Chapter 18

Ellie’s POV

I kneel at the foot of Snow’s bed, on a blanket for my sore knees, while I polish his boots. An early order. I was a little bit worried because after sleeping soundly for a few hours, I woke up and mumbled something a bit ‘mean’?

I thought perhaps it was a dream, but I often spoke in light sleep, and what I said to Snow was, eh, I don’t want to get married.

I only woke up after that when Snow abruptly rolled out of bed and pretended not to hear it.

With one order to polish his boots, he stalked away naked to find his clothes and a wash kit. Throwing me a polishing rag as he shaved in the mirror, with soap and a blade.

I wasn’t one for words much when exhausted, and I was still tired after losing my virginity, Snow might say that also included my rights, to him.

He was from an old world, he would believe whatever ancient laws he wanted. Though women were still lower in this age, I’m sure in his, they were beyond subservient to their husbands. Literal vessels for making babies and raising families. I cringe at the thought of children and at the thought of my own upbringing.

Imagine what kind of mother I would be… I had no idea how to mother.

I pause polishing his boots as Snow turns from shaving. He picks up a stool to drag in front of me next.

I look up suspiciously as he sets it before me, but doesn’t offer me a seat. He sits in front of me.

And as Snow watches over me while I’m kneeling, rubbing the rag over one boot, he murmurs to me, “…you’re my betrothed…” Snow speaks with a obvious monotone, no emotion, “So… we will remain betrothed until we have a grand wedding. There’s no rush, Ellie.”

So the wedding today was off.

Now – my mouth opens and my eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.

Snow just agreed with me.

He’s already snatching my boots from me and shoving them on his feet, while wearing fresh brown breeches.

“You need to learn to hunt – gear up,” Snow adds, “Why are you looking at me like that, Ellie?”

“…you’re speaking to me as if I’m… equal…” I bite my bottom lip, “I am far from it but I respect your new manners in regard to your… woman,” I blush a bit more and Snow smiles softly, but he says no more.

As he stands, I almost gasp out more words but I don’t know what to say.

Snow spins away to shuck on a shirt and then he’s out.

He’s – gone.

But. Too nice.

Hmmm… I lose my smile. What was he up to now?

I stand with a sigh, and I pick up a sheet to wrap around me. I would head to my guest room, choose some clothes appropriate for hunting… and then I guess I would find out if Snow really had good intentions.

I put on small boy breeches, I tuck in an oversized shirt into the waist, and I pull up the sleeves, while I pop on some shoes. I fix up my hair, I wash my face and I test walking. Only a slight curve to my knees, and a soreness in my hips from the handling of me last night… Snow was… I heat up just thinking about it. Um. Possessive. He was very possessive with his words and his power was all about that. Yes. Owning me.

I enjoyed it, but I was also shy in a way I had never been before. I wanted to please Snow, in certain ways I had never thought about much.

I head outside and the young handsome butler is waiting for me on the steps, with a platter of carved fruit at the ready.

“My lady Ellie?” he winks at me and I’m too shy to speak to him. I just grab a few pieces and skip down the steps, while he yells out “Good day!”

“…-ood -ay…” I whisper it so quietly, it gets stuck in my throat. I’m heading towards Snow, who’s sorting out equipment from an old shed, and he’s looking at me now, so I turn and ball my fists as I yell out, louder, “Good da –!” my voice booms like a Queen’s might – and I even shock myself. My feet forget to co-ordinate as I’m walking backwards, waving at the butler.

And I trip.

As my arms spin like a jester, my butt just scrapes the ground before I go flying up into the air, with hands under my arms.

“Idiot,” Snow chuckles and puts me down after sweeping me off my butt, literally.

I turn to him but he’s already turning back to his equipment and barely paying attention to me.

I bite my lip and tug at my sleeves, which I rolled up for comfort. I start tugging them down as I stand to Snow’s side, wanting to hug his arm but… he’s busy choosing weapons.

I flit back a step or two and Snow pretends not to notice as I abruptly decide to roll up my sleeves once again.

“Are we hunting deer?” I ask an easy, common question, to distract myself from the blood which has rushed down to my… mm… my… -

Snow smiles at my word while he’s setting aside the weapons.

But he doesn’t answer me; making me feel strangely uncomfortable with his arrogance – but he wasn’t really doing anything wrong so I couldn’t accuse him of such.

“Right,” I whisper to myself as I turn and pretend to find a task to focus on.

I walk around the shed and find nothing to do.

I decide to lean back against the wood, kicking the grass while staring at the forest.

I close my eyes and I think about the words Snow said, that really stuck with me. Mine. Forever. Now you bend. The hot wax. The belt. He gagged me with it at one point.

