Siblings with benefits

Chapter 11 continuation 1

Whoa," Jack said, as if reading my mind, he placed his hands gently on each side of my face to stop me and eased himself from my mouth.

"Got to save some for that pussy no?" He asked.

Jack got onto his knees on the bed, and after taking another deep breath I rolled over onto my stomach curling my knees under me and pushing my ass into the air.

"Jesus that is one hell of an ass Megan."

Jack came up behind me and true to his word eased himself in slowly.

"Ohhh," I groaned softly. That did feel pretty damn good.

"See baby? Nothing to worry about."

As he spoke Jack began fucking me, not to hard but not exactly slow either. I moaned with each thrust as with my ass up he was going pretty deep as I lied there letting him fuck me I realized that not only was it feeling pretty good but so far I was doing pretty good myself I relaxed more and told him;

"Go ahead give it to me harder."

"There you go baby!"

With that Jack started fucking me harder and faster. I not only started moaning louder but started moving my hips back and forth against his thrusts. Jack moaned in appreciation and started slamming me harder. Oh yes! The nasty girl was finally doing it getting it on her knees and loving it just like the dirty little slut she loved to be! If all it took was a few drinks to get this then I'd start bringing my own damn bottle.

"Yeah you like fucking that pussy Jack?"

"Damn straight!" Jack laughed loving hearing me talk like that.

"Yeah you like that hot ass of mine up in the air?"

"Love it baby! I love it!"

"Then take it!" I told him. "Just go ahead and fuck me just..."

Jack grabbed my hips.Hard

I gasped and started to pull away. Thinking I was just moving with him, Jack squeezed my hips harder and pulled me back into him. "Oh no," I moaned but softly;

"Oh yeah baby your loving that aren't you?"

Jack was holding me still by the hips and fucking me even harder. I started breathing faster and not from being turned on, it's okay I told myself he's just fucking me were having fun. It was no good I was getting nervous, no more than that I was getting scared.

"Jack..." I started then squealed as he reared back and really hammered me. "Ohhh!" I gasped.

"Oh god you feel fucking good!" He exclaimed.

I couldn't stop now, I wouldn't let myself. In my mind that voice was resurfacing again. Just lay still and take it!

"Oh god," I moaned.

Completely caught up and taking it as an expression of pleasure Jack said;

"That's right Megan tell me how much you love it." Go ahead, no one's home and I love it when you scream!

"Grab my shoulders!" I gasped out.

Jack slid his hands to just under my shoulder blades, but it still wasn't helping. The head board had wooden slats, reaching out I wrapped my hands around them squeezing hard. Between moving my hands and Jack pushing on my back my face went down into the pillow and I left it there so he couldn't hear me whimpering as he fucked me. Oh god get it over with I thought. I turned my face and moaned out as sexy as I could;

"Oh Jack give it to me baby! Just give it to me!"

Jack picked up the pace and was now totally fucking the shit out of me. It should have felt fantastic; I should have been stroking my clit and trying to cum. Instead I was sweating with my arms trembling and my hands white knuckled around the headboard.

"Oh damn... Oh goddamn!" Jack was gasping and moaning as he was getting close.

After another moment Jack started to slow down a little trying to put it off.

"No baby!" I cried out. "Please just give it to me!"

"Yeah?" Jack asked caught up in the game, "You want it?"

"Oh god yeah! Oh cum for me Jack!" Oh please just cum!

After another minute that seemed like an eternity Jack gasped and at the last minute pulled his cock out and shot a hot load of cum all over my back directly onto my tattoo from the feel of it.

"Oh fuck..." He gasped. "Oh my god Megan that was fucking great."

I released the headboard, and collapsed face down into the bed panting. I'm sure Jack thought it was from the hard fucking. I was lying here having just gotten the shit fucked out of me covered in cum and instead of feeling like that nasty girl I felt like a scared little kid who needed to go home. Jack had sat back on the bed for a moment catching his breath then I felt him move and a moment later I felt him wiping my back off with something.

"Yeah now tell me that wasn't worth it?"

"Yeah that was something." I managed something we wouldn't be doing again.

