Chapter 11: confess

They dragged me to huddle along with other men and directed us to the big baobab tree. Where wild repugnance and dark werewolf anger stung the air, people were genuinely triggered by this ′cowardly mate’. I had no idea how they were going to test everyone as I spotted Sir Isaac sitting in the crowd and my assumption was that this would be run using science. And he was the head medic for the health council after all, that usually helped werewolves of age manage their puberty changes.

He was the best person for the job but like anything else in the were-people community, nothing was that simple or complicated. The entire frontline sitting with Sir Isaac had their heads bowed down, hands on their chests as their lips moved with a prayer reciting. They were pulling out all the stops for their precious trophy.

I hated him even then.

Council members strode onto the high and gold floored Dias. They collectively recited spiritual meditation in respect of the gods. Then they climbed down allowing with venerate honour, for Alpha Victrolli’s first Beta to step onto it. Clad in ceremonial tattered grey and red robes the wolf-man howled sending shivers down everyone’s skin and then down onto our knees in submission. He fixed his gaze to the side where all the she-wolves were camped out at. Outside of the pack, the man was Tyler’s father and he ran a large and very successful legal firm. Where he was known as the most ruthless partner, I could see how he could have raised his cutthroat son and how he was known as ruthless. His eyes were solid with judgement and resentment, by no means was this a new look on the man, but this time. The look scared me so much a frozen shiver ran through my spine.

He growled.

The crowd including birds in the sky silenced.

After that he impatiently motioned for one of the council chairs; a silver haired man to light the moon blessed candle. But the man was old and slow, so the Beta yanked the lighter from the chair’s hand and did the lighting himself. Afterwards, he retreated back into the house, with a dignified huff. His own army of Omegas, other Betas and Zetas followed close behind him in trots of trained panic. It was both compelling and terrifying to watch until my father’s face took centre stage.

Validation was gifted to him by were-people beating on their chests with fists and howling. He spoke to the crowd but I was too distracted to listen, even as he walked off. Towards a tall intimidating acrylic lectern was with purpose and anger radiating off him. I could smell him and so did everyone else who shared the same emotion with him. So it didn’t take long at all for noise to erupt on the grounds, with people turning into wolves, tossing, whistling and acting like a pack of wild rogues. Most even growled at the closed gates, to where the women were, demanding for the hiding mate to show herself yet I stood still and did nothing.

I found no traces of guilt in me if anything my blood was laced with hot fear for Dani and how she was coping. The howling went up again, this time the air came with a strong whiff of oestrogen. To the left, I saw council leader Mr. Hannez motion to the shelter with his hand and the steely doors were bolted open. Making way for the first batch of female wolves to come in.

Most were in their human form all dolled up and riling up the crowd of boys. Boys that liked the idea of pretty company and liked the fact of unity to bash whomever this ′coward mate’ was. Mothers ululated from the back, cheering the girls on. Fathers remained still but hope could be seen swirling in their eyes. I looked for my family and found them unworried but still intend of getting the best out of the bad situation.

“It’s literally raining bitches!” Some high school kid behind me yelled which was followed by affirmative whistles and howls from males.

I felt a nudge on my arm and turned to a couple of boys I remembered from high school. “Yo, Malik shouldn’t you be over there?” the dark skinned one nodded to the first batch of females who were lining up.

“The Betas handpicked a few pretty boys for testing too and I heard your name was drawn first.” his friend beside him said.

I tried to ignore him.

“Are you swooning?” A friend of his spoke.

“Oh, he’s blushing.” Another one remarked.

“He’s daydreaming about sucking Alpha Brady’s dick.” The tall one laughed and they all fist bumped him as though what he’d said earned him points.

“I have a mate.” I felt like such a loser even having to say that. “And I’m not gay.”

“From what I hear about your dick I know she’ll be happy if your twosome became a thrapple. It’s not gay if the missus approves.”

I muttered a few colourful retorts under my breath moving away from them then went back to focusing on searching the crowd for Dani instead. But I couldn’t find her even as the girls were being delayered. The council was taking them into the sacred caves ten at a time for some ancient ritualistic testing. And each time the girls going in squealed with poorly concealed excitement and again each time they would leave the caves laughing at themselves at their absolute insanity.