I’m shaken out of my day dreaming, however, as I hear Snow shove unwanted weapons aside, and a chest closes. His loud steps come around towards me, and start to pass by, while he looks over and simply commands, “Let’s go, Ellie.”


I lean up off the wall and follow Snow, while he holds a knapsack with weapons and possibly other instruments.

I don’t have the heart in me to say more pointless commentary, just to have him smile mockingly and refuse to answer me.

I let out a couple of frustrated breaths, quite obviously, as I keep up with his large strides down the path we took yesterday.

We walk in silence for a good few minutes, and eventually we turn off the path, and Snow takes me into dense brush, where he finds a hollow tree and a rock at it’s base. It’s an obvious landmark, and he drops the bag and turns to me as he starts stripping. I stand back with my eyes wide as his shirt flies off, his boots, his breeches, until nothing remains but skin.

“You’re hunting me,” Snow explains, tilting his head a bit as he considers me, before closing our distance to grab my chin, diving in for a supposed lover’s kiss.

I open my mouth but I don’t close my eyes.

Snow slows in his descent, he watches me, and pulls away at the last second, as our breaths intermingle, but he keeps a gentle hold of my chin regardless.

So, no kiss… oh.

He breaks out into a smile, “You’re so cute, Ellie, like a ray of sun in my empty soul.”

“Oh! Your curse,” I gasp, remembering, “Is it gone?”

“No,” Snow shrugs.

“So you can’t love me.”

“Ahuh,” Snow murmurs this a bit more quietly, “You’ll have to love me when I’m the beast –”

“Not a wolf,” I whisper, shaking my head.

“No, when I’m hunting,” Snow licks his lips, “It’s my untameable side that you must tolerate. Ellie. You saw me untamed in my kitchen – before I lost my eye.”

“You were… scaring me that day,” I gulp.

“If you had survived my advance, my curse would have broken. The Queen intervened too quickly,” Snow brushes a thumb down my lip, and then presses it over my teeth, and against my tongue. He takes his hand back as I pull away, distraught. I watch him taste my saliva off his thumb, and he smiles and turns away.

What was wrong with him?

Did a screw come lose in his nut after fucking me?

Did I break him?

Something is off about Snow’s small gestures and lack of – of snarling.

I watch Snow shift into his giant white wolf, and without looking at me, he lopes forward.

I look at the bag and the weapons. When I walk forward and open to see what’s inside, I see multiple small knives for me to wield easily.

I pick up my chosen few, and I leave the rest there.

I hold a thick dagger in one hand and a thin small sword in the other.

I start to walk into the forest, and my senses slowly attune to every noise, every flutter of a wing or a leaf or a lizard scurrying away.

I walk, slowly, and I start by following Snow’s paw prints.

I walk for some time – but all I end up searching for is silence.

Snow’s POV

I had to break Ellie, to break my curse. Terrifying someone to the point that they either want to kill you, or fade into a submissive role from ever lasting terror and quaking love.

It went against everything I believed in. I wanted to see a strong woman bend to me. I didn’t want to see anyone truly break.

I’ve quickly shifted back to my human skin, holding a palm on one pine tree, my forehead against it as I think.

I was not in love, because there was nothing there in my heart or my chest to smile about. But I was possessive of Ellie because she was mine.

That’s all I felt.

And because I owned her, I didn’t want to see her break.

I wanted to poke fun at her, sure, and degrade her sometimes, just to see her blush… and for my entertainment, but I wanted to feed her, fuck her and bathe her too.

I hated being this Hunter. I couldn’t feel that human rush of blind love.

That in itself angers me.

I’m done.

I don’t care about love.

Or the curse.

I just care about Ellie.

Letting out a growl of intense frustration, I push away from the tree and walk into Ellie’s path. I stalk towards her; because I can’t do this right now.

I can’t keep hurting the ones I love.

Ellie’s POV

Snow has just walked out into my path, and I’m blindsided by his sudden and fast approach. I’m frozen with my weapons up, and I blink a hundred times, completely unaware of his intentions.

Snow smacks the weapons out of my hands and falls to his knees in front of me, his torso flush with mine as he grabs my breeches and jerks me forward.

I’m just above his eye level, looking down as he speaks up to me, “I’m not breaking you. Fuck hunting. Fuck the Queen -”

Snow doesn’t need to pull at my shirt – I’m already flinging it off and starting on my own breeches. I’ve pulled away from him to do it.

I kick off everything and I turn to see Snow now standing, and gripping the back of my neck, then leading me to a tree, “No, Ellie,” he sounds on edge, like he’s going to cry or something, “You kneel,” I whimper out with my need as he makes me kneel in front of another tree, “Eyes focused on your knees for me.”

