Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 17

~ ~ Jackson ~ ~

“This place has seen better days,” huffed Logan, casting an eye over the joint.

“Maddy seems to like it.” I shrugged. If she was happy, then I was too. Simple as.

“Christ,” he muttered.

“What?” Logan flicked up his chin, and I followed its direction.

Oh fuck. Subtly obviously hadn’t worked, and the sway to her hips told me she meant business.

“They ain’t one of my mistakes and the way she eyeing you up, you need to set her straight and send her packing before Maddy comes back.”

My smile dropped, affecting a cold, bored indifference. I’d already set her straight at the bar when she’d suggested we hook up. We’d done that. Once. And even if Maddy wasn’t in the picture, I wasn’t interested in a repeat.

But here she was, her lust-filled gaze crawling over my skin like an unwanted touch, dragging her two friends along with her.

And for the life of me, I still couldn’t remember her name. Mandy? Macy?

“Looking all lonely, soldier boy.” Planting one hand on her hip, with the other she toyed with a lock of hair, her bony fingers teasing the end of the strands as she smiled at me like she was in one of those beauty pageant lineups.

“Ex-soldier. Just a regular cowboy now.”

Logan grunted something turning back to Cade, who was laughing at some story his friend was sharing. Great. Looked like I’d have to deal with this on my own. Not that I blamed him for wanting to avoid this car wreck.

“Thought I might see if you changed your mind, cowboy.”

“Look.” I didn’t want to be rude, but she was bothering me and if Maddy came back and saw her here with me. She would lose her shit. “No, sorry.” I managed a tight smile as my hand gripped the empty glass.

“Why not? You don’t like what you see, Cowboy?”

She was ballsy, I’d give her that.

Setting my glass on the table. “In case I didn’t make it clear earlier. I’m off the market.”

“Yea, I heard. Maddy Lockwood.” She shared a look with her friends. “You know me and Maddy were real close in high school?”

What? They were?

Her tone lightened. “Where she’s gone anyhow?” She flicked her hair, looking around. “It will be nice to say hi.”

“Restroom.” Why the fuck did this feel like a trap?

“Might as well wait with you, boys.” She squeezed between the table and me and I had to shift my head out of the way of her breasts. She sat between me and Logan. “Ain’t this nice?” Her hand moved to my thigh.

I took her hand off my leg as Logan turned and looked at me over her head with a what the fuck look and a furrowed brow.

“Look—” I started, but got no further as she grabbed my face and planted a kiss square on the lips.

This shit wasn’t happening

I jerked back pretty darn quick. “What the fuck, Mandy.” Pushing the hellion off me, I scrubbed my hand across my mouth, smearing her lipstick on it. “What the fuck! Did you not hear me earlier when I said I wasn’t interested!?” I was dumbfounded. “What part did you not understand?”

She blinked, her thinly plucked eyebrows drawn together. “Marley,” she corrected me, a little offended I’d got her name wrong.

“Mandy. Marley. I honestly don’t give a damn what your name is darlin’. You need to shift your ass right now before I shift it for you.”

She had the bare face cheek to laugh in my face, pressing a hand to my chest. “C’mon Jackson, me and you had good times in the past.”

Times? As in more than once? Nah-uh. This woman was crazier than a box of frogs. I swatted her hand away. “It happened once. And trust me, it ain’t happenin’ again.”

“Enough of this,” growled Logan, grabbing her arm. He rose, lifting her with him. “Time you and your friends went and bothered someone else.” She yanked her arm free, puffing out her chest. “Whatever shit you’re selling, we ain’t interested,” he finished.

“Excuse me,” she trilled and her friends moved back from our table pretty sharpish. “You have no right to be manhandling me, Logan Reilly.”

“He already asked to leave politely.” Logan jabbed a finger in my direction. “But you ain’t takin’ the hint, darlin’.”

She huffed, turning away from him, and leaning forward toward me, she said, “You might want to rethink having fun with the ice princess, Maddy Lockwood,” pitching her voice to carry. Not that she needed to be loud, as everyone at our table and the one next to us was looking our way.

And I didn’t appreciate the condescending way she spoke Maddy’s name, and I didn’t think for one second they’d ever been friends. Her eyes gleamed and I could see this was all game to her. “I like to think of myself as a gentleman, but I’m only going to tell you once. Keep her name out of that mouth of yours.”

