Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 9: Bagneroth Surprise

The Shnark stopped, and hovered in place above the street. The biggest one of them said, “What?”

“Hasn’t anyone told you that holding your sword in the air while attacking will get you killed as fast as if you attacked me unarmed and naked?” He laughed.

The biggest one hissed, “You think that’s funny? We’ll just see who laughs last,” they floated forward again.

Thael shook his head, “Aigoo. Why did you bother to learn Japanese? …and where did you get that corny dialogue? You guys watching the old movie channel or something?”

They stopped approaching again. The big one hissed and spat, “What? Just what are you trying to say?

“It’s just that… I keep wondering… can’t you come up with your own original snappy fight banter? That stuff is so old it makes us laugh, not quake in our boots.”

“You talk big, Prince, but…”

Thael cut him off, “There you go again. Isn’t that from a 1940’s gangster film?” He snapped his fingers, “Come on guys, think on your feet… or wings as it were. Think of something original. I know you can do it.”

Another of the three spoke up, “You want to see something really scary?”

“No. That’s from the Twilight Zone movie.”

Thael floated a few feet above the street, sword pointed down toward the carnage below. The more time he could stall, the more rested he became; the more rested he became, the stronger he got.

The two Shnark who were fighting Shinto had stopped their attack to listen to Thael talk. They soon came around and joined the three in front of him.

Shinto scratched his head, “What are you doing, boss?”

“Same thing you should be doing – gaining strength,” he said softly so that only Shinto could hear him.


“Keep an eye on the sky. Tell me when the next wave is on its way.”

Shinto grunted again.

Thael raised his voice, “Well, how about it?” He pointed to the newcomers, “What about you two; any ideas?”

They just shrugged their shoulders. Another attack wave came out of the skies. Shinto was still watching, “Incoming – and low. Looks like about fifty and they’re coming at us sword first.”

“Good. Tell me when to hit the deck.”

Ah, So… Wakata, my Prince.”

The Shnark squadron committed to the speed and direction aiming straight at Shinto and Thael. When they got close enough Shinto shouted, “Now, Your Highness!”

They both dropped flat to the pavement. It wasn’t pleasant lying in all the blood and gore, but it seemed to do the trick. The squadron couldn’t change direction or speed so they soared over the prone Guardians and their swords killed five very surprised Shnark. They never did get a chance to think of some snappy banter.

One Imperial Guardian had ten Shnark facing her down. Thael and Shinto jumped in and evened the score. The Imperial Guardian saluted with her bloody sword. Thael and Shinto saluted back.

Looking around the carnage Thael commented, “This is a lot more than twenty-five Shnark. That swarm up there seems to keep growing no matter how many we kill. It’s grown from our earlier estimate of two hundred and fifty to more than twice that. Where are they all coming from? I’m going to tell that sergeant a few things.” He paused. “If I live, that is. Even I can’t maintain my shields forever.”

“I can’t let you die; my sister will have my head.”

“Funny. Rocknash said something similar earlier.”

“Exceptionally perceptive, after having only met her once…” Shinto mused.

“We need to do something. Look at that swarm. There must be at least five hundred up there. Hey, Lord Rocknash,” He beckoned with a hand.

The Giant deftly ran over to the two without making a sound, “Your Highness?”

"The last wave is preparing to start its run. Do you think that you and your men could form a wall in the street? Perhaps cloak and decloak when it’s too late for the last of them to stop their assault?"

“I get it. No problem, my Prince.”

Rocknash went over to his men and in a few seconds they vanished.

“We’d better move off the street,” Shinto commented. “I don’t relish being squashed by those huge feet.”

“No. We’re going to hover behind them about Lord Rocknash’s chest height and be the bait. They will aim straight at us never realizing what’s hiding in front of us: a wall of invisible, angry giants wearing heavy armor swatting them out of existence.”

Shinto saluted with his sword. Then he bowed. “You really are the Master, my Prince.”

“Only if this works, my Captain,” he saluted back.

