Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 36

Lunch with Hailey went great. I was scared to tell her about Lucas moving in with me over the weekend, but I was stupid to be. She was so happy for me. She yelled so loud in excitement causing everyone to turn and look at us like we were crazy. We spoke about it for a little while and by the end of it Hailey had washed away all my doubts and insecurities about it being so soon. This is why Hailey is the absolute best. She never judges, just gives advice.

Class felt like it was dragging on, maybe because it was the last one of the day, and I know Lucas will be waiting for me. I missed him terribly already, even though we saw each other this morning. There’s a moment when a person becomes your entire life, and I feel like I’ve had that moment with Lucas. He is everything I think about, all the time, at every moment. He’s everything to me.

‘Don’t forget to work on your projects now, so you won’t be trying to finish them over Thanksgiving break.’ Professor Devarti advised us.

Wrong sir, that’s exactly when I want to do it. I am not wasting my time with Lucas. I’ll work on my project and papers while Lucas is away with his mom and Lisa. Once I’m done, I’ll drive up to Portsmouth and check on my dad’s girlfriend and baby. It’s only a four-hour drive, so it’s not too bad. Not worth flying there.

We were dismissed from class, and I don’t think I’ve ever bolted out of there faster. I saw him right outside the door, making me smile. I felt my heart beat rapidly at the sight of him. A warm, joyous feeling erupted inside of me, knowing he was here for me. He reciprocated my smile, looking just as happy to see me. He pulled me into a tight embrace before kissing me shamelessly in front of everyone.

‘Hello, my beautiful Rose,’ he said, rubbing his thumb over his jaw.

‘Hello, my shiny Knight.’

‘Ready to go home?’

Home, our home.

‘Very much so.’

He kissed me one more time before walking me to the car. We talked about class and my work. He told me what he did while I was in class. He and Leo got to spend time together and I was happy to hear it. They need more time with one another. As much as I hate being apart from him, Lucas still needs his friends, and I need mine.

‘Want to cook together tonight?’ He asked me randomly as he drove us home.

Home, still so giddy thinking about it.

‘Ooo, that sounds good! What should we make?’

‘Handmade pizza or shrimp and mango salsa, or maybe even handmade pasta?’ Lucas was throwing some random suggestions out, making me smile. I looked at him, seeing his handsome profile as he drove. He was so focused on the road, despite talking with me.

‘I wanna try to make homemade pasta. Sounds like a lot of fun,’ I answered him with a smile.

‘Perfect. Let’s go to the store.’

‘Woah, you never said anything about going to the store.’

‘Just the grocery store, Rose. We gotta get what we need. I’ll be with you the whole time, don’t worry.’

‘Fine,’ I groaned. Even grocery trips were the worst for me.

We pulled into the market, parking near the door. Lucas held the door open for me and walked me in with our fingers interlocked. He didn’t let my hand go as we walked the aisles, getting what we wanted. He played around with me as we went down the aisles, telling me jokes at times. We were checking out before I knew it, with a smile on my face. He was trying to distract me from the fact I was shopping, and he did so successfully. He’s so perfect for me.

‘I love you, my Knight.’ I told him as we exited the store with our ingredients in tow.

‘I love you too, Olive.’ he locked eyes with me, staring lovingly at me. ‘Let’s go make a mess at home.’

He drove us home carefully, staying at the speed limit, and keeping both hands on the wheel as it started to pour. The rain was harsh and unexpected, making it hard to see. I was glad we didn’t need to go far with home being so close. Once there, we ran inside laughing as we tried to, unsuccessfully, avoid getting soaked.

‘Maybe we should change clothes first,’ Lucas said with a smile as we entered our home. I love saying our home.

We headed up stairs, changing into something comfy. I had put on a pair of sweatpants and had just taken off my wet shirt when Lucas’ lips surprised me on my shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against his chest. He then kissed my neck sweetly, making it almost tickle.

‘Mmm, that feels nice.’ I smiled, closing my eyes and leaning my head back against him.

I was focusing on the sensation of his lips against my body. He kept kissing and sucking at my neck, until my core dampened for him. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them behind my back rapidly. It surprised me, breaking the tender moment. I felt something wrap around them and felt the familiar material of his belt.

‘What are you doing, Lucas?’

‘Playing with my prickly Rose.’