She pulled up, rearing back like I’d said something shocking. I was sure it would have been said to her more than once. Well, maybe not to her face.

“Because that woman is worth a hundred—no, a thousand of the likes of you.”

She stared at me scandalised. Then a fire lit behind those dull brown eyes. “Y’all might be interested to know she left your ass’s behind, hightailing it right out of here.” Smiling smugly.

What!? My head shot across the sea of faces as she slithered past me.

With one last look at me, she tossed me a fuck you smirk. “C’mon girls, let’s go find ourselves some real men.”

“Fuck,” said Logan, “You check the restroom. I’ll check out front.”

A quick nod and I was pushing my way through people, stopping when the restroom door opened and I looked down at the small curly-haired woman coming out. “Excuse me darlin’”

She smiled up at me.

“I don’t suppose Maddy Lockwood is in there?”

“She was. But ain’t any longer, left a few minutes back.”

Fuck. “Thank you.”

She started to say something, but I’d already turned, making my way to the exit.

The door was wide open, and I spotted a small group of people, with Logan in the middle and Maddy tucked into his chest. He flung one arm wide, and I could hear him yelling.

What the hell?

Jogging down the three steps, Cade and his friends appeared alongside me.

“Looks like the party’s out here, boys,” he said, grinning.

I recognised the ringleader and the man Logan’s anger was directed at... but his name was lost on me. What I knew for a fact was he was friends with Maddy’s ex. Cooper fuckin’ Stanton.

“What’s goin’ on?” All heads bounced my way, but my eyes were on my brother.

“This jackass seems to think he can manhandle Maddy.” I glared at the two men who’d flipped around as if to stop me from getting any closer.

“Y’all need to step aside,” said Cade before I could.

“I won’t be asking nicely,” I said, cracking my knuckles readying them, making it clear my request would come in the shape of my fists.

The two goons shared a look and then moved aside.

“Manhandling women, huh? How’s ’bout you pick on someone your own size?” The asshole, taller than me but skinny, dressed like he was out of one of those boy bands with his tight skinny jeans and pink polo-shirt and his stupid hair falling across one eye. I was sure a stiff breeze could knock him over.

“She ain’t yours. She’s married.” He stated. “And she told us she wanted to go home.”

“Yeah,” Maddy lifted her head, butting in. “But not back home to Cooper. My new home, you idiot.” Her gaze landed on me. “Him and his idiot friends wouldn’t let me pass.”

That was all the confirmation I needed as I squared up to this jackass, lowering my voice threateningly. “I’m giving you one opportunity for you and your friends to get the fuck out of here.”

His nostrils flared.

“Or else what? This here is public property. You can’t make us leave.” He spat at me and a spray of spittle landed across my cheek.

Wiping his shit off my face, trying to maintain some level of control, I wished Maddy wasn’t here so I could beat the shit out of him.

And although I didn’t want her to see that side of me, one fucking punch wouldn’t hurt. Lunging with one hand, I gripped his polo-shirt and dragged my arm back with the other. My fist hit his face and heard the crunch of his pretty boy nose breaking.

He screamed like the little bitch he was cupping his nose, blood running through his fingers. “You’re fucking crazy—”

Crazy, huh? I’d show him crazy. Swiping his feet from under him, he landed on the ground with a thud and an oomph. Flexing my pounding hand, I laughed. “You ain’t seen crazy,” I said, putting my booted foot on his chest, and pinning him down.

Hearing a scuffle from behind I flicked a glance over my shoulder to see Cade and his buddies restraining the asshole's friends.

Flicking back, I stared down. “I think you owe the lady an apology?”

“Get the fuck off me,” he snarled, blood smeared across his cheeks

I pressed down harder. “Wrong answer, asshole.”

His eyes burned in his sockets. “Go fuck yourself, you dumb hick.”

I rolled my eyes, moving my foot to his windpipe, adding a touch more pressure. “I’m dumb?” With his breathing restricted, he spluttered and his face reddened as he clawed at my boot.

“Now let’s try again.” He glared, his eyes bulging. “And trust me, this will be your last chance before I wipe the floor with your ass.”

His eyes shifted. And with a touch more pressure, he shouted out. “S-s-orry.”

“What was that?” I cupped my ear, tilting my head. “I don’t think we all heard you.”

“Sorry. Sorry.” He yelled, louder this time.

