Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 44

Rose had fallen asleep on my chest, relaxing me, and allowing me to find sleep faster than usual. I woke up to my Rose straddling my lap. I smirked, loving the feel of her naked body over mine. She was rubbing herself against me when she suddenly got off me at a run. She went straight to the bathroom. I hurriedly chased after her, seeing her lean over the toilet. I frowned, walking towards her. She tried to shoo me away with her hand as she vomited, but I ignored it. I grabbed her hair, holding it back for her, and rubbed her back as she threw up a little more. When she finished, she rinsed her mouth in the sink, staring at me in the mirror.

‘I’m sorry you had to see that.’ She blushed, feeling embarrassed about it.

‘Don’t apologize, Rose. It’s my fault for getting you pregnant. Let me be here to hold your hair and rub your back as you vomit, because it’s the only thing I can do. I wish I could do the whole morning sickness part for you, but since I can’t, will you let me do this at least?’ I asked her, looking back at her in the mirror.

She blushed but nodded her head yes. I leaned forward, kissing her shoulder.

‘Thank you, Rose. How are you feeling now?’


‘What?! Why?’ Her answer had caught me off guard, making me furrow my brow in concern.

‘I worked you up and then ran away to throw up.’ She pointed to the semi hard on I sported.

‘I don’t care. Don’t feel guilty. I’ll have my way with you later, when you’re feeling better,’ I promised her with a wink.

‘Sounds good to me.’ I wiggled my eyebrows at her, making her giggle lightly.

‘How about we get dressed and you take me to your favorite breakfast place?’ I suggested with a smile.

‘My favorite breakfast place would be Mrs. Daniels’ house, but I doubt that is a real option. So we’ll go to my second favorite.’

‘Ooo, who’s Mrs. Daniels?’

‘Ian’s mom. She’s the sweetest and always makes the best food.’

‘Hmm, I see.’ I need to get Rose and Mom to get along more, especially now. She should think of Mom as fondly as she does Mrs. Daniels.

‘I want to meet this Mrs. Daniels, and Ian, of course.’ My curiosity was at an all-time high about Ian. What’s he like in person, outside of her journals and his social media? I still can’t believe her dad had kept those letters from her all this time. I wonder if she’s read any yet?

‘Okay. I’ll see if they’re free today.’

We both got dressed as Rose texted Ian. I didn’t realize she had gotten his number while here. I should have figured, but I didn’t, and now I feel sour about it. I am trying not to be some controlling, jealous boyfriend, but some of her journal entries keep playing in my head about how amazing she found him. She smiled at the screen as he responded. I wrapped my arm around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder and looking at her phone.

Olive: Can I come over for breakfast? I have someone I want you guys to meet.

#1 Best Friend: Ooo, you know I love meeting new people, and if they have your seal of approval, they must be great. I’ll let mom know to make your favorites. It’s still strawberry pancakes and bacon, right?

Olive: Sure is!

I wonder why she saved him as #1 best friend. I’m pretty sure that title is Hailey’s now. I’m surprised Ian remembers her favorites. Her favorite is actually a banana nut muffin now, but I guess for Ian it is different. Ian knows more about my Rose than I do. I don’t have to be a mind reader to know that. He got to know her for two years and I’ve only been around two months, but it’s okay, I have a lifetime to get to know her better.

‘So can we go?’ I asked her, pretending not to know the answer.

‘We can go.’

She smiled so brightly at me, making me smile as well. There’s no way you can’t smile back when you see her face light up. We headed out, and Rose let me drive. She directed me as we went, pointing out buildings and places where she used to hang out. I loved seeing her enjoy telling me these things. She was so excited as she spoke about it all. By the time we got there, my mood had skyrocketed.

‘I think you and Ian will hit it off. He’s a very nice guy. Oh, and his mom is the absolute best! I can’t even begin to tell you about her amazing cooking!’ Rose was talking so fast as we approached the door. She used the black iron knocker, not holding still as she waited. She was adorable when she was excited.

