Sinful Crown: A Forbidden Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 3)

Sinful Crown: Chapter 15

“Seriously, Mila. I don’t even know why I asked you to come here. All you do is mope around all day, and if I knew any better, I’d say it was almost as if you were pining after someone.” Catherine throws me side-eye as Armando drives us from the Cafe we just had our working dinner at.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mother. I do everything you ask of me.” My gaze falls on Armando and I see he’s staring at Catherine as we come to a red light, and it isn’t exactly a friendly stare.

“I’m talking about you spacing out during my client call this morning. I needed you to bring me my files full of the options I’d pulled, but you were off in la la land.”

It’s true. I was. Tonight is the bid cutoff and I’d been wondering if Jason would be back in time. I’ve yet to decline his offer, making him the winner when the clock strikes down. I know I’m fucking myself over because I won’t accept his money, but I just can’t bring myself to reject him. My stupid heart won’t let me, and don’t even ask me when she got involved, but she’s fully invested in Mr. Jason Crown.

“Well, I have a lot to plan. I’ll be leaving soon and I need to make sure I have everything ready. I’m sorry if I was a little preoccupied. It won’t happen again.”

“Yes. It’s probably best if you leave soon, anyway.” She’s checking her lipstick in a compact as awkward silence descends in the SUV. I’m thinking she’s going to leave well enough alone, but with the snap of her cosmetic, she makes her resentment of me that much clearer. “But since bringing you here was a mistake, the least you can do is help me find your replacement before you leave.”

A lump forms in my throat at the thought of leaving. Not because I’ll miss her, but because I won’t get to see Jason anymore. As much as I’d hate to admit it, these past eight days have been sheer torture, and my mother was right. I was pining after someone. Her someone.

“Sure. I can help you with that.” Even though I’d rather shave my head and eat nothing but lettuce for the rest of my life.

The SUV slows to a roll in front of the house and as soon as it comes to a full stop, I bust out yelling behind me. “I’ll start on that tomorrow. Heading to my room now.”

I’m about to open the front door when Armando comes at me from the side, pinning me to the floor as he speaks into his earpiece. “Cover Big Momma and secure the perimeter.”

Big Momma? Is that Catherine? Oh, she won’t like that one bit.

I’m snickering beneath Mando, about to ask him what my code name is, when he shoots me a lethal glare and it finally dawns on me, he really thinks we’re in danger.

My brows furrow. “Armando?” I’m whispering, wondering if there’s someone inside the house. Is that why he didn’t let me go inside?

He doesn’t answer, simply presses a finger to his ear and responds to whoever is on the other side of the line. “You better make sure it’s clear, because if it isn’t, Mr. Crown will have your ass.”

Shit. He does think someone was inside.

Where’s Catherine? The baby!

My head flings to the side trying to find my mother, but I see nothing. Pressing my palms to Armando’s chest, I push with everything I have. “Catherine. I have to go to her. She isn’t good in these types of situations.”

“No can do, miss. One of the other men has her. She’s fine, but my orders were to keep you safe. No matter the cost.

Wow. His words hit deep. I’m left blinking up at him in disbelief.

Jason asked the head of his security to guard me. To keep me safe instead of his baby momma, putting my safety above hers, and I just don’t know how I feel about that.

Before I can further process this, the front door is flinging open and one of the other men I’d seen on the property before comes walking through.

“All clear, sir.” He’s directing his words at Armando, the massive beast of a man finally lifting off of me and letting me breathe freely as he extends a hand, lifting me so effortlessly.

“Okay. I’ll need a full debriefing, but before we do, we need to take the ladies to the penthouse. Make sure they sweep the house for anything the intruder could have left behind.”

“Penthouse?” Of course my mother’s ears would perk at that.

“Yes. One of Mr. Crown’s properties. It’s heavily guarded and uncompromised, unlike his beachfront residence.”

Mother is nodding, her eyes growing as big as saucers. I know what she’s seeing. Dollar signs and how much she’ll have as soon as she and Jason are married.

My stomach turns and I want to vomit. Needing a distraction, I focus on the situation at hand. “Armando, who do you think broke in? Did they take anything?”

“We don’t know that yet, but we have our suspicions. For now, we need to get you somewhere safe.” He’s talking as he’s ushering me back to the blacked-out Escalade, but my mind is still back with the intruder.

“Is there anything I can do to help? I’m pretty good at digging up dirt when I put my mind to it.”

Armando lets out a hearty chuckle. “Thank you, but we’ve got it. Although I don’t doubt your skills for one second, Miss.”

“Mila. I’ve told you over a million times.” I’m looking right at him when I say this, so I catch the glance he gives my mother before he answers.

