie: Please tell me you didn’t slip and accidentally penetrate her. Was she a willing participant?

“Oh my God,” I say on a laugh. “Are they always like this?”

“Always,” he says as he texts back.

Levi: I took her to a club, watched her feel up another woman, and then she told me not to fuck the woman she was feeling up, and then bam, my dick was inside her.

“Jesus, Levi,” I say.

“What? It’s a good summary,” he says.

“It’s confusing.”

“How so?”

His phone buzzes.

Penny: Wait, what kind of club?

Ollie: That’s what you’re asking? What kind of club? I want to know where his dick went. Did you put it in the girl who was felt up, or the girl you’ve cried over at night?

I let out a roar of a laugh as Levi’s chest rumbles with mirth as well.

Winnie: Please don’t let it be the felt-up girl. This will be a huge setback.

Blakely: I will be so sick if it’s the felt-up girl.

“Told you it would be confusing,” I say.

“It’s all part of keeping them begging for more information,” he says in a maniacal way as he texts them back.

Levi: **Drum Roll** My dick was inside Wylie. I made her scream my name, then I came all over her ass.

“Oh my God, Levi.” I swat at his chest playfully. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“They’ll love it. Just watch.”

Ollie: Um, can I get exact positioning? And were you in public?

Blakely: Hold on, you came on her ass?

Winnie: Was it a lot of cum?

Penny: Uh, hello, I think we’re forgetting one major thing—he fucked Wylie.

Ollie: That’s right, what does this mean?

Blakely: Was she happy about the fucking?

Winnie: Did you make her cross it off a to-do list? Fuck boss, check!

Levi glances down at me. “Did you enjoy the fucking, babe?”

I slide my hand under his briefs and drag my fingers over his length. “Loved it.”

He grumbles under his breath and grows hard in my hand.

Levi: She loved the fucking, so much that she’s right next to me, holding my dick.

“Things you don’t have to say to them,” I say.

“They need all the details.”

“If that’s the case, tell them I like playing with your balls. Actually love it.”

“See, I told them I had amazing balls, and they made fun of me.”

His phone buzzes.

Penny: What? You’re texting us while she’s holding your dick? What is wrong with you?

Blakely: Like legit, right now, she’s gripping your cock?

Winnie: Why would you be texting us while she’s doing that? Focus on what she’s doing. Jesus, Levi.

Ollie: You know, I kind of like the idea of him texting us while she fondles him. Can you describe it to us?

Penny: Jesus, Ollie, go find Silas!

“Ollie’s the horny one,” Levi says.

“I can see that. I think I might like her the most.” I drag my nails over the underside of his length, and he groans before texting them back.

Levi: She just started playing with my penis. I texted you first, then she stuck her hand down my briefs. She’s really good at giving head, and her pussy is fucking incredible. I fucked her tits earlier, and she sucked me off. You should hear her come, it’s the best sound ever. And she loves my balls. LOVES THEM. I have yet to come inside her, but hopefully, with her hand down my briefs now, that will lead to more. Fingers crossed.

“You think I have an incredible pussy?” I ask as he spreads his legs, and I move my hand to his balls.

He sighs heavily. “The best, Wylie.”

“Thank you,” I say as his phone buzzes.

Penny: I don’t know how to respond to this.

Ollie: I do. Take a video!

Winnie: My God, Ollie!

Blakely: And I’m deleting this thread now. Bye.

Chuckling, he sets his phone down as I tug his briefs off and pull down the sheets as well. I lift on my knees and remove my top and shorts, watching his gaze eagerly fall to my breasts. I take a moment to cup them and pinch my nipples, giving him a bit of a show before I move between his legs, spreading them and lowering myself so my mouth is right against his balls. I stick my tongue out and run it along the seam, which causes him to bend his legs and plant his feet on the mattress.

“Fuck, Wylie,” he groans as I continue to play gently with his balls, not touching him anywhere else. I want to see if I can bring him to a climax without doing anything else, so I part my lips and bring them into my mouth, sucking on them one at a time, fascinated with how his cock bobs above, growing harder and harder as I continue to pull him against my tongue.

