Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 52: Ch.51/ Mislead

Marco's POV:-
"Fuck, we are in the wrong location." I yell and kick the wall in anger. Upon arriving at the abandoned building we started to look
for Anupama, but after searching the whole building we didn't even get a clue if Anupama was here or not. It means that
Someone has given us false information about knowing Anupama's whereabouts.
"Calm down Marco. I am also frustrated with not knowing where my sister is, but anger can not solve any problem." Subhodeep
says putting his hand on my shoulder.
"But now what we are going to tell everyone who is waiting for Anupama? I don't even want to imagine little Advira's face after
learning that her mother is not coming." I reply and run my hands through my hair.
"Mr. Davis I think someone is trying to misguide us so that we can not find Mrs. Bianchi. Also, now I am sure that whoever is
doing it is the person behind the kidnapping too." One of the police officers comments who has come with us.
"I am thinking the same but the kidnappers haven't called us for money or anything." Subhodeep answers.
"If the kidnappers are Sebastian and his wife then they will not call us. However, my sources have told me that they are now in
Australia." I reply while looking around the abandoned building.
"Boss, the person who has informed us about Mrs. Bianchi's fake location is captured and our men have brought him in the
warehouse." My CPO informs while walking towards me. My blood boils and I storm away from the place to beat the shit out of
that man. I get inside my car along with Subhodeep and start driving the car towards my warehouse where I investigate fucker.
Police knows about it and that's why I don't get in danger. It's nothing new for them because many businessmen along with
Alessandro has their own warehouses for these types of dirty works.
Samantha's POV:-
Finally, the day has come when I will sell the bitch and get my revenge from Alessandro for rejecting me. He thought he can get
away without being punished but I am not a forgiving person. How dare he reject my love? How dare he chose a fat, ugly bitch
over me? And top of that he has gotten her pregnant! How can he do that to me? I loved him with everything I have in me and he
decided to ignore my every effort. I didn't want to put him in so much pain but he needs to get punished for the sin he has
committed by marrying another girl when he should have marry me. For that worthless girl, he has bought my family business
and destroyed Sebastian's underground business leaving us penniless. I have been forgiving him for so long but not anymore.

I haven't gotten a peaceful sleep for so long but after tonight I will sleep peacefully while Alessandro's wife will be getting fucked
like a whore. Then after some months when she will give birth, I will take the baby away from her, and no one will know what's
happening with the baby. I know that Alessandro's best friend is looking for Anupama but he is not as smart as Alessandro so I
don't have to worry about him finding about my involvement in anything. However, Sebastian was scared that someone will be
able to find our location and that's why I have asked one of my men to inform Marco's men about Anupama's fake location. Now,
as my foolproof plan Marco will go to that location to search for Anupama with his men and here, we will sell her to our client.
This time no one will be able to get in between my revenge.
I look at the mirror and smirk because no one can compare to my beauty. Alessandro is a blind person who doesn't have the
eyes to see what he has missed rejecting me. Suddenly, someone knocks on my door and I order them to enter.
"Ma'am, the girl is ready." One of the female helpers informs me referring to Anupama.
"Did she wear the dress I have chosen for her?" I ask while putting highlighter on my cheekbones.
"She was not cooperating at first and refused to wear the dress saying that the dress is too revealing for her. But then Linda
Ma'am came there and threatened her that she will kill the baby. After that, we got her ready without any problem." She replies
not looking at me. All of them know that I don't like anyone looking directly at me in the eyes so they always bow their heads
when taking to me.
"Okay, you can go. I am coming." I dismiss her before taking a last glance at myself in the mirror and leave the room for today's
big meeting.
Anupama's POV:-
They have gotten me ready in a skimpy dress and order me to sit quietly in the room because if I try to do anything the
consequences won't be in my favor. I have been hoping that someone will come to save me but now I am losing my hope
because in some hours my fate will change. I want to kill myself before anyone other than Alessandro can touch me but that will
be selfish because now I am not alone. I have a living thing growing inside me so for the safety of my baby, I have to endure any
pain they throw at me.
"Awe, our product is looking so pretty tonight. Correct babe?" Linda comments coming inside the room with Sebastian who is
looking at me with lustful eyes making me feel dirty.