“I understand, Miss. But I’ve been instructed not to.”

Oh, hell no. That glance he just gave my mother says it all. “Really, Catherine? Not only do you require me to act all prim and proper, but now you’re asking Jason’s team to do your bidding as well?”

She rolls her eyes as she slides in next to me while Armando circles the car. “Don’t look at me, sweet child. That was all Jason’s doing.”

My face instantly flushes with heat—a mixture of embarrassment, betrayal, and rage washing over me. “What? Is that true Armando?”

He closes the door and starts the car but doesn’t respond.

“Answer me, Armando. I thought we were friends.” My voice cracks, and I’m unsure if it’s from the hurt of his refusal to talk to me, or from the fact that Jason is controlling the situation from however many miles away.

As the car moves and not a word has been uttered by Armando, I know pushing him will be futile. At least in front of my mother. She obviously knew something had been discussed between my former friend and soon-to-be stepdaddy. That alone is telling, and I wonder if she had anything to do with prompting this change in protocol.

Whatever it was, I intend on getting to the bottom of it. I haven’t let my mother control my life since I was thirteen and I’m not about to let a man do it either.


“Where is she?” I’m ripping through the penthouse elevator like a bat out of hell and Armando is the first face I see. Perfect. He can lead me to her. And yes, the look in his eyes tells me I don’t need to elaborate on who the she is.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t go to her right now.” He’s staring at me with contempt. Something I’ve never seen from my right-hand man before.

“Oh? And why is that?” I’m downright glaring at him, demanding answers with my tone and posture as both arms cross over my chest.

“She’s upset with you.” He raises a brow as if I should know exactly what he’s talking about.

“What? Is it the car?” I’d ordered her a G-wagon for her to take to school in the Fall, and I figured she’d be a little upset, but to be so bothered that she isn’t talking to me is absolutely ridiculous.

“No, Jace. It’s not the car. She hasn’t even seen it yet because of everything that went down at the house.”

“Well then, what is it?” I’m getting irritated with Armando, needing him to spit whatever it is out already.

“She’s upset because of your direct orders for me to respect professional boundaries with her.” He’s staring at me blankly, but I see the smirk starting at the corner of his mouth.

I roll my eyes. “You’re here to protect her, not to be her friend. Getting close to her will only cloud your judgment, and I need you to be as sharp as possible when it comes to her.”

Everything I’m saying isn’t a lie. I want her protected at all costs, but I’m not going to add in the fact that jealousy might have played a minor role in that request, and by the smile on Armando’s face, I bet he knows it already.

“And speaking of safety, I need you to tell me everything you have, and if you’ve contacted the men of WRATH securities. They have a bigger database to work with and can help us narrow down our search for the perp.”

“Yes, sir. They’ve been notified and are already working on tracing his features against their network. There were no distinct markings that would identify him as cartel.”

“What the fuck?” My brows push together and I’m at a loss.

“I know. But don’t worry. We’ll get to the bottom of it.”

I tap Armando on the back. “Of that, I have no doubt. In the meantime, I’m going to check on Mila.”

“It’s your funeral,” Armando mumbles under his breath, and I know he intended me to hear, but I don’t give a fuck. It feels like ages since I’ve had my fix of caramel skin and I won’t let her soured mood stop me.

Stepping through the modern space, I’m taking long strides and practically speed walking all the way to the room next to mine. I’d instructed the men to place her there, not that she’s in any danger while here—it’s a venerable Fort Knox. I just wanted her as close as possible without actually having her in my bed.

Unfortunately, visions of me slipping into bed and having a willing and waiting Mila has my cock standing at attention—not something I want happening right before I see the girl in question.

I count to ten and will my dick to stand down, finally knocking when it’s at half mast. Hey. It’s better than it was ten seconds ago. That shit would’ve scared her.

There’s a shuffling behind the door and then I hear it. The sweetest voice to grace this earth.

“Coming.” Mila pulls open the tall door and reveals her slight frame clad in nothing but a silk nude-colored robe. Well, there goes my half-mast. It stood no chance with her standing before me looking like a fucking goddess.

As soon as I’ve finished perusing her body, my eyes land back on hers and she isn’t amused.

Jason.” My name comes out of her lips sounding like an accusation, but I’m not deterred.

Taking liberties that aren’t mine to have, I step around the door and into her room, putting my body right next to hers.

“Mila. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. This afternoon was eventful, but I promise you you’re safe now.”

