Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 23

~ ~ Maddy ~ ~

I wriggled on top of the mattress, arching my head up, surrendering to Jackson’s sweet attack. “Jackson!” crying out, giggling and trying to catch my breath. “Nooo. Quit that! It tickles!” I squirmed beneath his hot tongue as he took another swipe inside my belly button.

Lifting my head and looking down, his head lifted, and our eyes locked. “I warned you, Princess.” He wiped his face on the back of his hand, but a smidgin of blueberry pie lingered just offside the corner of his mouth.

I swiped it away with my thumb. “You also told me you weren’t a messy eater, but this proves otherwise.” I pressed my thumb into my mouth and sucked with a humming sound, closing my eyes. Jackson groaned.

Eyes popping open, they slid back to his and my heart skipped a beat when I met his banked heat. “What’s the groan for?”

“Never been jealous of a thumb,” he grinned.

I fluttered my eyelashes dramatically. “I don’t know what you mean, Jackson.”

“Sure, Princess.”

I bit on my lip and cupped his cheek as he turned and pressed a soft kiss to my palm. He was always so gentle with me. But there was also something different about him. When he’d come back from helping Logan, he’d stripped himself down as if his clothes were on fire, and then he turned his attention to me. I didn’t put up any fight and the way he tore at my clothes and the shadows in his eyes; I knew he needed to be close to me. Skin on skin.

And I did too.

I wanted to soothe away what was darkening his thoughts, although he was vague what Logan had wanted his help with. Ready to press the issue, his lips touched mine and every thought went up in smoke as I craved an intimacy that I hadn’t felt before.

Jackson raised himself, his muscled arms planted on either side of me as he crawled up my body, licking and nibbling as he made his way back up closing the gap between us as his face angled over mine, his lips skimmed against my own in a chaste feathering stroke.

“It scares me how much I want you, Princess,” he whispered, and all the fine hairs over my body rose. Desire hurtled across my skin and my heart raced faster.

My lips curved into a smile letting out a soft sigh. “I want you too, Jackson,” running my hand across his broad shoulders, digging my fingertips into the soft skin and I pressed our lips firmly together in a slow, deep kiss, soaking in his gruff groan as our tongues tangled. He quickly took over the kiss, pressing my body into the mattress, his heat both warm and comforting. Jackson always made me feel safe.

“Now I’ve had a taste of you... I want more.” He pulled up and my spine bowed in an offering and watched his dark eyelashes fluttering around his inky greys. I saw the hunger in them and I didn’t doubt it matched my own.

I wanted to give him everything. Anything to make him happy.

“I won’t stop you,” I said boldly, not thinking through the consequences of my words, but my core clenched all the same. Pressing a hand over his heart, I spread my fingers wide, feeling the rapid beat beneath them. “I know you’ll never hurt me, Jackson.”

“Never,” he breathed, looking somewhat surprised by my words as the fine skin around his dark eyes crinkled and his eyebrows nudged each other. “You’re all I think about.” His fingertip skimmed across my cheek. “I’d die before I would hurt you... or let anyone else.”

He shifted to lie next to me. Pressing closer I felt his erection nudge my thigh as he ducked his head and took my nipple between his teeth, gently sucking and pulling and I moaned which seemed to make him hungrier and the intimidating length of him throbbed against my thigh more insistently.

My hand shifted through his short thick hair, gripping it slightly as I wanted more of his touch to sate this ache that he’d started inside me.

His fingers moved across to my other breast, brushing his index finger over my nipple, causing the heat in my belly to overspill, going lower... just like his fingers now crept down to rest over my bare sex. My hips pushed up on instinct, seeking more of his touch, as he circled the heel of his palm over my clit.

I gasped when his finger slipped inside my swollen lips to sit at my entrance as my nipple left his hot mouth and his head lifted. “Tell me to stop, Princess. Or I won’t.”

I knew what he meant. Both he and Logan had loved me with their mouths. Logan only this morning had brought me to orgasm twice before he’d freed me from his bed and Jackson, less than an hour ago, was buried between my slim thighs devouring me like I was his favourite pie. Both left me wanting more but unsure if I could ask them to go that step further and neither had tried to penetrate me with either their tongues or fingers...until now.

