Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 45

‘I see why you guys hung out so much here,’ Lucas said as he looked out towards the coast at my and Ian’s favorite spot.

I would still come here even after Ian moved, but it only made me feel lonelier. I hadn’t been here myself since sophomore summer. A cold breeze carried the salty ocean air to my nose, making me take a deep breath. I missed the smell. The main thing I smell in New York is the stench of garbage mixed with the urine in the alleyway. There’s no fresh air in New York, just the millions of smells intermingled into one stench.

‘It’s beautiful,’ he said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder. I loved the tickle of his breath on my neck as we watched the waves crash in.

‘I’m glad you could see it. Thank you for coming home early,’ I told him, placing my hands over his.

‘I’ll come running any time you need me, Rose.’ I nodded, not able to say anything more. My mind focused on this moment, on the feel of him holding me. I missed him so much and it had only been a couple of days. Like him, I kind of liked knowing he’d be in my life no matter what, because of our child. We will be forever linked, even if we break up. I don’t ever want to lose him, but I could live with it better knowing we have a child together.

‘What do you want to do, Rose?’

‘What do you mean?’ I turned my head to look at him, seeing him stare into the beautiful blue sea.

‘Do you want to stay a little while longer, or go home? Do you want to confront your father? Or talk to his girlfriend? What do you want to do? Whatever it is, I’m by your side.’ I mulled it over, asking myself the same question. I want dad’s girlfriend to know she’s not alone. If he ever starts hitting her, I’ll be there to help. I’ll help her escape.

‘Let’s go talk to Daisy,’ I said firmly.

‘Who?’ He arched a brow and puckered his lips cutely.

‘Dad’s girlfriend.’

He nodded his head in understanding. We stayed a little while longer, enjoying the view before we headed to the car. I let Lucas drive, to ease his worries, and directed him to the bookstore. We parked up front, where Lucas opened my door for me.

‘Are you ready to talk to Daisy?’ Lucas asked.

‘As ready as I can be.’ I felt nervous to talk to her, wondering what she would think. Will she believe what I say? Will she heed my warnings? I hope she does.

‘Did you guys find everything okay?’ Daisy asked as we approached the counter. When she noticed our empty hands, she looked up at us, changing tactics. ‘Is there anything I can help you with?’

‘In fact, there is Daisy. It’s about my dad, your boyfriend.’ Her eyes widened as she took me in. She had been looking at me before, but now she saw me. She studied my features, probably trying to find commonalities between dad and I. She didn’t wasn’t too convinced and rightfully so. I look nothing like dad, taking after mom way too much.

‘Your father?’ She asked in disbelief.

‘Yes, Nick Brewer, my father.’

‘He didn’t mention having a daughter.’ She swallowed hard, probably realizing how old I am and how weird it would be to be my step-mother.

‘That’s exactly why we need to talk.’

The sun began to set, casting a blinding light anytime you looked out of the store’s glass door or large windows. A prominent figure blocked off some of the radiance as they entered. It was hard to tell who it was at first, but as they stepped further in and away from the sun’s bright light, my eyes recognized Dad’s face.

‘Olive, what do you think you’re doing?’ Dad’s voice caught me off guard, chilling me to the bone. My hair stood on the back of my neck, feeling extremely exposed. I could see how enraged his expression was. His arms were crossed and flexed in anger. His eyebrows scowled deeply as he looked at me longer.

‘Trying to warn her about you before it’s too late.’

‘There’s nothing to tell her, Olive. Now leave.’ He was trying to intimidate me.

‘Or what? You’ll hit me again?* I egged him on further. I wanted Daisy to see the kind of man Dad truly was.

‘I would never hit you,’ he lied right through his teeth.

‘Then what do you call the back-handed slap to my cheek the last time I saw you? I promise you that’s not how you high five people.’

I could see the rage rising as his muscles flexed further and his nostrils flared. Daisy was like a deer caught in the headlights. She was clearly unsure what to do or say. Her eyes darted between Dad, myself, and occasionally Lucas, probably wondering what part he plays in this.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, Livie.’

‘It’s Olive. Only people who actually cared for me get to call me Livie. I came here to warn your girlfriend about you. I want her to know if she ever needs to escape, I’ll help her. She won’t have to abandon her child with you to do so. You won’t see either of them again, so you better make sure to hold back on those punches. I won’t allow you to fuck up another child.’

Dad’s expression was a mixture of unbridled rage and hurt, as if my words had actually caused him damage. Did he believe he did a good job of caring for me growing up? Is he delusional enough to think he did everything he was supposed to? Surely he realizes being passed out drunk, sparing with your kid, and barely ever having food in the fridge is not a good childhood.