I raised an eyebrow. “There. That wasn’t so hard now?” I eased up on the pressure. “Now remember this valuable lesson I taught you today.” He clenched his jaw so tight I heard the crack. “You don’t touch what doesn’t belong to you.” I narrowed my eyes. “You think you can remember that?”

He grunted through gritted teeth something but I didn’t catch it. Instead, I lifted my boot and planted it on the floor.

The asshole scrambled to his feet, rubbing his throat.

I smiled as one of his friends barged past me, nudging my shoulder with his.

“Don’t think y’all get away with this.” He spat on the floor as his friend muttered something about leaving, grabbing his arm.

I’d been threatened by much bigger and scarier than this piss-ant. I merely shrugged as Cade flanked me.

“Go on. Git, boy,” he said, folding his arms across his wide chest. “Damn. It’s never dull with the Reilly’s around.” He chuckled.

My eyes were on them and with one last glare from the asshole, he joined his friends climbing into their fancy European car, no doubt courtesy of their daddy’s money.

As their car pulled away, I offered out my hand to Cade. “Thanks, man, appreciated you stepping up.”

“Anytime brother, anytime.” He shook my hand and slapped me on the back.

Cade and his friends made their way back inside the bar. I turned my attention to Logan and Maddy.

What the hell had she been thinking, leaving without us?

It pissed me off for an entirely different reason now.

“Maddy,” I started and her head lifted, turning my way. “Want to explain why you up and left without speaking to either of us first?” My hand flicked between me and Logan.

She peeled herself off Logan and straightened her dress and smoothed down her hair. But I could feel her anger from where I stood.

What the hell was she angry about?

“Maddy,” prompted Logan, only his tone was softer. No doubt she had him wrapped around her small finger.

Then again, so was I.

Steeling herself, her blue eyes snared mine. “I think you know damn well why I left, Jackson.” Her chin tilted up as she folded her arms.

Ah, godsdammit! She’d seen Marley kiss me.

After dragging in a deep breath, I held up my hands, shaking my head. “In my defence. That was not my fault.”

She bristled. “What? Did her lips just land on yours accidentally!?” Her lips thinned.

Damn, she looked sexy when she was angry. “Not by accident. No. I think she planned on kissing me, hoping you would see, and react—which you did!”

“Jackson’s right, Princess,” Logan backed me up. “He never encouraged nor instigated what happened.”

Head still turned toward Logan, she mulled over what he’d said.

I moved toward her and her head twisted around, but she didn’t back away. “You really think I wanna kiss another woman?”

Her eyebrows knitted together, and I brushed her hair from her shoulder before cupping her cheek. “You know I’m telling the truth, baby.”

Her face softened, but only for a second. “So you didn’t ask for her number?”

“What!? No. And if she said I did, then she lied to your face.”

She chewed on her lip. “Have either of you slept with her?”

“No,” scoffed Logan.

Shit. “Yes. Once.”

“Stallion,” she puffed.

My head jerked back. “Come again, Princess?”

“That’s what she said ’bout you,” almost shrieking, “you’re a stallion in bed.”

Oh boy. My eyebrows fled into my hairline—and stayed there. “What else did she—” crazy bitch “—say?”


I pinched the bridge of my nose and squeezed my eyes shut briefly to give myself a moment of respite. “As much as any man loves a boost to the ego, I honestly don’t remember her much.”

“Oh. Let me guess—” tossing in sarcastically, “It was the alcohol’s fault?”

“Christ, Maddy. I was a single man. I’ve had a lot of sex with lots of women. I ain’t proud or braggin’ none. It’s just a fact.”

The air whooshed right out of her and her clenched jaw relaxed. “I can’t compete with all those women.”

I swallowed thickly. “Hey. Hey. This isn’t a competition, Maddy. And it sounds cliché, but they meant nothing. There’s only ever been you here.” I pressed my hand over my heart. “It's always been you.”

“He right Maddy. Both of us have pasts.” I was glad he was backing me up on this.

“You say that now. But look at me.” Her hand waved over herself. “I have nothing to offer. I’m nothing!” Tears pricked her eyes as she tried to blink them away.

A bluster of heat exploded in my body as anger bit hard with jagged teeth. “What the hell did she say to you, Maddy? Where’s all this coming from?”

I knew that asshole ex had rocked her self-esteem, but this was much worse than I’d thought. She thought she was nothing?

Trepidation and tears filled her eyes. Her arms dropped limply by her side, her shoulders rounded. Everything about her looked defeated, whispering. “It doesn’t matter what she said.”

