
Chapter Carnal Pleasure II


Amidst my inward turmoil, the door creaked open, slowly revealing Killian with a look that harbored all his concerns, yet underneath those eyes of his, was a yearning meant only for me.

He was breathing through his mouth, afraid to spoil himself with the very scent that invited him in.

“Where have you been?” I questioned him. I wanted to keep the situation between us as casual as possible, yet my voice had shifted on a lower tone that sounded unintentionally seductive.

I felt my throat bob when he closed the door behind him, his built physique tense underneath his clean white shirt.

It was like he was willingly making himself the prey, caging himself with a predator that held no mercy.

But who said he was the prey?

A growl had escaped my throat, displeasure clearly etched on my features when I didn’t get an answer from Killian.

I was frustrated and I didn’t know why. The silence between us was deafening, yet the both of us harbored a noise in our head, and it was the foreful scream of our nature urging us to submit to what we were made to do.

By then, my skin was buzzing from the pull Killian had on me. I allowed myself to take one step and then another, until I was standing closely in front of him where his smell was enough to consume my senses.

The more I breathe, the more I consumed the drug that he really was.

And I harbored every bit of greed to take it all in.

A crack began to form on the mental barrier against my primal desire, threatening to fall apart for Killian so he could have me completely.

His nostrils flared, jaw setting tight as he let his hooded eyes burn through me, and I let him see what intention I had for him.

The heat rolling off of his body was clinging to my skin, and it was enough to tamper with the conscience that I was beginning to lose.

I hooked a finger over the belt loop of his jeans, angling my head to the place where his neck and shoulder met before breathing in his smell as an attempt to soothe the chaos ruling my mind.

“Don’t make me ask you again,” I snarled, my threat failing to reach Killian as a displeased growl from the wolf beneath his skin escaped his throat and forced my shoulders to curl forward in submission.

It didn’t like being challenged.

“Valerie,” Killian warned with a struggled tone in his voice.

My hands travelled up and beneath his shirt, my palms skimming the smooth skin of his waist, and he sucked in a harsh breath from the contact. His head dropped, cheek rubbing against the side of my head as I chose to continue my onslaught.

“You need to...,” Killian’s words were cut short, releasing a sigh when I blew a heated breath against a particular spot on his neck, goosebumps following along the path of the warm air as his hands came up to grab my arms like his life depended on it.

“Stop,” he said through gritted teeth and took it upon himself to put a distance between us as his hands remained locked on my arms, preventing me from getting closer to him.

My grip on the hem of his shirt tightened, my eyes taking on a darker shade as I felt the wolf grow impatient. My skin was simmering with heat as I remained on the verge of shifting and the ache settled deep within me was pleading to be sated.

I couldn’t think clearly anymore.

“I needed to get away for a while, Valerie,” Killian told me and I noticed how his left eye began to shift from brown to a vivid blue, the colors in war with one another as he tried to win over the beast inside him.

All the words that he threw my way couldn’t reach my ears as my eyes kept their deep seated gaze on the movements of his full lips.

“We can’t keep doing this anymore, it’s not safe for the both of us. You’re not safe with me.”

I glanced up to meet his eyes that held an array of suppressed longing, locked beneath his skin where his wolf was taking refuge. He was keeping his wild bound at the back of his mind, and I knew that it wasn’t long before he hits the toll of his restraints and loses himself with it.

“Are you listening to me?”

My lips parted, completely dazed as I fell deeper into my wild’s hungered drive. It needed me to let Killian crumble beneath my touch, and it was screaming into my conscience loud enough for me to heed its intentions.

Let him break.

I closed the distance between us once again, his hands failing to stop me from doing what I wanted as his body instinctively surrendered itself to me.

“Valerie, I--”



And beguiled in the haze of my own nature,

I reached up to settle a hand on the back of Killian’s neck and pulled him down to place a deep, bruising kiss on his lips.

It was a kiss that carried the weight of my turbulent desire, the very kind that robbed Killian of his posture’s strength.

And it was a kiss that was meant to breach a boundary that we had been too afraid to cross.

I pulled away, heavy puffs of air were leaving my mouth as I tried to regain the air I had lost, and I looked up to see Killian with his eyebrows furrowed, his jaw locked tight as he kept his brooding gaze on my swollen lips.

