
Chapter Tenth

Hal helped me with my hair and make-up. I didn’t want to get dragged all the way across the sector to go to Janks. I didn’t like that man. Every time I went there he tried to put some garbage all over my face. I liked the way Hal did my make-up, she just put a little here an there, nothing like the globs that stylist wanted to do. Hal also did my hair. She curled it and pinned it to one side.

I smiled at her in the mirror, “Do you want any help getting ready?”

She frowned at me, “Can you even work a curling iron?”

I gave her a sheepish grin, “No, but it’s the thought that counts, right?”

This made Halston laugh. “Yes it is. Thank you for the offer, Emmary, but I think I will pass. Maybe tomorrow you can experiment with my hair.”

I looked at her slyly, “Don’t want to look too terrible for mystery matched man, huh?”

She gave me a threatening death stare, but couldn’t hold it for long. She started smiling before saying her threat, “You do realize that I’m wielding something that is over 300 degrees, right? Just a slip of the hand and there goes your oh so pretty face.” I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed. “Okay, you’re done.”

I stood up and gave her a hug, “Thanks, Hal.”

She gave me a tight squeeze back, “No problem.” When we let go I walked over to my closet. “Did you pick out a dress already?”

I nodded, “Yeah, Vox said I should wear this blue one.” Well he didn’t really say it.

“Ooh, that one is perfect. Go put it on. I think I’m going to see if I can’t find anything in here for myself.”

I went into the bathroom and changed into the strapless navy blue dress. There were a few dark colored beads sewn into the fabric that made the dress catch the light every once in a while. It clung to my body in all the right places without being too revealing. I really liked it, I think it might even be my favorite.

I emerged from the bathroom to see Hal holding up a black dress and looking in the floor length mirror. She stopped to look at me, “Wow, Emmary. You look, gorgeous. I love that dress.”

I smiled at her complement, “Thank you.”

“What do you think about this black one? It’ll look fine, right?”

“What about that emerald green one?”

Hal made a disgusted face for half a second before giving me a polite smile. I knew her fake smiles from a mile away. “Oh, no thanks. I think I’ll stick to the black one.”

“You don’t like the green one?”

She bit her lip, “Not really.”

“Then why did you buy it?”

“What you don’t like it either?”

I laughed and shook my head, “God no, it’s uglier than shit.” I bit my lip, “Sorry, cuss words normally just stay in my head.”

Hal started busting out laughing. It was a good thing she hadn’t done her makeup yet because tears started streaming down her face. “That was possibly the most adorably funny thing you’ve ever said to me, Emmary.”

“What, shit?”

She shook her head, “No, the bit about the cuss words.”

“What, it’s true. I say cuss words all the time in my head. Hell and damn and shit not so much bitch, but ever now and again some girl deserves it.”

This only made Hal laugh harder. “Oh Emmary. I love you to pieces.” She wiped her tears once she started to calm down. She cleared her throat, “So you really don’t like this dress.” I shook my head, “Okay, well I thought you liked it, but thank God.” She laughed a little more, “I’ll have it returned.”


She smiled, “Okay, I need to go get ready, I’ll see you there.”


After she left I picked out a pair of sliver heels to match the earrings I had selected earlier. There was a knock on the door that I had assumed was Vox. “Come in.” I called as I clasped the matching necklace. When I turned around, Addeck was standing in the doorway. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were Vox.”

He cleared his throat, “No, sorry. I’m here to get you’re letter. I’m going to drop it off for you.”

I had completely forgotten about the letter I was supposed to write. “Oh, I haven’t gotten the chance to write it yet.” More like I had been doing everything except sitting down and thinking about him.

“Vox said you would have it ready by today.”

I shook my head, “No, sorry.”

Addeck frowned and knitted his eyebrows together. “Okay.” He swallowed, “Well, just whenever you get it finished, just give it to me. I’ll turn it in for you.”

I smiled, “Thank you, Addeck.”

“No problem. Have fun at the wedding.” He closed the door behind him as he left. There was some muffled talking from the other side of the door. I inched closer to see if I could hear anything. I could hear Addeck’s voice clearly , he must still be right beside the door. “She hasn’t written it yet.”

I couldn’t hear anything the other person said, but Addeck spoke again, “I know, I’ll figure something out.” The other person said something again and Addeck replied, “Yeah, I told her that.”

There was nothing after that. I wasn’t sure if Addeck had moved on down the hall with the mystery person or if they were still standing there, just talking in a softer tone. I decided to back away from the door, it wasn’t my place to be eavesdropping on Vox’s brother.

