Sinful Crown: A Forbidden Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 3)

Sinful Crown: Chapter 16

“Cheer up, Mila. You’re acting as if I’ve stolen your summer. You’ll be leaving soon enough.” Catherine takes a sip of her mimosa, which is mostly champagne, and definitely not something she should drink while pregnant. So much for her making mocktails.

“Should you be drinking that?” I’m raising a brow, thinking that can’t be good for the baby.

“French women drink all throughout their pregnancy, Mila. I’m not over here getting drunk. It’s just one little glass. And honestly, most girls your age wouldn’t be concerned with what their mother does. They’d be jumping for joy, getting to vacation in South Beach on their daddy’s dime.”

Truth is, I’ve been in a sour mood since my last encounter with Jason, and her shoving her relationship with him isn’t making it any better.

“He isn’t my father.” I glare at her, wishing more than anything that he really was my special kind of daddy. But he’s not. “He’s your soon to be husband, mother. And I know why you brought me here. It isn’t so I could have an awesome summer. It’s so you can parade your maternal instincts around him, suckering him into putting a ring on it.”

Catherine brings her hand to her chest, acting wounded when I know she’s anything but. “It hurts that you think so poorly of me, Mila, but I like the way you think. I don’t have a ring yet, but I’m working on it. And would having a new parental figure be such a bad thing? He’s already taken with you, accepting you into his fold and calling you baby girl.

She’s raising a brow at me, begging me to dispute the fact. I know he’s called me that plenty, but when was it said around her?

Needing to shift the focus, I steer the conversation back to the topic at hand. “It’s a bad thing when the only reason you’re marrying him is so your financial support doesn’t run dry like the child support with my father just did.” I take a sip of my orange juice, wishing that it had a little booze in it to soothe the sting of reality.

The more I’ve thought and reflected, the clearer it became. It may have taken me years to figure out, but I now understand.

Mom never really wanted me. I was a means to an end. A child to secure the funds she needed in life. And I know it’s the same for the baby she squeezed out of my soon to be stepdaddy’s cock.

Unbiddenly, Jason’s toned body comes to mind, imagining him in the throes of passion, about to fill a pussy with his seed.

I quickly shut my eyes. These are not the type of thoughts a girl should be having of her soon to be stepfather. Her very handsome and sexy stepfather.

Stop it, Mila. I clench my thighs together, hoping the friction will ease my throbbing core, but that only makes it worse. Jesus. Maybe I should excuse myself and go take care of this. Lord knows I’ll just embarrass myself, drooling all over the table as soon as Jason walks in, because my lady bits don’t listen to logic.

I’m still reeling from our last exchange, something that never should have happened, but I’m not regretting for as long as I live.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that we aren’t meant to be. And even though he was selfless in offering me the two million, expecting nothing in return, I just can’t tell him what he wants to hear. Even with us admitting that we have feelings for each other, I know nothing will ever come of it. He has his virtue and I have the knowledge that growing up without a father’s presence is hard—something I would never wish on the little peanut.

It is what it is, but expecting me to become a nun in exchange for his empty words is just another gilded cage. One I’d rather die without than live in.

No. I promised myself I would do this for me, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. Just like he’s given his word to my mother, upholding whatever sense of duty he deems necessary, I have to do the same for myself.

He’ll be busy making a life with Catherine, and I need to have the freedom to escape that whenever I want. I won’t be able to do that if I’m relying on my mother’s lover for support.

“Ugh. What’s taking him so damn long? He knows how I hate to wait on breakfast. Even with my morning sickness, I get crabby when I don’t eat.”

“Is that the only time?” I mumble under my breath.

“Why don’t you go see what’s taking him so long? This view is just too good to pass up.” She motions toward the ocean just over the balcony’s edge but keeps her eyes on the guy cleaning out the rooftop pool.

Sure,” I huff, getting up from my chair.

I haven’t talked to Jason since last night, and to say that things are strained would be putting it mildly. I’m definitely dreading this next encounter without the buffer that Catherine provides.

Walking back into the home, I let my thoughts drift back to the first time I laid eyes on him.

Thick head of hair paired with the most intense hazel eyes I’ve ever seen. He was wearing a white linen button up, with the top buttons undone, exposing his tanned muscular chest beneath.

Instantly, my mouth went dry and I was at a loss for words—only to be interrupted by the horror my mother bestowed upon me with her introduction. I’d been drooling over her man.

Rolling my eyes at the memory, I trudge inside and stop only once I’m in front of the master suite. The door is cracked open and I can see that Jason is still sleeping. Still sleeping and fully hard.

He’s on his back, only a thin sheet covering his body with his member standing proud, tenting the fabric around him.

Fuck. He’s big. My pussy clenches at the thought. I’ve never been with a man before and the thought of something that big going inside of me both thrills me and scares me all at once.

Unsure of what to do, I lift my hand to the wood frame and knock. Surely, this will wake him up.

He kicks his feet at the sound, throwing the sheet to the ground but remaining asleep.

