Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 18

‘I’ll do my best.’ He told me with a look of determination and sympathy. He could tell I was feeling anxious about tomorrow. I mean, who wouldn’t be? There’s a possibility I have cancer right now. Damn mass in my breast!

Lucas easily lowered his arms, letting me know he had been letting me keep them there. There was a deep admiration in his eyes, which was freaking me out a little with its intensity. I looked away, feeling too self conscious under his gaze. Lucas brought his mouth down to my neck, kissing it tenderly. It wasn’t the usual sucking and marking he liked to do. He kissed down to the opened collar of my shirt, before sliding his hands under it and helping me out of it.

He then continued his light kisses over my torso, around my breast, and down my stomach. His hands sensually pulled my pants down at the speed of a snail, letting his fingertips tickle my skin along the way. I bit my lip, enjoying these gentle touches he was giving me. This hadn’t been something I had experienced with him before. It’s usually so hot and heavy, but right now, it feels really intimate.

When my pants were discarded to the floor along with my underwear, he pulled his shirt off with one arm. He leaned down over me, kissing my lips again, licking at them, and forcing them to part, allowing him access to my mouth. He nibbled at my lip lightly, sending waves of pleasure through me down to my toes. His hand trailed over my side, past my ribs, and towards the hard buds of my nipple.

My breath hitched when his fingers pinched at them, rolling it between them. I squirmed beneath him, wanting him to be deep inside me already. The wait was killing me, and if he doesn’t get inside me soon, I’ll be begging him to in a couple of minutes. He let one of his hands run down to my leaking center. His finger slid across my slanted lips, parting my wet folds. His middle finger slipped inside of me as he curled his finger in me, rubbing at the sensitive area inside, while his thumb applied pressure to my clit. I couldn’t help but moan from his lips.

I felt my toes start to curl as my pleasure rose and rose. It was pooling deep inside me, getting ready to burst if I was touched just right. I could spend days locked away in a room with Lucas, doing nothing but this, and be perfectly content. He knew exactly how to touch me to make my body respond to him. He knew it better than I did, giving me things I didn’t know I needed.

He pulled his finger out of me, standing on his feet to remove his pants. I looked into those brown eyes of his, finding them already on me. There was still a deep admiration in them, but I didn’t shy away this time. My gaze fixed on his, even as he climbed over me. I didn’t look away or close my eyes as his dick touched my entrance. I was pretty sure I wasn’t even blinking, ‌or if I was; it was at the same time as him.

Lucas inserted himself painstakingly slowly inside of me. When he was balls deep in me, I moaned loudly, loving the feel of him. My fingers dug into his skin deeply as I gripped onto his back. I wanted to leave my mark on him, one that was more than just a hickey. I knew I shouldn’t feel this need to mark him, but I did.

Deeper, Lucas,‘ I whispered into his ear.

I want to see how much of him I could take. I want to see what more Lucas has to offer me. He showed me exactly what he could do for about three hours this afternoon, repeatedly bringing me pleasure. He had me yelling his name many times, taking me in all kinds of ways all over this apartment. We ended it with us on the bed. We were both breathless and sweaty, causing our hairs to stick to our faces. I turned to my side and looked at Lucas, who eventually felt my gaze and turned to look back at me.

‘What’s on your mind, Rose?’ He asked me.

‘Stay here with me tonight?’ I asked before I could stop myself. That is a terrible idea, and I know it. Yet, somehow, it sounds absolutely perfect.

‘I would love nothing more, but could we do it at my apartment? I have some work I need to do.’ He cleared the hair from my face as he spoke.

‘I’m so sorry. Am I keeping you from work?’ I realized in all this time, I had never asked him what he did. Nor did I ask if he was working when I would text him. I know nothing about his schedule, and yet he comes any time I ask him to. Does this mean he really does like me?

‘Don’t worry about it, Rose. It’s nothing, just some paperwork that needs my eyes to look over.’ He rubbed my cheek with a small smile. ‘Please, don’t make me sleep without you after you offered for me to.’ He widened his eyes to make it look like they were glistening, like the eyes of a cartoon puppy. It made me smile wider than I meant to, which ‌had Lucas smirking. He leaned forward, grabbing my chin.

‘So, is that a yes?’ He asked me.

‘Yes. It’s a yes.’ I nodded. ‘First, let me get dressed and pick something to wear for tomorrow.’

‘I’ll get us there early tomorrow, so don’t worry about anything. We will all be there for you. All of us.’ He assured me, and all I could do was nod my head at his words. ‘I’ll go find my clothes and let you get ready.’

He kissed my forehead, leaving me feeling lonely on the bed for a moment. I reluctantly kicked the sheets off me, letting the cold air hit my skin in protest. My legs were feeling wobbly from the insane sex we just had. I had never had sex for so long before. I was the same sore I’d be after running a marathon. My legs felt heavy as I got dressed, collecting some clothes for tomorrow.

