Sirene (Wattys 2014 Entrant)

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

“Dr. Wilkens,” Stephanie stammered, hating the fact that her face was turning a deep red. “What is it with me bumping into you?”

“It’s a small world, Miss Alberna, especially down here. There aren’t that many people walking around. Are you on your way out?”


“So am I, allow me to walk you.”

“Thank you.” Miss Alberna took the arm Dr. Wilkens offered her.

“So, what did you think of Chandler?”

“Mmmm,” Stephanie tried to formulate her thoughts into words. “I don’t know what to think of him!”

Dr. Wilkens chuckled.

“I mean, at first glance you wonder what on earth got him down here in the first place. He is neat and clean, even handsome I’d say. All manners and charm, he’s not what I imagined smugglers to look like. I’d never have even guessed he was a sailor. And yet…yet…there is something extremely annoying about him. It’s like he’s a bad man, who knows he’s a bad man and what’s more, he’s proud of being a bad man.”

Dr. Wilkens laughed. “You’ve hit upon the very core of Chandler. He admits he’s not the good law abiding citizen and he feels he has every right not to be one.”

“Is anything known about his past?”

“Nothing whatsoever. It would seem he has somehow destroyed whatever past he may have had. The only person who can truly say what he is and where he came from would be Chandler himself, and he is not the sort of person to tell anything things to people.”

“I don’t know what to do about Oceana and her constantly going over to visit him. It’s not good for her.”

Dr. Wilkens only shrugged. “If you feel it should be put to an end, you must do it gradually, or you will wound the child for the rest of her life. Let her slowly get used to the idea that Chandler is not a good influence on her. Drastic measures will have drastic results.”

Stephanie grew thoughtful for a moment; she hadn’t seen it in that light before. This would take some planning on her part.

“Tell me about yourself, Dr. Wilkens, how is it that you know Chandler so well?”

“I’m the prison doctor and it’s my duty to know about the inmates.”

“But being a doctor doesn’t that mean most of your time is spent with the sick inmates?”

“Yes, but I have been keeping an eye on Chandler for the past couple weeks.”

“Is something the matter with him?”

“I don’t know. Something doesn’t seem to be quite right, but I can’t place my finger on it, so I make sure to monitor his health just in case.”

“Probably something he picked up from his notorious lifestyle.” Stephanie couldn’t help from saying.

“Actually Miss Alberna, as far as inmates go, Chandler isn’t that bad. Oh to be sure, he’s a lawbreaker but he’s not a violent man. He breaks the law in a 'noble Chandler way' as he once put it . Now, I am not defending the man neither do I agree with the form of life he has chosen. I am merely pointing out that there are more aggressive and notorious men in Newgate prison.”

“I suppose you would know, seeing as you deal with those prisoners on a daily basis. I have to admit, Dr. Wilkens, you have chosen a very unique way to practice your profession. May I ask what led you to it?”

“A verse in the Bible actually. Matthew I believe it is, somewhere in the 25th Chapter Christ says "For I prison, and ye came unto me...Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Those words really struck me. Being a doctor is something I have wanted to be my whole life, and at first I thought to be a missionary doctor in a foreign land. However, I often found myself musing over the plight of the inmates. Just about everyone is ashamed of the men inside those walls. I thought, these people are truly 'the least of these'. They need doctors just as much as anyone does, and it occurred to me, if I could heal these men’s bodies and try at the same time to help their souls, that would be just as good as going to some far forgotten land. It’s not really where you are, but what you do that counts, and I am just as much a missionary to the inmates as I would be to some natives.”

“I hope you don’t mind me asking this, Dr. Wilkens, but do you honestly think the inmates appreciate all you do for them? Many of them are hardened criminals, and if they were to get out of the prison and meet you in the streets, wouldn't they simply turn against you.”

“Granted on a larger scale most of them don’t appreciate me and even less appreciate the fact that I try to convert them. Perhaps out of a hundred of the inmates one will turn to Christ.”

“Then why do it if you don’t get very many results?”

“Miss Alberna, one inmate saved is one inmate saved. Each and every soul is precious to God, and if I toil in that prison my whole life and only manage to convert one inmate, I would not have traded one second. My goal is to show every prisoner how God still cares for them and wants them to come to Him. What they to do with this knowledge is of course their choice alone. I can’t force them to take God, but I can at least do my best to have them find out about Him.

Stephanie gazed at Dr. Wilkens with admiration. “Dr. Wilkens, you are a very noble man. All of us just see a ragged set of lawbreakers and criminals who don’t deserve better than what they get, while you see broken souls in desperate need of a Savior. I don’t know how you manage to see them that way, but it is truly admirable.”

“It’s simple, Miss Alberna, I try to view them as my Savior would.” Dr. Wilkens smiled.

The chiming of the clock made Stephanie jump a little. “Oh dear, I've completely lost track of the time. Mother will be all worried as to why I have been gone so long. I didn’t tell her I was here. Where are we exactly?” Stephanie gazed at the unfamiliar surroundings.

