Siblings with benefits

Chapter 11 continuation 2

I was close to cumming but slowed myself down as I watched Krissy pant and moan while Mark sucked on that sopping wet pussy of hers. I was totally turned on by the position she was in, her head was thrown back and her huge tits were heaving. The faster she breathed the faster my fingers went I was turning it into a game trying to cum at the same time she did. Oh Megan I thought you are a nasty fucking whore watching your little brother suck his girlfriend off.

Leaning her weight on one arm Krissy brought her hand around and started running her nails through Mark's hair. My gaze shifted from Krissy's heaving tits to my brother's unbelievably sexy back; the huge goats head in the middle of his tattoo seemed to looking right at me. Krissy then completely surprised me by dropping her other arm so she was on her back and bringing her other leg off the bed wrapped it around his head with her other leg, her ankles crossing behind his neck pulling his face into her pussy.

"Ohhhh you dirty little girl." I whispered softly who'd have thought Krissy could be a wild ride?

"Oh yeah Mark." Krissy moaned out loudly. "Oh please just like that oh don't stop please don't stop"

That sent my fingers into high speed as I could hear the orgasm approaching in Krissy's voice.

"Ohhh, ohhh yes Mark! Yes Yessss!"

Krissy's hand tightened in my brothers hair and I saw her hips push up as that last yes turned into a long loud moan of ecstasy. I bit down on my lip stifling my own squeal as crouched down on one knee on the bathroom floor I pumped my pussy into my fingers while my other hand pinched my swollen clit sending me over the edge with Krissy. I put my head down panting and trying catch my breath, I stayed like that thinking I had gotten off and it was time to go, but then again there was no way I could miss the rest of the show.

I peered back through the hole to see Krissy had turned lengthwise on the bed and was stretching like a satisfied cat arching her tits in the air and watching with a smile on her face as my brother who was at the foot of the bed crawled up between her legs his massive cock pointing down ready to stuff Krissy's tight little box. Lucky little bitch I thought. When Mark was completely over Krissy he lowered himself into her and Krissy closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. Mark slid his arms down underneath Krissy's shoulders so he was lying on top of her and began slowly pumping himself in and out of her. Krissy wrapped her arms around his neck as she did the white gold bracelet he had bought her gleamed in the candle light it was the only thing she was wearing.

Mark bent his head to hers and their lips met and stayed, one long kiss turning into another as my brother using just his hips continued using those long slow strokes. Mark slid his mouth from hers and started kissing her neck. Krissy let her head roll back and I felt myself working up again as I saw the look of absolute pleasure on her face. Krissy's eyes were closed, and she was letting out a little moan each time Mark thrust himself into her. Krissy wrapped her long tanned legs around my brother's and the two of them lied there completely entangled their bodies moving in perfect rhythm.

I kept waiting for them to move, to change positions, for Krissy to either get on top or better yet for my brother to put Krissy on her knees and watch the look on her face as he pounded her from behind. I then realized that they weren't going to. Both of them seemed quite content to stay this way. Mark pushed himself up on his arms so he was looking down at Krissy, and I found myself focused on the look on his face. My brother was staring down at Krissy with the softest sweetest look I had ever seen on his face, a look of love?

I had always mocked my brother for staying with just Krissy-well it's not like he was just with her, he was getting it pretty often from his big sister as well- I told him he was holding himself back that he could be taking any girl he wanted anyway he wanted. God knew there were enough that threw themselves at him. Now as I watched the two of them stare into each other's eyes I realized that I was... jealous yes that was the word. I wasn't jealous that Mark was with Krissy, what got me was that my little brother who in all honesty was probably more broken than I was, somehow was capable of feeling this way ,and I couldn't even spend a night with someone without a problem. No longer horny I watched a little sadly, as Mark made love to his girlfriend. Hell he treated me like a whore, then again that's what I always wanted him to do it's what the nasty girl wanted at least from my brother, but wouldn't it be nice to have this with someone?

Mark started pumping faster and harder and Krissy's moans became louder and started to sound more like whimpers, because of his length I knew first hand Marks cock could rub against my clit as he fucked in that position and apparently he was hitting Krissy's pretty well, because as I watched her head went further back and she started to moan louder as her third orgasm in less than a half hour approached. Mark dipped his head back down and kissed her hard catching her squeals in his mouth as Krissy's hips bucked harder and her legs straightened against his.

