She Cried Wolf (OLD)

Chapter Part 18

Standing in front of the Crescent moon pack brings me so many emotions. Emotions that I’ve never felt before. I’m proud to say anxiety is not one of them. I’m so happy to finally move on from being the scared girl I was eight weeks ago. I can finally say I’m happy, and sleep without waking in fear of being beaten. Jackson looks at me and I step forward.

My thoughts distracted me clear through his speech. “Crescent moon pack, I’m proud to introduce my mate, your Luna, and your Queen, Ashley Winters!” The crowd erupts into cheers and I smile.

“I never really had a family until I met Jackson. He came into my life and saved me from a life I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Then, I met his pack. You all welcomed me with open arms and gave me time to grow comfortable at being a Luna and a Queen. I’m so glad to be the Luna of such a wonderful pack. So thank you all from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to call you all my pack!” my speech is followed by even more cheering.

My smile is so wide it hurts but I don’t care because at this moment in time, nothing and I mean nothing can ruin my happiness.

It’s tradition for the new Luna of the pack along with other high ranking she-wolves to go on a trip the weekend after the Induction Ceremony. So, Hannah, Chelsey, Sydney and I pack our bags and head to a lake side cabin. I’m glad it’s only a weekend because I miss Jackson already. If it were up to Raja we wouldn’t go at all.

Sydney insists that Daniel stays behind making it a strictly females trip. Daniel protested but one comment from me convinced him to stay back.

Jackson shuts the trunk of the car and faces me. “All right Ladies, All set. The cabin is already programmed into the GPS so you don’t have to worry about directions,” The girls get into the car as Jackson pulls me into him. “I’m going to miss you,” I mutter against his lips. “It’s only two days, Kitten, besides you need to spend some time with the girls.” he responds. I pout and he backs away. “You’ll be fine Kitten. Now go, enjoy yourself,” he says spinning me around and smacking my ass. I blush and shut myself into the car with the girls.

Thirty minutes later we pull up to the pack cabin. In those thirty minutes I learned that Sydney can’t sing. Not that she let that stop her from belting out old Taylor Swift songs. It’s about 7pm now, so we order takeout right away. Once the food arrives we all sit in the lounge room and Hannah insists that we watch Hamilton-Which I have never seen. Tears stream down all of our faces as the end credits play. “That...was amazing!” I seal after wiping my face. Hannah jumps up. “I told you it was an amazing play!” She then proceeds to start singing.

‘The Schuyler sisters’ in an off pitch voice. We all laugh as she prances around. “All right ladies, Let’s get the real party started!” Sydney says after walking into the kitchen. She holds one large bottle of amber colored liquid and one large bottle of clear liquid. She sets them down and grabs four large glasses and four small glasses. A small glass of clear liquid is poured for each of us. I know what this is. It’s Vodka. My unfortunate drink of choice during my shifting process. We each take the shot. It burns going down and my face scrunches at the taste.

Five shots and three glasses of the amber colored drink later and I’m drunk. Sometime in the drinking process music is turned on. The girls and I dance around the lounge laughing at each other’s drunken moves. I catch a glimpse of something outside and do a double take. It looked like Daniel, but I brush it off.

Sunlight shines in my eyes immediately after opening them. I groan as My head pounds from last nights activities. A little bottle of pills sits beside my bed along with a glass of water. I down the pills and the water before making my way down the stairs. Sydney, Chelsey and Hannah all sit in the kitchen eating breakfast. I get a plate and join them. “So, what’s on the agenda today ladies?” I ask as I begin eating.

“Well, we were planning on going swimming this morning and then watching movies all day,” Chelsey says. I scrunch my nose. “Swimming, in the middle of winter in Alaska?” they all nod. “Isn’t it going to be cold?” I question. “You’re a werewolf now. You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed not being cold anymore?” Hannah points out. I shrug. “Your right. Okay, so swimming and movies? Sounds good to me.” I reply. I finish eating and stand to wash my plate.

Stars fill my vision and my head spins. My plate clatters to the floor and I grip the table. I put a hand to my head. “Whoa, Ashley? You good?” Comes Hannah’s voice from beside me. “Um, Yeah, but you know what, I think I’ll skip out on swimming. I’m still feeling the after effects of the alcohol. You guys go on ahead though.” I reply once my head is steady. I walk to the sink and wash my plate. “Hey, I’ll stay back with Ashley, you girls go swim,” Sydney volunteers. Hannah and Chelsey look at each other. “You know what, let’s just skip swimming all together and have a movie day?” Chelsey suggests.

The dizziness returns but stronger this time. The world fades in and out of focus as my body becomes heavy. My mind goes sluggish and I faintly hear talking in the background. I barely register my body falling to the floor.

Word Count: 1025

Hi lovely’s! I got a new update done! I hope you enjoyed!

It’ll be about 2-4 weeks before another update is out, depending on how much I get done.

--Thank’s for reading, and as always, Stay sweet :p

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