Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 19: The Royal Gardens

When they reached the palace they went straight to their suite. They sat on the bed and fell backward. They lay there holding each other.

“Are you all right, Kyoko sama? I know this has been very strange for you – not to mention the bonding. That was strange for me too.”

“Strange and wonderful, I have never been so happy in my life.” “I second that.” He kissed her. He heard music playing, softly.

When they parted lips two minutes later: “I know that music…”

“Look, Thael, our rings.” The rings were glowing and singing their soul song. They kissed again.

There was a knock on their door. They sat up and Thael said, “Come in.”

The Queen entered, “Oh, good, you’re still dressed. Come with me.”

She took Kyoko’s hand and they went down the hall. Thael trailed after. At the end of the hall was a curtain that hung from the ceiling to the floor. The Queen pushed the couple through it.

They found themselves on a balcony that overlooked the grounds from the front of the palace. There were hundreds of people standing out there. More were coming. The landscape was soon covered with over a thousand Taelons. They were all carrying lanterns. The line of lanterns coming to the palace went on for what seemed to be miles.

When the people saw Thael and Kyoko come out they cheered and waved their lanterns.

“Look at all the people Kyoko sama. Where did they come from? Why are they here?”

“At least they don’t look angry, they seem very happy.”

The Queen’s voice came from behind the curtain. “They have come to congratulate you on your bonding and praise you for awakening the sacred stones. You should wave to them, and say, ‘thank you’, they may not hear you, but they will know what you are saying.”

The Royal couple waved, bowed and thanked the throng. Their bonding rings glowed brightly in the night. Even the Taelons standing in the back of the crowd could see them shining as they waved to them. The people nearest to the balcony could hear the soul song of the rings.

Sometime after four-thirty in the morning, the last of the crowd bowed and left. The Royal couple waved goodbye to them.

When they passed back through the curtain, the Queen was waiting. “You did very well. I know that wore you both out, but you now have the love and appreciation of the Taelon people.”

“Well, I think I will sleep well tonight,” Thael commented.

Kyoko managed a chuckle. When they got back to their suite they sat on the bed, fell backward, and promptly passed out still fully dressed.

In the morning, about eleven, Kyoko rolled over and put her arm around Thael. She looked at his face. Suddenly she was wide awake. She sat up and shook his shoulder, “Thael. Thael, wake up.”

“What is it my… When did you change into that? It’s beautiful on you, by the way. One of Hana’s creations?” Then he realized something else. “Chotto matte, I’m wearing pajamas. Did you…?”

Kyoko shook her head.

He sat up, looked around the room and laughed.

“What? What’s funny?”

“I had forgotten where we were. Leura and Hiro… They must have changed us. That had me going for a moment.”

“But I’m naked under this gown.”

“Really? Let me see.” He pulled her back down on the bed. He started at her neck and kissed his way up to her ear. Before he had a chance to nibble he heard what sounded like singing.

“Do you hear that, Kyoko?”

“Yes, it seems to be coming from…” She raised the covers. Thael’s hand was on her stomach; her left hand was on top of his. The rings were blazing brightly and singing the duet of their souls.

Yokata! Oh, Thael, I’m so happy! I woke up thinking it was all just a beautiful dream, but there they are, singing our soul song.” Her eyes filled with tears.

He kissed her. She reached her right hand up behind his neck and held him there. Her left hand was unbuttoning his PJ top.

Two hours later they were washed and dressed for the day. Breakfast was a late brunch, but they didn’t care. The Queen joined them, her ring singing its own melody. She and Kyoko chatted like school girls. It wasn’t long before the King arrived. His ring was glowing and singing too.

“I need to thank Leura and Hiro for changing our clothes last night, Grandfather. We were up pretty late and fell asleep before we could do it ourselves,” he raised his teacup to his lips and began sipping.

The King replied, “They didn’t do it. Your Imperial Guardians did it.”

Thael choked on his tea, “Uh… That’s okay for Kyoko, I guess, but…” He put his teacup back on its saucer. “What’s the problem, Paru?”

“Well… They’re girls,” he blurted.

Grandfather blinked, “No, Paru, they are full grown women.” He laughed.

Kyoko raised her napkin to her mouth and chuckled behind it.

Thael was embarrassed, “Is that proper, Grandfather?”

“They are your personal Guardians and are capable of doing anything necessary to help you.”

“Yes, Grandfather, but… really?”

The Queen reached over and put her hand on Thael’s, “Don’t be such a prude Paru.”

Kyoko laughed. “My big brave Prince. Are you afraid they saw something they shouldn’t? Don’t worry; you still had your underwear on, because this morning I remember having to remove them… Oh! Sorry.” She blushed a bright red. They all burst out laughing.