It wasn’t enough to appease his needs.

So he leaned down to return a kiss with just as much force that I had given him, and placed his hand on my waist while the other one firmly held onto my jaw.

My moans were coming out of my mouth, only to be consumed by Killian as I indulged in the pleasure that was soon to become my undoing.

I whined when he pulled back and settled his face into the side of my jaw, his lips making a searing path of kisses that led down to the crook of my neck, and I found myself clinging onto him helplessly.

My teeth was aching, canines descending and drawing me to mark what my nature told me was absolutely mine. The soft skin of his neck was my own personal torture, inviting me to do the only thing that turned against my decaying moral.

He was the undoing of my restraints, and the weakness to my resolve; Killian’s seduction plagued me in a way that was not curable.

The smell of my longing was wafting solidly around us, filling the entire room and driving Killian even further to submit into his building drive to ravage me completely.

I could tell he was already close to letting go of his final restraints, his tongue slowly poking out to taste the tender flesh just below my ear, and the gradual movement felt warm against my skin, its sensation strong enough to drag a moan to escape from my lips.

I was bewitched.

Every crevice of my being wanted more of Killian, pleading for a peace that can only be granted by the pleasure he could give.

Carnal urges turned to carnal needs, and my needs were mandatory to become my carnal pleasure.

“Is this what you want?” he questioned, lips trailing hot against the side of my head before dipping down to leave a teasing bite on my earlobe.

His voice had become deeper and sultry, the sound of it lacing delicately around my desire that left a stronger ache between my legs, and all I wanted was for Killian to do something about it.

I couldn’t say anything, I was breathing hard and losing focus, and when I failed to give him the answer he needed, he pressed himself harder against me with an impatient grumble vibrating against his chest.

Killian held my head between his hands and allowed his eyes burn through me, trying to force out the answer from my quivering mouth.

“Is this what you want?” He gritted out.

My nature had surged close underneath my skin, and all of my worries had deteriorated, left only with a carnal hunger that was begging to be fulfilled.

“It’s what I need,” I said with a deepened voice that came more from the wolf within, and the answer alone spurred Killian on with his driven goal, his hands going down to settle on the back of my thighs to wrap my legs tightly around his waist and carry me with ease.

My skin was more flushed than ever, my needs exceeding to become unbearable, and I brought my face against his neck to run a tongue over his heated skin, tasting him as if he was my own personal meal.

A meal I was more than willing to devour.

I heard Killian release a trembled breath, almost losing his balance as his fingers sunk deeper into my legs, and he brought his nose down to my hair to breathe in my scent.

Killian placed me on the ground full of pillows and thick blankets in front of the fireplace, caging me in between his arms as he settled himself between my open legs, and I looked up to admire his sharp features that seemed to haunt my mind for a long time.

Killian’s eyes followed the movement of my hands, watching with great nonchalance as he allowed me to explore every contour of his body, and he would release a rush of air through his mouth whenever I touched a particular place that deemed his weakness.

He was a quivering mess under my hands, as if the sensation of them felt like pleasure beyond boundary.

But then I realized that he could have never experienced any form of pleasure, not when he spent his entire life stuck in a place where all he knew were pain and needles.

I was his first taste of euphoria.

I allowed myself to admire more of his sharp features as I had my palms planted on either side of his face before looking back at the eyes that could burn me alive,

The eyes that worshipped me completely.

I ran the pad of my thumb over his lower lip, only to lose my breath when he delicately kissed it with his eyes closing for a brief moment.

He was savoring everything.

I felt my throat tighten from an emotion I failed to decipher, and I grew overwhelmed from witnessing the tenderness in his gaze.

I lifted my head to kiss him again and bit his bottom lip when he suddenly gyrated his hips against me, the friction forcing me to pull back and release a whine that urged him to do it again.

I could feel him quivering against me, and I figured that he couldn’t hold himself up and hovering over me any longer.

Killian was grinding slow and hard, grunting everytime he made an upward thrust as he allowed me to feel all of him while he hit the place where I needed him the most.

I used my legs to force him beneath me, my finger hooking into the collar of his shirt as I buried my face into the crook of his neck, and I swiftly tore the material apart with a claw and felt his breath hitch against my ear.

