She’s the Alpha

Chapter 20

When I woke up, I realized I wasn't in my own room, nor was I alone. I sat up and saw Kai sound asleep next to me. It was dark outside and I felt drained and well rested at the same time. After a moment, I got out of the bed and went down to the kitchen. I stopped short when I saw a man already standing there. In the dim light of the refrigerator, I could see he looked like a much older version of Kai. He turned to look at me when he sensed me.

"Oh hello. You must be Kai's mate," he smiled tiredly. I nodded once before grabbing a cup and pouring myself some water.

"You must be his father. I'm Stella," I introduced myself as I set my cup down. He shook my hand firmly but warmly.

“My wife has told me a lot about you," he smiled. He seemed like a nice enough guy.

"I didn't realize you lived here as well," I said for the sake of conversation. He chuckled and shook his head as I drank my water.

"I don't. My wife and I have already moved into our retirement house, but I haven't fully retired yet. Kai has taken over most of it but there are still certain responsibilities that require my personal attention. The Alpha office is here. I decided to try and sneak in when everyone was asleep as not to bother anyone. Plus, Kai throws a fit when he sees me working. My name is Kulono, by the way," he explained.

"From what I've gathered on Kai so far, it looks like he wants you to be able to relax," I said. Alpha Kulono nodded.

"I got weak quickly. As the next Alpha gets stronger, the old Alpha begins losing his strength. Kai is an exceptional boy. He was ready to take over at 16 years old, but I wanted to give him more time to be a kid. Working that hard to try and keep up with my younger self took a toll on me, but I'm glad to have such a filial son like Kai. I know he can be a filial mate, too. If he ever gives you any problems, just come find me," Alpha Kulono winked at me before disappearing to the Alpha study. I sighed as I stared at my glass. I was the one giving Kai problems. Granted, we'd smoothed over most of our issues, but Kai was right: I didn't treat him like a mate. Normally, mates couldn't keep their hands off of each other, but it was hard initially to let Kai touch me. His touch didn't feel wrong, but it just scared me how right it felt. I finished my water before going back to Kai's room. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched him sleep peacefully for a moment before going back to my own room. I couldn't bring myself to go at his speed, not yet at least. I needed more time to get used to being someone's mate.


The next morning, I was woken softly by Kai. I stirred before his face was the first thing I saw.

"When did you sneak back into your own room?" He asked. I yawned and stretched before I sat up.

"I woke up in the middle of the night and grabbed some water before making it back here," I answered. Kai pouted slightly before he sighed.

"I have Alpha stuff to take care of today so I told Leo you'd spend the day with Micah," he said. I couldn't help the pang that went through my chest.

Alpha things...

I was no longer included in that. I looked at my lap as I tried to hide my true feelings. Kai paused before he sat next to me.

"I can feel it, you know," he said. I sighed and got myself together.

"I'm fine. I'll go see is Micah's awake yet," I said to distract myself as I stood. He grabbed my arm and sat me on his lap before he sighed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Nope, I'm not letting you go without talking to me first," he said resolutely. I rolled my eyes and debated whether or not to fight my way out.

"Just... don't mention Alpha things around me. I still haven't adjusted," I admitted.

"How about going with me?" He suggested. I shook my head.

"I'm not an Alpha here," I said sadly. He put his head on my shoulder with a sigh.

"That's not necessarily true," he argued gently. "How about this? If you change your mind, come to the pack house," he offered. I nodded but I didn't think I would change my mind. I stood off of his lap and took a step away from him.

"Go, or you'll be late," I said. He stood and kissed my head one last time before he left. I sighed before going down to the kitchen and getting myself some breakfast. Shortly after, Micah came down with Leo in tow.

"Good morning, Miss Stella," Leo smiled.

"Morning," I replied with a light smile. I got Micah breakfast and set him in his seat before going back to my own food.

"What do you plan on doing today?" I asked Leo.

"We're going to the zoo," Leo answered. I debated going with them but decided to stay inside.

“I had a late night so I think I’ll try to rest some more,” I opted out. After breakfast, Leo got Micah dressed before they left. I was alone in the house. I grabbed my phone and tried to call my parents. There was no answer. It worries me and made my heart hurt at the same time. It was like I meant nothing to them anymore. I understood the safety of the pack came first, but I was still their daughter. I sighed and got dressed to go for a run when the doorbell rang. I answered it to find a burly man waiting on the other side of the door.

“Can I help you?” I asked awkwardly.

“Is Alpha Kai around?” The man asked. I shook my head.

“No, he won’t be back for a while. Do you want me to pass along a message?” I asked. The man hesitated before handing me a letter.

“Can you pass this on to him?” He asked. I nodded before closing the door behind me as he left. I took the letter to his room but hesitated before putting it down. Something about the note didn’t sit right with me. The envelope was completely blank but completely sealed. Also, the man hand delivered it. After a moment of debating, I decided to open the letter.

Rigor Moon Pack Attack Summary:

During the suspected attack on the Rigor Moon Pack, two warriors tailed and protected the Alpha’s children, Kennedy-Estella and Micah. Two more warriors were positioned to protect the Luna. Kennedy-Estella was trailed by the chosen mate, Jessie until they were separated at the elementary school. Warrior Victor stayed with the Alpha’s children while Warrior Maki stayed behind and eliminated the chosen mate, Jessie, as ordered. The Alpha’s children made it out alive and the remaining warriors helped Rigor Moon Pack end the fight. Alpha Phillips was eliminated and the warriors helped Rigor Moon Pack rebuild before returning safely. No lives were lost at the expense of the pack.

My hands trembled as I finished the note. Everything that was detailed in the note made my heart drop to my feet. My pack was fine. My mother lied to me. They never went to Uncle Mason. Rigor Moon was still standing. Alpha Phillips was dead.

Kai was the one who ordered Jessie to be killed.

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