Mark's arms tensed up and he pumped Krissy even harder. He broke the kiss and moaned himself. Krissy reached up and pulled him down to her again Mark's face was buried into her neck when his entire body went rigid and he came deep inside of Krissy who had wrapped her legs around my brothers waist drawing him in even deeper as he came. They lied there spent for a moment Krissy playing with Mark's hair. My brother leaned up and looking up at him Krissy whispered;

"I love you Mark I love you with all my heart." My brother smiled sweetly at her with that almost sickening look in his eyes and said;

"I love you too." He kissed her then added softly; "Merry Christmas beautiful."

As Mark leaned down to kiss her again, I stood up and left the bathroom. Somehow I felt dirtier hearing them tell each other I love you then I did watching them fucking. With a pang of loneliness I sat on my bed and picking up the ratty Scooby doo that mom had bought me when I was ten hugged it close to me. I felt like a sad little girl; I'd had a bad night and all I wanted was my little brother who was in the arms of his loving girlfriend.

Speaking of, that made me feel worse. I was well aware that although Mark and I loved being together it was wrong. Well not from my end as Mark was the only guy who made me feel wanted. Seeing Mark with Krissy however made me realize he had a chance. My brother could be normal, have a nice girlfriend, a great career, and leave all of his baggage behind him. That would never happen however if we kept it up, as much as he cared for Krissy he would never choose her over his big sister.

If I was a better person, a selfless one who only cared about what was doing the right thing for her brother I would stop sleeping with him. I would tell him it was just kind of a phase and we needed to call it quits, go with Krissy and be happy. That's what a good person would do and my brother deserved to be happy. I wasn't that person and I knew it. I needed my brother. Tonight was a perfect example from the first hint of nervousness at Jack's all I could think of was Mark and how bad I needed to be with him.

It wouldn't always be like this I'm sure but for now I had to keep Mark with me, to be his favorite, the one he needed the most. Mark and I were both beautiful, there would be others for both of us, plenty of them but right now we needed each other. I leaned back up against my wall hugging Scooby and waited to hear Krissy leave. We had to get up at 4am so Mark couldn't let her stay long. I looked over at the clock and saw it was eleven thirty there wouldn't be much sleep tonight. I closed my eyes and put my head down into the stuffed animal pretty much feeling bad for myself.

The next time I looked up it was midnight. Had I not heard Krissy leave? I got up and going into the bathroom bent over to look into Mark's room. Krissy was still there, the two of them lying propped up on the pillows, Krissy's head was on Mark's chest and she did not seem to be leaving anytime soon. I stood up and now found myself getting angry, hell I couldn't even have anybody here at all my brother could have a fucking sleepover. Enough was enough; I needed my brother. Keeping my eye to the hole I reached up and knocked, getting a kick out of watching Krissy jump, sitting straight up she pulled the blanket up to her tits and stared at the bedroom door.

"It's just my sister." Mark told her.

As I saw Mark get up and slip his pants on I stood up. Mark opened the door and stared at me. He did not look happy.

"What Meg?" he asked.

"I need to talk to you." I said then before he could answer poked my head into the room.

"Hi Krissy!" I said with a big smile and wave.

As usual Krissy blushed pulling the covers tighter around her.

"Hi Megan." She answered softly with a nervous little wave.

"Don't feel funny hon," I told her. "You guys are old enough; by the way I love your hair."

"Yeah that's great sis, let's go." Mark told me and grabbing my arm pulled me into the bathroom with him and shut the door.

"Hi little brother!" I said and before he could answer kissed him quickly on the lips.

"You taste like your girlfriend." I told him smiling.

"And you taste like booze." Mark replied wiping the smile off my face.

"Yeah well I was you know..."

"With Jack yeah I know, so does everyone at Vinnie's just hope Doug doesn't ever know."

"Yeah okay well..."

"What is it Megan? I mean why would you knock like that?"

I looked at Mark, I had been ready to tell him I needed to be with him, but now between that crack he had made and the fact he seemed pissed I felt like a jerk.

"Sorry Mark I was just wondering when she was leaving."


"Well we need to get up early so you know she can't stay and..."

