Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 51: Ch.50/ This Can't Be True

Anupama's POV:-
Waiting, that's all I am doing from three days since the monsters have captured me and left me in this disgusting room without
any food or water. I can't even see anything or say anything because they have covered my eyes with a black fold and mouth
with tapes. I don't know what time it is or it is day or night but Linda comes once a day to remind me about how many days has
left till the doctor will come here to abort my baby. The thought itself is heart-wrenching enough to make me want to die before
anyone can hurt my little bean. But I can not be so selfish when I know that Alessandro is coming to save me.
I don't care how many photos or videos they show me of Alessandro's unconscious form to make my faith waver because I am
not losing my faith. But I want him to come soon or God knows what will happen. I don't even know how Advira and the dogs are
doing without seeing me. It stings my heart just to imagine how miserable they must be feeling not seeing me or Alessandro for
so long which is unusual. I can only hope that they are eating and sleeping well.
Suddenly, I hear the door being open making me gulp in fear about what they are going to do this time. I am constantly fearing
every second because I don't want them to do anything harmful to my baby. But also I want to scream at them for holding me
"How are you doing, Anupama?" I recognize the voice as Sebastian who has a mocking tone underneath the way he is saying
my name.
"Seb, how can she reply when her mouth is closed?" This time it is Samantha who has replied.
"Oops, my bad. Okay then let me hear your sweet honey-like voice." I feel him taking off the tapes over my mouth before I start
yelling at them to release my hands.
"Stop your yelling or I will again put tape over your mouth to make you shut up." Samantha says while taking off the blindfold
over my eyes. It takes me a minute or two to adjust to the dim light around me.
"So, now that you are quiet I have a gift for you." Samantha says while a man whom I haven't seen before gives me a laptop to
Samantha who takes it with a triumph smile and show me the screen where a video is playing.
"I am sorry to inform you that Mr. Bianchi's brain stems are not working properly because of the effect of the poison. So, we have
to put him in a medically induced coma to let his brain heal. But I don't know if he will be able to pull through it as he is not
responding to any of the medicines we are providing him." The doctor says to Bianca and Samuel who are looking like they can
not believe what they are hearing.

"Then why don't you give him another medicine? Or better you can ask for other doctors help?" Samuel asks angrily but Bianca
puts her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"I have already consulted with some top neurologists of the country and send out the reports of Mr. Bianchi to them. But
unfortunately, they also don't have any cure for now. That's why we have thought that it will be better if we put him in a coma to
get his brain to heal." The doctor replies sympathetically.
"But why the poison affected his brain so much?" Bianca asks.
"What I have observed about the poison so far is that it is spreading all over his body, mostly his brain. We have pumped out the
poison as much as possible but still, that's not enough." The doctor answers making Bianca burst into tears.
The video stops there but I keep staring at the blank screen with fresh tears streaming down my face. Alessandro is being put
into a coma means he is not coming to save me. He is suffering because he has tried to save me from harm. But now he is
laying on the hospital bad just because of me. I hear mocking laughter around me before a hand grab fistful of my hair making
me hiss in pain.
"Now who will save you our dear Anupama?" Samantha asks with a crazed look in her eyes.
"You are sick." I reply with a quivering voice while glaring at her.
"You didn't even see how cruel I can be. But don't worry you will know everything tomorrow as I have good news and bad news
for you. So, choose which one you want to hear first?" Samantha asks while tightening her hold on my hair making me whimper
in pain. I am feeling as if she wants to pull out my hair because of how hard she is pulling them.
"I don't want to hear anything. I just want to go home." I beg but only get a slap on the face by Linda.
"Stop saying the same thing you bitch. My ears are hurting hearing the same damn thing." Linda scowl at me.
"Come on babe, don't be too harsh on our guest. You know it right that the client wants her without any bruises or we will not get
any money in return?" Sebastian says while wrapping his arm around Linda before kissing her in front of me. My eyes widen
seeing the disgusting thing because how can a husband kiss another woman in front of his wife? But to my utter surprise,
Samantha only smirks at them and give me a wink.
"You have a lot to ask, right?" Samantha asks while the other two still don't stop doing what they are doing.

