Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 20: The Singing Rings

As the wall slid up on the landing pad room, a winged Shnark flew in. It had its arms around Thael before either of them realized it. The impact knocked him down. The Shnark sitting on his chest said, “Uncle Thael! Welcome home!” It nuzzled Thael’s chest, purred, and rubbed its face against his. Thael instinctively scratched behind his ears and stroked his fur.

Kyoko had recovered from the surprise attack and was about to roundhouse kick the thing off her Prince.

She stopped mid-kick.

Uncle Thael?”

Thael smiled at the Shnark purring contentedly on his chest. “Hello, Kip. Could you let me up?”

“Sure.” He helped Thael get to his feet.

He was short for a full grown Shnark. Thael looked him over. “You’ve grown up some. You’re taller and stronger than the last time we met. Hey. Is that a real sword you have there?”

“Yes. It happened just like you said, Uncle. I can hold a real sword now. I’m not fully ready to use it yet, but

I can hold it without being dragged to the street.”

“That’s terrific. Don’t worry about using it yet. You’ll know when you’re ready.”

Kyoko stared at the two of them talking like old friends. “Sumimasen!” She said slowly but firmly. The two looked at her.

Uncle Thael?”

“Sorry, Kyoko sama, this is that Shnark I told you about. The one I saved when he was a broodling? His real name is impossible to pronounce with only one set of vocal chords, so I call him Kip. Kip this is my Princess Kyoko.”

Kip bowed. “It’s nice to finally meet you,” he purred. “You are about all he ever talks about.”

Kyoko laughed. Then she suddenly remembered something: “Chotto matte…You are a Shnark, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Aren’t you supposed to hate and kill Guardians… especially the Prince?”

“Oh no, not you two, Mother says you are good people. Besides, why would I try to hurt my Uncle?”

She gave Thael a stern questioning look, “Just how long have you two known each other?”

“Since the night I had that confrontation with eight hundred Shnark warriors. I’ve been teaching him how to fight properly.”

“You what…? Isn’t that counterproductive to taking care of the Shnark threat?”

“No. I just don’t want this guy to get into a fight and die in ten seconds because some incompetent weapons master taught him to fight improperly. He’s learned a lot of the Guardian moves and I’m teaching him to think on his feet. He’s going to be a fine senshi.”


“I’m hoping to recruit him as a Guardian. Then he can help his people fight against their real enemies.”

“If I didn’t know that you can always pull victory out of certain defeat, I’d say you were crazy. Wait a minute…You are crazy. You know what I mean. So Kip is going to help us with your plan?”

“Maybe… Let’s show him the Vid and I’ll explain what I have in mind. Then he can decide for himself.”

After showing the VID and telling Kip his plan, he readily agreed to help. If the Shnark problem could be resolved peacefully then he was for it. He flew away happy at the prospect.

When they arrived at Kyoko’s place, she set up the easel, and put the painting of the Shnark landscape on it. She covered it with a protective oil cloth. They both dropped onto the couch. They leaned toward each other, shoulder to shoulder, her head on his.

“It’s been an interesting day, My Prince, and I’m totally exhausted. I couldn’t even take a nice warm bath” She lay her head down on his lap.

“Yeah, we’ve been away, so the water is really cold by now.”

“Oh, yeah, there is that too.” She sighed, “Do you feel like explaining Kip? Your memories of him that I got from the bonding aren’t very clear yet.”

“I’m pretty tired, but talking doesn’t require too much physical movement, so, okay. If I fall asleep in the middle of it, I’ll tell you the rest in the morning.” He looked down to see if she was still listening. Her breathing was slower than normal. She had fallen asleep.

“Who am I to argue with that?” He promptly joined her.

The next day Thael rolled over and put his arm around Kyoko. She was lying facing the wall. He scooted toward her back and held her closer.

Suddenly he was wide awake. “Kyoko sama?”

She made a cute little moaning sound. She turned toward him, “Hmmm?” She had a big smile on her face. “I really love waking up next to you in bed, Thael. I… Chotto matte!” She sat straight up,Again?”

“Yeah, I wonder which team got to see my underwear this time?”

There was a knock on the door. Hiro came in followed by Leura.