I jerkily nodded and closed my eyes, sucking in a steadying breath, but it didn’t slow my raging blood being licked with heat. My nerves were flighty and wild.

Relax. Relax. Relax. I repeated the mantra.

It pinned me, frozen in place, the roll of Jackson’s hips against my thigh, building heat and desire inside, winding me tighter, catching my breath with a low desperate moan.

Jackson skimmed his lips down my throat. “I got you,” whispering as the pressure on my clit climbed and his finger dipped inside me.

All of me clenched, and he sucked the pulse point in my throat. “Let me in, Maddy.”

Eyes tightly shut. Relax. Relax. My throat bobbed and a layer of perspiration travelled across my skin which suddenly felt tight—too tight.

I felt his finger move inside me...deeper. “Breathe for me, beautiful.”

I was breathing? Wasn’t I?


I was holding my breath, and it rushed out and his finger pressed against my tight walls, setting them on fire with his touch.

“You feel so tight and hot—perfect.” He licked up the side of my neck to suck my earlobe into his mouth. “Perfect,” he repeated.

But I’d done it and a part moan, part squeal rumbled up my throat.

This was further than I’d ever managed before. Usually locked up tight. Impenetrable.

Easier to get into Fort Knox Cooper had mocked me.

My lips curved into a smile, lifting my hips, seeking more from this new experience. Jackson pulled out a little and then pressed deeper, purposely awakening all those sensitive spots I’d heard so much about.

“Thank you,” I muttered and although still tightly wound, I relaxed mentally as Jackson started a slow pumping action.

Jackson’s head lifted, and I felt him staring at me. Opening my eyes, I met his, and he was smiling. “You’re Perfect, Maddy. Goddamn Perfect.” He rubbed his nose against mine. “I ain’t never letting you go...”

He pumped his finger, over and over and the heel of his palm was still against my clit, sending signals those of which were now familiar and welcome as tingles of my orgasm worked its way up my spine.

“My cock is gonna feel just like this—inside you.”

My heart was beating out of my chest and wasn’t sure I quite believed him on that. Both he and Logan were much thicker than a finger and longer.

“I’ll make you feel so good, Princess. Promise.”

My eyes rounded when he inserted a second finger. Easier this time, only freezing for a second as I forced out a breath.

Jackson’s eyes remained fixed on mine. Watching me.

“I want you to come on my hand. I want this pretty pussy squeezing me tightly. Soaking it.”

His dirty words did weird things to me. I liked them and a burst of heat exploded on my cheeks.

“You like that—” and from the way his eyes fired up, and that god-damned cocky smirk curved his mouth, he knew exactly what effect he had on me. But honestly, I couldn’t respond being a little distracted by all the new sensations. “—When I talk dirty, huh?” He licked across my lips. “Are you my dirty little, Princess?”

My fingernails dug into his skin. “—Jacks—” I didn’t get to finish when my orgasm ripped right through me, debilitating me and rendering me speechless and Jackson captured my screams, his fingers moving deeper and faster and I was meeting each thrust with one of my own, raising one leg at the knee to dig my heel into the soft mattress.

“Perfect...” he echoed and finally I hit the bottom of the cliff I’d been tossed over and would happily jump over again...and again.

His movements slowed and then his fingers were gone. My eyelids fluttered open and Jackson’s smile stretched wide. I’d never seen him that happy. He brought up his hand and sucked on those fingers that had just been buried inside me. “I don’t like waste.” he winked, licking them clean with a humming sound to emphasize his enjoyment.

My smile matched his. This was monumental to me. A step closer to losing my virginity. I wanted to jump off the bed and dance around the room.

“Okay, Maddy?” he asked, but his voice sounded a little unsure.

“Okay. Jackson.” I blew out a breath. “I’m more than okay. Trust me on that.”

“Good, because I’m not finished yet,” he promised.