They moved behind the invisible giants. They could tell where they were because they could hear them breathing.

They stood in one of the few spots that wasn’t covered in Shnark blood and gore, their swords and shields at the ready. Six Imperial Guardians were standing next to them, ready to fight. Some other Guardians managed to get there to help. In all there were about thirty Guardians and four giants against five-hundred Shnark.

The last wave gathered up its forces as it circled around Tokyo Tower. There were so many of them, the moonlit sky turned black. At any time they would begin their strafing run.

“Say, Shinto… Are you getting hungry?”

Thael’s wings appeared out of nowhere. Shinto activated his too. They rose from the ground about fifteen feet. The other Guardians followed suit.

“Did you say, ‘hungry’?”

“Yes. I usually get hungry during a battle. I guess my body is telling me to refuel.”

“I could probably go for some breakfast.”

“Do you think Kyoko sama would like some?”

“I haven’t been around in five years. I don’t know if she even eats breakfast.”

An Imperial Guardian announced, “Here they come.”

“I was thinking that we could buy some things and make her breakfast.”

“Do you cook, Your Highness?”

“Not at all, no. I have a cook that does that for me.”

The first part of the Shnark wave hit the giants, and were swatted down onto the street; their bones making crunching sounds as they hit the cement.

“Don’t you cook, Shinto?”

“I’m a warrior. I always eat at the mess in peace time or freeze dried rations on the battlefield, or buy takeout.”

The caterwauling of the dying got louder so Thael had to shout to be heard.

“I was kind of hoping you knew how to cook.”

“Sorry, my Prince, not at all,” Shinto shouted back. “My sister inherited that talent.”

A few Shnark who were swatted lived through it. The bodies of their fellow Shnark acted like a cushion. They got up and slowly flew toward the waiting Guardians. The giants were still invisible. One unlucky Shnark hit Rocknash’s bare upper arm and was swatted flat like a mosquito.

“If any of them get past the giants take care of them. Sorry to put the majority of the burden on you and your men Lord Rocknash.”

“Not a problem,” he replied as he swatted more Shnark to their death on the pavement. “It’s payback time.”

Thael groaned, “Aigoo! Not you too. Do you know how over used that line is?”

“Yeah, I just wanted to see your reaction when I said it,” he chuckled. Shinto and the others laughed.

There were about fifty Shnark that initially made it past the giants. The Guardians flew to meet them head on. Their main target was Thael, so the five of them, Thael, Shinto, and the Imperial Guardians, got the brunt of the assault. The other thirty guardians attacked from the sides and guarded their backs. Before long they were surrounded.

“The last of them are committing to the assault, Thael, we’re about to decloak.”

“Roger, that.”

Rocknash shook his head and broke into a peal of laughter. The windows of the storefronts rattled. Some of the Shnark were so frightened by the rumble that seemed to come from nowhere, they flew away in a panic.

Thael grinned. “Well, if you can do it, so can I.”

Rocknash and his men de-cloaked. The last of the attacking Shnark squadron realized too late that the Giants were there. Having committed to their high speed attack, they couldn’t slow down or change direction. The only thing they could do was to hold their swords out in front of them, and hope they could kill the Bagneroth.

They hoped in vain.

It takes a lot to kill a Bagneroth. That’s why the Shnark that invaded Bagneroth Prime used anti-matter protocannons. They disintegrate everything and everyone in their path; Very effective, but illegal in any part of the galaxy.

The Shnark that made it past the giants were attacked by the Guardians. More Shnark flew in behind them. Thael, Shinto, and the Imperial Guardians were now surrounded by a mob of seventy Shnark.

“What are they waiting for?” Shinto asked. “They’re just hovering there.”

“Don’t know, but I’m not waiting to find out.”

With that Thael flew forward. He sliced one down the middle. Its insides came out and fell to the street. The others needed no other command, they attacked too. The Shnark were taken by surprise. They had expected the Guardians to stay put until they were attacked, so the first line was unprepared. They died a quick but messy death.

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