Chapter 17

Snow kicks the door closed with the back of his boot and locks it, while I hold my hands in front of me and glance around his bedroom. It’s quite luxurious. The bed is filled to the brim with pillows of all shapes, the fattest and frilliest at the headboard. While my guest room was green, his is royal violets, royal pinks and royal creams.

A stained mirror with some cracks from a violent fall, stretch along it’s surface. The mirror itself fills the entire right wall of the room.

I walk to it, noting Snow places his prized candle by the bed, as he follows my wandering gait closely.

I find myself drawn to the violent crack in the mirror. Maybe it was just a good distraction. I kneel in front of it and touch the centre, “Someone fell right here. It must have been a bad fall.”

“That was my doing, when I transitioned into my beast for the first time,” Snow speaks calmly while squatting behind me and laying one hand on the nape of my neck, his fingers slowly curling into the thick fabric of my evening gown, “Always covering your skin around me, Ellie,” Snow tries to keep in a chuckle, “I’ve seen you naked, why so anxious for propriety now?”

“…but… Snow… I don’t understand why you would even want me…” I whisper at his reflection through the mirror, “…do you love me…?”

“I can’t love anyone, you should know this,” Snow’s hand bunches my collar and he pulls it back, the skin on my neck tightens and I breathe a bit quicker, “See how easy you can get choked in this attire? The Queen would delight in torturing you for eternity if she had her way…. so naïve, Ellie… so innocent…”

“So, we’re just going to murder the Queen, is that the answer to everything with you, Snow, violence and murder – I would conclude, that is why you lose everything,” I jerk from his grip as I turn around to face him properly while on my knees “…why can’t you love… is it a part of your curse… what do you feel for me now… if not love…” all are dangerous questions that I whisper at him in desperation.

Is this what Snow meant by begging?

“It is a part of my curse, but for me to feel love I need my curse… to be broken…” Snow almost halts on that word, “To break it – I’ll need to break you first. That was the condition.”

Me?” my halt leaps to the back of my throat, “You’re using me to break your curse –”

“I lust for you unlike anyone I’ve ever lusted for, Ellie, beneath it is love, but I cannot feel it until my curse is broken,” Snow snatches up my hand, and slides his palm to my wrist, circling it like a vice. He holds my second wrist, then brings it to the first. He holds both my wrists in one strong, capable hand, and then he stands up and pulls me with him, “From this moment, Ellie…” Snows’ eye rakes over me, “…you’ll listen to me as I teach you about how a woman submits to a man…” Snow seems to want to explain himself without frightening me, but I can also see a rather frightening bulge at his pants. I know how long and hard that cock could grow.

Snow brings my hands down to his waist line. I resist for a moment but he tests me by holding me close, waiting for me to relax, then he releases both my wrists. My palms lie softly on the waist band, “Let’s begin,” he drawls softly from over my bowed head.

My hands curl in his leather pants and I see the bulge grow exponentially.

I – I don’t know what to do.

I say nothing, but, Snow understands my hesitation.

His hands quickly regain both of mine, and he helps me pull the leather breeches down.

When they are edging towards his cock, I jerk back so hard I smack into the glass myself and I bruis my head. But I only wince from it and stare at Snow in horror.

I can’t do this.

I’m too… I’m too inexperienced… to know anything.

Snow’s impatience snaps and he decides to finish the strip himself. I watch him kick off his pants, while flinging off his top a second later, “You’re turn,” my only warning is a growl of displeasure as he steps into my front and grabs the middle of my gown, tearing it apart. I loud whimper exits my throat, but the problem is it’s not from fear at all… it’s this strange other feeling coursing through me. Snow has already unleashed my breasts, and my loud and sudden cry of need, makes him pause, he leans into my face, and I close my eyes in embarrassment, “…are you hungry, Ellie?” did he have to sound so amused?

The answer was I did hungry. But I don’t know what for exactly.

Snow discards the rest of my gown just as quickly, and by the time I am naked some stranger part of me relaxes. I was just worried about the stripping.

But I have been naked for him in the past and –

Snow snatches my elbow and drags me to the bed, standing at the end of it, my back to his front, he puts a hand on the back of my neck, and starts bending me forward.

I push back instinctively; how humiliating to show him my ass like that!


His hand finds my ass as I try to back up.

“No!” I almost scream it, from the memory of his beating.