His answer caused my heart to race and my stomach to twirl. He pushed me forward, causing me to face plant onto the bed, but it didn’t hurt. He pulled my pants off me, leaving me fully exposed to him, without allowing me to turn around to look at him. I felt him walk off for a moment, only to feel a blindfold cover my eyes. I bit my lip as I anxiously waited to see what he had planned.

Lucas grabbed my hips, pulling them up so I was on my knees on the bed. My shoulders and face were still firmly planted on the mattress. His tongue then began to lick at my wet folds, causing me to moan happily. His fingers entered me, circling around my walls as his tongue continued to devour me. He played with me until I was so wet I could feel it on my thighs. He didn’t relent either, not until I reached my first orgasm over his face.

The blind fold only made me focus on his touch more, making everything feel so intense. I felt him grab the belt around my wrists, lightly pulling back on it. He let his dick slide between my folds, not yet entering me, but teasing me. His large shaft rubbed against my sensitive clit, making me moan loudly as I swayed my hips against it.

‘Do you want me, Rose?’

‘Always,’ I answer with a moan.

‘You’re so beautiful, Rose.’

The words slid from his mouth as his dick entered deep inside of me. I let out a loud moan as he began to thrust against me. He slapped my ass so hard I could hear the sound throughout the room. It stung, yet only added to my hunger for him. I felt myself getting wetter, if that was even possible. I felt Lucas reach for something, but I couldn’t tell what until I felt a familiar vibration over my clit. I yelled out as it caused me to reach my peak faster than I planned. My walls clenched over his dick as I came. He didn’t stop either, having the little toy enter my ass. I was more prepared for it than last time, enjoying the full feeling he had created again.

Every time his dick would slam into me it’d touch a spot I didn’t know I had, causing waves of pleasure through me. I swayed my hips desperately, finding my third orgasm. Lucas continued to pound into me with a speed and force unlike any other. I felt him pull out and spill his seed all over my ass. He rubbed it in with his dick too. Somehow, causing me to stay horny for him. I’m not sure why I liked his cum all over me. It felt hot as hell.

‘Let’s get you cleaned up,’ he said, taking the blindfold off to reveal his smiling face. I nodded a bit bashfully after the sex we just had. Lucas untied my hands and helped me into the shower. We washed off quickly, changing into black sweat pants and t-shirts. Lucas had tossed me one of his shirts instead of my own. He said it was an accident, but I think he wanted me to wear his clothes. I noticed he liked seeing me in his shirts.

‘You ready to cook?’ He asked me.

‘Sure am.’ I nodded happily, leading us downstairs to the kitchen. I wonder how good of a cook Lucas is.

Lucas’ P.O.V.

Cooking with Rose was lots of fun, but the cleanup was even better. I couldn’t contain myself around her as I leaned her over the counter after we cleaned up and slammed into her again. She didn’t mind as she moaned in pleasure the entire time, allowing me to cum inside her this time. When she turned to face me, she looked so in love my heart almost stopped.

Her beautiful icy blue eyes captivated me like no other. It’s hard to describe the warm joy she makes me feel by just looking at her. I love this woman too much for my own good. She could destroy me if she wanted to, but I know she won’t. She’s my Rose, and I had finally climbed past her thorns and into the center of her soft petals.

‘I love you, Olive, so very much.’ I wanted her to hear the sincerity in my voice as I said it, to notice the seriousness and the joy in which I told her. I only ever used her real name when I wanted her to know how serious I was being. She looked up at me past those long lashes, hearing my words clearly.

‘I love you too, Lucas, with all my heart.’

Our joyous moment only continued as we ate our homemade pasta and watched Lady And The Tramp. The pasta was good, only made better by the fact we cooked it together. Anything I do is always made better when done with Rose. I hate that I won’t be by her side during Thanksgiving break. I know when I see her again, I won’t be letting her out of my arms, or out of my bed for that matter. After dinner, Rose worked on her homework and I read her journals again. I was curious to see what happened after Ian moved. I was near the end of sophomore year now. He was due to move at the end of May.

Dear future me,

Ian has been sweet since telling me the horrible news. He doesn’t want to go either, and we both wished there was a way for him to stay. We’ve been hanging out more every day. Any chance we got, we would sneak out together and talk. This time it was done on the roof of his house. We stared at the stars and spoke about our future aspirations.

Ian gave me the brilliant idea of becoming a rocket scientist. I want to build something that can fly into space. I want to know my creation is out there, floating around with the stars. I wasn’t sure I could do it, but Ian believes me. So, I’ll believe in myself, too.