Hiro spoke: “Good morning Your Highnesses. We’ve prepared breakfast, if you’re hungry.”

Kyoko shook her head violently like a dog shedding water.

“Anything wrong, Your Highness?”

“No, Hiro. I was just making sure this wasn’t a dream, but you’re still here. It was you two who put us to bed, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“That’s good, because Thael seems to have an underwear issue when it comes to strange women doing it.”

Leura chuckled into her paw-like hands.

Thael ignored her jibe, “Why are you two here today?”

“The King and Queen insisted we bring all of her highness’ designer dresses to her and that we take care of you since they knew you’d be exhausted after that weekend.”

“My dresses? Really? That was very kind of them.”

Leura answered: “Yes, Your Highness. We came early yesterday so your wardrobe could be cleaned and pressed for wear. We warmed up your bath, but you both were so tired you fell asleep. I also cleaned your school uniform.”

“School? Oh my goodness! What time is it?”

“Don’t worry, Princess, it’s only six. You have plenty of time to eat, bathe and dress.”

“I don’t know,” Thael began, “Our baths sometimes last a long time.”


“I’m beginning to think that’s her pet name for me,” he said to the room.

Hiro looked at the ceiling and made a slight cough, Leura put her hands over her mouth to stifle a laugh.

“We’ll be serving breakfast in the dinette, your highnesses,” Hiro turned and left. Leura bowed and followed.

Kyoko put her chopsticks down and gave a satisfied sigh,Oishii! Thank you Hiro san and Leura chan. Gochisosama. I am so stuffed.”

“How did you get in here?” Thael wondered.

“Captain Shinto loaned us a key. He knew you would be coming home exhausted so he said it would be okay.” He placed the key near Kyoko’s plate. Kyoko picked it up and gave it back to him.

“Of course it’s okay. You keep it. I’m sure you both will need to come in when we’re not here to let you in.

Be sure to make a copy for Leura too. Please make a copy for Shinto as well.”

“Yes, waking up from that couch would have given us both backaches. As it is I woke up seeing Kyoko’s lovely back.”

He turned to Kyoko, “Have I told you that I love waking up and seeing you there beside me? Seeing your lovely bare back makes my heart go doki-doki, doki-doki.

Kyoko laughed, “Baka.”

Leura had both hands over her mouth. She appeared to be laughing.

Hiro made a polite cough, “Do you both plan to continue living here?”

“Only until I graduate, then I will live at Thael’s place near the mountains.”

Honto?” Thael sounded happy. “That’s a surprise. You won’t mind moving there?”

“Of course not, I go with my husband wherever he goes. I’ll need to see it before I move though, because a bachelor’s pad is famous for being small and messy.”

“How about today, after school?”

“Sure, you’re coming for lunch?”

“Do birds fly?”

Kyoko slapped her hands on the table, “That’s all I need early in the morning. Why did you learn to speak Japanese anyway? Was it just to say dumb clichés like that to me?”

“Ouch! Where have I heard that before? How about… do Senshi fly?”

She put her hand up, palm toward Thael, “Too late. You already spoiled my moment. You’re just going to have to make it up to me with one of your special bento. Where do you get them, anyway?”

Thael pointed to Hiro like a hand model showing off a refrigerator.

“So you don’t make it yourself?”

“Didn’t Shinto tell you that I can’t cook? Make decent sushi, yes, but cook? No way.”

“Well, thank you, Hiro san, for all the wonderful food. It has always been perfect.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

“Maybe you could teach Thael to cook?”

“I tried for eight years, Your Highness. It was hard enough getting him to boil tea water without burning the pot. Never again,” he shuddered. “We’ll clean up later. Leura and I will leave now so you can have your privacy. Congratulations on your bonding.” He bowed.

“Yes, Congratulations,” Leura echoed. She bowed and left.

Thael rode the train to school with Kyoko again. The passengers close to them could hear music playing. They kept looking around to see where the music was coming from. A woman leaned over to Kyoko, “Excuse me miss. I think your cell phone is ringing.”

“Gomenasai, it isn’t a cell phone.” Kyoko held up her ring, “My ring sings when I’m happy, and being a newlywed, I am happy all the time.”