The door knocked again. I opened it to reveal Vox in a black suit with a white dress shirt and a black bow tie. I liked him in bow ties. They complimented him nicely. I found his eyes staring at me, taking me in. I liked the way he looked at me, like he’d never seen me before in his life. Or maybe like he’d never get to see me again so he was memorizing every detail.

To my dismay he frowned. “What’s wrong?”

He heaved a sigh, “Well, it’s just that, I don’t know if I can take you anymore.”

Confusion contorted my face, “What do you mean?”

“Well, I gave you specific instructions yesterday, you are not to outshine the bride.” I rolled my eyes as he broke into a grin, “And right now there is no competition. You look absolutely radiant.”

“You are a terrible flirt.” I matched his smile as a blush found it’s way to my cheeks. “Thank you. You look very handsome.”

“I really like that dress on you.”

“And I really like that tie on you.”

“Thank you.” He gave me a smirk as he straightened it out. “Are you ready to go?” I nodded as I took the hand he held out for me. Our fingers intertwined. It felt like my hand fit perfectly with his.

As we stepped into another ballroom, I felt like we were stepping into a fairy tale I used to read as a child. Twinkling lights hung behind white sheets against the walls creating an intimate atmosphere in the grand space. Gorgeous flowers, I didn’t know the specific type, but they were a lovely soft pink, spilled out of the huge chandelier that hung in the center of the room.

“I’m going to get us a couple of drinks.”

I nodded and felt a twinge of sadness as he let go of my hand to wander off. I looked around the room, slightly uncomfortable being left alone in a room full of people I didn’t know. I searched for a familiar face, any face. Unluckily I found one. Mal’s.

She really did look gorgeous in her white lace wedding gown. “Sixteen!” She pulled me in and gave me a kiss on each cheek.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. First she reminded me that I don’t belong here and then she embraced me as if I was a friend. I gave her a fake smile, hoping it would pass as real. “Best wishes to you, Mal.”

She grinned from ear to ear and her dark eyes twinkled in the lights. “Thanks, Sixteen.” My smile faltered at the use of that name. She bent her finger in a come closer fashion, “Come here, I have a secret.”

She was obviously drunk. I leaned in closer to humor her, “What is it?”

Mal put her thin arm around me, “I just wanted to let you know that I’m a little jealous. I mean come on, you of all people got Vox as your match. And you’re so gorgeous. All I can make fun of you for is your sector. At least give me some new material. Do something completely horrifyingly embarrassing.”

I felt insulted but at the same time a little flattered. Here was Mal, of course drunk Mal, telling me that she was actually jealous of me. Did she have a crush on Vox? Or was she jealous because of his status. I didn’t know Mal well enough to be the judge of which.

I smiled at her, “Well, you’ll just have to wait, my embarrassing moments just happen. It’s a surprise even to me.”

She laughed a little. “That’s okay, I have everything being filmed.” She pointed up to a small ball that was whizzing above the crowd. I assumed it was some sort of flying camera recording everybody’s movements and conversations. I hoped Mal would be able to review our conversation later.

“Here you go.” Vox handed me a flute full of champagne. After the other night I didn’t know if I wanted to ever drink this stuff. “I see you found the bride.”

“Voxie!” Mal wrapped her arms around Vox’s neck. He chuckled and pulled away from her. “Sixteen and I were just talking about you.”

Vox smiled, “Oh no. That can’t be good.”

Mal waved her hand, “No it’s all good. She was just telling me that she thinks you’re ridiculously attractive. Oh, and that she loves your eyes.”

What. No. I shook my head, “No I didn’t.” I could feel the heat rise in my face.

Mal frowned at me, “Calm down, I’m trying to help you out.” She nudged me. I took a huge swig of my drink. With the way this conversation was headed, I was going to need a few more of these. She looked me right in the eyes and spoke in a quiet voice, “You two have had sex, right?”

I just gaped at her. Too stunned that she had just asked me that.

She gasped, “You haven’t?” Mal then turned to Vox, “Voxie! Where’s your 'A' game, mister?” She hit him on the arm. I took another long gulp of the champagne. Suddenly my glass was empty.

Vox gave a nervous chuckle and glanced at me. His eyes said ‘help’. He smiled back at Mal, “Why don’t we get you some water, huh?”

She rolled her eyes, “Hell no. If I’m going to survive this marriage I’m going to have to stay this drunk.”

Ouch. I looked at Vox, who sighed, “Come on, Mal.” He linked arms with her and started to guide her away, “I’ll be back in a little bit.”

I stood off by myself and looked around at the people that were here. Most of them looked to be about my age, but sometimes I couldn’t tell. Others looked to be parents with grey streaks in their hair and a more conservative dress. They all chatted and intermingled with each other, none paying attention to me. Which was great, I didn’t want to interact with these people.