Snow ushers me forward a bit more roughly, his hand on my ass also helping to propel me to the middle of the bed.

I land on my hands and knees, but that is so – ah, like a dog!

I try to turn to face him, but Snow has quickly followed me onto the bed from behind, grabbing my shoulders and keeping me forward.

I can hear Snow starting to laugh deep from within his throat and I want to cry at his continued humour. How was he amused at this?

I give up and try to shy from his touch by falling flat and locking my ankles together, crossing my arms in front of my face and burying my head down into them.

Denial. It’s all I had left while Snow was mounting my ass.

I was not a horse.

I was not a bloody donkey –

But why did his weight pressing down, feel so right?

I whimper again as Snow sits over the back of my thighs, and he is so heavy – it almost hurts, but he relieves some of it by kneeling up a tad.

“And what now, Snow?” I gasp, too scared and embarrassed to look back at him.

“Stay still,” Snow places one hand on the back of my neck, “I’m going to make you squeal.”

“That is not very romantic –!”

Enough!” Snow harnesses a deep and sudden reprimand in a distinctly wolf-like snarl that echoes throughout his room, and I freeze, while I feel his amusement like I can imagine the smirk.

And then I feel a burn along my spine, and I almost think it’s a brand, it hurts that bad.

I squirm and twist like crazy, while Snow hunkers down until I’m squished into the bed, by his brutal hand on my neck, and his full weight now sat on my thighs.

I do squeal, as more – hot wax – I realise – gets dripped along my spine.

I squeal not just from pain. I squeal to obey him, to give him what he wants so he’ll stop sooner!

I feel one, two, three, four more burns and then a small break, while I’m still squealing and he’s listening to every noise I make as I thrash my arms through his coverlet uselessly, either side of me.

There is no more pain when –

One more drop, on my lower back. I scream so loud I almost go hoarse, but now I burst into tears and beg with words, “Please, Snow, no more, no more, no more!” I sob into the sheets and my body wracks with fear of more pain to follow.

Snow unhands my neck and shuffles down lower.

I can’t cry for too much longer when both his hands clasp my legs and spread them apart, so he can look in between. That means he’s set aside the candle. Thank you.

At least, I think he’s looking at me, until one hand releases my leg and he rubs two fingers up against my private flesh, testing my wet flesh.

“What’s wrong with you?” Snow puts on a fake disgusted tone, “You’re warm and moist, like an old granny –”

“Don’t say that!” I whine to the heavens, as Snow now robustly laughs and I feel his hands return to my upper thighs, under my ass as he digs in his fingers and keeps my legs forced apart so I can’t keep trying to shut them.

“I want to taste you, Ellie,” Snow’s voice and hot air flickers close over my private flesh and I clench from his proximity.

And then he dives in.

“O -!” I barely make a discernible squeak of submission and shock as I bury my head into the coverlet and Snow’s tongue laps across my entire pussy, tasting every bit.

How – how could – why would –

Snow doesn’t just tease the opening of my pussy with his tongue, he slyly finds my clit and rubs his warm tongue along the bud, rolling it deftly.

The precision of this man – he has been against far too many women’s parts. He knows too much about my body, things I should know.

My hips lift and I let out my first moan as Snow’s tongue slides away from my clit to lick just inside me. Then his wandering tongue slips deeper, and I gasp and find my knees bending, my body exposing more of myself to him. More.

Snow laps more of my cream, and I feel my insides twisting. Something is growing in my core when –

“NO!” I scream, because he pulls away and he unhands me.

I finally look over my shoulder with a strange rage, as I see Snow holding his cock, one hand under my hips, about to pull me back to line up with – with, well…

I show him the want in my gaze and Snow tries to hide what he’s thinking.

“W-what do I taste like?” I ask, out of the blue.

“Strawberries,” Snow must lie, but he does it so smoothly.

“No –”

“You’re bleeding,” Snow mentions, “My cock is too big for you.”

“But it’s not inside me yet,” after I’ve replied, I realise how he’s tricked me.

I blush madly as he smiles softly, as if pitying how easily I fell for that one.

“Oh, yes, Ellie… you’re too right,” Snow’s lips curl up further as he pulls me back the last inch and lines up his cock to my entrance, I feel him tease me, a feather light touch to begin with, from the head of his cock… “Let me fix that –”

I turn back around into the sheets but I feel my ass rising on it’s own, helping him. Oh, what was my body doing –

I don’t have to beg him with my uncontrollable movements.

