Sirene (Wattys 2014 Entrant)

Chapter 12

Nadia, I'm dedicating this chapter to you with much love. Thanks for being such a wonerful fan, and thanks for voting for my stories :) It really means so much to me :)


Chapter 12

Stephanie knew what she was about to do was extremely bold. Her mother would never approve. In fact her mother would be horrified. Everyone she knew, from family to friends, would call her reckless and foolish; downright stupid perhaps. This was the reason she didn’t tell anyone of her errand. While her mother and Miss Patterson had been engaged with the rest of the Lady’s Aid, Stephanie took the opportunity to slip out of the house. Now she stood in front of Newgate Prison, wondering if perhaps it was beyond reason to go inside. True, she had met the warden and a few of the guards on her last visit here, but what would she say once she got inside? Stephanie was not really one for conversations, the only time she allowed herself to really come out of her shell was during her visits with Oceana

“Come on, Stephanie, it is either go in or go away, you can’t stand here like a fool.” Stephanie told herself. “Oh Lord, I don’t want to just go in there alone. Last time there was a reason to go; now I’m just walking in requesting to see a prisoner. Please, if You could grant me a little help, I could really use it."

“Miss Alberna.”

Stephanie turned, instantly recognizing the voice. “Dr. Wilkens, what a surprise.”

“To be honest, Miss Alberna, the surprise is all mine. You should expect to see me walking in and out of here on a daily basis. But what could you be doing here? Did Oceana run away again?”


“Oh, so…” Dr. Wilken’s voice trailed off and he looked at Stephanie expectantly.

“Uh,” Stephanie looked down, feeling very foolish, yet at the same time extremely thankful her prayer had been answered with such speed. If anyone could get her to see Chandler, surely it was Dr. Wilkens.

“Dr. Wilkens, I came here with the express purpose of seeing Chandler.”

“My, it seems he has gotten popular these days.”

Stephanie allowed herself to laugh, “I need to talk to him about something. Only, I’m not quite sure how to go about it, I’ve never visited inmates before.”

Now it was Dr. Wilkens’ turn to laugh. “I suppose we are lucky we bumped into each other. Come, I’m sure it can all be arranged. Chandler has been a very good prisoner so far, so I don’t think the warden will have anything against him having yet another visitor.”


“Chandler, someone to see you.” The warden called. “Come with me if you will.”

Chandler lifted both eyebrows in surprise. The only two people in the world who could come and visit him were Callum and Oceana, and both of them were let into the cell.

“Come on,” the warden barked, annoyed at Chandler’s slowness. “We don’t have all day. What is it with you and visitors anyway?”

Chandler silently followed the warden down a corridor and into a little cell like room.

“Mind your manners, I can see and hear everything you’ll be doing.” The guard at the entrance stated in a cold voice. Chandler glanced through the bared door and raised his eyebrows when he saw a young lady sitting nervously on a low bench. The warden let him in and closed the door behind him. The girl stood as soon as he entered. From what he could tell, she couldn’t be older than twenty, dressed modestly and in a color that did not match her eyes. Still, there was something pleasant in her nervous and shy expression. Chandler smiled at this fortunate twist of fate. Putting on a charming smile Chandler motioned for her to sit down while he seated himself on the bench opposite hers.

“I don’t believe we’ve met before.” He said once they both were seated.

She shook her head. “No, we haven’t. Mr.?”

“I answer to the name of Chandler, ma’am, and that is what you may call me.”

“Chandler,” she started again, obviously uncomfortable at being on first names. “My name is Miss Stephanie Alberna and I am a friend of Oceana's.

“Ah, so you are Stephanie.” Chandler’s eyes lit up. “Yes, I remember she mentioned you on several occasions. You know, she never did say just how beautiful you are.”

Despite herself, Stephanie blushed. Did he just call her beautiful? Never in her life had Stephanie been called attractive, much less beautiful. Not knowing how to react, Stephanie decided to brush away the unexpected compliment and took a moment to study the man.

He was in his early forties by the look of him, but seemed very well preserved. This struck Stephanie as strange, considering from what she had heard of Chandler, he had been a seafaring man and no doubt had often been exposed to the elements. He carried himself with an air of fine breeding, even his long hair, pulled neatly back in a ponytail, gave him a noble and refined appearance. He was clean and shaven, which was odd, considering he had spent nearly two months in prison. All together, the man did not strike her as what a smuggler was supposed to look like.

“Sir, I have come here because Oceana has been talking a great deal about you and I wanted to see you for myself.”

“And?” Chandler’s eyes twinkled, “I don’t strike you as the ‘criminal’ do I?”

Stephanie felt very awkward. “To be honest, sir, I imagined you a little differently.”

“I do hope you have been pleasantly surprised.” He cocked his head a little to the side while a slight smile played on his lips.

“I, uh, well,” Stephanie was taken back. “That is not the point sir. I haven’t come here to tell you what I think about you.”

