Chapter 10: summoned

The next morning I opened my eyes when a familiar shadow eclipsed the pale glow from the rising sun bleeding through the chiffon curtains. At first, the sight of my best friend seemed to be a horrific reality of consequence. Everything about her took my breath away. She looked wounded, fresh blood was gushing from her neck in spades. The girl looked dead and I couldn’t scream nor cry because I knew I’d done this. And my hands were covered in crimson and betrayal was proof of my unabashed guilt.

I watched her in a half-awake fearful fascination as she leaned over my shiftless body as if to whisper her damning last words to my ear. “This is your fault coward.” I could almost hear the whisper. “You’re next.” I could sense the condemnation in the air. The closer she got the more haunted I felt and the more I began trembling like a useless leaf.

I wasn’t worried about myself, not in the least.

It was her I was worried about.

Tears pooled in my eyes and when I finally got the urge to scream, I failed. No sound came out and the sight of her vanished from my very eyes like a ghost. I was left desperately trying to scream in agony and gasping for air. Something shook me but something else was digging me under the darkness and the heaviness of my sin. I was an abomination.

My wolf tried to save me but whatever it was kept burying me in my deserved place in hell. Whatever it was, was familiar. I thrashed and fought for my life when I realized what it was. Sleep paralysis. It was sleep paralysis, my constant unwanted visitor. Something or someone shook me again and I woke with a jet start.


I sat up rubbing the remnant paranoia out of my eyes and followed her voice.

“The tactical team wants us both down at the medical center.” Dani. A real live and perfectly in place Dani was standing over me with wide eyes. “Officer Tyler has chosen me to be in the first batch of women for testing.” She further supplied body composition, and tone even for everyone else. Yet, after two decades of being best friends with her, I knew better.

I looked around the room and met eyes with one of Brady’s friends from high school.

“Sweet dreams?” he taunted, uncaringly. “Sorry to cut them short sweetheart but you heard your girl.”

“The first batch is for single women,” I stated remembering the contents of the document Dani had shared with me. I swept my gaze again around the room with a hard beating heart. A total of five heavily built men stood on guard at every corner. Despite not looking at her I could feel Dani’s fear cascading down in waves. “She’s not going anywhere without me. She’s not single, she’s my mate and....”

He cut me off with a no-nonsense air to him and said. “By the order of the blue-bloods, every bitch in the pack will be tested before we start considering humans.”

“Doesn’t explain why you’d put a mated she-wolf ahead of other single or widowed she-wolves?” Hoping to buy some more time I tried to reason with him. “She’ll show up but for the last test batches. Please understand she’s mine.”

“She could be your Alpha’s too.” He countered.

I wore humility, “please?”

“Here’s the thing pretty boy. Something about your twosome holds my fancy, it’s why I made the executive decision to write her up on the first line of testing.” He looked particularly proud of that, as his lips tugged upwards into a smug smile. He then folded the sleeves of his grey shirt to accidentally reveal an eagle tattoo on his toned arm. An arm I could easily picture volunteering to squeeze the life out of me if he learned the truth. “I must say though, I didn’t expect to find you in the same bed, considering what the sacred caves don’t say.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to understand the concept of abstinence or waiting for marriage.”

Just that moment a middle aged woman dressed in military wear barged into the room, to pass him a phone. “Sir.”

Tyler read whatever message was on it with great concentration and barked out orders to his men after. On their way out he paused by the door. “Hey Dani love, if it’s pain from your hymen breaking you’re scared of...don’t be intimidated.” He pointed at what was under my bed covers. “ won’t feel a thing. Malik has a friendly sized dick. Now both of you get up and get ready. Tik Tok, Tik Tok.”

Ten minutes later on the drive to the designated location, the car was drenched in complete and utter silence. Dani looked so depressed and I wasn’t any better. “They know.” she cried with a resigned whisper. “They know.”

“If they did we wouldn’t be here.” I genuinely believed that, it’s why I was still trying to plot for a PlanB.