Her eyes narrow further, if that’s even possible. “I’m just peachy. Just ask your head of security. Oh, that’s right. He wouldn’t know because he isn’t allowed to talk to me.” She pokes a finger in my chest, and even this somewhat aggressive touch sends a jolt of pleasure through me. She feels it too because her face softens a tad before she resumes her glaring. “Honestly, what bullshit is this, Jason? You aren’t my keeper and you can’t determine who I’m friends with or what they call me.”

I hold both palms up in defense. “Hey, I never said he couldn’t talk to you. All I said was that I didn’t want him distracted. You’re too precious for me to lose, Mila.” I lift a hand to her cheek, cupping her angelic face, memorizing the feel of her soft skin.

“But I’m not yours to lose in the first place.” Mila’s face falls, losing all the hard edges of anger and taking on softer ones of sadness instead.

There’s a silent acknowledgement between us. We know. We know that we’d rather be with one another, but it isn’t possible. And toeing the line between the relationship we’re supposed to have and the one we want is becoming increasingly harder.

“You’re mine where it matters, Mila. Let me in and let me take care of you.” My thumb strokes her cheek, once, twice, before she’s pulling back and walking to the wall of windows. It’s displaying the setting sun over the ocean, making the water reflect glorious shades of oranges and reds—its beauty still paling in comparison to hers.

“I already told you, Jason. I can’t.” She won’t face me, and I’m not having it.

Reaching her in two long strides, I press myself behind her and let one of my arms slide around her torso. I slide it up her body and her breathing hitches. This is wrong. We both know it, but neither of us moves to stop.

I’m moving at a snail’s pace, allowing her time to push me away if she doesn’t want my touch, but she does nothing. Nothing except drive me wild with her ragged breathing as my hand glides up the valley between her breasts.

Her nipples are poking right through the thin silk material, and I want nothing more than to take one of those delicious peaks into my mouth and suck—suck hard until I hear her moan my name.

“Jason, what—?”

“Shhh, baby. Daddy’s making a point.”

“Mmm. And what point is that?” She pushes herself back onto my lap and my cock is more than ready to take, the fucker jerking against the crevice of her ass, begging for entry.

Finally, my hand lands at its intended destination, fingers wrapping tight around the delicate column of Mila’s neck while my lips brush against the shell of her ear. “That you’re mine in every way that matters.”

She gasps, unable to refute me. Because if what she feels for me is a tenth of what I feel for her, we’re both fucked—destined to live a life of two star-crossed lovers, never finding solace in the arms of another, and only finding peace in each other’s embrace.

I feel the vibration of her next words travel up my fingertips and into my soul. “What does it matter? It’s not like we can act on any of them. They’re all just pretty words, none of them carrying any weight.”

My fingers flex, the tips digging in a little deeper, wanting to claim her the way my body never could. “Don’t say that. My heart, it will only belong to you, Mila.”

She sucks in a sharp breath as I feel a cold tear drip down the back of my hand, and on a hiccup, this angel delivers the words that sends my soul soaring.

“My heart. It’s yours too.”

I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding, pressing my lips to the back of her head and sucking in her scent like it was my lifeblood.

“Fuck, baby. I needed to hear that.” I wrap my free arm around her waist, letting the hand travel to her mound while never dropping my alternate grip on her throat. “Now, there’s something else I need to hear.”

“And what is that?” She’s shaking against me as I let my fingers drift softly over her lace panties, stopping my movement only once I’m fully cupping her heat.

“This pussy belongs to no one. Not even me.” I give it a squeeze, holding back from doing more even though I want to. “Nothing’s been inside that tight little hole, and nothing ever will be. Is that understood?”

Mila makes a strangled sound before she’s whirling out of my hands and whipping around. “How dare you ask for my body and my heart, when you can’t give me the same?”

I’m blinking in surprise. Doesn’t she know I could never touch another woman for as long as I live?


“No. Don’t look at me like that with those big honey-colored eyes.” She marches over to the door and swings it wide open, lowering her voice to a harsh whisper. “Do not ask me for something you can’t give in return. It isn’t fair, and despite what my stupid heart feels for you, my brain is still functioning properly.”

She motions toward the open door and it’s clear she wants me to leave. I’m about to say something when she holds up her hand. “Stop. I need you to go.”

Her emotions are painted clearly in her eyes. There’s a hurt mixed with anger that I’m not sure I should touch when I have nothing more to offer than my heart. Yes, it belongs to her, but she’s right. What good is it, really?

Wishing with all that I have that things were different, I drop a small red box on her vanity before walking past her and out the door with a whisper, “Happy belated birthday, baby.”

Mila’s eyes fill with tears, but I don’t get to see the first one fall because she’s shutting the door in my face, sending my heart free-falling into a pit of sorrow.

How fucked is this life? Depriving me of heaven on earth, only after having shown me it’s real.

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