“You haven’t? What a pity. I was just getting morally prepared.”

He was quite the charmer; even Stephanie had to admit it.

“No, I have not; perhaps some other time. I’ve come here out of concern for Oceana.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes. You are aware that Oceana has been running away from the orphan asylum to come and visit you?”

“I am.”

“And you are aware that she has been getting into a lot of trouble for it?”

“Yes, I am aware of that too. But I’m afraid I can’t do anything about it.”

“You could encourage her not to come here.”

“And why, may I ask, would I do that?”

“To keep her out of trouble. It would be for her own good if she were to stay away from this, this dreadful place.”

Chandler leaned forward a little. “Miss Alberna, I understand you come here out of concern for Oceana and for that you have my respect. However, I raised that little girl. I taught her everything she knows, from the very start I was there with her. Don’t you think it natural that I should want to see her?”

“I sympathize with you, sir, but don’t you understand what a bad influence you are having on her?”

“Bad influence?” Chandler was genuinely surprised. “I never once thought I was a bad influence on her.”

“Never knew…never knew you had a bad influence on her?” It was Stephanie’s turn to be surprised. “Surely you are aware that whenever anyone asks Oceana about her parents she replies her father was a sailor, her mother was a mermaid and she was pulled out of a boat in the sea when just a baby. How’s that for a tall, wild tale?”

“Who do you think pulled her out?” Chandler replied, holding Stephanie’s gaze. “These hands, Miss Alberna, are the hands that scooped her out of that boat. I will admit, it was Callum who actually spotted the boat, but I am the one who went down there and got her out of it. It was with these hands that I saved her from certain death. Now, don’t you think, that after all these years of raising the little girl I would have some sort of claim on her?”

Stephanie was thoughtful for a few moments. “I’m guessing then it was you who told her that she was half mermaid?”

“You have heard the child sing, have you not? All of heaven freezes when she puts her voice to song. Her eyes, her features, her hair (before some fool cut it), her features are just unearthly. The child has a mind brighter than any her age, and even though her skin is very white, she does not tan easily. Now, can you tell me that she isn’t half mermaid?”

“Sir, I don’t know where you get all these wild ideas from but I think I’m beginning to understand why Oceana behaves the way she does. I’m afraid I don’t understand you at all, but what I do understand is that Miss Morgan is very unhappy with the way Oceana behaves and even more unhappy with the fact that she is constantly running away. I repeat, for the well being of the child, you must encourage her not to come here. If she will listen to anyone, she will certainly listen to you.”

“Don’t underestimate Oceana, that girl is more stubborn than you think. Just because I tell her to do something doesn’t mean she’s not going to do it. I know you don’t think me a good man and in fact I never claimed to be one. Now, I do not consider myself any worse than the man down the street, but I guess I’m just more open about my 'bad side'. I may not be what you or Miss Morgan would consider a good influence on the child, but once again, that is none of my concern. This may surprise you, Miss Alberna, but even bad men know how to love, and I will not hide the fact that I love that little girl. This may sound selfish to you, but I want to see her and I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t. I like to know that she is okay and that she is happy. Sure I may not be a role model in your eyes but that doesn’t mean I should be deprived of someone I love. And I love few people in this world. Oceana and myself may not be related by blood, but she is more my child than any flesh and daughter could be. I don’t want to be rude, Miss Alberna, but as of yet, I don’t see a good enough argument as to why she should be kept away from me.”

Stephanie could see that this wasn’t going anywhere. He had to be the strangest man she ever met. He just oozed the annoying philosophy Oceana was all wrapped up in. It was as though he didn’t care two pence for what people thought of him, or what they told him, he was just going to go on being what he was as long as he like.

This would all be harder than she thought.

"Thank you for your time, Chandler. I can't say I understand you any better than I first came, but I am beginning to get a clearer picture of just how Oceana's brain works."

"Don't thank me for my time, if there is one thing I have here, it is more than enough time. I was very pleased to meet you. It is not often one sees such a beautiful face in these foul walls."

Stephanie had already risen and turned to leave, but stopped short. "It is the second time you have called me that, sir."

"Called you what?"


"And you take it offensively?"

"No, no, it's just I'm not sure why you do it."

"Perhaps it is because you are."

"Sir, I don't know if you are trying to mock me or just shower me with vain flattery out of amusement, but if there is one thing I am not, it is beautiful. I am reminded of the fact every day I look in the mirror."

"Then I strongly suggest, Miss Alberna, that you find a different mirror, because it is obvious your current one is telling lies. Tell me, who decides who is beautiful you, or the mirror?" He gave her another charming smile and a wink.

Stephanie, who was now feeling very awkward, forced a smile and mumbled a 'good morning' before hurrying out of the cell door the guard had opened for her. Her cheeks were a little hot from everything Chandler had just said, and they leapt into flames when she walked straight into Dr. Wilkens, who asked with a smile on his face.

"So, Miss Alberna, how did the meeting go?"

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