‘Don’t come back, Olive. It’s clear you’ve disowned me as your father, even after everything I’ve done for you. Now you’re spreading vicious rumors to ruin my happiness because I didn’t give you everything you asked for as a child. You’re spoiled,’ he spat at me. His words hurt me deeply, even though they were a bunch of lies. My anger was accessible at all times, and I was ready to show him, but I didn’t get the chance as Lucas’ fist made contact with Dad’s jaw, swiveling his head enough to make him take a step to the side.

Oh, fuck me!

The second where we all froze in shock felt like it lasted an eternity, only to play again at double the speed. Dad swiveled back around, his fist drawn back and ready to hit Lucas in the throat. I pulled on Lucas’ shirt, forcing him back so Dad’s punch would miss.

Due to the lack of contact, Dad had to take a step forward to avoid falling. He had put a lot of power behind his punch. I dragged Lucas further back away from Dad. I’d like for my child’s father not to be killed by my dad. Dad looked at me with narrowed eyes, and for a moment, I think he contemplated hitting me too. Daisy gasped, thrown off by the whole debacle playing before her.

‘I’m calling the police,’ she said, rushing to Dad’s side and looking at us like we were in the wrong. Daisy, if you only knew.

This whole thing had obviously made her believe me less. I sighed, realizing what I had set out to accomplish would not be happening. I looked at her and her little baby bump, worried she’ll fall prey to dad faster now. Somehow, in my hurry to help her, I only solidified Dad’s grip on her.

‘We’re leaving, but if you ever need to escape, ask Joe at Iron Work Tattoo for my number. I’ll come help, no matter what.’ I hope she’ll keep that information tucked safely away in her mind for when she needs it. Hopefully, the time never comes. I dragged Lucas out of the store, feeling Dad wanted to chase him down and beat him. I hurried us to the car, worried Daisy would actually call the police.

‘You shouldn’t have punched him,’ I whispered, staring out the car window at Daisy and Dad holding one another inside the bookstore as we drove away. It was like Dad was comforting her from a bad experience. One we caused.

‘I’m sorry, Olive. He made me so mad. How could he say that to you?’ Lucas’ hand gripped the steering wheel so hard I could see the whites of his knuckles. His jaw clenched as he ground his teeth in anger. ‘I know I fucked up, and I’m sorry, but I am not sorry for punching him. He deserved it and he deserves so much more.’ I sighed, knowing I can’t truly be mad at him for it. He was right.

‘It was a really good punch.” I smirked at him, trying not to laugh.

‘You think so?’ He smirked back, eyes still on the road.

‘Mhm, you made his whole head turn.’

‘Maybe I’ll fight the championship for you, then perhaps Davis won’t kill me.’ We both laughed, lightening the mood despite what had transpired. ‘I am sorry, Olive.’

‘I know you are. Thank you for trying to fight for me.’ I grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly to show him I cared. ‘Let’s get my things from the Inn and head back to New York. I am ready to be home with you.’

‘Are you sure you’re ready to leave?’

‘There’s nothing else for me to do here.’ I nodded.

‘Then let’s go home.’

‘Liv, pass me the tamales, please,’ Hailey asked me from across the table.

I reached for the warm stacked plate, passing it towards her. It touched about three different hands before making it to her. Lucas and I decided to start Thanksgiving with Hailey’s family since they began earlier than everyone else. Afterward, we were headed to Leo’s, where Sarah and Lisa would join us. Apparently, they get together as one big family on Thanksgiving and Christmas, minus Lucas’ Dad and now Leo’s.

‘No, mamá, no tengo novio.’ Hailey answered another pestering question about her love life. Her family was determined to have her set up, but she refused them every time. ‘Sí, yo veo que Olive tiene un novio muy guapo.’

Translation: “Yes, I see that Olive has a handsome boyfriend.” I’m definitely learning more Spanish thanks to Hailey and her family these past few years. I tried to save her a few times, but it was a lost effort as someone always brought the conversations back to the dreaded topic. By the end of it, Hailey looked ready to strangle the next person to mention the words love, boyfriend, or relationship.

‘How was the visit home?’ Hailey asked me as I helped her wash the dishes. Lucas helped too, being the wonderful man he is.

‘It was interesting, crazy even.’ I began to tell her about Ian, Dad, his girlfriend, how Joe helped Mom, all of it. She gasped, she cried, and she yelled.

‘Good job, sir.’ She patted Lucas on the back when I told her he had punched dad right in the face.

