Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 37

‘This is it!’ Rose said, practically jumping in her seat.

We pulled into another abandoned warehouse, and I began to wonder how Davis found these places. Obviously, this must be highly illegal by the way they switch places and have guards, but yet I don’t feel like some criminal. This is something Rose loves, and I love watching her do it.

‘You ready?’

‘So ready!’ She yelled, before covering her mouth with wide eyes. ‘Sorry, I’m super excited.’

‘Don’t be sorry. I love it.’ I leaned forward, kissing her soft lips tenderly. ‘Let’s go win!’ I raised my eyebrows at her, making her smile and nod. We headed in, running into Carter outside the door.

‘Twinkle Toes! Wasn’t sure if we would be seeing you or not. Glad to know you chose to stay.’ He hugged her tightly.

‘Careful not to kill me,’ she heaved as he squished her.

‘Oh, my bad. I forget how delicate you are despite your badass fighting skills.’ He smiled. Carter has the warmest smile of all, only making him brighter. ‘Go on in, Twinkle Toes.’

She headed in before me as Carter met my eyes. I knew he had something to tell me, but I wasn’t sure if I was about to be scolded or just asked questions. ‘She seems happy. Actually happy. Keep it up kid.’ He patted me on the back hard, making me take a step forward so I wouldn’t fall.

I chased after Rose, feeling somehow accepted by Carter now. This was the family I felt I needed to get the seal of approval from. I already have Hailey’s. Carter and Davis are the two I’m missing.

‘Twinkle Toes!’ Davis yelled from across the room. Somehow his voice could still be heard through the roaring crowd and bassy music. We met each other halfway, having Davis take Rose into another big hug. He was gentle, and even though he held her tightly, he didn’t squeeze her. He did lift her up a few inches. When he put her down, he patted her head like she was a small child.

‘Gave you more of a challenge this time. Are you ready for it?’ He asked her with his arms crossed and face now serious. It was like he had two modes. One was his fatherly sweet side and the other was the serious ring leader or coach. It was crazy how quickly he could change between them.

‘I’m always ready, Davey,’ she cooed, making his brow furrow. He obviously didn’t like the nickname.

‘I said no to that name.’ He reminded her, flicking her on the forehead. She rubbed it with a little pout, making me smile at her antics.

‘Too bad.’ She stuck her tongue out at him.

‘Go get ready, you little shit.’ He pointed behind him with his thumb and she skipped away. ‘You got your work cut out for you. She’s going to give you hell.’

‘I look forward to it.’ I smiled as I watched her. She was already shaking off, stretching, and jumping on her feet. God, this woman is everything!

She was paired with another girl, about the same size as her. The girl recognized Rose, smiling widely. Not the usual reaction she gets when someone sees her. It made me a bit nervous and I think Davis picked up on it cause he crossed his arms and smiled.

‘That’s Dora the Bird. She’s light on her feet like Twinkle Toes. I told her it would be a challenge. I hope she’s ready.’ I felt a bit nervous for a moment, but then I remembered my Rose has sharp thorns. She’s going to be fine. She’s going to win this fight like all her others.

‘She’s got this,’ I assured Davis, watching the ring closely.

‘I am glad you think so.’ He patted my back hard, the same way Carter had. I think they’re trying to bruise me. Maybe I should start bulking up too. Freaking Viking Man.

Rose started dancing around the ring, but so did her opponent. They were maybe a little too well matched. Every punch and kick was blocked or avoided by both of them. I could see Rose thinking as she fought. She was planning her next move, calculating how best to beat this girl. Her eyes have always been very attentive, watching her opponents carefully. She always tries to find their weaknesses, they’re weak points.

Rose took a step forward, and Dora took a step back. I could see something click in Rose’s head, and I knew she had it now. She’d figured it out and Dora was about to get her ass handed to her. Rose took two quick steps forward, causing Dora to retreat, but the speed caught her off guard and had her slamming into the cage of the ring. Rose punched her right in the stomach, jabbing her side twice.

The music playing changed to “Lying From You” by Linkin Park, which pumped Rose up more. She backed away as Dora got back to her senses and aimed to punch Rose. She swung hard, but since Rose moved, her fist didn’t make contact like she thought it would. Dora’s footing failed, and she almost fell forward, having to take a step so she wouldn’t faceplant. Rose used it to her advantage, punching Dora in the side again from behind. She then kneed Dora in the ass.

‘Did she just corn dog her?’ I asked Davis, laughing.