As Jack finished wiping me off, I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees and was going to get off the bed but Jack was still kneeling behind me. Before I could say anything he rubbed his still fairly hard cock on the cheek of my ass.

"Shit that ass looks good Megan."

He started whacking his prick against the other side of my ass.

"I have to get going Jack."

"Aw come one Megan I want to go again."

Jack slid his cock along my wet pussy.

"No time Jack, next time I can... hey!" I exclaimed as he tried to work it into my pussy.

I went to sit up just as Jack pushed with his cock again, the tip of it sliding right up to...

"NO!!!" I cried out as I felt his cock at my ass.

I sat up instantly, and as my brother had taught me slammed my elbow backwards. I felt it connect solidly. Jack grunted and fell back away from me.

"Jesus Christ Megan! I..."

"Nothing goes there, ever!!!"

I screamed at him turning around quickly to face him where he was crouched at the foot of the bed holding his ribs.

"Hey Megan easy."

Jack leaned forward to try to put his arm on me. Drawing my leg back I pointed my heeled boot directly at his face ready to kick out at him.

"Don't touch me!"

Unlike Greg, Jack was smart enough to back off. He hopped off the bed and putting both of his hands up said;

"Hey calm down Megan! I'm not going to hurt you." He shook his head. "Christ talk about not being able to handle your booze."

I got off the bed and not bothering to even look for my panties walked past him to head out to the parlor and get dressed. I grabbed my dress off the floor and slipping it on over my head went to get my purse. Jack had come into the room; he had taken a minute to pull his jeans on and looked at me.

"Hey Megan you gonna be okay?"

"I'm fine I..."

I started feeling like an idiot. My face was flushed and I didn't feel good. I thought about calling Mark to pick me up but there would be no way to explain to dad why my car would be here. Besides I was upset and Mark already didn't like me seeing Jack something bad would happen. I looked at Jack and shrugged helplessly.

"I'll be fine I just... I told you I don't like that."

Jack shook his head.

"You liked it just fine Megan I think you're just kind of fucked up. You shouldn't have chugged that bottle like that."

"You're the one that gave it to me remember?"

"Yeah well I thought you could handle it." He shrugged. "My fault I guess."

"No it's..." I started, ready to tell him it was me but then he finished;

"That's what I get for messing with damaged goods."

I had left at that, getting in my car and driving around the corner where I pulled over for a few minutes and cried in frustration and humiliation. I looked up to see a pay phone and realizing that my head was spinning thought again about calling Mark. The phone would wake the folks and there would end up being hell to pay. I rolled the window down letting the cold air blow in my face and pulled away hoping I would make it home without getting pulled over.

I made it home at 10:25, not bad considering. As I pulled in next to my father's Volvo wagon, the one that he had already made us pack so we wouldn't have to in the morning, my first thoughts were to sneak upstairs and slip into Mark's bed. Just curl up with my brother's arms around me and let him make everything better like he always did. That thought quickly faded however as approaching the house I looked up and saw the candle in Mark's window; his signal to me that Krissy was with him.

With a sigh I let myself in and used the bathroom downstairs. I was taking a chance waking dad but didn't want to use the bathroom with Mark's girlfriend in there with him. Not that he would care. The doorknob was missing on his door to the bathroom and he had told me it would turn him on if he knew I was watching, but sweet little Krissy would feel funny if she heard me in there. I had really wanted to take a shower, try to wash the night away, but even that idea was shot now. I did take a minute to splash some cold water on my face, between the adrenalin rush with Jack and the cold air on the ride home my head was pretty much clear.

I removed my boots and crept up the stairs thinking about what a bullshit double standard this was. Under no circumstances was I allowed to have a guy over, not that I hadn't of course- but dad knew Mark had Krissy over sometimes and said it was okay as long as he didn't see her coming or going and of course he better keep it down because after all his sister was in the next bedroom. Wonder what dad would have to say if he knew that most of the time it was me that my little brother had squealing in his bedroom?

I walked quietly down the hallway and paused in front of Mark's door. I could smell Krissy's obsession perfume and could hear her talking quietly; she must have just gotten there. With one last longing look at Mark's door I went into my room where I quickly stripped off my black dress. I was completely naked underneath having left my bra as well as my panties at Jack's. Great, now he had souvenirs, hopefully he wouldn't say anything stupid at work.