Logan spun her around with a gasp, placing his finger under her chin, and directing her tear-filled eyes to his. “Obviously it does, Princess.”

Fuck. A horrible sinking feeling fell through my gut and I wanted to march right back into the bar and spank that woman’s ass—and not in a sexy way.

Gritting my teeth, and planting myself next to Logan, it irritated me Maddy wouldn’t look at me. “Are you saying you’re not good enough for us?” I asked her with an incredulous bite to my tone.

She yanked her chin away from Logan, her voice stronger, a little stronger. “I’m saying this is a waste of your time. I can’t satisfy you.” Watery eyes flicked between us. “Either of you.”

Irrational, unexplainable feelings chewed their way through my brain. “Sex is the problem here, right?” My nostrils flared and Logan’s head snapped in my direction, shooting me a reprimanding frown.

There was an awkward pause before Maddy nodded sharply, her mouth pinched.

With growing unease, I pushed on. “Does that mean everything is off the table?”

“Explain what you mean?” she asked snippily.

“Yeah, explain it, Jackson,” repeated Logan.

Keeping my attention on her. “There’s a lot more to sex than just intercourse, Maddy.” I tossed my hand up and her eyes flared wide. “Every fantasy I’ve had has been about touching you. Lying naked with you. Kissing every inch of you. Loving you.” I reeled them off, obviously keeping the PG. She didn’t need to know them all... yet.

Her mouth opened, then shut. Which was good because I wasn’t done talking. “How’s ’bout you let me and Logan love you, Maddy? Show you what being close to someone can feel like. Two people who want to show how they feel about you through simple touch.”

Questions flooded her eyes, and heat flooded her cheeks, spreading to the tips of her ears. “But no sex?”

“No intercourse.” I clarified. “Do you trust us?”

Not trusting herself to talk, she nodded jerkily. Good, that was a start.

“Then let’s go home right now and let us show you exactly how you’re not wasting our time and that you’re everything we want. Will ever want.”

Her tongue flicked over her lips. She wasn’t saying no.

Logan moved to stand behind her, resting his hand on her hips, talking low but loud enough that I could hear him. “We’ve never wanted any woman more than we want you.”

I moved in closer, her eyes fixed on me as I held her hands in mine. “It’s up to you Maddy. We won’t force you. And like we already said. We can play this your way. Wait. But tonight, if you’re willing to try, I promise you—you won’t regret it.”

Several heartbeats later.

“Okay,” she said a little breathlessly and warmth flooded my chest, not to mention stirred my cock. But it wasn’t about my needs or Logans. This was about proving a point. Showing her we both wanted her in any way she’d willingly give us.

My eyes lifted to Logan’s now looking at me with questions through our uncanny twin-link.

What the hell are we doing? He asked.

Just go with it. I replied.

It didn’t take us long to get back to the Ranch. Once inside. I told Maddy to go wait upstairs in her room and me and Logan would be there shortly.

And for once, she followed my instruction.

Logan followed me through to the kitchen.

“I need a fucking drink,” he said, pulling out two shot glasses and filling them with Jack. “Start talking.”

“It's obvious that crazy woman put even crazier ideas into her head.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I guessed that too.”

“So we need to fix it.”

“And when you say fix it. You mean...”

“Show her and we both know there are ways to do that without fucking her.”

Logan winced, and I regretted my choice of words. Fucking sounded... Crass. Cold. Wrong. “You know what I mean.”

His chest inflated slowly. “And what if it backfires and we make the situation worse?”

“You saw her, Logan. Heard her. She needs this.” He looked torn. “We can show her how we feel.” He still didn’t look happy. “We can tell her till we’re blue in the face that we will wait no matter how long for her to be comfortable... relaxed enough.”

Yeah, I’d read up on her condition as soon as she’d left the kitchen earlier to get ready for our date. Relaxation and removing all stressors were a big factor in moving us forward.

“Trust me, brother.”

He blew out a breath, dragging a hand through his hair. “Fine. But if we fuck it up, I’m gonna string you up by your balls.”

I smiled. “And I won’t even try to stop you.”

Logan cracked a smile as he poured out another two shots and handed one to me and raised his in a toast. “Here’s to not fucking it up.”

Opening my mouth, I tossed the whiskey back, sending up a prayer to the big guy whilst savouring the burn of the alcohol as it slid down my throat.

Please don’t let us fuck this up.

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