My hands travelled down his torso, and I indulged myself in the sight of the harsh rise and fall of Killian’s chest, as the hard ridges of his stomach would shift to become more pronounced with every shallow intake of air.

His mouth went agape when I undid the button of his jeans, and I kept the movement of my fingers agonizingly slow as I slid down the zipper, his hips arching up in a greedy attempt to gain contact while I freed him from his confinements.

It wasn’t hard to tell Killian’s impatience, the growls leaving his throat was enough to serve as a warning, and he groaned when my hand went underneath his jeans to grip him with my hand.

The sound of Killian’s moans filled the silence of the room, creating more ache to settle within my core as I watched him begin to fall apart in my touch.

A disapproving sound was heard from Killian when my hand retreated from him, but I was quick to ease his frustration by leaning down and kissing his swollen lips.

But I suddenly pulled back with a growl forcing its way out of me, feeling the ever growing burn settled beneath my skin as my heat began to take turn for the worst.

The wild beneath me was becoming restless, failing to settle in the back of my mind as she tried to force her primal needs into my conscience.

Killian sensed my pain and sat up immediately, his gaze tender and thoughtful, and he placed both of his hands on my cheeks to catch my eyes.

“I need you, Killian,” I winced, eager for something more as I moved against him to emphasize my plea.

“I just don’t want you to do something you’ll soon regret,” Killian mumbled, nearly losing his voice at the very last word of his sentence when I repeated the same action.

“Please, Killian,” I pleaded, “I need you to make it go away. I can’t deal with it anymore, it’s killing me.”

He wore a hard look on his face, fingers digging into my thighs as a debate went on in his mind, and I gave him a kiss that was meant to divert him from his consuming emotion of uncertainty.

Our lips were molding.

Clothes tearing.

And feral desires surging.

We were lost in the mirage of our nature’s needs, unable to deny what we could give to each other and could only do so much as submit to it and allow it to carry us into oblivion.

I could feel the quick beating of Killian’s heart as I lined him up against me, my eyes dark with long suppressed hunger.

My canines were extended to their full length as the wolf within stood close beneath the surface of me. I trailed my nose against Killian’s clenched jaw, and with a long whiff of his scent, I lowered myself into him.

“Valerie,” Killian groaned, his claws digging into my skin as he couldn’t help but thrust up to try and drive himself deeper into me.

I stilled for a while to feel my walls gripping onto Killian’s impressive girth as I harbored a sensation that made me feel full and whole.

He kept his grip on my waist firm and unrelenting, his breaths turning into pants hitting on the skin of my shoulder as I started to move against him.

A moan went past my lips as Killian repeatedly hit the same particular place within me, his name rolling off of my tongue every once in a while.

My pace had increased to become desperate, chasing the inward itch that had been killing me for days as I listened to Killian release his own sound of pleasure.

Amidst my own daze while I moved to find my release, I froze when I felt the sudden tension of Killian’s muscles. Deep, sound growls were vibrating against his chest as he ran his lips along the side of my neck.

And the sudden scrape of teeth against my tender flesh forced me to suck in a breath, feeling his canines longer than most werewolves as it pressed threateningly hard on my skin.

“Killian,” I warned, but I knew he wasn’t in control anymore.

As if sensing my intentions to get away, he tightened his grip around me and settled a hand on my jaw to tilt my head to the side, further exposing my neck to make way for the damage of his teeth.

“Don’t do it,” I growled, and immediately regretted it when he snapped his teeth against my ear with deep rumbles of displeasure shaking me to the core.

“Do it and I’ll never forgive you,” I snarled, challenging him to do what he intended to do.

Killian’s jaw locked itself into place, his form trembling as he tried to fight an inward battle.

And when I thought he was going to let me go, I let out a cry and clawed on his back when his canines sunk into my flesh.

I could feel my soul unravel itself for him to witness the entirety of me, his name carving into my heart as he marked me as his very own.

He started to feel every emotiond that I had kept securely hidden from everyone else, and the exposure alone forced me to sob as he saw me for who I was.

My feelings.

My emotions.

And my past.

Everything that I had felt and experienced were for him to incorporate,

And as he placed his permanent mark on my body, I could feel his tears meeting the skin of my shoulder.

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