"Linda is Sebastian's girlfriend but he needed money which I have provided him after our marriage." Samantha replies as if she
is talking about weather, not her husband's affair with another woman. The whole thing is getting out of my sense and making me
nauseous. Not eating or drinking is taking a troll on my body already and the horrible things I have learned from these nasty
people are only making my health worse.
"Awe don't be shy to ask anything sweetie. But I think first you need to know about what we have planned for you. Now that
Alessandro is completely out of the picture, we can proceed with our next strategy." Sebastian says making me gulp in fear.
"Please don't kill my baby." I whimper earning a smirk from him.
"That's the good news we are going to share with you. As we have told you earlier that we are going to sell you. So, now we
have finally found a suitable buyer for you and to your immense luck, that buyer wants to fuck a pregnant bitch for 50 million
dollars. However, the bad news is that the buyer has ensured us that he will keep your baby till you give birth and then after you
deliver the baby, he will give the baby back to us." My breath catch in my throat not believing what Sebastian has just told me.
"After I will get the baby in my hand, I will kill the baby by beating it black and blue. I will not let it die so easily because that will
only increase your pain." Samantha comments while laughing like a lunatic person.
"No, you can not do this. I won't let anything to my baby. I will kill you all, do you hear me I will kill you." I scream at them while
struggling to get out of the chains.
"Oh my God, I am so scared babe." Linda says with a fake scared voice making Sebastian laugh loudly.
"Please let me go. I want to go home, I don't want to be here." I plead but none of them listen to my pleading.
"You haven't eaten anything since we have brought you here so I don't want the client to think that he is getting a sick person.
That's why you are going to eat like a good girl or you will lose the baby." By saying that Samantha open the chains around my
feet and hands with some keys before making me stand up. I try to get out of her grip but get a slap from her. My face is stinging
from the harsh impact of the slap however I don't stop struggling in her hold. Suddenly, I feel a cold metal over my stomach
making me stop struggling when I notice that Sebastian is pointing a gun to my stomach. I follow them silently through the dimly
lit narrow hallway before they stop in front of a door. Linda opens the door and shoves me lightly to get inside.
"You will be staying here and someone will bring you food. Don't try to do anything or you won't like the outcome." Samantha
orders glaring at me before closing the door. I look around the small room which is not bad as the disgusting room I was in
before. I take a breath and put my hands over my stomach before rubbing it gently as if I am caressing my little bean.

"I am sorry baby. I know I am doing a horrible job of protecting you. But just wait for some time, I will do something to keep you
safe." I whisper and kiss my finger before pressing it over my stomach. I drop on my knees and cover my face with both hands
while sobbing loudly. What am I going to do now? How am I going to save my baby from them? How am I going to get away from
here? So many questions but I don't have any answer. They have also put Alessandro in hospital just because they want to take
revenge. My husband is battling for his life and here I am locked in a room. Why God is being so cruel to me? Haven't I suffered
enough already? I don't know how much I can endure before I break completely and this time I don't think I will be able to
Marco's POV:-
"I don't give a fuck how you are going to find Anupama but I want to know her whereabouts in two hours." I order to my men who
scurries away from my cabin. I have promised Mama that I will bring back her dolcezza soon but how am I going to do when I
don't even know where she is now. I have tried to look for that fucker Sebastian and that crazy wife of his but what I have gotten
to know is not something unusual. Alessandro has destroyed their business completely so I have gotten to know that they are
now in Australia to start their new business. But I believe that they are the sole reason behind everything.
I can not go to Australia currently as I am taking care of Alessandro's business as well as trying to look for Anupama. But till now,
I have come empty-handed. I don't know what's going to happen but I am not going to stop searching for her because she is the
reason why my best friend has started to believe in love and family. I have already lost one of my best friends so I can not bear
the thought of losing Alessandro. He is not only my best friend, he is my brother too.
When I first got to know about Alessandro being poisoned I laughed because for me it's impossible to believe. But then Bianca
screamed at me while crying loudly and Samuel narrated everything to me. I dropped my work before I rushed to Bianchi
mansion where I found Olivia crying in Mama's arms. I got to know about Anupama and instantly asked my men to search for
her. However, one bad thing is that the person who has poisoned Alessandro is already dead because someone has killed him
before my men can get to him.
Today I have gotten to know that the doctor has put Alessandro in a medically induced coma for his recovery but they are also
not sure when he will be waking up. I have asked Bianca and Samuel to bring Alessandro back in here because I don't want him
to be there anymore. So, they are going to bring him back tomorrow with a special medical team. I have never thought that a day
will come when I will see my strong and supreme best friend in a hospital bed laying like a living corpse.