Snow finally takes his perfect position, and slowly pushes forward with his entire body, so he flattens me back to the sheets, my legs wobble and collapse, and he lies down on top of me, kissing the back of my head like he still pities me –

“Breathe, Ellie,” his only warning before he waits, 3, 2, 1 –

Snow doesn’t edge in slowly, instead he thrusts hard and splits me apart instead.

I feel his cock pulse right through the middle of me, hot hard and far too wide, the shaft making it’s home deep inside, towards my womb.

My body contracts and squeezes, and I’ve barely had time to adjust to the fullness – when Snow pulls out and shoves back in, even deeper?!

Snow!” I whimper his name as he begins to fuck me, and my insides cry out with the intensity of everything. His weight. His cock – thrusting into my womb. And he was going slow – I knew it could be a lot faster.

And then I hear something move off a head board, a scrape of an inanimate object before Snow drips more wax onto my back, as he speeds up his thrusts too.

The burn.

All of it.

I’m silent in my twisted need to squeal, moan and whimper all at once.

I explode, my body contracts and then I’m making all kinds of noises, as the candle is tossed aside, and Snow grips my failingly wrists, he forces my arms down and still as he fucks me through my first climax.

He goes faster.

He sets a brutal pace but – he does not cum.

“H-hurry, p-pleassee,” I dribble into the sheets with his force, and Snow promptly laughs to the ceiling like he’s heard the greatest joke of the century.

“Ellie. Darling,” Snow finally answers me, “I’ll be fucking you throughout the night, when I am done, at my own pace… men unleash and then they keep unleashing, and each time they fuck longer than the last,” Snow educates me while his cock keeps splitting me apart, in and out, deeper and harder, “It’s about time you became a woman.”

“You’ll never… be… able… to call me… a… child… again,” I whimper out, on a husky forced whisper; it was hard to talk while my blood was rushing from my head.

“Are you having fun, Ellie?” Snow pulls his cock out, uses his legs to squeeze mine back together, and then he finds my entrance and splits me again – but now it’s tighter and I can barely take it.

“Ah… I… ah… too much, S –?!” he shoves my face down into the sheets.

Snow’s thighs imprison mine as his cock stabs through me, and his hand smothers out my words.

“Shut up, Ellie,” Snow pretends to sound cold hearted, “I’m busy making you my little bitch,” he’s not just speaking vile things, he’s now fucking me faster, harder and deeper than even before –provoking me into –

Oh, no.

Another explosion.

I cum.


I can’t escape it and Snow fucks me through it, once again, laughing, “Will you agree to my proposal yet, Ellie?”

I shake my head into the sheets. I would not submit yet!

The moment Snow sees my unexpected rejection – he stills inside me, weighing down again.

Wrong answer,” he leans down to my ear, his sadistic smile is true and wide, I feel it, “Let’s split your throat next, little bitch; then I might just see you nod when I ask you again.”

Snow pulls out of my pussy now, he grabs my shoulder and flips me over.

My mouth is drooling as Snow moves forward to sit on my chest, cupping the back of my head and teasing my mouth with his cock, covered in my cream.

“Come on, Ellie,” Snow tempts me with an encouraging tone, even as I try to purse my lips, as he prods with his velvet covered iron shaft, he manages to get my mouth open for a proper breath – and he takes the space while he can. Snow’s cock spreads across the inside of my cheek before settling on my tongue, Snow tries to keep in a smirk from above me as he asks, “Ellie. I ask you again. Will you accept my proposal?”

Snow’s hand curls through the back of my hair and pulls my mouth further over his cock, then back off, and back on; nodding my head for me, “Yes?” Snow gasps, “Great! We’ll get married tomorrow. And we won’t tell anyone I soiled you a night too early… think of the shame if someone found out… that you’re a little bitch first, before our marriage… shame, shame… Ellie, think of the shame,” Snow grins while face fucking me, “Let’s go a bit deeper, shall we?” Snow settles down above my face. I can’t see him but he – ah, split.

His balls hit my chin and his dick slides down my throat.

My muscles suck him in, and my gag reflex protests, while Snow pulls out an inch to hear me choke before fucking my throat deep a couple of more times. I can’t take it, but then Snow abruptly pulls out entirely, his hand on the base of his shaft as he positions his cock over my cheeks and spurts.