‘There’s something else I want to tell you, but you can’t tell anyone.’ I pointed my finger at her.

‘You know your secret is safe with me.’ She nodded, reminding me of how well she was at keeping secrets.

‘I’m pregnant.’

She yelled so loudly some of her family came rushing in to check on her. She came up with some sorry excuse, but her family believed it. They know she’s always been very enthusiastic and energetic.

‘What great news, Liv. I am so happy for you guys! Are you still going to be able to graduate?’ She asked me, worried as she thought about what it means for my future.

‘Yes. It won’t be due till around July, if I’m calculating it right. I’ll be graduating looking like Shamu. The people in the front row better watch out.’ I joked, making Haily and me giggle.

‘I better be the baby’s godmother. Ian needs to realize I’m the best friend now. You need to have him come visit here. I want to meet Ian,’ Hailey demanded with a nod before continuing with the dishes.

‘Okay, I’ll ask him if he can come. I am not sure what he does for a living, but I am sure he’ll be free to hang sometime soon.’

‘Great, he and I need to have a talk about who your best friend is.’ Hailey laughed, making me smile. She had a fun laugh to listen to.

‘Don’t be too harsh when you meet him.’

‘I won’t,’ she promised.

In a blink of an eye, our festivities at Hailey’s place ended, and we headed towards Leo’s house. I’d never been before and I dare not venture to call it a house any longer. The place was massive! It smelled wonderful, with all kinds of traditional Thanksgiving food sprawled on an enormous table. We all took our seats and began to dig in as we talked.

‘Lucas, are you going to tell me what the big emergency was that made you leave early?’ She asked, eyeing him suspiciously and then me.

‘I will later. Don’t worry, Mom, it’s handled.’ Lucas didn’t bat an eye as he answered her calmly. He gave her an innocent smile which melted even my heart.

‘I’ll be waiting,’ she said with a nod.

Thankfully, she didn’t press the matter any further. I am surprised Lucas didn’t tell her. I had already told three people, and he has yet to tell one. Has he changed his mind? Does he not want this child anymore? The idea of it made my stomach turn. I quickly lost my appetite. All I could do was play with my food.

‘What’s wrong, Rose?’ He leaned in, whispering the question in my ear.

‘Do you still want this baby?’ I whispered back so lowly, even he could barely hear me.

‘What? Of course I do!’ He looked at me like I had asked the craziest question on the planet. Still, he hasn’t said anything to anyone. Dinner continued with small banter here and there until everyone was finished eating. Leo, Lisa, Lucas and I went outside to enjoy the evening sky, while Sarah and Leo’s mother chatted about trivial things inside.

‘I have something to tell you guys, but you can’t tell Mom yet,’ Lucas told them with a stern face.

‘Mum’s the word,’ Leo said.

‘You know I won’t tell her if you don’t want me to,’ Lisa assured him.

‘Rose and I are having a baby.’ Lucas smiled brightly, washing away any doubt I had created over dinner about him wanting our child. He is happy. He doesn’t want to tell his mom yet. I am not sure why, but I’m sure he has his reasons. I won’t pressure him.

‘Christ!’ Leo sighed. ‘You guys sure are doing things at a swift pace.’ He shook his head almost disapprovingly. Leo’s reaction kind of stung, and I think it hurt Lucas a bit, too, as his smile lost some brightness.

‘That’s amazing! Oh! I can’t wait to be an auntie!’ Lisa smiled excitedly, bouncing in her seat and leaning towards me. ‘Your kid is going to be so adorable!’

‘You don’t think it’s too soon?’ Lucas asked, a bit surprised. I guess he knew they would have a similar reaction.

‘I mean, yeah, but it’s happened and there’s no changing it, so I’ll be excited for you and skip the lecture.’ She smiled at Lucas, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tight. She stared intently at his eyes as she spoke. ‘You are nothing like Dad. You are going to be the most amazing father. I know you will be. I am not worried, Lucas, and neither should you be.’ Lucas smiled back at her, giving her nod without responding. I could tell he was feeling emotional at Lisa’s words. She told him something he needed to hear.

‘Now I feel like an ass. Thanks, Lisa.’ Leo sighed. ‘I worry for you guys, but of course, I’m excited to see your little baby and be a cool friend who gets to be called uncle.’

‘I don’t know about the cool uncle part.’ Lucas teased Leo as always, letting me know they were okay. Lucas smiled back at Leo. ‘Thanks, Leo.’

We spoke about all things baby for the next half hour until Sarah stepped out. We got quiet a little too quickly, causing her suspicion to rise. I realize we are not the sneakiest of couples. It’s okay. She will know soon enough.

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