She made me stop by the gas station so we could buy a bottle of rum and some mouthwash. She hoped to suppress the obviosity of her fear with a Malibu. Unfortunately, I couldn’t share the drink because I was driving plus alcohol made me...sustainable to embarrassing myself. Which was the last thing we needed right now. After getting all our supplies we made a U-turn going back in the direction of the Alpha’s estate.

The place stood distinct and taller than most if not all houses in both the town and the gated community. The gates were made of real gold steel and were heavily guarded. By men with bodies made in the gym holding up rifles with scowls of intimidation on their paint drawn faces. They let us in and inside was no different from the outside in terms of armoured guards and vigilante pack members walking on all fours or two feet. Loitering around unarmed huffing and puffing their chests looking out for this ‘cowardly mate’

We were ushered to a spot to park in and a siren blared off soon as we got out of the car. Noise filled the surroundings as everyone made a run for the stone built mansion excitedly. “This is so exciting.” Two little girls of about eight years in age giggled before they broke into a sprint from their parents to the grounds.

Danielle and I were hesitant, whereas the other couples were playful and had a purpose in their pacing. I and my accomplice were wary of every step we took and every eye in the lot. She held my arm as if she was sitting on me and whispered in my ear. “I’ve thought about it let’s run away.”

I surveyed our surrounding area and tried to contain my smile; I’d thought of that option too but had been too scared to voice it out. That and also because the consequences from that seemed unbearable. “You mean that?”

She nodded enthusiastically.

I had to remind her, “If we run then it’s really treason, we’ll be living as wolf fugitives. We’ll also be disbanded from our families forever and when caught by other packs we’d be’s legal to shoot rogues on sight. You’d also have to change your look since you’re kinda world famous. Can you live with that?”

She nodded. “I’m ready. I’m going anyway, with or without you.”

I reminded her again “It means less for me. Because of the rejected bond, I’m dying soon but I’ve already got you into this mess. I’m sure I can think of another cleaner plan.”

I felt her arms shaking as she snaked them around my neck for the benefit of Tyler who was advancing towards us “You didn’t get me into anything, you gave me an out, that first day and last night when you came over. I refused to take it for my own selfish reasons and fear. Despite any of that I’m dead either way Malik at least if we run I’ll have more time. You’re the Alpha’s mate, I don’t know how they’ll punish you but you’ll live. Me on the other hand.” she pressed herself closer to me and I pulled her in tighter by the waist. “They will kill me, I’m not ready to die Malik. Please run with me.” she pleaded.

I was ready to run with her but unlike the last time, we made a sinful choice. I wanted us to be aware of every negative that could come out of one choice. “Running means running from everyone including your family, forever. We’ll have to bury each other alone.”

She dropped her head on the crook of my neck and lowly whispered. “I’m just really terrified of dying more, so, I’d like to run before they find out.”

Tyler cleared his throat “Your mate review records checked out, with your Father’s stamp. So, you can both watch from the spectator’s side. Until the last batch of tests, if it gets there.”

“Uhm, if we checked out can we leave? As you may know, Malik is a resident at a hospital and he has an important surgery. Scheduled for today he must attend and I’m still on tour.” Dani begged. “If he doesn’t go, his fellowship or prospects could be risked. A-and if I don’t go back today I will return to lawsuits on lawsuits.”

Tyler didn’t look too pleased but seeing no harm he relented. “Fine, you can go do that and happily practice abstinence or fear.” He looked at me with a loop sided smile that only reminded me of high school. “Unlike the rest of us who don’t even know the concept.” Then he walked off, barking more orders to his team.

Danielle squealed beside me. “The gods are on our side.” We were already on our way back to the car. “Best we pack up and leave whilst everyone is still distracted.”

I agreed.

A stream of howling went up, followed by another and another despite the sun being still up. Soon enough a few men from the task forces scrambled with fierce urgency. Filling all the exit and entry points of the parking lot. I watched in slow motion as two of them sidled up to whisper something in Tyler’s ear.