‘I can’t wait to meet the people who helped you when you were younger.’

I pulled her in, kissing her forehead sweetly at the same time the door opened. The person cleared their throat, clearly not liking the intimate moment. Rose blushed, but I turned with a smile to face the door, expecting to see the famous Mrs. Daniels. Instead, I was greeted by Ian’s handsome face. His hair was longer, and his features sharper than his latest profile picture. He’s one of those who looks better in person. Oh, Joy.

‘Good morning, Red!’ He beamed at her. ‘Who have you brought?’ His eyes met mine with interest. The nickname didn’t go unnoticed. He still uses it and she doesn’t mind it.

‘This is my boyfriend, Lucas.’ She gestured to me with a smile.

‘Nice to meet you, Lucas.’

Ian’s smile remained, but it had lost some of its luster. He held his hand out to shake, and I took it. We had a death match as we shook. When we let go, I resisted the urge to open and shut my hand to shake off the hurt. He had squeezed so tight you’d think we were playing a pain game. I could see him shaking his hand off behind him, making me smile. Rose, however, saw it and elbowed me on the side lightly. Is she scolding me? He did it too!

‘Come on in.’ Ian gestured for us to step inside as he moved out of the way, hand still on the doorknob. Rose stepped in first, and I followed closely behind. The house was warm and bright. It was very homey, with happy family pictures hanging on the wall. There were decorations for Thanksgiving meticulously placed throughout the rooms. I could see why Rose would have loved it here when she was a teenager. It was a loving home, one we both should have had growing up. I reached for her hand, giving it a light squeeze. Her eyes met mine in wonder, but then she smiled knowingly.

‘It’s lovely, isn’t it?’ She whispered to me, and I nodded.

‘Come on, Mom’s in the kitchen.’ Ian led the way, pushing through a swinging door. There was a beautiful woman with her hair tied in a high, tight bun. She wore a sweet pink apron as she pranced about the kitchen. The smell of bacon and coffee wafted into my nose, making this place even cozier. The woman turned as she noticed our presence and smiled widely at Rose. I could see the love she held for her and I was happy for it.

‘Livie! I am so happy you came for breakfast. Seeing you two days in a row after so many years has filled my heart with so much joy,’ she said as she hugged Rose. ‘And you’ve brought a guest.’

She finally noticed me as she pulled away from Rose. She looked at our interlocked fingers, assessing them like it was some foreign concept for us to be holding hands. Her eyes then bore into mine with a kind smile.

‘I’m Caterina, Ian’s mom. It’s nice to meet you.’ She held her left hand out for me to take, making me have to let go of Rose’s hand to shake it.

‘I’m Lucas, Rose’s boyfriend.’ She cocked her head to the side, furrowing her brow as I spoke.

‘That’s his nickname for me,’ Rose explained, making Mrs Daniels nod in understanding. I forgot to use her actual name, having gotten used to calling her Rose.

‘It’s cute,’ she said, but I don’t actually think she liked it. ‘Livie, why don’t you help me finish up and the boys can set the table?’ She looked at me with a small smile, gesturing for me to follow Ian, and I did. Maybe it’s all in my head, but I feel slightly unwelcomed.

Olive’s P.O.V.

Cat and I finished making breakfast, and brought it out to the dining room. I felt the awkward tension between Lucas and Ian as I entered. I was hoping they’d hit it off, but it’s taking longer for them to get along than I would like. Lucas met my eyes with a smile, causing my heart to flutter. He pulled a chair out for me and I sat happily. Lucas waited until I made my plate before making his own. He was being more than courteous. Breakfast was awkward at first, but once Donald entered, it became a big social event.