“We’ve just been walking down the street.” Dr. Wilkens laughed with amusement. “Do not fear, Miss Alberna, I’ll fetch a cab to take you home.” He hailed for a cab to stop and helped Stephanie to get in. “It was pleasant talking to you Miss Alberna, good evening.”

“The pleasure was all mine, Dr. Wilkens, thank you for taking the time to explain Chandler and yourself to me. I truly enjoyed our conversation.” Stephanie said.

The driver drew the reigns and the cab rode off in the direction of Stephanie’s home.


“Miss Alberna, I understand you wish to help Oceana, but I really do not think this is going to do the trick. Prisons are no place for little girls.”

Stephanie strove to remain calm; arguing with Miss Morgan was like arguing with a stone wall.  “You have every right to be concerned, Miss Morgan, but allow me to explain. I strongly believe we will be able to put Oceana’s constant running away to a stop if at first we try to at least get it under control. We’ve tried forbidding her to go to the prison, but that didn’t work. No matter what we do she manages to find ways to get out of here and into there. If we were to regulate her comings and goings, it would put her sneaking away to a stop. For example, let us sat once a week we allow her to visit Chandler in the prison. As she gets more and more settled down and learns to follow rules, we cut it down to once every two weeks. We keep molding her to live a proper and morally upright form of life style and slowly we will cut the time she can go and visit and then at last put it to a complete halt. With time and a proper upbringing, I believe she will understand on her own that Chandler and his friend are not a good influence in her life. At any rate, Miss Morgan, it is worth a try. If we just chain her to a wall and force her to stay within the asylum, it may force her to do something unexpected which in turn will bring unwanted consequences for her and us. Drastic measures will have drastic results.”

“You may have point there, Miss Alberna.” Miss Morgan found herself relenting. “I will give what you have said some serious thought. However, if we were to regulate her going there, someone would have to take her. I can’t ask any of the staff to be burdened with it; they have enough to do as it is.”

“I will take her.”

“Miss Alberna…”

“Please, Miss Morgan, I am a grown woman. I want to help Oceana, and if this is the only way to do it, then I will do it. I already been there several times and I am not afraid.”

“Does your mother know about your plans?”

“Not yet. I plan to tell her of course, but it's not like I need her permission. I will be twenty two in three weeks and I am fully capable of taking my own life into my own hands.”

With those words Stephanie smiled, shook hands with Miss Morgan and feeling very pleased with herself walked out of the orphanage. Only one unpleasant task left, present her mother with the facts, and face whatever storm would follow.


“Only for one hour, Oceana, one hour on Saturdays, no more, is that clear?”

“Is it ever.” Oceana was too thrilled with the news to bother being unhappy with such a limited time slot. “Oh, Miss Morgan, this is so wonderful, I could fly,”

“No thank you, you’re enough trouble as it is without flying.” Miss Morgan crisply stated. “Off to your dorm now, it is nearing bed time.”

“Yes ma’am.” Oceana floated off.

“Good news?” Beth asked, noticing Oceana’s obvious euphoria.

“Yup. Miss Morgan said that in an effort to get things under control, she will allow me one hour every Saturday to visit Chandler. Stephanie will take me there and bring me back.”

“Who on earth managed to convince Miss Morgan…”

“Stephanie of course. That girl can do anything! She is the sweetest, dearest creature ever. It’s such a pity her mother is so horrid; hardly deserving of such an angelic daughter.”

“Oceana!” Beth frowned.

“I’m sorry Beth, I know it is wicked of me to say so, but I couldn’t help myself. Mrs. Alberna is constantly telling Stephanie that she is not pretty and that she will never catch a husband. Stephanie is pretty! It’s like Chandler once said, tell her she’s beautiful and she will be beautiful. But if her mother keeps telling her she’s ugly, naturally she’ll be ugly. Beth, I’ve got to somehow prove to Stephanie that she is the most beautiful creature in the world, and in time, the right man will give everything to have her as his own. I’m just not sure how to go about it. Will you help me plan?”

“You want to match make Miss Alberna?”

“No…not yet at any rate, I just want to somehow show her just how pretty she actually is. After all, man may look on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart, and of all the people in the world, Stephanie's heart is the most beautiful. Ten times prettier than mine; half of my heart is black as night”

“Black as night?”

“Yes. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, seeing as I’m half mermaid.”

“Oceana, really.”

“I’m serious, Beth.”

“You’re always ‘serious’ when it comes to this." Beth shook her head. "And anyway, even if you heart is partly ‘black as night’ I’m sure with a little effort, you can change it.”

“Not on my own, I can’t.” Oceana shook her head.

“But God can, can’t He? God can do anything, Oceana, and He can make your heart completely pure.”

The lights were turned out and the girls stopped talking, but Oceana pondered what little Beth had told her long into the night.


Did I mention how much I like Dr. Wilkens? :) Strange enough, he's a character that wasn't in the original idea of this story, but came appeared a little later, when I was actually writing it down. Now I can't imagine how this story would move along without him :)

votes and comments are greatly appreciated :)

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