“Ah, ah!” I close my eyes as Snow nuts his first load onto my face. It leeks down my cheeks and into my nose, a little over my lips – but it’s hot and sticky.

Snow keeps milking the rest out with his hand stroking his shaft, so each and every drop finds a spot on my face.

“There,” Snow admires his art, “Much prettier now,” he smiles, “Are you ready for round two?”

No more wax, please.

I think it, while my tongue is numb, my nose is full of his smell and my brain slowly stops ticking.

I am dazed and breathless as Snow unmounts, and stands from the bed as if he didn’t just do all that.

He heads off to the side, and comes back to present to me a belt.

I gulp.

“Ellie,” Snow drawls, feeling the leather strap, “I’m only going to use this on your ass, if you disobey…” Snow drops the belt, “A precaution, sweetheart.”

“I am ravaged already,” I whisper out, “I – I need no belt –”

“Hmmmm,” Snow leans over to grab my ankles, swivelling me to face his edge, lifting my legs up straight, “We’ve barely begun, still plenty of more opportunities for you to act defiant,” Snow opens and closes my legs, considering his options, while staring me in the eye, “Ellie. I have a question. Answer truthfully.”


“Are you mine?” Snow rephrases himself, “Forever? For eternity?

I nod.

But I don’t say it in words.

Snow smirks, “You’re learning then; good little girl. Because I’m going to ravage you like this, every single night, for the rest of your life,” just a statement, not a fancy threat.

I gulp as Snow holds my ankles apart again.

“Stop moving my legs around,” I test a complaint.

“Just making sure you’re flexible enough, Ellie, you’ll be begging soon for me to stop,” Snow watches me lift a rebellious hand, to wipe at the cum on my face, “Ellie!” he warns me, his tone bordering on a snarl.

I’ve already learnt he’ll raise his voice to make me cower.

I pick up the coverlet and I quickly wipe my face clean.

I lean back and I smile defiantly.

I was not a little bitch.

Even if I agreed to be his lover forever.

Snow loses any remaining humour and drops my legs.

He turns for the belt and he picks it back up.

“Punishment, Ellie,” Snow shakes his head, while glancing at the belt, “Until you learn.”

Damn it.

I scramble back on the bed and Snow leaps forward and grasps one ankle, dragging me back down to him, “No, no, Ellie, don’t make it worse, darling,” Snow chuckles sadistically, “You may lose your voice by the morning.”

“Mercy?” I give into this one chance, “Please? No belt? Mercy.”

Snow snorts.

“I don’t understand that word,” he tickles the sole of my captured foot with his belt and my spine curls, “No mercy, Ellie. Never. It would ruin my reputation.”

Please –”

“Louder,” Snow holds my ankle tighter, he enjoys me begging...

I try, “Please, j-just use me instead, instead of, the b-belt –”

“Maybe when you work better on your apologies, sweety,” Snow suddenly smacks the belt to the soul of my foot and I cry out, “I’ll listen when you make me believe you’re really sorry…” Snow tackles me now, as he sits on the side of the bed, he man handles me until I’m spread over his lap as I squirm each inch of the way, face down still,“…you should be scared of the times I’ll delay mastering your body… that is the only begging… I’ll listen to… understand?”

The belt finds my ass – and I understand.

I understand well, by the time I’ve rehearsed it enough.





“PLEASE!” I have to scream it, at the top of my lungs, for all the castle to hear, “SNOW! PLEASE RAVAGE ME, PLEASE. Snow… Snow?!

“Much better,” Snow discards the belt and warms my bruised ass, but then his fingers find my leaking pussy, by circling my entrance.

With every fibre of my being.

I want Snow.

Around and around, his finger stretched my entrance, but doesn’t drop deeper.

“Please,” I whimper, “Oh, PLEASE!” every note contains want.

Snow shoves two fingers into my pussy and pumps them in and out, while he leans towards my ear, speaking his pleasure, “Now that you’re learning what it means to be my woman, I think it’s time we began round 2. Do you want my cock Ellie, splitting you apart again?”

“Yes, yes, yes, please, oh please,” I gasp on every breath.

“I suggest you remember tonight’s events well, Ellie, I won’t take defiance well in future, now that you understand me,” Snow licks my ear, slow and sensually, “Now you bend.”

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