~ ~

I woke up before my alarm rang. Jackson’s hand was on my hip, but slowly turning over, his hand slipped off. I smiled. Sleeping, his features had smoothed, and he looked kinda boyish and so darn cute. Lay flat on his back, his other hand sprawled across his chest and memories from last night brought on a flush. Especially the moment Jackson slipped his finger or fingers inside me.

And it may have been my first time, but it wasn’t the last. Jackson had carried me into the shower where I had tried to clean myself, but he was very distracting. Spending most of the time on his knees with my right leg over his shoulder and his head buried between my thighs where he kept me right on the edge of crazy using his fingers and his tongue, switching between the two, or both at the same time driving into a frenzy and pulling out multiple O’s the point he had to wash, dry and carry me back to his bed and lay me down. I’d barely been conscious by the time he’d dried himself and climbed in right behind me, pressing his warm chest tightly against my back as we fell asleep together.

I finally felt like I was getting somewhere. Yeah, maybe not the whole ‘one step for humankind’ kinda moment—but huge for me.

I sighed. I couldn’t stay here and keep staring at him. It was creepy for starters, and I wanted to be up to see Logan before I started work. Slipping from Jackson’s bed, I tiptoed out of the room. Heading back to my room, I dressed and brushed my teeth, and then went and tapped on Logan’s bedroom door.

Nothing. I pressed my ear against the cool wood. Surely he must be up? I turned the handle and peeked inside.

Gone. And his bed was made. He must have been up really early today.

Closing his door, I made my way downstairs. Coffee was brewed but no sign of Logan. Grabbing a quick coffee and an apple, I headed out. No rest of the wicked, as my Nana Em would say.

Two hours later I’d helped AJ and Trevor in the stables and fetched back a beautiful horse named Gunner from the fields for his vet visit. Heading back to the house for breakfast, I was hoping to find Logan as I’d not seen him yet and I was getting a little anxious.

Was he avoiding me?

Walking into the kitchen. It was empty. No sign of the guys or Jody, but she’d left a breakfast casserole keeping warm on the stove with a note saying she would see us tomorrow.

Fancying a glass of milk, I walked over to the refrigerator. Sticking my head inside, I reached for the jug but was stopped when a warm pair of hands slid over my waist and pulled me out, flipping me around. “Logan,” I breathed.

Caged by strong arms. He stared down at me beneath lowered lashes, a sliver of something odd glinting in his gaze, almost like sadness. Opening my mouth, I didn’t have time to get any words out before his mouth dropped on mine; him taking my lips hostage.

Well, perhaps hostage is not the right word, seeing as I was very willing.

“Missed you,” said Logan, pulling me against his firm chest and my arms folded around his neck, and I deepened our kiss.

I hoped he’d not been upset that I’d spent the entire night in bed with Jackson.

“Missed you, too” It wasn’t a lie. I liked one-on-one, but it felt complete when they were both with me. “Everything okay?” I asked.

“Are you?” he bounced back.

I was. More than okay. “Yeah, but is something on your mind, Logan?” I loosened my hold and shifted my hands to cup his cheeks. He tensed, his handsome features filled with a seriousness that soured my stomach with an ache I didn’t like.

“You look like you’re carrying the weight of the world on those broad shoulders of yours.”

He reached up and took my hands in his, fetching them together. He ran his thumbs over my knuckles, slowly shaking his head. His practised smile wasn’t anything but honest.

There was something wrong. I could feel it. “I’m sorry I didn’t spend the night with you.” I blurted out.

Logan pressed a finger to my lips. “Hey, you don’t need to be sorry, Maddy. I’m not angry or upset that you stayed the night with Jackson.” This time, his smile was a little lighter. “I just didn’t sleep well. Lots on my mind.”

Oh. My stomach wasn’t entirely believing his answer, but his eyes softened. “Anything I can help with?”

“Just ranch business. I won’t bother you with it, Princess.”

“But I want you to bother me with it. A problem shared is a problem halved, my nana always said.”

“Nah. Don’t you worry that pretty head.” And he swallowed my protests with another kiss. And again. I wouldn’t complain about that. I loved kissing Logan and Jackson. I could easily spend hours making out with these two.