He helped make Lucas feel welcome and eased the tension in the room. I was thankful he was here. We all sat around talking and laughing with empty plates in front of us. I felt so fortunate at the moment until the bacon grease hit me, and I had to bolt for the bathroom. I could tell Lucas and Ian were chasing after me in concern. There goes my delicious breakfast. I felt Lucas hold my hair and rub my back again. I hated he was seeing all this nastiness, but I was grateful for his presence and soothing touch.

‘I’m sorry, Rose.’ Lucas let out a sad sigh as I flushed the toilet and saw my food swirl away.

‘It’s okay, it’s not your fault,’ I said, turning the sink on to rinse my mouth. Ian hung in the doorway of the bathroom as his kind blue eyes watched me, assessing me with concern. He stepped closer, itching to touch me, but restraining due to Lucas’ presence.

‘Isn’t it?’ Lucas arched a brow. I mean, yeah, in a way it is, since he got me pregnant, but that’s my fault too.

‘Eh, it’s as much your fault as my own.’ I shrugged at him. He sighed, pulling me close and kissing my forehead again.

‘Are you okay, Red?’ Ian asked, stepping further into the bathroom.

‘Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry.’ I blushed, hating he saw me throw up, too. I don’t like people seeing me be sick, especially stomach sickness.

‘Want some nausea medicine. I think mom has some somewhere,’ Ian offered, as he opened the medicine cabinet and began to rummage through it.

‘No, I’m fine. Honest.’ I’m not sure what kind of medicine you can take while pregnant, but I know there’s a lot you can’t. I’m still feeling guilty for drinking and fighting this month. Shit fighting! I won’t be able to do the championship. My blood ran cold and my heart rate spiked as I thought of Davis. He’s going to kill me for getting pregnant so young. Forget my dad, the person to be worried about telling is Davis! Lord, help me!

‘Jesus, Red, you’re pale. Sit down.’ Ian pulled me from Lucas, lifting me and placing me on the counter. Lucas stepped forward, grabbing my hand again. He was worried, too.

‘Should we go to the doctor?’ Lucas asked me, unsure of what to do.

‘No, it’s fine. I’m fine. You guys are worrying too much.’

‘Red, you threw up and you’re as white as a sheet now. You’re not fine.’

‘I promise I am fine. Would you guys calm down?” I was growing a little irritated with the amount of panicking they were both doing now.

“I can’t calm down when you look like you’re going to faint,” Ian gave me his ‘be serious’ look, the one he would give me when I was playing around too much. I felt guilty and a little embarrassed as I realized I would have to tell him the truth to make him stop worrying. I’m not sure how he’ll feel about the news, but I hope he doesn’t stop being my friend over it.

“I threw up because I’m pregnant, and I’m apparently one of the unlucky few who gets terrible morning sickness,’ I admitted. ‘I’m pale because I thought of having to tell Davis.’

‘Fuck, I’m dead,’ Lucas murmured under his breath, looking as pale as me now. Ian was silent as he stared at me for a long while. He then wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight, pressing me against him. It was like he was trying to infuse himself inside of me with how tightly he held me. I could feel the love pouring out of him, and it made my chest tighten.

‘Congratulations, Red. You’re going to make a fantastic mother.’ He pulled back as he spoke, staring deep into my eyes. ‘I’ll let mom know you’re fine.’ He ran off, but not before I saw a tear slide down his cheek. Why is he crying? It tore my heart in two and kept my mind on him even as I looked back at Lucas.

‘How long do you think I should hide, after we tell Davis?’ Lucas asked, holding his chin in a playful way. He made me smile and suppress a laugh.

‘Years, my Knight, years.’

The familiar cold air and scent of iron filled my lungs as we entered the tattoo shop. Joe was in his usual spot, hovering over some woman who was getting the cliche tramp stamp on her lower back. You’d think it would be outdated by now, yet here she was getting a butterfly.

‘Joe, your pet is here,’ Vicky yelled back from the counter, irritating me greatly with her choice of words.