‘I think she did,’ he answered with an amused smile. ‘It seems she’s having fun.’

Rose twirled around Dora, avoiding more punches and kicks. Dora was off balance and tiring quickly while Rose stayed animated. She kicked Dora in the arm hard, causing her to take a step back. She was met with the cage at her back again. Rose started to pummel her until the girl tapped out. Rose immediately stopped, holding her hand out to the girl to help her up. She helped carry Dora out, bloodied and bruised.

‘You did great! Thank you for the challenge.’ I could hear Rose tell her. She’s too fucking perfect.

‘I’ll get better, and next time I’ll win,’ Dora promised her.

‘I look forward to the rematch.’ Rose genuinely smiled at her, letting me know she spoke only the truth.

‘Dora, go get cleaned up. Good effort.’ Davis gestured towards the back for the girl to go. ‘Twinkle Toes, you got one more fight, then it’s the championship. This year we’re joining with other underground fighting rings so it’ll be bigger than before. Thought it would be nice to have a bigger range of fighters.’

‘Cool! I can’t wait.’ Rose jumped with excitement. Surprisingly, she didn’t look tired.

‘I’m sure you can’t. Go get your money, and I’ll see you for your next fight. Glad you chose to stick around, Liv.’ He shook his hand in her hair. She pouted, grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand out of her hair.

‘Quit, or you’re going to give me an afro.’

‘You won’t stop using that nickname, so I won’t stop petting your head.’ He laughed, doing it one more time, even with Rose fighting him. He out muscled her, so she couldn’t hold him back. I smiled in amusement at the two. I was glad to know Davis and she had a close relationship. I wish Davis was her dad. On second thought I think I’d be too scared if he were.

‘Bye, Davey,’ Rose said, poking at him some more before grabbing my hand and running us off. We grabbed her money and headed out to the car. Carter gave her a high five as we passed him by, congratulating her on her victory.

‘How do you want to celebrate?’ I asked her as we pulled out of the lot.

‘I have a few ideas,’ she said in a very suggestive tone, one that made my dick twitch in my pants.

‘Don’t tease me, Rose, because I’m always hungry for you.’

‘Good, because I am too.’ She leaned over to kiss my cheek. ‘Don’t get distracted while you drive,’ she said, as she lifted the sports bra she was wearing, exposing her breasts. She grabbed my free hand and placed it over her breast. Fuck, this is girl is going to be the death of me.

Olive’s P.O.V.

‘You look too good to go out.’ Lucas whispered in my ear by our front door.

‘Whatever, says the one who’s too hot for his own good.’ I rolled my eyes at him. We were heading out to meet Leo, Lisa and Rachel –who had come into town again. We decided to try the newly opened nightclub. It’s supposed to be hard to get into, but Lucas and Leo’s money made it an easy problem to solve.

‘Are you going to dance with me all night, Rose?’ He asked me as we headed to the car.

‘Maybe or maybe I’ll dance with Lisa or Rachel, too.’ I winked at him, teasing him in my own way.

‘Fine, then when you dance with them I’ll dance with Leo. It’ll be too hot for you to resist and you’ll come begging me to dance.’

‘I’d actually like to see that.’ I laughed, wondering if Leo would ever agree. Probably not.

‘Consider it done then.’ He winked at me again before pulling out of our parking spot.

The air was cold, with winter rolling in. I wonder how much snow we’ll get this year? Lucas turned the heat on, pointing all the vents at me. He could tell I was freezing in my short dress, even with my coat on. When we arrived, Lucas opened my door and placed his arm around me, gripping my hip with his hand and pulling me towards his side. He did not want to let me go for anything.

Leo, Lisa and Rachel were inside already. We spotted them near the bar once we entered. As we made our way I noticed Lisa flinch as she stood up. I know that flinch, it’s the flinch of someone who’s hurt. It’s the flinch of someone who’s been punched on the side, or stomach, a few too many times. No one noticed, and for a moment I thought maybe it was my imagination. As the night continued, I realized it was not. She didn’t dance, and she didn’t move unless she absolutely had to. She kept a smile on her face, trying to hide the fact she was hurt.

‘Lisa, come with me to the bathroom?’ I asked her, knowing I needed to get her alone so she would talk to me.

‘Um, okay, sure.’ She got up slowly, trying not to show the pain. She did a pretty good job at it.

The line to the bathroom was long, which for once I was happy about. It gave me more time to question her. I know she’s not going to open up right away and will probably deny it outright at first.

