Saving Kinsley

Chapter Discord

Kinsley's P.O.V


I jolted up as the excruciating pain lit a fire up my body.

This time, a scream climbed its way out of my throat and I registered it as my own voice.

"It's working!"


"What happened?!"

My head was pounding as the voices became more pronounced.

My eyes felt heavy as I opened them. I could see the beginning of the moon, the stars, and the trees above me as my blurred vision started to clear.

"I think she's coming around now, what the fuck happened Kole? You're lucky I was close, God's if I didn't come to this fucking Summit she wouldn't be alive right now." Madi. That was her voice. I could feel her worry from here, and she sounded absolutely pissed off.

"Fucking Rogues." His voice was deeper, his tone mixed with his and his wolf.

Snarls sounded around me.

"How many?" Ian asked darkly.

For a moment I thought I lost consciousness before I heard his voice again.

"There was seven of them."

Goddess, seven? I only remember seeing the one. But surely, if there was one, there would have been a few more. But why?

Instinctively, I reached out, my hand finding his, as the sparks trailed up my arm. I gripped his hand lightly, enough to reassure him that I was still here, this wasn't his fault. I should've been more alert. I should've heard that wolf. I had the training, and yet that just pissed me off even more.

The area fell silent around us.

I could feel his grip tighten around mine, and something inside of me softened.

"They're getting more organized." Kole's grip tightened around my hand just then.

Sitting up, dizziness hit me in waves.

"Take it easy for now, you're not completely healed yet." Madi stated with worry as her gaze drilled into me, searching for more wounds.

Groaning I rubbed at my head, "Did anyone find the injured shifter? They need help, we have to find them." Another groan left my lips as my body almost collapsed from the over-exertion.

Tate pulled my arm over his shoulder to aid me, "There was no injured shifter. The Rogues were testing us, it was a trap."

"Since when are rogues this fucking organized? What the hell is going on?" I winced out between small steps.

Kole took the opportunity to sweep me into his arms, and looking up, his face was a painting of worry. "We don't know."

As Kole began to walk, we moved past Madi. "Where did you get this?" Her voice alone stopped Kole in his tracks as her fingers skated across the exposed skin, revealing the sacred mark.

"I'm an elemental Wolf. The sacred mark appeared after I had shifted to my final form not too long ago. Why?" My eyes drifted over to Ian as he moved closer to look.

Madi then turned to another man, "Kade do you think she's-"

Kole stiffened around me as Kade spoke, "It can't be a coincidence."

"Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" I drew in my brows in clear confusion as I looked over Madi and Kade. Did they know something about Vesta and the Sacred mark?

Kole let out a tired sigh as his arms tightened around me, "Let's get you somewhere to rest first, and then I'll fill you in little one."

Minutes later and we were in a room that was filled with Kole's scent. Arching my brow as I scanned the room, "This isn't my room." I stated the obvious, earning a small smile from Kole that warmed my insides.

Kole gently sat me on the bed, kneeling in front of me. His expression turning more serious as his deep voice came out in a light whisper, "Give me this Kinsley. I just need you close right now." As his eyes slid shut, to slow his breathing, I reached out.

Hesitating to break this fragile moment between us, "Fine. For now, I'll stay. But I want to know what's going on, please Kole."

His green eyes bore into me, "Are you okay if Madi and Kade come in? They can explain things better."

For a moment I scanned his features. Nodding my head, Kole got up and left the room. Shortly after leaving, he returned with the pair.

"Kinsley." Madi greeted with a soft smile.

Kole immediately was at my side as Madi and Kade sat on the sofa near the bed.

"I don't really know where to start, honestly. We're still gathering as much information as we can, but it's dead end after dead end." Kade began as he looked at Madi.

Madi rolled her eyes, "We start at the beginning. If we want to live, we need as much help as we can get." Madi began to dive into everything that I was completely oblivious to. Rocking my senses in disbelief.


Completely, rendered without words.

Before me, sat this incredible, strong, Alpha female. Her story is tragic but inspiring.

"That mark that you have, I've seen it before."

