She Returned With His Babies and A Revenge Plan

Chapter 1


“You’ve got a lot of nerve, Sally. You’re engaged to Howard, and yet you’re still going out and messing around with other men.”

“Grace, how can you say that? Even if she made a mistake, she’s still your sister.”

The mother-daughter duo was putting on quite the

performance. Sally was already more than familiar with their antics.

After Sally’s mother had passed away, it didn’t take long for May and her daughter Grace to join the Brown family. Ever since that day, these moments of drama had become a

normal occurrence.

Even Sally’s own father, Jackson, was no exception. Under the influence of May and Grace, he’d begun to regard her with anger and distaste, no longer the loving father he’d once been.

Perhaps she’d ceased to be the precious daughter he’d held dearly in his heart.

“Tell me, whose child is it?” her father questioned angrily.

She simply shook her head and whispered, “I don’t know.”

And she really didn’t. She couldn’t even remember when or with whom she’d slept with.

“You!” Jackson raised his hand to slap her, ready to channel his fury into his movement.

May rushed forward to stop him. “Jackson, don’t do this. Even if you beat her to death, you can’t change the fact that this happened. We need to focus on fixing this. If the Logan family found out, it’d be too late to do anything about it.”

This was also why Jackson was so angry.

The wedding was about to happen soon, and then this happened.

“Jackson, we really can’t let the Logan family know about this.”

He scornfully shot back, “Does this look like something that can be hidden easily?”

“Well, I’ve got an idea. This is Sally’s fault, so let’s have her write that she wants to call off the engagement before making her leave Bomsville. In an act of good faith, we’ll offer that Grace get married instead. Even if the Logan family got angry about Sally backing out, our sincere actions will make it difficult for them to say anything about it.”


So that’s the real reason why this is happening.

Sally’s eyes swiveled toward May before landing on the scheming smirk on Grace’s face.

It seemed that this mother-daughter team had played a role in her unexpected pregnancy.

She turned to her father. Just as she began to open her mouth to speak up, she noticed the look in his eyes. He was tempted.

She forced herself to swallow her words. She knew that her father wouldn’t believe a single thing she said.

“Go to your aunt. I’ll ask her to help you abort the baby, and don’t even think about coming back for the next few years,” he ordered coldly.

She snorted indifferently. The weight that these sentences had on her life did not match the casual delivery of them.

And there was nothing she could do but accept them.

Six years later…

Capital International Airport.

Sally strode through the airport’s exit with two adorable


children on either side of her-one boy and one girl.

“Mommy, now that we’re back, are we staying here this time?” Kara asked innocently.

Sally looked down at her daughter and gently patted her head. “For now.”

After six years of living in silence, she’d finally returned. She was on a mission to avenge the deaths of her aunt and her third child.

When she’d been sent to live with her Aunt France, her aunt had helped her hide so that she could keep her baby.

Just as she was due to deliver triplets, she’d been discovered by people sent by May and Grace. In an attempt to help Sally go through with her pregnancy, her aunt ended up losing her life. While she was able to give birth to Micah and Kara, the loss of so much blood and energy resulted in the last child being stillborn.

Whenever she thought back to that day, bitterness and hostility surrounded her figure.

“Mommy!” Micah held onto Sally’s hand. He knew that she was missing his little sister again.

Returning to her senses, Sally shook off her resentment and allowed her expression to soften.

“Let’s go. Uncle Jeremy must be waiting for us.”

“Mommy, I have a tummyache. I want to go to the bathroom.” Kara clutched her stomach with a pained expression.

Sally’s brow furrowed in worry. “What’s wrong? Did you eat something bad?”

“Mommy, I can’t hold it anymore.” With her arms still wrapped around her stomach, Kara turned and took bounding steps

toward the restrooms.

“Kara, slow down.”

Sally chased after her with Micah not far behind.

She was just a few steps away from the entrance when a figure made her footsteps come to a stop.


What is HE doing here?

She instinctively began to back away before finding a place to hide.

Ever since they were children, they’d been engaged to each other. Despite still being young, Sally knew that she was



destined to be Howard’s wife when she got older.

That conviction was something that was etched into her bones, and so he occupied a special place in her heart.

However, the same couldn’t be said for Howard, and Sally knew that.

His attitude toward her had always been nothing more than lukewarm.

The termination of the wedding was probably a relief for him.

Sally kept her eyes trained on the floor, hurt flashing across them.

“Howard, I think Rina’s just having an unsettled stomach. I’m sure she’s okay. Let’s sit over there and get some rest while we wait for her to come out.”


She glanced up again to see Grace and Howard standing together affectionately.

Are they… together?

If memory served her right, there had been something on the news a while back about Howard having a precious daughter.

It must be Grace’s baby.

Her heart wrenched as a stabbing pain shot through her.

“Mommy, Kara’s out.”

Her thoughts quickly switched to focus on her daughter.

“Okay, Micah, go get her.”

She didn’t want to reveal Micah’s and Kara’s identities just yet, plus she was in no mood to interact with Howard.

The biggest reason, though, was that she simply didn’t know how to face him. Although it was Grace who set her up to get pregnant with Micah and Kara, it was still a betrayal of Howard’s trust.

Catching onto Sally’s intentions, Micah glanced in Howard and Grace’s direction before nodding. “Okay, Mommy. I’m going to get Kara now.”

“Go ahead.”

The small boy ran forward and gently seized Kara’s hand. “Mommy’s waiting for us over there.”

Kara froze, unfamiliarity filling her eyes as she assessed




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Despite this reaction, Micah determinedly brought her over to

his mom.

“Kara, how are you feeling? Does your stomach still hurt? Why did you get changed?” Sally asked worriedly.

Kara stared up at her with suspicion before unconsciously shaking her head.

Making note of the fact that she seemed fine now, Sally let out a sigh of relief. Kara’s change of clothes was the least of her concern. She held her little hand and said, “Then let’s go.”

In response to this, Kara froze for a moment. At last, she tentatively curled her fingers around Sally’s hand.

With the two children flanking her sides, Sally led them out of the airport.

Back in the bathrooms…

In her hurry to get to the toilet, Kara tossed her bag on the countertop beside the sinks.

Because she’d been too anxious while moving about, though, she ended up wetting her pants.


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She returned to her bag and opened it up. Instead of her usual clothes, she found a stash of frilly dresses that reminded her of a princess. She recoiled in disgust. “Why’d Mommy pack me such ugly dresses?”

After a long time of sifting through everything, she picked out

a dress that barely passed her standards. She got changed and then left the restroom.

Where’s Mommy?

She looked left and right but couldn’t find her mother’s familiar face anywhere.


Grace called out to her with a big smile.


Was she talking to her?

Kara regarded the woman with apprehension.

At that time, Grace had already approached her and was now squatting in front of her. “Rina, Daddy’s here to pick you up too.”

Daddy? Since when did I have a daddy?


Kara was only getting more and more confused.

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