I found Lucas dressed and leaning against the back of the couch. He was typing away on his phone, making me wonder who he was talking to. I guess I still don’t trust him fully, despite his sweet words. The need to look at his phone, and see who he was texting, was eating away at me. I have no right and it’s honestly such an invasion of privacy. I need to get over myself.

‘I’m ready now,’ I said, stepping towards him. He immediately put his phone down, giving me his half smirk as he held his hand out towards me. I grabbed it, letting him guide me out of the flat and to his car. The sun was halfway down the sky now, getting close to setting as the evening progressed. My stomach rumbled loudly in the car, making me blush and Lucas laugh.

‘I’ll order us some food when we get to my place.’ He smiled as he pulled onto the street. He threw me his phone a second later, letting it land on my lap. I stared at him with a raised brow in confusion.

‘Pick a song to play,’ he told me, holding his thumb over the phone to unlock it.

It was hard for me to not click on his texts and see who he was talking to. I opened his music, seeing we actually had similar tastes. I scrolled through it, trying to find the right song, feeling a lot of pressure to choose the right one. His phone vibrated in my hand, letting us both know he had received a text.

‘Who is it?’ Lucas asked.

‘Um…what if I told you I was an android person who did not know how to work an iPhone?’ I asked shyly, unsure how to see who had texted him. He laughed again.

‘Just open my texts.’ He shook his head with a smile.

I was surprised he was giving me permission to open his texts. I figured out how to get back to the home screen, seeing the text app on the bottom. It opened and saw he had an unread message from his mom.

‘It’s your mom.’

‘Read it to me?’ He asked as he turned right on the street.

‘Okay, uh, it says: Lucas, you better not start any drama with your uncle this time. It’s my birthday and I want to have an enjoyable time with my family.’ I read the text out loud to him, feeling embarrassed. I wasn’t sure if it was something he wanted me to know or not. I turned to look at him, seeing he wasn’t phased by it.

‘Tell her I’ll do my best as long as he does.’ He said. I typed the message out to his mom and hit send. I wondered what was going on between him and his uncle that would warrant such a text from his mother.

‘Music please, Rose,’ he reminded me.

‘Right.’ I saw the list of names on his texts as I went to go back to his music app. I saw his mom’s name, mine, Leo’s, Lisa’s and even Hailey’s, but under all of them was Janessa. My stomach twisted, and I felt a pang of jealousy. I thought he said he broke it off. Why is her name still there? I felt my face contort in disappointment before I could stop it.

‘What’s wrong?’ Lucas asked.

‘Nothing, sorry. Just trying to navigate your phone,’ I lied, smiling sheepishly at him.

‘If I remember correctly, Leo got you a new iPhone when he broke your last one, no?’ Lucas arched a brow.

‘He did, but I am honestly not an iPhone person, so I traded it out.’ I held up my Samsung to show him. Lucas laughed, making me smile. His laugh was beautiful, bouncing all around me in the car.

‘You’re something else, Rose.’

I finally got to his music and decided to play Deftones. We sang along for the last few minutes of the ride. Lucas was actually an excellent singer. I had pushed my insecurities and feelings of betrayal deep down, deciding not to let it ruin my mood. I didn’t know what was said on the text thread, so I won’t obsess over it. It could have very well been the message that broke it off between them. I tried to trust what Lucas was telling me was true. I was having a hard time doing so. Lucas opened my door for me when we arrived, holding his hand out. I placed his phone in his hand before stepping out.

‘I wanted your hand, not my phone.’ He shook his head. He put his phone in his pocket before holding his hand back out towards me. I took his hand this time, allowing him to pull me flush against his chest. He pulled his phone back out and fiddled with it for a moment. I tried to pull away, but he held me close.

‘I know you saw her name on my phone, Rose. I have only texted my family and Leo these past few weeks. Her name is still there because she was the last girl I texted to break things off with.’ I blushed, knowing I had been caught looking. He turned the phone for me to see his message to her.

Lucas: What you did today was unacceptable. I know we’ve had our fun, Janessa, but it’s over now. I am serious about the girl I had brought home tonight, and your antics pushed her away. Please lose my number.

The words I read surprised me. He was serious about me even then? I had a hard time processing what his message said against what I had believed. I was so insecure and wrapped up in my preconceived notions of him, I never gave him a chance. He hadn’t hurt me and yet I treated him like he did. It was Julius who hurt me, who’s now left me with this insecurity and distrust of men.

‘I’m sorry. I promise I wasn’t trying to snoop. I just noticed her name. Thank you for showing me.’ I bit my lip, feeling both embarrassed and anxious. Lucas leaned down and kissed my forehead.