I do as he says and I wait.

Snow walks away and comes back with a surprise.

I squeeze my thighs, anticipating -

“Ellie. I’m not playing her game anymore, I’m not risking the day where you get ravaged by me so completely, that you break so hard – that you want to kill me,” Snow has intercepted me once more after pacing, it seems. He snatches my hair, pulls me back still and then presses a blade to my throat.

“Snow – what –?” I gasp and then I stop breathing as he presses the blade in even closer – and I can’t talk.

“It’s a mercy,” Snow murmurs over me, eyes like stone, “This is mercy, Ellie,” he hesitates and I feel the blade loosen – unless he’s about to slide it across.

So I do the unthinkable.

I smile at him.

I laugh at him.

Snow immediately pulls the sword away from me and steps back.

He is speechless as I shuffle around to face him, and I feel a slight burn at my neck, as if he did make a small scratch. But I simply hold it with my hand and gather some of the blood.

I reach down and I rub it over my nipples, in small circles. It’s mostly a nervous gesture, or maybe it’s sexy but… I just wanted to distract him.

“Snow,” I gulp, “You saved me when I was 10. You weren’t going to kill me just then. If you want to fuck me again – just ask me. Or better yet –”

Snow throws down his sword, “Fuck this fate,” he snarls at the weapon, but then glares at me shortly after, “If I fuck you the way I want to, you – little girl – you’ll snap from my full strength.”

“I haven’t so far, I’m just a lil’ sore,” I shrug one shoulder.

“If I lose my temper –”

“You haven’t –”

“I won’t be calm forever, Ellie… one day, the wrong day…” he is just rambling now.

“The Queen is in your head,” I realise for him, “She put these thoughts in your head. Insecure thoughts. It’s not you. You’re greatest fear… what is it?”

“Losing you, Ellie,” Snow just says it outright.

I lick my lips, salivating at that.

It was getting a little too hot in my head, I needed to cool it down.

I try humour, “Then we should cuff out arms together so we never get lost,” I hold up finger, “Don’t laugh, it’s a great exercise in eternal bonding.”

“You know what else is great for bonding?” Snow is already stroking his cock, “You need to know what I expect of you beyond the bedroom.”

“Teach me.”

“You’d be better off dead, sweetheart,” Snow smirks now at the thought, “You did well – to laugh at the sword instead of freezing. Well done.”

“Don’t play it off like you planned it,” I hold my cold tits, “I’m a bit chilly.”

“Ask,” Snow murmurs.

“Hold me?”

“Try again,” Snow blinks sensually and slow. Somehow it’s incredibly sexy, for a man with one eye.

“Snow… um,” I suck in a big breath before I say, “…would you sexually dominate me… in the dirt, and maybe kiss me too? Embrace?” I scrunch up my nose with a soft smile and Snow nods as he walks forward.

“Thank you, Ellie,” Snow reaches down and snatches my throat, “For understanding.”

He lifts me up by my neck, drops me down onto his hard cock – and then smacks my back into the nearest trunk.

As I slip further down, I pant to keep my breaths steady, but Snow doesn’t unhand my throat.

“You ready?” Snow asks, while simultaneously splitting into me again. He fucks me back into the tree, while I whimper on every thrust. In the darkness of the bedroom, face down in the bed, I felt more confident.

Now getting fucked in the sun – I close my eyes.

Eventually, the very moment he unhands my throat, I bury my face in Snow’s neck.

He doesn’t laugh, he just fucks me fast and hard, for both of our pleasures.

As I cum from his brutal pace, I whimper non-stop, and Snow’s cock rams in as deep as possible to cum with me.

I keep my face hidden, while Snow lifts me away from the trunk and cradles me to his chest.

He sits down at the base of tree and holds me tight.

“I’m going to fucking keep you, Ellie, from now on, without any loose ends,” Snow tries to hold back his passionate snarl, “No complaining. No begging for mercy. No running. You’re mine forever. You try to leave and I’ll find you. You won’t like what I do to you. I’ll teach you respect. But this is it… you understand now… you understand my nature and accept me?”

“I don’t care,” I wrap my arms around his neck and hide my face down as I sigh and rest my cheek at his shoulder, “I don’t care, Snow, I really don’t care.”

“About what, little one?” Snow is confused.

“About scenarios where I leave, because I’m not going anywhere,” I press a tentative kiss on his sternum and then quickly hide my face away, breathing in his scent, “…I think… I might have fallen in love with you…” I whisper the confession.

Snow holds me a bit tighter.

