Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 8: Shnark Swarm

After patrolling the town again, they ended up back on Tokyo tower.

Shinto looked out into the night sky and asked, “How did you meet my sister?”

“Wow! That came from out of the blue…” He saw that Shinto was serious. “Okay. Well, my Imperial guard and I were fighting a patrol of six Shnark. Normally, not a problem for us, but they surprised us by bringing in a Proto-cannon. Actually, they surprised me. I think the Shnark I was fighting was surprised too, judging by the look in his eyes as he disintegrated when I dodged a proto shot. A second one caught me in the back.

“Fortunately for us, our shields protect us from vaporizing, but, as you know, the impact force is so strong you have no choice but to go wherever the thing is aimed. So, I shot down the street at about eight-hundred kilometers an hour – face forward. The shock from being hit distracted me for a bit.

“As I rocketed between the buildings, passing side-street, after side-street, I thought to slow my momentum by flying full speed backward – thus effectively putting on the brakes. Unfortunately, not having any practice at that, I failed. It was hard enough keeping myself in the air or really suffer if I were to go to ground. No telling what damage my body would have sliding on rough concrete at that speed; especially since my shields had failed.

“While I was thinking of another solution, I flew face first into a solid brick building.”

Shinto whinced, “Ouch.”

“That’s what I said, but at least it stopped my forward momentum. Fortunately my shields came up in time to prevent any major damage.”

Thael told him the rest of the story. When he was finished Shinto asked, “She didn’t even flinch?”

“Not at all, she even sat with me after it was all over and talked to me about things not related to what she had just witnessed. After an hour she went home, like nothing happened.”

“So, she really thought it was a dream?”

“Yes, but even after discovering that it was all true – Shnark, Bagneroth, and all – she took it in stride. She’s an absolutely amazing person. I am so glad I found someone strong, who will be a fine Princess, and one day, my Queen.”

“I’ve been away so long. I didn’t realize she turned into such a person. I’m very proud of her.”

The wrist Vid com buzzed. Thael answered it. The sergeant’s hologram appeared again. “Your Highness, Shnark activity detected.”


“They seem to be heading for Tokyo Tower.”

“How many?” Shinto asked

“About twenty-five, Captain.”

Thael turned off the com, “The other two must have contacted their buddies before they attacked. I guess they’re serious this time.”

Shinto grunted a “Ha!”

“Let’s go to ground Shinto, the Shnark will find it difficult to best us there.”

They flew down to the street below.

“Even though their fighting skills are infantile, aren’t you worried about taking on twenty-five Shnark with just two people?”

“Does seem a bit unfair to the Shnark, doesn’t it?” He chuckled. If it makes you feel better we are five against twenty-five.”

“Where are the other three?”

“Close by. As the Crown Prince I am privileged to always have three Imperial Guardians watching over me at all times. They keep a low profile, but should I need extra assistance, they decloak and join the fray. It happens fast… like…” He snapped his fingers and the three Imperial Guardians decloaked; armed with swords and shields. They saluted the Captain and their Prince. Shinto and Thael saluted back.

The Shnark began their strafing run. It looked like a swarm of large, angry Gryphon coming out of the sky. There were also a lot more Shnark than estimated.

“Thael, I think that’s a bit more than twenty-five,” Shinto remarked.

“Shields up, this is going to be…”

Thael didn’t get to finish. He was in the thick of it. The Shnark grabbed at him, like a hawk grabbing its prey, but their razor sharp claws slipped off his mental shields. It was as if he were wearing slick, greased up armor plate. They couldn’t get a firm hold of him.

Shinto was holding his own against the flying horde; as the Shnark flew by he would stick his sword up into the thick mass of rocketing bodies. Because they couldn’t stop or slow their forward momentum, the sword cut, maimed and killed some of them, effectively causing the Shnark to commit suicide on his blade. The three Imperial Guardians and Thael were doing the same.

One of the Shnark hit Thael’s golden shield like a guided missile. He immediately spun to the left and let it continue on behind him on its own momentum. That’s when he saw twenty Shnark floating up behind them.

“Watch your backs!” He yelled to the others, “Watch your backs! They’re starting their ground assault from the rear!”

The frontal strafing attack was over for the moment. They all turned to face the snarling enemy head on. Without hesitation, Thael flew toward the Shnark. The others followed. As Thael reached the first Shnark he could see body parts, blood, and writhing dying warriors on the ground below him. Their caterwauling and curses filled the air.

The first Shnark was flying with its sword in the air, yowling like a fiend. Thael cut it in two before it had a chance to even use it. Shinto had two on him; One behind him and one in front. Thael flew past just as the one behind was poised to strike with a downward stroke across Shinto’s back. Without stopping, he cut it in two as he passed. He kept flying on to face the next one.

Shinto dispatched the one he had been fighting and headed for a group of five that had Imperial Guardian Ariana up against a wall. She moved so swiftly that all five lay dead on the sidewalk before Shinto even got close. She smiled at him and saluted with her sword in front of her face. He returned the salute and bowed in approval. She was gone in a flash, heading for the thickest part of the battle. He followed suit.