I slipped on a black Sabbath t-shirt that belonged to my brother, and sat on the edge of the bed staring at the bathroom door. Although I was upset that I couldn't go in my brother's room, I was happy for Mark that Krissy was there. The two of them had broken up for a couple of weeks in the beginning of December. It had been Mark's fault; he had been getting increasingly cocky lately and had acted like an ass at the last karate tournament. Talking trash, showboating in the ring and going out of his way to embarrass his opponent before hitting him so hard he knocked the kid out, literally, they had needed the salts. Mark had then added to that by flirting with several girls who had been waiting outside for him and right in front of Krissy. Last year Mark had bought Krissy a beautiful emerald ring which she had thrown at him and stormed away in tears.

I had thought Mark would have moved on and gone on the tear that I knew was inevitable, fucking every girl in sight. Instead my brother had spent the next two weeks staring at the ring and moping even turning me down a couple of times before slinking over to Krissy's house and risking her father who hated him and apologizing. Krissy had taken him back and I had been glad. Christmas was a tough time for my brother. His few early ones with our waste of a mother were days like any other we never got anything that I could remember anyways and then Mark spent the next ten in foster homes or group homes.

Mark never said much about it but last year he had broken my heart by telling me that he had never received a gift that had said mom or dad. My parents were as good to him as they were to me but they were Doug and Denise to him. He had however told me that the last couple of years had been much better because he got to be with his sister. Hell I thought this year he had even gotten to fuck her. Still I know the day was tough for him. I could say I had parents he never would be able to. So at least Krissy was here not to mention the fact I was happy she came back because he had spent a ridiculous amount of money on a white gold bracelet for her.

I stared again at the bathroom door thinking of Mark with Krissy, no I told myself I couldn't. A minute later however, I found myself getting up and quietly entering the bathroom. I made my way over to the door on Mark's side and looked down. The doorknob had broken one day and Mark had pulled it out but never bothered to replace it, after all he could care less if his big sister wanted to come in and out of his room. When Krissy was over he would simply throw the small bolt on his side to keep it from opening.

Feeling dirty even by my standards but unable to help myself I knelt on the floor. The hole where the door knob had been was a couple of inches around and Mark's bed was directly across from it. Because he had the room lit by candles and the bathroom was dark I would be invisible even if they had stared directly at the door. There was no chance of that happening however as Mark and Krissy were pretty intent on each other at the moment.

Krissy must have just gotten there. Mark was shirtless wearing just a pair of the karate uniform pants he always slept in, but Krissy was still fully dressed wearing a red sweater and a knee length black skirt. The only thing off so far were her heels which I saw lying next to the bed. They were standing at the foot of the bed, their arms around each other kissing. Mark's hands were around her waist and as I watched he grabbed the bottom of her sweater and lifted it up. Krissy broke the kiss and stepping back put her arms up for him to pull it over her head.

Krissy's long light sandy brown hair cascaded down her bare shoulders and back. She was wearing a sexy red lace bra that looked as if it were straining to contain her more than full tits. Mark started kissing her neck and Krissy lolled her head to the side letting him get at it better. Krissy's hands roamed their way across my brother's muscular shoulders and arms, her long red nails tracing their way down to his forearms then went up to run through his thick black hair.

Mark left her neck and bending his head started kissing her chest down to her bra, then as Krissy giggled Mark dropped to his knees, and as he kissed her soft stomach reached around and slid her skirt down to the floor to expose the matching red panties underneath. Krissy stepped back out of the skirt and as she did reached back and unhooking her bra let it drop. Now of course I had never seen Krissy topless and although I could tell she was well endowed so to speak I couldn't believe how large her tits really were, and firm as despite their size they were standing just about straight up.

As Mark stayed on his knees Krissy said something to him and turned, showing off the back of the panties which were transparent, before she could move Mark grabbed her hips and kissed both of her ass cheeks. Then standing trailed his tongue up along the small of her back and as he stood reached around grabbing her tits. I felt my heartbeat pick up and my breath quicken as Krissy leaned back into my brother and as he played with her nipples and kissed her neck began grinding her ass into his obviously hard cock.