Tyler checked his iPad, and crashed it across the cemented ground. I flinched at that even as I watched him bite down on his jaw and crack his knuckles seeming to have gotten a new surge of power. His eyes found mine and narrowed with a sharp laser focused attention.

“Let’s hurry.” I pulled Dani up by the small of her back and we started to trot faster towards our car.

Three army men built a wall in front of us. We went around them and continued to go when one of them yelled. “Stop!”

“What’s going?” I asked.

The stranger snatched my car keys and yelled out to no one in particular “WE’RE ON LOCKDOWN! NOONE’S TO LEAVE OR COME IN WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION!”

A few guys with metal arrows and some with guns riding on their backs came up between Dani and me to escort us from the parking lot. Dani practically screamed; she was drunk on the bottle and her fear was laced with panic “What the hell is going on? We were excused. Tyler! Tyler!!”

Tyler moved up closer by my side as if to smell me first. I recoiled with nerves into a pile of insecurity and laden fear. “Your future Alpha is now breathing better. Which means his mate just entered the gates. Noone’s leaving anymore.”

“But you checked our records; it can’t be either of us.” my best friend cried. “You released us.”

“That was two seconds ago, this is now and I’m back to leaving no exceptions as per your father’s instruction.” He looked at me. Voice even with a tone that belonged in the belly of hell. “If need be I’ll have my firm give you legal counsel and representation where your jobs are concerned. But for this, right now?” He loosely saluted my best friend. “You’re back in the first batch Dani love.” Without waiting for our answers he turned around and fist pumped the air with one last commandment. “EVERYONE TO YOUR STATIONS NOW!!”

“Ok, ok, I’ll go but listen Malik has a work deadline. He has to perform a very important surgery in Seattle on a kid can he be excused at least? I’ll stay.” Dani bargained her lie.

“I said everyone is subject to inspection. Everyone.” Tyler said as he led us and his team at a faster pace and as we neared the crowd he added.

“What do you mean everyone?” Dani asked.

“Exactly that.” He glanced at me once then faced her to explain. “His father is considering candidates in mated she-wolves. I’m also considering males, mated or not.”

“You can’t do that.” He didn’t have the authority to, his authority would only come after Brady’s authority. And that hadn’t happened, wouldn’t happen. “I won’t...”

“This isn’t the time to be selfish Malik it’s just one day for your Alpha.”

“Brady is not an Alpha yet” I retorted. “And there are no gay Alphas, so you can’t possibly think his mate is amongst guys do you?”

“Very soon he’ll be your Alpha.” he groaned unintelligibly as he measured the compound area littered with plenty other pack members. He looked pleased with all their efforts but when he looked to face me, his features wore disappointment, annoyance, displeasure and puzzlement. He took a step closer to me. “An Alpha with a same sex partner isn’t impossible. It’s just unheard of and I’m willing to exhaust every avenue for my Alpha’s prosperity. Every man here offered his mate for testing with joy, reverence and without reservation. But you’re the one protesting too much, the only one.” He lowered his voice an octave. “Is there something you wanna tell me now before I find it out on my own?”

“Yes, I do actually.” I tilted my chin up feeling confident enough to say. “Your glorified future Alpha bullied me all my life until he left for college.” I waited a beat for him to say something. When he didn’t I continued. “I’m sorry if I’m not as eager to surrender my life to him as the rest of you are.”

“Blasphemy!” One of the soldiers said already taking out his cuff chains.

Tyler lifted a hand to stop him, “When did he actually bully you, sweetheart?" Tyler scoffed and shook his head. “God, you’re so dramatic, you need to get laid bro.”

He called after the soldier with the cuffs and told him. “Make sure she’s in the first line of the first batch and escort this fool to the grounds. I want him in the last batch for the male line up.”

The guards then separated us taking us to opposite sides based on gender.

Dani’s cry got louder and more piercing.

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