A few minutes later we pulled apart. “But if you are feeling bad about leaving me all alone last night.” He winked. “Then I can surely think of one or two ways you can make it up to me.”

Now he sounded playful and my stomach settled. “I’m sure you can.” I smiled, and after spending another few minutes making out, we finally sat down and ate breakfast.

“No sign of Jackson?” asked Logan, his eyes rising to the ceiling.

Swallowing my food. “I think he’s still sleeping.”

Logan frowned, nodding slowly as if my answer had somewhat confused him. “You two talk any?”

I shook my head. We’d hardly done any talking. “Not much.” My cheeks heated and Logan noticed, lifting his finger to stroke across the burning skin.

“I’m guessing you and him had fun?” He leaned back in his chair and picked up his mug of coffee.

And I didn’t think my cheeks could get any hotter. How was I supposed to answer that?

“Don’t look so worried, Maddy. It’s only fair you and Jackson spend some time alone. I’ve had you all to myself for a week.”

Internally, I sighed. Relieved he wasn’t upset or jealous. About to ask how this might work from now on, us spending time together, the three of us and one-on-one. There was a knock on the door. “You expecting anyone?”

Logan shook his head. “Nope.” He pushed his chair out, but I grabbed his hand.

“No. I can get it. You finish eating.” I pushed out of my chair and trotted off.

Opening the front door, it surprised me to find a woman. She was very pretty and young, maybe eighteen? She was dressed in somewhat raggedy clothes and no make-up. Hair in a ponytail that unsuccessfully tried to hide a wealth of dark hair. It reminded me of Riley Jo’s. A small scar just about her right eyebrow was the only visible flaw – if you could even call it that.

Her suspicious gaze looked over at me.

“Hello. Can I help you, Miss?” I thought she might be lost, or perhaps her car had broken down nearby.

She pulled off her backpack which looked heavy and dirty. Covered in dust. “I’m looking for the Reilly’s. This is their place, right?” she smiled tightly.

I wasn’t sure of her accent. New Orleans, maybe?

“Yeah. This is the Reilly’s Ranch. Can I ask for your business with them?”

She stiffened. “I’d rather talk to them if you don’t mind.”

She wasn’t exactly rude. But not polite in her request either.

“Okay. Well, I'll go fetch one of them. Are you okay to wait here?”

“I need to use the restroom. I’ve been walking forever.”

Yeah. I believed her. She had a weariness in her pretty grey eyes.

I felt Logan before I heard him as his hand came to rest on my hip as he stood behind me. “What’s going on here?”

“This is—” Hell, I didn’t even ask her name. Her weariness vanished and in its place was a steely gaze that I would admit had to admire.

“Casey,” she offered her name freely, as she stared at Logan.

“Casey who?” he asked.

“Casey Proctor.”

“Proctor?” His grip on my hip tightened slightly as he stiffened behind me.

“Yeah, as in Holly Proctor.”

That name meant something to him, and he sucked in sharply.

“And before you got a hundred or more questions for me. I need to use the restroom before I make a mess out here on your porch.”

Logan didn’t move for a good minute, but then sighed and moved back, opening the door wider. “C’mon. I’ll show you.”

I stepped aside, and the young woman, Casey, came on in.

“You can leave your bag there.” Logan pointed to where our coats hung up and boots lay on the floor.

She gripped it tighter, holding it against her as if we might try and take it off her.

“No one ain’t gonna touch your stuff,” he huffed out.

She nodded once and put the backpack down and followed Logan.

I walked back through to the kitchen and started clearing away our plates. A moment later, Logan appeared, looking pale and out of sorts.

“Who is she, Logan—do you know her?”

He never answered, not even a glance my way, but said, “We need to wake Jackson up.”

Now I was even more curious, repeating myself. “Who is she, Logan?”

He scrubbed a hand across his chin. “I can’t be too sure.”

Well, that wasn’t an answer.

“Go get Jackson, Maddy. Tell him I need his ass down here.” His gaze swung my way. “Right now.”

I bit back my questions and did as he asked because he looked anything but happy.

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