As they got closer to the fray, they could see body parts, blood, and goo everywhere. The Imperial Guardian increased her speed.

“Good idea,” Shinto said to himself as he picked up speed.

He saw Thael fighting two. One of them had made the mistake of anticipating Thael’s next move by aiming low with its sword. He blocked with his shield and it lost its head as Thael’s sword cut through its neck. As its head tumbled through the air, blood sprayed out of the neck like a fountain. Thael spun around and caught the Shnark behind him off guard. It was dead before it could even give its battle howl.

Shinto was battling three, a fourth hit him from behind and knocked him to the street. He managed to land on his feet, but the street was so thick with blood and goo his feet slipped. He went down face first. Now, he had four Shnark beating on his back shields with swords. One of the Shnark was kneeling on his back. As it raised his sword to run him through, a shining golden sword passed through its middle. It fell in two places. The other three Shnark leapt up to face the murderer of their comrade only to see Thael swinging his sword for the kill. It happened fast. They hesitated just long enough for him to kill two more. He smacked the third in the face with his golden shield, dazing it. It slipped and fell into the goo covering the street. Thael reached down and pulled Shinto back to his feet.

“No lying down on the job, Captain.”

He didn’t wait for thanks. He smiled and flew off to fight some more. Shinto watched him dart into the middle of ten Shnark. The dazed one got up, shook its head, and struck Shinto in the back. His shield held. He spun around and sliced the Shnark in half before it could strike again.

Remembering his promise to Kyoko he flew to join Thael in the fight. As he approached he could see Thael hacking away in the middle of what was now twenty-three Shnark. Two Imperial Guardians were hovering behind him fighting in the opposite direction. Shinto cut his way through and now there were four against nineteen.

“So, how do you like your new post Captain?” Thael said as he gutted a Shnark.

“Well, I was actually hoping to find some action, but it’s nice to see Kyoko chan again and get some rest.” He sliced off the sword arm of his foe which made it lose its concentration. Its head followed soon after.

Imperial Guardian Ariana flew overhead. “Your Highness. There’s another wave of airborne Shnark about to start their dive, and there are still more Shnark on the ground coming from behind. We need to get this done quickly.”

Shinto said, “I’ll go. You three can handle this. Lead the way, Ariana.” He flew away with the Imperial Guardian.

Suddenly, Rocknash was there grabbing Shnark and tossing them to his men who literally tore them apart. He got to Thael as the last one dropped screaming in agony. He sent his men to help Shinto.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes,” Thael said.

“Didn’t think we’d be here, did you?”

“You promised me you would come. I’ve been expecting you.”


“The word of a Bagneroth Lord is his bond, and you gave me your word.”

“Yes, but in truth, I must confess that I knew if I was too late to save you, I’d have to face your lady. That thought was scarier than having to come here to fight.”

Thael chuckled and looked at the sky. “That swarm is taking its time. Look!”

The others looked up. An even larger swarm was coming to join the Shnark circling overhead. Shinto joined the group.

“Shinto…? That looks more like a hundred and fifty Shnark, not twenty-five. What do you think?”

“We passed a hundred and fifty a long time ago, Thael, that swarm is more like two-hundred and fifty with more reinforcements coming this way.”

“That’s what I was afraid of. I was hoping I was wrong. You couldn’t lie to me, could you?”

“No, Your Highness, Senshi never lie.”

“You would throw that in my face, wouldn’t you?”

Shinto chuckled.

“Say, now that you are here on Earth, would you be the one to give Kyoko sama away at the wedding?”

They hovered facing the direction the swarm would come from.

“Do Taelons have that tradition?”

“A lot of religions do, regardless of what planet they’re from.”

“Here they come,” Shinto said, “but it’s only about fifty strong. What are they planning?”

Thael watched the small squadron begin their descent. “Don’t know. So will you give her to me?”

Lord Rocknash and his men stood quietly. As the squadron came in at high speed they began swatting them. The Shnark hit the pavement making sickening crunching noises. Most didn’t get up again. The few that did met the Guardian’s swords.

“Of course. I will gladly stand in for our father. Say, what do you think they’ll do when no one comes back from this?” Shinto asked.

“If they’re smart, they’ll turn tail and run; unfortunately, they aren’t smart at all,” Thael answered. “They may try an all-out last ditch swarming, hoping their sheer numbers will win the day.”

He dashed forward to dispatch a Shnark that had only been stunned. He watched it fall to the street. He looked up in time to see three Shnark hovering in front of him. He slowly backed up; ready for a sudden lunge attack. His back touched something firm.

He heard Shinto’s voice: “Don’t panic. Panic is the warrior’s enemy.” They looked over their shoulders at each other.

Thael nodded his head, “Captain.”

“Your Highness,” Shinto nodded back.

“At least we have each other’s backs,” Thael chuckled.

Shinto grunted, “Ha!” They hovered back to back. The three Shnark in front of Thael started forward, their swords in the air.

Thael shouted at them, “Hey!”

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