‘What’s going on with you, Lisa?’

‘Oh, you know, nothing big. I’ve been working, avoiding my father, and comforting mom… the usual.’ She shrugged.

‘That’s not what I meant.’ I frowned.

‘What do you mean, then?

‘I mean, why are you hurt? Who hit you?’ I asked her, no longer beating around the bush.

‘What are you talking about?’ She acted confused, as if I were speaking another language.

‘I know that flinch. I’ve seen that flinch. You’re hurt here.’ I poked at the spot I was sure she was hurt at, to make my point. She flinched, sucking air in through her teeth.

‘I didn’t realize you were so attentive, Liv,’ she complained as she sighed. ‘It’s him again. I hate to admit it, but I went back to him. He swore he wouldn’t do it again, and I stupidly believed him. This is what I get for it.’

‘Lisa, you’re not punishing yourself like this. We’re getting you treated, and then you’re telling me where this sack of shit lives.’ I spoke firmly, making sure Lisa realized this was happening whether she wanted it to or not.

Lisa showed me her wounds in the bathroom. She had a ton of bruises around her chest. Like all over her torso, with varying colors. It let me know this had been going on this entire time. Some of the bruises had started to heal, while others were starting to darken. It made my stomach flip at the sight. I felt transported back to when I was a child and saw mom littered in her own bruises.

‘Where is he, Lisa?’ I asked her through gritted teeth.

‘He’s at my place. He won’t leave, Liv. He said he’d kill himself if I left him. He won’t let me have anyone over anymore,’ Lisa said, seeming so scared as she spoke.

‘Don’t worry, Lisa. After tonight he won’t be in your hair any longer.’

Olive: Need the coward special please.

I texted Davis and Carter. They had come up with code names for the beatings they have, and the coward special was reserved for abusive men.

Adopted Dad: I swear I’ll kill that kid if he’s touched you.

Davis replied almost immediately. I probably should have been more clear.

Olive: Not Lucas, not for me.

I quickly responded, trying not to get Lucas killed.

Shiny Man: We’ll be there Twinkle Toes.

Carter replied.

Adopted Dad: Don’t give me a heart attack like that. Send me the place and time. We’ve got your back.

‘We’re taking care of this tonight, Lisa. Let’s go.’

‘Wait! Please don’t tell Lucas!’ She grabbed my wrist, looking ready to burst into tears.

‘I am not keeping this from him, Lisa, but I’ll give you the chance to tell him yourself. You made a mistake and hopefully it’s not one you’ll repeat. We’re here for you and you don’t need to be scared to ask us for help.’ I pulled her in for a hug, trying to show her all my support. ‘You’re strong too, Lisa, so stop acting like you’re not.’

I didn’t give her a chance to argue as I pulled us out of the bathroom and into the booming music. I dragged her over to the group, poking Lucas on the shoulder. I whispered in his ear to go talk to Lisa and to be supportive. Lisa pulled him away from the group, and I watched them while they talked.

‘What’s going on?’ Leo asked me first.

‘I’ll let Lisa tell you, but Lucas and I are about to go. I have some business I need to take care of.’

‘Um, okay?’ Leo was confused, but he didn’t press the matter.

I watched Lucas hug his sister tightly as she cried. I was glad to see him hold her and not scold her. She doesn’t need that right now. She needs love and support. They walked over to the group after a moment.

‘We’ll see you guys later. I’m stealing this one away.’ I told them all, grabbing Lucas’ hand and marching off.

‘Where are we going Rose?’ He asked, surprised.

‘You’re taking me to go beat that sorry sack of shit to an inch of his life. Davis and Carter will meet us there. I am sure you’re angry too, but let me show him that a woman can fight back.’

Lucas pulled me back, and at first I assumed it was to stop me, but when I saw his smiling face I knew that wasn’t the case. He leaned down and kissed me so lovingly, making me melt into him like butter.

‘You’re absolutely perfect, Rose. Lead the way, I’ll follow.’

We drove towards the address Lisa gave me, spotting Davis and Carter there already. We headed upstairs to the door, this asshole was meant to be behind. I pounded on the door with my anger at an all-time high. It swung open to a tall man with a lean physique. He had toned muscles and broad shoulders. He was a very handsome man, but knowing what he did to Lisa made him disgusting in every way.

‘Can I help you?’ He smiled down at me as if I were some little present delivered to him.

Oh, you can help me alright.

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