“Even if I can’t reciprocate that,” Snow warns me, “I’m shackling you to me, you stupid child. You should have accepted the easy death,” his neck reverberates with his genuine snarl over my head, while he grabs my hand and forces it back on his cock – which is still incredibly hard and ready for more.

I try not to laugh, but I do giggle a bit into his hot skin as I stroke the length of it, and with his arm around my back, he fondles my breast on the underside in one palm, while his second hand now slides between my legs.

I open my legs further for Snow and I finally glance up into his eye.

“Please?” I beg him, biting my lip, “Keep… you can keep fucking me… I want to cum again.”

Are you in love with me or my cock?” Snow leans into my face, to read my expression, he genuinely wants to know.

I blush brighter and refuse to answer.

I just smile.

Snow pulls back and scowls at me as he shoves two fingers into my pussy simultaneously. My spine curls but he keeps me still in his hold.

“Disgusting,” Snow shakes his head, “To think that I have to fuck a granny for the rest of my life –” he shakes his head and I lean in to grab his pec with my teeth… and I bite it – hard.

I do it to tease him, mostly to shut him up. I never wanted to be called a granny again!

Then, I pull back away from Snow, he’s genuinely blinking at me like he can’t believe who I am, that I exist or that I just did that so suddenly.

“A granny just bit your tit,” I tease him, “You’re a granny fucker. Cause your old and ugly and can’t get any young pussy.”

“Are you trying to insult the most handsome King in history, by calling him ugly?” Snow keeps in a snort, “Right. You’re getting split somewhere else. It’s called your asshole. I don’t think you’ll like it, Ellie.”

“No,” I shake my head, furrowing my brows, “You can’t do that-!”

“I can’t,” Snow nods at me, agreeing with me, while slipping one finger into my ass at the same time, “Not. At. All. Ellie.”

I lose my smile, as his finger moves in… and out… of my asshole – and I stare up at him in shock. He’s so sly. How did this even happen?

Snow just chuckles darkly while holding me tight against him.

“You’re going to be fun to torture, you don’t even know what it’s like to have more than one hole filled,” Snow shakes his head, “…to think I would have shared you with my pack at the beginning.”

“I am so sorry about your pack –” I cringe saying it, because he’s still fingering my ass and not slowing either. And strangely, it’s starting to feel good.

“Don’t be sorry,” Snow actually smirks at me, “I never told you. They’re not dead forever. I can get them back after I kill the Queen.”


You never told me that -!” I gasp, digging my claws into Snow’s arm, connected to the hand, to the finger that is –

“I didn’t want to scare you away again,” Snow keeps smiling down at me.

“Oh? Because of how I met all of you? Would you share me with a group of handsome wolf men with big cocks just like you… now?” I ask hysterically, while trying to tease it out of him.

“Hmmmm,” Snow pretends to think on it, looking up at the sky, “I mean,” he sighs deeply, “I have to stretch each and every hole before we kill the Queen… let’s just leave it at that for now… heheheh…”

My mouth mimics a perfect ‘o’.

You’re joking.”

Yes,” Snow answers too quickly, and leans down to lick my cheek.

“…and what was that for?” I whisper.

“I like you very much, Ellie,” Snow also kisses my forehead, “Are you ready to take it up the ass…?”

“No, thank you, sir.”

“Ok,” Snow shoves in a second finger.

“-ey!” I keep clawing at his arm and Snow now leans in to kiss and suck on my nipples, drawing off the small amount of blood I put there.

Oh, um, actually – I close my eyes from the combined pleasure of two senses tingling, when –

He bites me.

I scream and Snow keeps my tit in his teeth, chuckling in the back of his throat, refusing to let go as he fingers my ass faster.

“No, wait, wait, w –!” I whimper, high pitched, and then I burst out squealing with my second orgasm.

Snow lets my tit go and then takes his fingers from my ass.

He launches up and rolls me off into the forest dirt, so I tumble at least three times before I stop in a heaving heap, covered in soil and my hair in a knotted mess.

I’m on my stomach, my insides still throbbing, legs still feeling shaky as Snow stands and walks over to my clothes, kicking them at me.

Get,” Snow snaps, “We have work to do. What are you doing on the ground, granny -?!”

“Fuck you, Snow!” I can’t move yet, I’m still getting over the second wave of heat through my blood stream.

“Get up or I’m fucking you right now in your ass – and you’re not ready, idiot, move!” Snow turns and walks off, laughing to himself sadistically while I scramble around, my limbs flying this way and that as I get up to my knees and haul on my clothes.

I stand and I stomp after him, stumbling into a thin tree, then pretending that didn’t just happen as I try to keep up.


That was a bit of an awkward start to the hunt, wasn’t it?

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