Damn it. What now…

I try to avert my gaze, but I can’t help it. Even though his body isn’t mine, I still have eyes. And damn, he’s just so big and so beautiful. Sure, I saw his tip the other day, but that in no way prepared me for this.

Even from this distance, I can tell his cock is regal. It sticks straight up, the thick member bobbing as if waving me closer—and I oblige, curiosity and lust getting the best of me.

I’ve already racked up the sins when it comes to this man. What’s one more? It’s not like my mother deserves him.

I’m at the foot of the bed when his hand reaches down, squeezing the object of my rapt attention. He slowly strokes himself up and down, mumbling to himself, “Just put it in your mouth once. Fucking once,” he growls, his eyes still closed.

My stomach flutters and rolls. Does my mother not give it attention?

Something Armando said earlier comes to mind. He hasn’t shared a bed with her since her arrival in Florida.

Wow. Does that mean it’s been a while since he’s had a woman suck him off?

Driven by lust induced insanity, I find myself crawling onto the bed on all fours, inching closer to his needy dick.

My face is mere inches away when I see the tiny bead of liquid forming at the head of his cock, crying out for attention. Without thinking, my tongue pokes out, licking the salty pearl away and moaning at the way it tastes in my mouth.

A mixture of shame and pleasure washes over me as I relish knowing his very forbidden flavor. This is wrong. So very wrong. We said as much yesterday, and I’ve already stepped way over the line.

I’m about to pull away when Jason’s big hand reaches out, his thick fingers lacing behind my head and gripping onto my hair.

“That’s right, baby. Suck Daddy off.” He’s gripping my head tight, so I can’t move, but I fling my eyes up to his and see that they’re still closed. Is he dreaming? Does he know it’s me he’s asking for?

His hand pushes my head closer to his throbbing member and I have no choice but to comply or run… so I comply.

The fat bulb of his cock hits my lips and it’s all I can do not to moan. Who am I kidding? I know I want to taste him again. Just this once.

Opening my mouth as wide as I can, I take him all in. He’s so big I have to use my hands to work the base of his shaft as I suck and swirl from his tip and back down. He tastes so good. His skin is velvety soft, so at odds with the hardness underneath.

I must be doing something right because Jason’s breathing grows ragged as grunts emanate from deep within his chest and the grip on my hair gets tighter, his hand pushing and pulling my head against him so hard I’m gagging.

That’s when it happens. The sound wakes him from his dream, a smile spreading across his lips as his eyes begin to open.

“You suck Daddy so good, baby. I knew—” His words die on his delicious mouth as soon as he sees this is real life—that it’s really me bobbing up and down his big rod.

Jason’s eyes turn feral, but to my surprise, he doesn’t stop me. His hand remains gripped onto my hair, his amber eyes flaring with something unknown.

I watch his jaw clench as he continues to push me up and pull me out, over and over again. Our eyes locked on one another, never looking away.

Feeling emboldened. I cup his balls with my hand, massaging them as I continue to suck and lick.

“Fuuuuck.” He throws his head back and moans, my eyes traveling up his chiseled body and up to the vein throbbing on his neck.

He looks so good. I feel myself drooling even more than I already am.

Like a magnet, his eyes lock back onto mine, seeing the appreciation in them. As if in response, his dick pulses in my mouth, making me hum with pleasure. I feel myself getting wetter, turned on by the fact that I make his body come to life like this.

He likes it. Likes what I’m doing to him. Something apparently only I’m giving him.

“Naughty little girl.” Both hands grip my head as he holds it still, his body going rigid as a darkness clouds his honey-colored eyes. “You wanted Daddy’s cock? You’re getting Daddy’s cock.” He grits out before pumping up into my mouth, thrusting hard and fast before unloading his seed.

Hot spurts of cum flood my mouth as he growls, our eyes locked on one another, daring the other to look away.

His taste is heady, making me willingly swallow. God, I could do this forever. Watching him come at my hand is intoxicating. Knowing that I, Mila Kournikova, can make this beast of a man fall apart, is a drug all its own.

Grabbing the base of his cock, I lap up the last of his cum, licking it like it was the most delicious popsicle in the world. And damn, it definitely is.

“Mila.” His gravelly voice comes out strained, and that’s when the reality of what I just did hits me. My future stepdaddy’s dick is in my hand, the taste of his cum still in my mouth.

My eyes flash from his member up to his eyes and then back down. Oh my god. What have I done?!

Yes, he’s yet to marry my mother, but that’s semantics. This was still wrong. So wrong.

Panic fills me, knowing my mother could’ve walked in at any point during my blow job on her man and my stomach rolls. I think I’m about to puke.

Scurrying off the bed, I don’t look back. I can’t.

“Mila!” Jason growls and I hear the rustling of bed linens, but I’m not sticking around to find out.

Rushing into the hallway, I run past one of the men I’d seen on the property before—security—and beeline it straight to my room, shutting the door behind me and sliding down the backside until my ass is flat on the floor. God, they could’ve seen me too!

Of all the dumb shit I’ve ever done, I think this has got to be the worst. Jason has made it more than obvious where we stand, and I’ve yet to secure another bidder or book my flight back home. What the fuck am I going to do now?

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