“Can’t you turn it off or remove it so it doesn’t disturb people?”

Sumimasen, No, I can’t take it off.”

“Of course you can. I do it all the time to wash the dishes.”

“Here, have a look.” She held her hand out to the rude woman.

“Oh my, what happened? It looks like it’s fused to your finger permanently”

“It is.”

“Mine too.” Thael put his hand out. “They sing louder when we’re together.”

“Doesn’t that hurt?”

“Oh, no, not at all, the rings are part of our bodies now. They sing the song that our souls sing to each other.”

Honto des ka? Please, let me hear it then.” Kyoko lifted her hand. Thael reached around, took her hand which put his ring next to hers. The rings glowed brightly and sang. The rude lady listened. Tears filled her eyes. “I have never heard such beautiful music in my life. If this is your soul-song, you both have beautiful souls.”

Others came closer to hear the rings too. When they finally exited the train, everyone congratulated them on their marriage and waved goodbye.

At eleven-thirty sharp, Thael was in the classroom doorway again. The students greeted him and he greeted them back. Kyoko took his hand and the rings began glowing and singing. She looked at Thael in a panicky way, “I think we should hurry before they realize…”

“What’s that music?”

“Where’s it coming from?” “Listen… It’s coming from them.”

The girls surrounded the couple.

Kyoko spoke first, “I suppose you are wondering about the music?”

She raised her ring hand, “It’s our bonding rings…they…uh…sing.”

“Sugoi! It’s so beautiful!”

After explaining as much as they could without revealing the whole truth, they went up to the rooftop to eat. Shinto flew in and joined them. The first thing he said was: “Okay. Let me see them.”

“See what, Oniisan?”

Shinto looked at Thael, “Thael…?”

“Thael, what…?”

“Oh come on. You know I mean the singing rings, of course. I hear you’re urban legends on Taelon now. You even woke up the singing valley.”

They showed him their rings and he listened to their soul song.

“That’s so beautiful hearing it live,” he closed his eyes and smiled. “I always knew you had a beautiful soul, Kyoko sama.”

After a while Thael asked, “So how is it going on the front lines, Captain?”

Shinto closed his eyes again, slowly shook his head, and was quiet a moment. When he opened his eyes again: “I’m getting tired of the senseless killing. The Shnark can’t fight hand to hand. You’d think that after all this time they would realize that their high speed strafing runs are killing more of them than they can even hurt us. They can’t control their direction; they can’t slow down fast enough. It’s more like slaughter than honest fighting.”

Kyoko put her hand on Shinto’s hand. “I heard someone else say that same thing, once. Now, he’s come up with an absolutely insane plan to bring us peace with the Shnark.”

“Insane? That has to be Thael. Well, I’ve seen enough of his insane plans work to not go along for the ride. So I’m in.”

“Even before hearing what it is?” Kyoko asked.

“Like I said before, I’ll never doubt that man you’re married to ever again.”

Thael laughed. “You haven’t heard this one yet. Come tomorrow night to Kyoko’s place. We’re having dinner and a meeting. There’s a special guest: A couple of friends of mine I want you to meet – the ace in the hole, so to speak.”

Kyoko said, “Yes, come for dinner. I want to hear how things are going for you since we last saw you, and you can meet our guests.”

“Of course I will. You know I love your cooking, Kyoko chan. I don’t need to ask too much about you two though. You are all over the Taelon news. They have Vid of your bonding ceremony. They even have Vid of you standing on a balcony till four in the morning being greeted by Taelons from all over the planet... it made me tear up a little.”

Kyoko laughed.

He looked at her, “Well, it did.” Thael burst out laughing too.

Shinto stood up, his sword and shield at the ready, “Insulting my veracity are you? Let’s have a duel to see who’s telling the truth.”

Thael stood up too. Like Shinto, his sword and shield appeared.

Kyoko sighed, “Don’t be silly, Oniisan. You know neither of you can tell a lie.”

Thael and Shinto looked at each other, “Oh… yeah, that’s right.”

Their weapons vanished. They sat down, looked at each other again, and burst out laughing.

Ni bakas,” Kyoko laughed too.

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