"Krissy will leave when she leaves Megan okay? It's not your problem."

"I..." I put my head down. "I just had a bad night that's all."

Mark rolled his eyes at me.

"Of course you did, because Jack's an asshole, he's too old for you and he's slipping you booze so he can slip you something else."

"Thanks dad!" I snapped at him.

"Hey Megan it's your choice." He shrugged. "But just because Jack the stud flopped again doesn't mean you need to cut my night short."

I stared hard at him.

"Sorry little brother, I just didn't want to see you get in trouble is all. You do what you want."

"I will." Mark replied calmly then leaning over he made a show of sniffing my face.

"And speaking of trouble if you want to stay out of it, brush your damn teeth you smell like that shit."

Mark then smirked as he finished;

"And the booze."

With that the turned and walked out of the bathroom closing the door in my face. I stood there feeling my cheeks flush at first with anger then embarrassment. Mark was right I looked like a cheap whore going with Jack and other people did know about it. I had just wanted to have fun and Jack was hot and the night really hadn't been his fault it had been me and...

Damaged goods.

I went back to my bed and threw myself on it. Picking up Scooby again and curling into a ball facing the wall I started crying. I had to keep it down. I didn't want Mark to hear or my parents who finally after years of it had let me stop counseling a few months ago because I told them I was fine. Yeah I was fine alright sobbing into a stuffed animal because I couldn't lay down with my brother. Never mind the fact I had come within seconds of kicking Jack's eye out. I was just fucking peachy.

I must have cried myself to sleep as I jumped awake at the sound of Mark's voice saying my name from next to me. I sat up quickly my heart pounding.

"Easy sis." Mark whispered putting his hands out.

Mark knew better than to try to touch me when I woke up like this. He knew because he was the same way. My brother had accidently given my father a hell of a swollen jaw when he had tried to shake him out of a nightmare once. I caught my breath and taking a second to let my heart stop pounding said;

"Hey little brother."

"You okay Meg?"

I nodded.

"Yeah I guess I'm sorry about..."

Mark waved his hand to stop me.

"No sis I'm sorry. I was a prick you said you had a bad night and I blew you off and said some stupid shit. I'm sorry."

He leaned over and kissing my cheek put his arm around me.

"So you okay sis really?"

I smiled and leaning into him put my head on his shoulder.

"I am now little brother."

Mark laughed softly.


"You look cute cuddled up with old Scoob here."

"Don't make fun." I told him even though I was smiling.

"So what happened Meg?" Mark asked sounding serious now. "Jack didn't hurt you did he?"

"No nothing like that it was the usual I guess."

I spent a few minutes giving Mark the gist of what had happened including the last thing Jack had said.

"Fuck him." Mark snapped. "I'll turn him into damaged goods."

"Easy little brother. You said it yourself my dumb ass went there in the first place. Anyway it was just really frustrating and embarrassing."

I paused and turning my head kissed his neck.

"I'm sorry I barged in on you and Krissy though I shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah well maybe not but I shouldn't have snapped at you."

Mark sighed.

"It's just... well we had broken up and then they went on the trip and I could only see her for a little while on Christmas eve and that was at her house in front of her father. So tonight was kind of important I'm... you know trying to make things right."

"Seemed like you did a pretty good job." I told him.

"I guess," Mark started then said. "How do you know?"

Shit! I thought.

"I... well I mean she was naked in your bed Mark that's a pretty good sign."

Mark pulled away from me and looked at me. I wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Megan were you spying on us? I know you came home right after she came over."

"I... well..." I could feel myself blushing then looked up at him and whispered;

"Yeah I did, the whole thing. Sorry,"

Mark looked at me and at first I thought he was pissed then he grinned and asked;

"Did it get you hot?"

"Damn straight it did." I smirked at him. "Tell you what Mark little Krissy ain't so little anymore and she's a naughty little thing isn't she?"

"I've been working on it." He said then sighed.

"Megan I really am sorry that I was mean to you. You needed me and I was an ass."

Once again he put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

"That's okay Mark you're here now. Maybe you can sleep in here with me? I really want to be close to you."

Mark moved my hair and kissed my cheek, then my neck.

"Yeah? You want to be close sis?"