That caught my attention.

"A few months ago, I had a vision. Something sinister is coming for us. For all shifters. It sounded.. otherworldly, dark. That's the best way I can describe it. But your mark, I've seen it on one of the books I've been reading." Her hazel eyes held my attention as she spoke.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to wrap my head around this right now. What are you trying to say?"

"You're the second key or being I haven't quite figured it out just yet." Her gaze looked far off as she thought about it.

Rubbing my head, "Still not following. What the hell does that mean?"

Kade let out a chuckle and Madi's elbow found his side shortly after, "Three keys, Three beings, Two fates."

"Before I killed Miles, he made me drink from a chalice, and then he cut me with the dagger. Somehow, he was able to obtain my abilities. That chalice has that phrase inscribed on it, as well as the dagger. But the catch? Only I can read it, just like the enchanted book Kade's father had shown us. The book isn't the only one, there's more. But My vision, I think it's tied to a prophecy. About us."

The room was silent as I worked to gather my thoughts. "What is my role in this prophecy exactly?"

"I don't know. I think only you can read that book. It shows itself in a foreign language to me. So does the other one."

"A third one?" Kole asked from beside me.

Madi nodded her head, "Wich means another shifter, somewhere out there, is tied into this. And I don't know how to find them, and were running out of time." She leaned into Kade then, looking defeated.

"Did you bring the book with you by chance? Maybe I can help in some way." I offered, I couldn't deny the curiosity of such a book, and to have an opportunity to read an enchanted one? I couldn't pass that up.

Her hazel eyes danced with excitement, "I never go anywhere without them, we'll go grab them."

Madi opened the door and she snarled, "What the hell are you doing here."

Looking over towards the door I saw her. Standing up, I moved slowly towards the door. "Kinsley you shouldn't-" Kole's voice stopped abruptly.

"Why are you here?" I asked coldly as I reached the door. Even though exhaustion was ripping through every muscle in my body, I found the energy to stand tall in front of her.

"I'm here for him." Her narrowed gaze snapped to Kole.

With shaking hands, I took in a deep breath to control my anger.

For a brief moment, I was back in Sallow pack. Danielle's smirk taunting me with the evil written in her eyes before she beat any resistance out of me, leaving me to bleed out on the ground as she and her friends left me to die. Each beating became worse, bringing me closer to that point of not returning to the land of the living. Without a wolf, I was as fragile as a human. My wounds, they'd take months to heal, and without proper treatment, even longer. But every time, I still got up. This pack, they could beat me day in and day out, but I would fight till my last breath. I couldn't shake the vibe that I got from the female standing before me. She was just like Danielle.

"Kassandra I've already told you there is no reconciliation between us. Kinsley is my mate. How did you even get here?" Kole's firm body brushed against mine from behind, bringing me back to here and now.

Kassandra's eyes grew furious as he made it clear where he stood, "I followed you-"

"It isn't your place to be here Kassandra, leave." His voice snapped like a whip, my own spine straightened.

"Now." Madi's sharp voice pitched in, facing Kassandra head-on. I watched as Kassandra sank under her gaze with a whimper and turned moving down the hall.

Kade shut the door as they left to retrieve the book.

I turned back to Kole, "Look, if she's going to be hanging around I can't do this.-"

Kole's hand cupped my face, "She won't. She chose to leave our pack long ago. She won't be a problem." I nuzzled into his hold, wanting to believe it. A small sigh left my lips as the tingles danced across my flesh.

Kole swept me into his arms, placing me down in the bed gently, "Rest. I'll be right here." He sat in the chair next to the bed as my eyes fluttered shut. Before I could reply, the darkness swept over me, my mind drifting into the abyss of sleep.

It's coming.

'What is?'

The Hollow.

Through the darkness, I managed to gather the last of my consciousness, 'How do you know? Is this related to what Madi was talking about?'

' I can feel it. Its energy is the same as mine. Someone has awakened the Hollow. '

Vesta pulled away then, the darkness of my mind sweeping me away until my mind and body sank deeper into sleep.

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