Sadly my time by myself came to an end when the groom approached me. “Hi.” He gave me a half smile, “I don’t think we’ve been introduced, I’m Ketchum.”

I smiled, “I’m Emmary.”

I saw his eyes go up and down as he gazed at me. I was a little disgusted at him looking at me like that, but I didn’t say anything about it. “Please tell me that you don’t have a date here.”

I frowned at him. Excuse me? “Aren’t you the groom?”

He shrugged, “So?”

“So? So, you just got married.”

Ketchum rolled his dark eyes, “Have you met the lovely bride?” He took a step closer to me. His eyes didn’t reach my face, they were stuck looking at a different part of me. “You, however, I would like to get to know you.”

“Ugh, no thank you.” I was repulsed by this guy. He was hitting on me, not very well I might add, at his own wedding.

“There you are, Emmary.” Vox came to my rescue. He was holding a new flute of champagne for me. I took the full one and he put the empty one on a tray that floated by. “I see you’ve met Ketchum.” His free hand found mine again. His thumb rubbed the back of my hand in a rhythmic circle.

I tried to use my eyes to beg for help. “Yep.”

Vox looked at Ketchum, “Good, I won’t have to make any introductions then.”

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Ketchum finally spoke. “No, you won’t.” I could tell there was some tension between them. I assumed it was from their past with Felicity. Whatever it was though, they stared at each other with a blazing hatred. Their words were passive aggressive when they spoke. I took another long drink.

“Good. You should probably look for your wife. I think she needs your help.”

Ketchum cleared his throat and broke eye contact with Vox to look at me, “We’ll finish our conversation later, Emmary.” Yeah right, when Hell freezes over. He gave me a smirk before turning and walking away from us.

“Thank you.”

Vox chuckled, “You are most welcome. Ketchum is a character, and not a very good one.”

I took another drink. “Did Mal find some water?”

He nodded, “Yeah, I dumped her off with a bridesmaid. I also saw Hal walking around here somewhere, don’t know where she wondered off to though.” He was scanning the crowd. “Are you having fun?”

I took another gulp before I answered. “Yeah.”

He laughed and looked at me, “Yeah right, but thanks for lying.”

I smiled, “Anytime.”

Vox grinned at me, his golden eyes twinkling. “I really appreciate you coming with me.”

I gave his hand a squeeze, “It’s no problem. I would just be sitting at the house by myself anyways.”

“I don’t have to help Father at the lab tomorrow, we should go to the library.”

I smiled at his suggestion, I wanted to do that very much. “Yes!”

He chuckled at my excitement, “Okay good, it’s a date then.”

I went to take a drink, but my glass was empty. As if on cue a silver trey full of drinks floated by and I put my empty one on the tray and grabbed a new glass. Vox eyed me curiously, “How many of those have you had?”

I shrugged, “I had one before the service and two just now, so this makes four. I think.”

Vox smiled, “You were tipsy at two last time. I think you’re done.”

I frowned and moved the glass away as he tried to grab it from me, “Don’t be a party pooper.”

“Come on, Emmary.” He reached for the glass and stumbled a little.

I narrowed my eyes, “And how many have you had?”

He smirked, “Not the point.”

“So the point. You can’t tell me to stop when you’re more drunk than me.”

He chuckled, “Fine, but you better remember that in the morning.” I rolled my eyes and took another long drink.

“Alright, I’m cutting you off.” He took the glass from me as I was still drinking. A little spilled on the floor but it missed my dress. He put the glass on another tray that came around.

I double checked the dress. “You’re lucky that missed my dress. Hal would have killed you.” When I looked up, I was staring directly into Vox’s eyes.

He spoke so softly I almost didn’t hear it, “Do you want to get out of here?” His gaze never left mine.

It was like I was in some sort of trance. All the sudden, I couldn’t stop staring into his golden eyes. I slowly nodded, not really sure what I was doing, all I knew was I wanted to do whatever he wanted.

He lead me through the crowed, zigzagging us toward the exit. We weaved and bobbed between couples and glaring adults. As soon as we stepped out into the cool air, I got goose bumps. I shivered a little. Vox must have noticed because as he was telling the valet to get our driver he shrugged out of his jacket and handed it to me. I took it and pulled it on. As soon as it was on, our hands joined again.

The driver pulled up to the curb and opened the back door. We climbed into the car. As soon as we were alone, Vox turned to me. His eyes shined in the darkness. They flickered to my lips and then back to my eyes. He quickly narrowed the space between us. One hand was cupping my cheek, the other was on my hip. I expected this action, but it was so quick it caught me off guard. I was already breathing heavy, and now the closeness was making it even harder to breath. His lips hovered over mine, as if asking for permission. I tilted my head up and met his lips with mine.

That’s when the dam broke.

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