After Brunch the Queen made a suggestion, “Paru, why don’t you take your bride around the gardens? They’re in full bloom this time of year. It’s something she shouldn’t miss.”

“Yes, Grandmother, I think we would both enjoy that.”

The King spoke: “Remember, we allow the general public to visit the garden during this time of year. You need to be out of there before four, or you will be mobbed by admirers. It’s two thirty now, so you have plenty of time to enjoy it.”

The gardens were more beautiful than any explanation could portray. They walked the paths looking at beautiful colors and smelling the lovely perfumed aroma they gave off. There were many blooms Kyoko had never seen before because they were only indigenous to Taelon.

“Those are roses, aren’t they? Does Taelon have roses?”

“Only in this garden… They were one of the various Earth flowers I brought here to see if they could thrive. There are Carnations and numerous other flowering plants too. If they take to the air and soil here without causing any environmental damage, I’ll set up some kind of trade so everyone can have them.”

They turned a corner and saw a dual planter at the end of a cul-de-sac. It was built like a small hot house, but you could clearly see inside it through the glass.

“We can skip this one…” He turned, but Kyoko was already standing next to the planter reading the plaque.

It said:


There were two plants. Both were blooming. One a Lavender color with yellow spots and the other, white with red streaks down the center of its petals.

She turned to Thael, “Are those really…”

“Yes. The lavender is the one the Dràken needed and the white and red is the one we needed. Can we go now?”

Kyoko hugged his arm closer. “My Prince… My hero… So where do they keep the rubber chicken?” She smiled up at him innocently.

Thael looked down at her face. In two seconds they were both laughing.

Two minutes later: “By the way, Thael, the Queen wants us to come to the tea she has planned for this afternoon around four. She mentioned Croquet. Is that Earth Croquet they play here or Alice in Wonderland style with flamingos and hedgehogs?”

“I wish it were Flamingos and hedgehogs. Unfortunately, it’s Earth style. One of my biggest mistakes… introducing Croquet to Taelon. They’re crazy about it. They even have world championships that they broadcast on the Vid. Now, every time I come here they insist I play.”

Kyoko chuckled. “Well, I already promised we’d come.” She laughed.

He bowed, “As you wish, my princess. When I ask you for a favor tomorrow, remember what a good sport I am being right now.”

“Favor…?” She grabbed his arm tighter. “Indoors…? Or out? Not in front of Ariella, though. I do have some self-respect.”

He laughed. “Not that kind of favor, my Princess, although those choices are intriguing. This request is a little dangerous and may be difficult to achieve.”

She dropped his arm. “Well, that does it.”


“Now, you have to tell me today, because I need time to think about my answer. How dangerous…?”

“I have this crazy idea…”

“What else is new? What idea?”

“I want you to paint a picture of a landscape.”

“What? You got me all worked up over that?”

“I haven’t said where the landscape is.”

“Okay, I’ll play… Where is it?”

“Karu Sektu.”


“The Shnark home planet.”

“Aren’t we at war with them?”

“No. They are at war with us.”

“Same thing, they hate us don’t they?”

“At the moment they do. That tyrant that took over the leadership of their people is responsible for that.”

“…And you want to land right in the middle of them so you can get a painting of their landscape? You’re right, it is a crazy idea.”

The next day, Ariella landed on a small mountainside outcrop on Karu Sektu. Her cloak was up. “I’m extending my cloak so our Princess can get out to paint without being seen.”

Arigato, Ariella,” Kyoko said.

From this vantage point they could see a beautiful valley. In the distance was what looked like castle walls and spires. Thael took out binoculars and scanned the area.

“Kyoko sama, over there,” he was pointing off in the distance. He handed her the binoculars.

She took a look and nodded. She set up her easel and paints and began the picture. After two hours, they heard voices from below their ledge. Looking down Thael saw two strange looking toad-like creatures who had just sat down on a rock shelf. Kyoko couldn’t understand the crude guttural language, so she just kept painting.

Thael took the avatar out of his pocket and spoke softly to it. “Ariella, Vid this conversation for me, would you?” In answer the ball cloaked itself and rose into the sky.

Kyoko had set to work without fear or hesitation. Before Thael had explained his plan she had already decided to help him with it, regardless of how crazy it might sound. Hadn’t his crazy plans worked out before? Didn’t Shinto say he would never doubt Thael again? As his soul-bonded wife and the only one who really knew him, she readily agreed without reservation.

Five hours later the painting was done. Kyoko safely stowed it in Ariella’s belly. They left the planet and headed for Earth.

On the way, Thael had Ariella play the conversation through the universal translator.

Kyoko shook her head slowly, “How horrible. I wish there were something we could do about this.”

“Ariella I’m going to need you to play that Vid again sometime soon. I’ll let you know when and where.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

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