"I will not spare the person who is responsible for your condition, bro. I will find them and give them the worst punishment in the
world." I promise to myself. I get up from my chair before leaving my cabin to get out of my company. After coming out of the
company building I get inside my car and drive towards the Bianchi mansion to meet my niece who has been constantly asking
about her mum-mum and papa. The dogs are also not responding to any one of us, they only lay on the porch while staring at
the gate as if their parents will come through the gate.
I stop the car in front of the mansion after passing through the security system. I get out of the car and walk towards the entrance
of the mansion to see that Zeus and Tank are laying on the living room while staring at space. I get near them before running my
hands through their fur but they don't respond to me. I release a sigh when I hear footsteps coming to the room. I turn around
and see that Mama is staring there with a sad look on her face. I get near her before hugging her gently to my chest.
"Where is Advira?" I ask after pulling away from the hug.
"She is sleeping in Alessandro and Anupama's room and King is guarding her." Mama replies while wiping her tears.
"Have you eaten anything?" I ask but she shakes her head in response.
"I have been telling her to eat something but she is not listening to me. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday." Jasmine
says coming to the living room with a bowl of soup. I take the bowl from her hand and ask Mama to sit down on the couch.
"Mama, I know you are worried about Alessandro and Anupama. But by not eating anything is not going to find the culprit. Also,
you need to take care of your grandchildren so eat this soup." I say and lift a spoonful of soup to her lips. She tries to deny but I
give her a stern look which makes her eat the soup. I feed her till the bowl is empty before handing back the bowl to Jasmine
who gives me a sad smile.
"Did you get to know anything about Anupama?" Jasmine asks making me sigh.
"My men are working on the matter but till now, we have only found false lead. Hop-" My phone starts ringing making me stop
talking in the mid-way. I take out my phone and notice that one of my men is calling me. So, without wasting time I receive the
call and hear what he has to say. I talk for some time before telling them to get everything ready because we are leaving in a few
hours. I cut the call and turn to look at the ladies who are giving me curious looks.
"We have found Anupama's location." I inform them.
"Take me to her now, I need to see her." Mama says.

"Not now, Mama. I am going with my men and also the police will be following us in casual clothes so that no one will suspect
anything." I reply.
"I am going with you, Marco." Subhodeep says from the walking down the staircase with Advira in his arms. Upon seeing me, the
little cutie stretches her arms to me so I take her in my arms.
"Untle Malco you bwing mum-mum? Papa?" Advira asks with a pout.
"They will be here tomorrow baby girl." I answer and her eyes lip up in happiness.
"Rwelly?" She asks with a bright smile which has been missing since the disappearance of Anupama.
"Yes, and they are going to bring a lot of presents for you." I reply with a smile although I don't know in which conditions I will be
seeing them.
"Nonna, you hear? Mum-mum, papa come me happy. Me go say dis to broders." Advira happily says while getting down from my
arms before calling out for her brothers. I look at Subhodeep and signal him to follow me outside.

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