What am I going to do when he’s gone? Who’s going to keep the darkness of my world from getting too overwhelming? So much for another nice Thanksgiving or warm Christmas. So much for having a friend in high school, for not being one against the many.

He’s leaving soon, and it’s tearing me up inside. Please tell me he comes back for us. Please tell me he doesn’t forget about us.

A sorrowful, Past You

My heart hurt reading this. She was breaking inside when she wrote this. I could feel her raw emotions like it was happening to me. She was losing her best friend and secret first love, and it was killing her. I peered from the journal to see Rose with her pencil against her lips and her eyes fixed on her book. She was thinking and working through her problems. Ian was the one who set her down this course. He’s the one who helped her see her worth first. I guess I should be grateful to him for that, but I’ll beat his ass if he hurt her in the end.

Dear future me,

Sorry I haven’t written to you in a while. Ian’s move date had been rescheduled to earlier than originally planned. He moved away yesterday, and I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye the way I would have liked. We thought we had more time, but it was taken from us quickly.

I couldn’t see him off at the airport. I have no car, so instead, I saw him off at school. They picked him up early, and he knocked on my classroom door, asking to speak with me. We said our tearful goodbyes in the hallway, knowing full well everyone would make fun of me for it once he was gone. He held me for a while in his arms, and for a moment I thought of telling him how I truly felt, and begging him to stay. But, we’re both minors and he has to go with his parents.

‘I promise I’ll write to you, Red.’ Those were his last words to me before he left. He used the horrible nickname he had come up with when we first met. So unoriginal, yet exactly what I wanted to hear. The image of his back leaving the double doors of the school with the sun shining so bright, will forever be engraved in my mind, I am sure.

There goes my happiness.

Sure enough, when I reentered the class, I was made fun of. They told me I was so obsessed with Ian, he had to move to a whole other country to get away from me. It didn’t help the already creeping sadness in me.

A now very depressed, Past You

My heart ached for this Rose. I wished I could travel back in time and save her even then. She didn’t deserve any of it. She should have been a popular choice with a million kind friends. Instead, she was tormented and bullied and had her only friend taken away.

I looked back at her, seeing her write out her answer with a triumphant smile. I sat there watching her and admiring her for the wonderful woman she is. She is absolutely amazing, and she is mine. I’ll find a way to get these assholes to see her for the badass woman she is. They’ll wish they would have been her friend.

‘I forgot to tell you.’ She looked up at me quickly. ‘Wait, were you watching me?’ She got distracted, making me laugh.

‘Yes, I was. You’re my favorite movie, after all.’ I winked at her, making her blush.

‘Shut up, I am not.’ She fought back the smirk on her face. ‘Davis texted me earlier. I have a fight tomorrow night, then another one in the first week of December before the championship. Championship is right after Christmas, so no trips around then. I need you present and accounted for when I win.’ She gave me a happy smirk with a wink.

‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Rose.’

She went back to work and I went back to reading her journal, gotta finish sophomore year. Despite how sad it makes me to read it. I need to know all about her.

Dear Future Me,

How long does it take mail to get back? I wrote to Ian the day after he left, hoping maybe he’d get my letter the first week he’s there. I have been checking the mail every day since then, hoping I’ll have his reply. I am not sure how long it takes, so maybe he hasn’t even gotten my letter. Perhaps he got it and is now replying. There’s no way to tell. I don’t know what I’m going to do while I wait for him to respond. I think I’ll drive myself mad at this rate.

On another note, school still sucks. Kids are still cruel, and boys are still pigs. So school is all around hell now. Home isn’t much better, not that it ever was. Dad’s gearing up for some big fight and he’s been using me to train. I don’t pose much of a challenge to him. I’ve got bruises all over my torso. He was pretty pissy when I got a punch in on him yesterday, so he kicked it up a notch. It kind of hurts to breathe, so sharp small breaths are the sweet spot right now.

Summer is soon approaching and with Ian gone, I have no idea what I’m going to do to keep myself entertained. Anything to keep myself out of the house. This place is suffocating and with dad being his normal asshole self, I need an escape. He’s been more sober here lately, but he always goes back to heavy drinking in the summer when he knows he doesn’t have to worry about taking me to school or picking me up.

Ian did leave me his bike, so I at least have it to get me places this summer. I am excited to use it. Maybe I’ll find a summer job. I should start looking. Wish me luck!

Past You

I hate her dad. I hate her dad so much!

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