Saving Kinsley

Chapter Ambivalent choice

Kinsley's P.O.V

My brain short-circuited when our eyes met. I yearned to hear his deep baritone voice again, the feel of his body wrapped around mine, the safety of being this close. I could already feel myself wanting to just push this all aside, give in.

Everything shattered the moment I heard her voice, "Kole? There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you!"

My resolve slapped me in the face so hard I stumbled backward. Kole reached out for me just as she managed to snake her arms through his, pulling him back to her.

"Why is she here?" She spat out, Ember bristled at the disrespect but at the last second, I caught myself as my fists clenched at my sides.

I leveled Kole with a glare, "Goodbye, Kole."

I moved quickly through the doors, stumbling and fighting to take in the fresh air.

"Woah, hey are you okay?" With my hands clutched to my chest, I looked up, and that Raven-haired girl was at my side, concern in her eyes. For me.

"Breathe, take deep breaths. I think you're having a panic attack." She rubbed at my back as I desperately took in air. Her voice alone had this gentle, calming effect.

When I looked into her eyes, they were glowing gold.

"Shit, sorry. Sometimes I can't help it." She released her hold on me quickly.

"What was that?" I finally was able to get out as the tightness in my chest finally released. I couldn't fight the curiosity, diving headfirst for the distraction. She was different, like me.

"Long story." She said with a light sigh as the doors flew open.

Kole's gaze found me instantly as the female stumbled behind him.

"Madi." Kole greeted her with a brief nod before turning his gaze on me. The seriousness in his gaze kept me rooted to my spot, regardless of my wanting to walk away from this entire situation.

"What the fuck? Why is she here." Madi, finally learning her name, snarled out at the female behind Kole.

Kole ran a hand down his face roughly, "Can you deal with this? I need to talk to Kinsley." Kole was already moving closer to me.

I held my hand up, stopping him from advancing, "No. I've seen enough. I want nothing to do with you."

I could see the hurt flash across his eyes, and some part of me wanted to take the words back and comfort him.

"Kinsley, I swear it's not what it looks like. Just let me explain. That's all I'm asking." He took another step towards me, I could tell he was fighting to not pull me closer. Meanwhile, I fought against every cell in my body to not move to his side.

With just the two of us out here, alone now. I searched for an out.

"Just hear me out. Please." The desperation in his voice had me snapping my head back in his direction. I was getting glimpses of what lay beneath, like the first night we met.

I slowly nodded my head as I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Kassandra was my first mate. She rejected me when we were younger. And I accepted her rejection. I haven't seen her since the day she left. She returned to get me back. But she shattered the bond, and I want nothing to do with her. Even if you never walked into my life, I still wouldn't take her back. All I'm asking for is a chance Kinsley, and I swear to you I will fight for you every day. I will prove to you every second of the day that just taking a chance on this, us, will be worth it."

A chill danced across my body as his words settled in the air. Could I take a leap of faith, and give him a chance to break what remained of my heart?

A Howl broke the heavy silence between us, a cry for help.

I jerked my head in the direction of the howl, Immediately kicking off my shoes and racing for the woods. The howl sounded like a wounded, younger shifter.

"Kinsley! Wait!" I could hear Kole's heavy footfalls thrumming in chase behind me.

Still sprinting, I turned over my shoulder, "I'll give you one chance. But right now, a young shifter is injured and needs help." I jumped and shifted into my auburn wolf mid-air. I internally winced as I realized I just shredded through a borrowed dress.

"I'm coming with you." I could hear the familiar sounds of ripping and tearing as footfalls changed to paws softly pounding against the earth.

Turning I caught glimpse of Kole's Brown wolf. He stood larger than any male shifter I've encountered. His form was muscular, a lethal predator.

My jaws came open as my head fell back, returning a howl to the injured shifter so they knew help was coming.

In the distance, I could hear several more howls.

Kole and I continued our pace, dodging through trees and ducking under low-hanging branches. Our wolves, running in perfect sync alongside each other.

Kole skidded to an abrupt stop in front of me, as a distinct scent hit us. Fucking rogues.

The pungent smell of rotting flesh and death nauseated me. Kole let out a deep growl as he pushed into me, forcing me to back up.

Kole turned and nipped at me pushing me in the opposite direction. I darted off, finding a new way to the injured wolf.

I needed to get to them.

In the back of my mind, I couldn't help but go back to the Sallow pack. Alone. Beaten. My stomach sank at the thought of another shifter having to endure that.

I could hear paws coming in a different direction.

But it was too late for me to redirect.

Pain flooded through me as I was rocked from my left side, forcing the air to leave my lungs at the sudden impact.

The last moment I saw as I sailed through the air, was a brown wolf attacking another, barely living wolf. Snarls and snapping jaws, and then, a sharp piercing pain as my head hit something hard as my vision blacked out completely.




The only two things I could feel at the moment, as I tried to scream from the pain. The pressure wouldn't let up, and my voice couldn't be heard.

The only scent that surrounded my senses, was blood. That thick, metallic scent. So much, that it was starting to choke me.



I willed my eyes to open, but exhaustion had its clutches on my soul as everything was slowly starting to slip away from my reach.

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