After a while of searching and not finding Dani, I went to sit in the back. Away from all the other guys who were already plotting up ways to destroy this cowardly mate’s life after the outing. I blocked them out after about the time another person recounted how they planned to ’murder that bitch with their canines, if ‘Alpha Brady’ died.′

“Fuck’s up with Danielle?” I heard the question comefrom the female side and instantly I started searching for her again.

“She’s been crying for the past two hours and I think she came here drunken too.” one of the girls said but I couldn’t see who. Soon enough a whole conversation went on between what seemed like a total of six girls give or take. “So you think that’s why she’s crying?” one of the girls laughed as another spoke “You’ll be shocked at what a little dick can do to a girl.” Snickering went up for a while and I felt my gut twist again with drenching dread.

“Lisa shut the fuck up,” I heard Dani’s voice and my head snapped up with the rest of my body standing upright after I saw her and started making my way through the crowd to her.

Another siren blared freezing me and everyone in place. The mansion doors were bolted open with force and urgency. Accompanied by the spiritual team Brady was brought out. Sir Isaac was motioned forward and wasting no time at all he stabbed Brady right in the heart with a syringe containing thick purple liquid. I was too far too in distance to see him clearly but it was clear as day that Brady barely had any life left in him.

His eyes were dark; a deep shade of blackened gray, his usually tan skin was pale, and he was literally in a wheelchair. I froze at the sight of him. The future Alpha was blind and almost deaf anyone could tell. And it was my fault...depending on how you looked at it because in my book he’d brought this on himself. If anything I was the victim here so I averted my gaze back to the lectern and then to my feet.

“The Alpha’s son has only a few hours left to live and whomever you are I suggest you confess right now!” Mr. Hannez bellowed from the lectern his voice rough and stringy. “It’s in your best interests to CONFESS FOR YOUR ALPHA, FOR YOUR PACK AND YOUR FAMILY...” the man started chocking on his hot anger.

A few girls started to cry and console each other at the sight of Brady. Their mothers clasped their hands together in prayers and meditation. A few guys and their fathers puffed out their chests, growling lowly as though that would intimidate the confession out.

Father steadily took over from Mr. Hannez his voice of reason bellowing with a fluid sternness and an undertone of anger, in his eagerness to pass judgement. “Whomever you are, we know you’re here. For years now we have searched for you on every continent, in every pack and in other groups. The only place we haven’t looked is within.” he paused. “We know and if we have to quarantine everyone here for months to find you? Then so be it, but any smart werewolf can reason that the best collateral you have here is confessing. Before anything happens to your Alpha, the ground that gives us life and...”

“Sir. Larkatos!”

Dani cut my dad off mid threat.

I watched him search the pack with a confused look on his face.

“Sir. Larkatos!” Danielle croaked again. Rising up from her bow and advancing for the Dias. The Lectern. The council.

Everyone’s gaze focused on her and some on me.

Through someone’s poorly locked mind link I read their thoughts. Isn’t she already mated? What could be important enough to interrupt the council?

She didn’t wait for my dad’s answer instead she advanced closer and called again. “Sir Larkatos and Sir Victrolli. Can I talk to you in private? There’s something you should know.”

My heart pounded.

Sweat broke out and I felt my veins shatter with a cold rush of blood.

“Danielle honey you can’t interrupt the ceremony we’ll talk later at the house ok?” my mother pleaded with her and her own mother admonished. “Dani, have some respect.”

Danielle wiped her tears and started crying again looking at Brady, with such raw regret. That permitted off her in tangible waves, I knew everyone could smell. She then looked back in the crowd and met my direct gaze.

My heart raced and I shook my head.

Her gaze fell to her feet. “I’m so sorry Malik.”

A sharp gasp escaped my mouth and my heart stopped. I swear I stopped breathing when she continued to turn the knife she’d stabbed into my back. “I love you but look at him, Malik! Brady is dying you have to.”

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