Wanting a little bit more, I lift and open his nightstand drawer. I move things around until I find a flat square. Curious, I pull it out and switch it on. It vibrates in my hand. I know what this is for.

Smiling, I bring it down between his legs, lift his sack, then rest it on the vibrator.

His hands immediately grip the sheets beneath him as his stomach rises and falls, his heavy breath leading the rhythm. I pull back and watch him, taking in the pulsing of his cock and the tension in his muscular body. His thick thighs bunching, the sinew in his forearms firing off. Everything about him is erotic. Everything about him is what I want in a man. Especially the fact that he lets me explore. That he’s so open with his sexuality that he doesn’t care what I do.

I go back to his nightstand and pull out a simple vibrator, just a wand, and I turn it on. I straddle his cock, letting the ridge press right against my wet clit.

“Baby, you’re drenched,” he says as he presses his hands to my thighs.

“I love turning you on. It turns me on,” I say as I run the vibrating wand over his chest and across his nipples.

He sucks in a sharp breath and watches intently as I run it over my breasts as well, making them shake and shiver from the vibration.

“Christ,” he says as he encourages me to move over his cock.

It wasn’t my intention to get off on top of him, but with one bout of friction between us, I can’t stop my hips from moving over him, not with how amazing it feels.

“You’re so big, Levi,” I say as my hips move faster, and I move the vibrator between my legs. “Oh God,” I moan as the vibration pulses against my clit, making my entire insides clench.

“Wylie, are you close?”

I don’t listen as I continue to move over him, my body tingling with anticipation. A burning desire builds up in the base of my stomach, and I lose all focus as I seek out this amazing feeling, this feeling that I’ve never felt other than with him.

“Wylie, baby . . .”

“Fuck,” I grunt as I move even faster, abandoning the vibrator and just focusing on my clit rubbing against the ridge of his cock.

“Wylie, don’t come,” he says in a commanding voice that stops me.

I open my eyes to look down at him right before he flips me to my back, then climbs between my legs. He drapes one over his shoulder, positions himself at my entrance, and with one solid thrust, he’s inside me.

“Oh fuck,” I cry out from the angle.

And like a feral man, he goes wild. He pulses into me at a pace I’ve never experienced before.

In and out.

In and out.

With such force, such strength.

I feel him all the way to the hilt, bottoming out every freaking time. It sends me into a tailspin. My body sparks in every which way, my orgasm a frenzy as it builds and builds and builds.

“Fuck, I’ve never been this hard before,” he says as he angles his body down, pounding into me now. “I can’t handle how goddamn tight you are.” He groans loudly and, to my surprise, flips us over so he’s on his back again, and I’m on top. He brings his cock to my entrance and slams me down, causing me to yell out his name.

“Oh my God,” I breathe. “Levi, you’re . . . you’re too big.”

“No, baby, take me. Take all of me.”

I let out a heavy breath, and that’s when he sits up, handling me as if I weigh nothing. With his back against his headboard, our faces match up. He grabs my ass and assists me in moving up and down—and fuck, that’s so good.

It’s such an incredible sensation, being this full.

Gripping his cheeks, I bring his mouth to mine and move my hips up and down rapidly. He groans into my mouth, and I moan into his. He spreads my cheeks, and I grind against him. His tongue dances across mine, and I suck his tongue into my mouth.

Our connection becomes heated.

Our movements erratic.

And together, we build until white-hot pleasure bursts through me, seizing my body, making me convulse and contract over his cock with such force that he presses his mouth against my shoulder and bites down before he stills, and I feel him coming inside me.

And he comes hard . . . and long.

His moan carries on until nothing is left inside him.

After a few seconds, his head falls back against the bed, his neck and Adam’s apple exposed as he takes deep breaths.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he says as he finally opens his eyes and meets mine.

He smiles adorably and grips the back of my head, bringing me in for a kiss. After a few seconds, he pulls away and says, “You own me, Wylie.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “You fucking own me.”

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