‘Let’s go upstairs and get some food ordered.’

We made our way upstairs, ordering some Mexican food. Lucas stepped into his office after he situated me in the living room with blankets, snacks, and the TV remote. I found it cute the way he fussed over me. He wanted to make sure I was entertained and didn’t plan on leaving. The doorbell rang 15 minutes later.

‘Rose, could you get the door for me, please? It’s probably our food,’ he called out to me from his office. I smiled as I got off the couch, picturing him hunched over his desk. I felt bad he had to work.

‘Yeah, I got it,’ I called back.

I opened the door with my smile quickly fading. I didn’t bother looking at the camera monitor beside his door to see who it was before I had opened it. Honestly, I assumed it was the delivery person with our food. I was surprised to find a tall, beautiful woman standing on the other side of the open door. She had short wavy green hair and a kind expression despite her tough demeanor. She wore biker boots, torn jeans, and a leather jacket. Her mouth turned with a polite smile before opening it to speak. Her dark lipstick made her teeth look so much whiter, and her skin paler.

‘Hey, um, is Lucas home?’ She asked, causing my heart to clench. Another girl.

‘Uh, yeah. He’s in his office working. I’ll go grab him,’ I told her.

‘Oh, it’s fine. I’ll get him myself.’ She smirked with a mischievous grin on her face. She sidestepped me, entering the place like she owned it.

She knew exactly where she was going without me having to show her. She’d been here before, seeming so comfortable, too. I felt my chest hurt again with my insecurities bubbling up again. I hated this pendulum of emotions I’d been feeling.

‘Lukie!’ she called out.


‘Rachel?’ I heard him respond with confusion and surprise in his tone.

I watched as he quickly appeared at the doorway of his office. He saw her and smiled the widest I had seen him smile. Somehow it crushed my heart more. She held a place in his heart and I did not know who she was. Lucas ran to her, hugging her and spinning her around in joy. My heart hurt as I watched the scene unfold before me.

‘I didn’t know you were coming into town! You didn’t tell me.” He laughed as he put her down. The smile had never faded from his face.

‘It was a surprise. You’re my second stop.’ She smiled up at him.

‘Second? I’ve moved up on your list.’ She laughed, causing her face to somehow look even more beautiful. Her bright blue eyes shone as she smiled, wrinkling on the sides.

‘That’s as far up as you’ll go. Leo will always be first on my list.’ She poked his forehead between his brows. I saw Lucas pout, like he didn’t like that Leo came first. Now I was very curious who this woman was. She knew both Leo and Lucas. I closed the front door finally, snapping out of my daze. That was when Lucas remembered I was here.

‘Rose, come here. I want you to meet my cousin, Rachel.’ Instant relief washed over me. I felt stupid again, assuming more than I should have. She was his cousin. I had to bite back the sigh of relief wanting to leave me.

‘Hi, despite what he calls me, my name is actually Olive,’ I introduced myself as I made my way to them.

‘My name is actually Rachel, so he didn’t lie there,’ she told me with a smile.

‘Nice to meet you.’

‘You too. I don’t normally see girls hanging around her, or opening his door.’ She side-eyed Lucas, who now had a tinge of pink on his cheeks. Was he embarrassed?

‘Rose is different from the rest,’ he said.

‘Must be.’ The bell rang again. This time, it had to be our food.

‘I’ll get it. It’s probably our food. You’re welcome to join us as we eat. I ordered a lot,’ Lucas invited her.

‘I feel like I’m imposing. I wasn’t expecting you to have a girl here.’

‘You’re not imposing. I was actually getting bored while he was working,’ I assured her. I was curious about her, and I wanted to get to know her more. She seems extremely cool and somehow very sweet. She spun the leather cuff on her wrist as she fidgeted.

‘If you’re sure,’ she said.

I nodded my head yes. ‘Very sure.’

We sat and ate all together. I learned Rachel is my age and goes to Harvard. In person classes are not her thing, so she mainly does her classes online, allowing her to come visit at random. She is studying early childhood education, which almost made me choke on my food. Lucas and she laughed at my reaction. She thankfully didn’t take offense.

‘I know it’s my appearance that throws everyone off when I tell them. I’ll, of course, dye my hair a natural color once I start my internship. I also have a professional wardrobe. No one will know my style unless they see me out of school,’ she assured me.

‘I am sure you’ll shock some students when they see you out of school.’ I laughed.

‘Oh, most definitely.’

‘Ladies, I leave you to keep talking. I have to get back to a stack of looming papers on my desk,’ Lucas said, getting up from his seat with his empty plate. He kissed my forehead on his way to the kitchen. ‘I’ll be done soon.’

Rachel and I were left to have our girl talk.

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