"mmmm" I moaned as while he continued to kiss my neck his hand slid under my shirt to my left nipple giving it a squeeze.

"Yeah? You want your little brother to make things better Meg?"


Mark cut me short by turning my face up to his and kissing me his hand sliding up through my hair as his other continued to play with my tit. Oh yes! I thought this was just what I needed! This... I paused as I realized I could faintly smell Krissy on Mark's face. Not that it was necessarily a turn off, but it reminded me of something.

"Hey." I said pushing Mark back a little.

"What's the matter?"

"Well you know Mark we were both just with somebody else and you know we said we would never on the same night if we did... what?" I asked noticing Mark smirking.

"Well sis. It's after Midnight now which technically means it's another day."

With that he started sliding his hand down from my tit ran it down across my stomach towards my pussy. I laughed at that.

"You will make a good lawyer someday!" I paused to moan as his hand found my pussy and started to stroke it.

"But still Mark I mean you know it's kind of you know?"

I shrugged not knowing how to say it, but we'd both just had others and ... Mark grinned again and standing extended his hand.

"I know what you're saying sis. Come with me."

I took my brothers hand and let him lead me into the bathroom where he turned on the shower. I laughed delightedly as he stripped his pants off then grabbing my nightshirt tugged it up. I raised my arms letting him take it off of me. Then after checking the water Mark held the curtain open while I stepped in then got in behind me. I let my hair get wet then moved to let the water hit him. I turned to face him and we kissed under the warm water our arms around each other's waists.

Mark grabbed my shoulders and turning me around so my back was to him, reached down and grabbing the body wash I kept in there put some in his hands and began slowly soaping up my body. Mark took his time massaging it into my back then reaching around rubbed his hands across my stomach and my tits before dropping to his knees and starting at my feet worked his way up to my ass. I spread my legs apart and groaned as Mark gently washed my pussy his thumb paying extra attention to my clit.

The soap made everything slippery and it was such a tease but it felt amazing. Mark stood up and taking the shampoo proceeded to take his time lathering my hair by running his fingers through it repeatedly.

"Ohh that is sooo nice Mark." I told him.

I had never been pampered like this before. This was even better than the back rubs he had given me before. Mark gently turned me to face him so my back was to the water and reaching behind my head just as slowly rinsed my hair. As he did so I took the soap from the shelf and started to rub it into his shoulders and chest. My hands trailed down his amazingly hard stomach and of course down to his even harder cock.

Using both hands on his huge prick I lathered it up stroking it up and down. I felt his hips twitch and he groaned;

"Oh damn sis that feels good."

"Yeah little brother?" You like you're dirty sister getting you clean?"

"Oh yeah." He moaned.

Mark finished with my hair and we switched as I did his. I continued to stroke his cock with one hand while running my fingers through his hair with the other. Mark was groaning and his hips were starting to twitch. I didn't want him cumming yet so I stopped and used both hands to finish his hair. I moved to rinse it and stepping back held his cock while I used the water to rinse the soap off. I looked up at Mark and smiled at him, oh this was so what I needed!

Mark took my face in his hands and kissed me. Trust me we had kissed plenty but this one seemed different. Usually we kissed quickly and passionately, but would let our lips wander elsewhere. This kiss was different. Mark held my lips with his own sliding them gently back and forth across mine his tongue flicking out playfully here and there to catch my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his slid around my waist and we held each other tightly under the wonderfully steamy water.

We broke the kiss and I found myself staring into my brothers gorgeous golden green eyes, he smiled at me and I thought not for the first time that Mark really was beautiful. His hands slid up from my waist and started teasing my nipples with his fingers. I gently pushed his hands away and with a wink slid down to my knees and with no hesitation took that rock hard cock into my mouth. All the way down the length of his shaft until my lips touched the base. Mark let out a sound like a whimper as holding it there I shook my head slowly back and forth my tongue swirling around his shaft the entire time.

I pulled his cock out with a loud slurping sound then looking up at him swirled my tongue around his tip just as Krissy had done. My little brother wasn't doing to bad for himself getting his cock sucked by two hot girls within a couple of hours. I quickly sucked his wet cock back into my mouth and started bobbing my head steadily up and down using my hand as well jerking him off as I blew him. Mark moaned again and gasped out;

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