"Ummm, she is definitely looking delicious enough to have a taste." Sebastian replies looking at me from head to toe.
"Not today Sebastian. Our client is waiting for us at the club." Samantha says coming inside the room with a smirk. I curl my fist
in anger but keep my mouth shut because I don't want them to harm my baby.
"Come on, get up. We haven't gotten all day." Linda orders making me stand up from the bed and walk behind them. I try to pull
the dress a little lower to cover my legs but the dress is too tight to be pulled. A lot of men follow us holding weapons in their
hands. Samantha put a blindfold around my eyes and hold me so that I don't trip over anything. I can't see through the blindfold
but I can feel when we get inside a car.
The car starts moving and after some time the car stops. Someone help me to get out of the car and asks me to follow them.
There is loud music playing in the background which is only making me more scared for the outcome of tonight. We climb some
stairs before they ask me to sit down on a couch and remove the blindfold. After adjusting to the light around me, I notice that we
are in some VIP area and a couple of men are sitting across from us. All of them are looking so intimidating that I am not able to
make eye contact with any of them.
"How are you doing, gentlemen?" Sebastian asks the men.
"We are doing excellent, Mr. White." One of the men replies looking uninterested to have any conversation with Sebastian.
"Mr. Caron here is the pregnant woman we have told you about. You can take a look at her and finalized the deal." Samantha
says in a professional tone making me cringe at what she has just said. However, the man named Mr. Caron scoff at her remarks
much to my confusion.
"I am not the one who will be taking her. Our boss is here today and he is the one who will finalize the deal." The man informs
making me tremble in my place.
"Oh, that's great to know. But you didn't tell us about your boss before." Sebastian replies confusingly.
"Because you are not worth to know about me." Someone says aloud from behind the curtain making my heart stopped beating
for a second before the voice register in my mind. I stand up hurriedly and look towards the curtain which starts to open slowly
revealing a man sitting in a chair while his eyes are covered by a hat but I can still see the outline of his lips and sharp jawline.
"Alessandro..." I whisper not believing my eyes. I cover my mouth with my hand and sob loudly not caring who is watching me.

"H-o-w i-s th-is po-ssi-b-le?" Linda asks aloud from her place in a shaking tone while the other two curse. Alessandro takes off
the hat and stands up from the chair before walking towards me. I rush in his open arms and he hugs me tightly to his chest. I
clutch his shirt tightly in my fists while weeping in happiness because he has really come to save me from the monsters. He
didn't break his promise to keep me and our little bean safe.
"Shh, don't cry Cara. I am here so you don't need to worry about anything." He whispers in my ear while rubbing my back gently.
I pull away from the hug and look at his face to see if he is really here or not. He smiles at me and wipes my tears before kissing
my forehead gently while caressing my stomach.
"How can you be here? You should be in the hospital laying unconscious in the bed." Samantha screams but Alessandro raises
his hands and suddenly Samantha's men hold her down along with Sebastian and Linda.
"What are you doing? You are our men then why are you holding us down? Release us immediately and capture them."
Sebastian yells at the men but they ignore him.
"They are not your men. They are working for me this whole time." Alessandro comments while putting a long blazer over me to
hide my body from anyone's eyes. One of the men from earlier hands him a bottle of water which he asks me to drink after
making me sit down in the chair he was sitting before.
"You guys thought that you guys are trapping me inside your two rupees trap but you should have known who you are messing
with. I am not a dumb person to not know when someone is following my every move or making plans against me. You also
thought that you are misleading Marco but I think now you three understand well who is being misled and by whom." Alessandro
lets out while smirking at them. I am not a violent person but today I want him to punish these nasty people who think that they
have the right to play with other people's lives.
"Don't let them go without punishing them, Alessandro. They have not only threatened me but also our little bean. I want you to
punish them and let others know that who you are. Make me proud." I say while looking straight at Samantha's eyes without any
"Your wish is my command, my Queen." Alessandro replies while looking at the three kneeling persons in front of him.

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