Now I always refer Krissy as either "cute little" or sweet little" and honestly it is because she is extremely sweet and probably the best thing that ever happened to Mark-besides his big sister of course- I've also been friends with her older sister Lisa since I came to live with mom and dad. I guess because of that I always saw her as cute. Well as I stared through my peephole like the nasty girl I was and took in Krissy's all but naked body; cute was definitely off the table.

Krissy was tall, and up until a few months ago had been quite curvy even a little on the chubby side, but had certainly slimmed down, she still had curves but they were in all the right places. Krissy's family had gone to Bermuda for a week as an early family Christmas present and she had gotten one hell of a tan and judging from where the tan lines were, had not been wearing much of a bikini. Krissy's long dark legs were well shaped and she had put blonde high lights in her hair which the sun down there had brought out even more.

Yes little Krissy had become quite the woman, and her body looked damn good up against my brother's who although just eighteen was already one hell of a man. Mark's left hand left Krissy's tit and slid down into her panties, the groan she let out caused my pussy to begin to heat up. Although I had no interest in women I have to say watching Krissy's surprisingly hot body bump and grind on my brother had me going. Mark was obviously working his fingers quickly down there as Krissy started bucking her hips harder and her breath was coming in short little gasps.

Krissy grabbed my brothers forearm, her red nails digging in as she squeezed, her other hand dropped down behind her and started rubbing Mark's cock through his pants. My brother was sucking on her neck as he continued to work both her nipple and her clit. Krissy's legs looked like they were starting to buckle and she let out a long shuddering moan that sent my hand down between my legs to dip into my already slick pussy. As I started rubbing my swollen clit Krissy's moan took on a higher pitch and her legs did start to go, laughing Mark caught her around the waist with the hand that had been on her tit and held her up against him.

Mark pulled his hand from her panties and wrapped both of his arms around her waist. Krissy turned her head to face him and they kissed. Krissy pulled her lips away and whispered something to my brother who smiled and whispered what I heard as;

"Bad girl."

Krissy smiled at him then pulling away from his embrace turned and sitting on the edge of Mark's bed made a come here gesture. His face lighting up in anticipation; Mark stepped up to her. Reaching out Krissy slipped his pants down causing my brothers huge prick to spring free. My fingers sped up as I watched Krissy wrap her hand around Mark's cock and stroke it several times then with a sexy little smile leaned forward and took his cock in her mouth.

Oh yes Krissy was being a bad girl I thought as I watched her slowly work her mouth up and down my brothers cock. Krissy reached around with her hands and grabbed Mark's ass squeezing it as she continued bobbing her head. I began breathing through my mouth as I stared transfixed by the sight of Krissy's lips descending repeatedly on my brother's long hard shaft.

Mark's hands were in Krissy's hair gently holding her head as she slowly blew him. Too slowly I thought as I watched. I knew my brother and could tell that it was taking everything he had not to hold Krissy's head still and fuck her mouth. I knew he wouldn't though. Mark would never fuck his sweet girlfriends face after all wasn't that what his nasty big sister was for? Mark whispered something to her, and Krissy removed his cock from her mouth and looking up at him smiled. Mark started to step back but before he did Krissy playfully flicked her tongue across just the tip of his cock. The surprised moan my brother let out covered up the one I let slip as seeing her do that had sent my fingers plunging into my overheated slit.

Krissy stood up and walked away from Mark around the bed. For a moment I panicked thinking she was headed for the bathroom, but she continued around standing in front of the side of the bed. Mark came around and reached for her, but Krissy pushed his hands away and letting out an adorable little laugh pointed down at the floor. Oh little Krissy had grown up I thought as I watched my brother drop down to his knees in front of her and grabbing her red panties slid them down her legs to the floor.

Looking down at Mark Krissy sat back on the bed and leaning back on her hands brought one long leg up and put her foot on the bed and lifting the other one draped it over Mark's shoulder. With her legs spread open like that I saw Krissy's pussy spread open before me. She had a patch of light brown hair at the top but the rest was smooth and so wet I could see it glistening in the candle light. Mark quickly blocked the view as he moved himself directly between her legs and from the sound of Krissy's sexy little sigh went right to work with that amazing tongue of his.

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