‘Watch it, Vicky. My pet, as you call her, bites when provoked,’ Joe warned with amusement. I smirked, feeling smug he would warn people about me. ‘Be with you in a minute, kiddo.’

Lucas and I took a seat in the chairs by the door. The leather coated cushion sank with a whiff of air as I parked my bottom on it. I watched Joe finish the butterfly on the woman’s back with his tongue curled out as he focused. His tattooed muscles contracted as he finished the fine details. When he was done, he bandaged her, and left her to check herself out. He made his way towards me with his usual serious expression.

‘What can I do for you, Cherry Bomb?’

‘Wanna have lunch? Got a few things to talk with you about.’

‘I’m guessing this is the new boyfriend?’ He pointed to Lucas with a raised brow.

‘Yeah, it is.’ I smirked with a blush.

‘Then let’s go.’ Joe was like a hungry wolf and Lucas was the little bunny he was ready to chase and eat. I felt a bit bad for him, but maybe we can think of this as the test run for telling Davis. We headed out and went right next door to Jumping Jay’s. The waitress came around and took our order quickly. There was a lunch rush, but they were efficient in getting our food to us quickly. Maybe I won’t throw up this time.

‘Start talking,’ Joe said with his elbow on the table and his eyes on his food. He stabbed his food with his fork rather aggressively before looking at Lucas.

‘Um, I’m Lucas?’ He said, unsure of what he meant to say. I chuckled lightly. I didn’t mean to, but it was slightly funny to me how many people are intimidated by Joe when he’s secretly a little teddy bear.

‘Tell him whatever comes to mind, it doesn’t even have to be about you. He’ll get a feel for who you are.’ I explained. Lucas nodded, but I could tell he still wasn’t comfortable.

‘Do you ever wonder how your parents felt when they found out they were pregnant with you? Like, do you think they were elated? Or do you think maybe they were sitting at a table staring at the positive test like it was the worst news of their life? I think my parents were happy, but it doesn’t mean they were good parents.’ Lucas started as he rolled his brussels sprouts around the plate with his fork. ‘Being a parent is more than accepting the news and being happy about it. It’s making sure you’re there for your kid, and they feel loved. It’s making sure you’re setting a good example for them to follow. Making sure they know they can come to you with their problems, and you’ll be there to help. Kids need their parents, and sometimes some kids aren’t lucky enough to get parents who will pay them any mind. I want to make sure I’m a father who’s good to their kids. I don’t have the best role model, but I won’t let that stop me.’

I felt my eyes start to mist over at his words. An image of him holding our child with a bright smile flooded my mind. I never thought of how he would feel about becoming a parent, about how his trauma would affect him. He has a lot to overcome. We both do, but we’ll do it together. We’ll do it for our child, become better versions of our parents. I took his hand, feeling overly emotional. I squeezed it, meeting his eyes to see the sadness in him. He wants to do good, to be good.

‘You’re pregnant, aren’t you?’ Joe asked me with a knowing look.

‘Yeah,’ I sighed, readying myself for a lecture.

‘I better be the one you take him to for his first tattoo. Or her.’ He shrugged, like the news was nothing bad.

‘Sure thing, Joe. Don’t fuck up my kid.’

‘When have I ever done you wrong?’ He arched a brow, taking offense.

‘Never.’ I smirked.

Joe and Lucas talked more. Joe asked him about his tattoos and their meaning, which were things neither of us had asked each other. He had two for Ivy and two for John. The ones he had done for Ivy were a leaf from an Ivy with a water droplet in the center. The other one was done for Ivy and John. Running along his arm were black roses tied together with a halo over them and wings around it. His other tattoo for John was a best friend’s one they got together as teens. His was a crescent moon with John’s name on it, and John’s had been the sun with Lucas’ name. They added on to it when they got older. Lucas added stars and wrote Leo’s name in one. John added clouds and had Leo’s name in one as well. I liked knowing these things about him.

God, we still know so little about each other.

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