Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 17

Hailey left about an hour after the guys did. I wanted to feel the sun’s heat against me again, so I headed to the roof where a sweet flower garden was being grown and two lounge chairs always sat. The sun was setting, leaving the sky with a bright orange tint. I sat back with my eyes closed and my arm laid above my head. The roof door opened about 10 minutes after I got up here, disturbing my peace. I didn’t bother to open my eyes and see who it was, worried it was Mom’s friend who lives in this building. I didn’t want to have to make small talk right now.

‘This is beautiful.’ A familiar voice surprised me. I felt them sit in the lounge chair beside me. I peeped an eye open, seeing his broad shoulders first.

‘Lucas?’ I furrowed my brow as I opened both eyes. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I figured you could use some company.’

‘Oh, did you?’ I sat up, no longer relaxed in the slightest.

‘Yeah, I know you have too much going on in your head. Honestly, I couldn’t get you out of my head.’ He shocked me with his revelation.

‘I want to pretend like everything is fine and not falling apart all around me.’ I sighed, laying back on my chair again. ‘I keep wondering how mom felt when they told her she had cancer.’

‘I am sorry, Rose. I hate her cancer wasn’t caught sooner. She was an amazing woman to have passed away over something that could have been cured if caught soon enough.’ He shook his head as if he were so mad over the fact.

‘No, kidding.’ I sighed, staring up at the one lonely cloud floating above.

‘She seemed like a wonderful woman. I know she left you when you were young to deal with a lot of shit you shouldn’t have, but she was a good person when I met her.’

‘I am glad you got to meet her. She looked happy. She deserved to be happy after everything she went through.’

‘You deserve happiness too, Rose. After everything, I am sure you went through. Your mother told me her biggest regret in life was leaving you behind. She was sure your father wasn’t hurting you, but there was no way for her to be certain, and it killed her. Was she right? Did your father leave you alone?’ Lucas’ deep brown eyes stared at me, desperate for my answer.

‘When did she tell you that?’

‘The next day. I went back to see her after you left, and we spoke a while longer,’ he admitted, making me freeze for a moment as I imagined them talking together without me. I’m not sure why it touched my heart to know he had spent more time with her. ‘Now answer my question, Rose. Did he leave you alone?’

‘He would only ever hit me when he was teaching me how to defend myself. The only thing he was good for was teaching me to fight and being a drunk I had to take care of.’ I shook my head at the memory. Lucas’ eyes didn’t stop staring at me as he took in my words. His chiseled jaw ticked for a moment.

‘I hope you were able to beat his ass.’

‘Not once.’ I shook my head. Dad is the only one I could never beat. He’s the only one I refuse to fight, too.

‘Sorry I brought it up.’

‘It’s no big deal.’ I shrugged, too used to my trauma. It’s nothing now.

‘It is a big deal, Olive. Don’t downplay the shit you’ve been through.’

I shrugged, not sure what to say. I’ve noticed he calls me Olive when he’s being serious about something. We sat in silence for a while, staring up at the now cloudless sky which was painted a red orange with the setting sun. It was so beautiful to watch from up here.

‘Beautiful,’ Lucas whispered.

‘It truly is.’ I turned to look at him, finding his eyes already on me. I blushed under his gaze. He was a handsome man I knew I couldn’t have. I wanted to ask him about Francesca. I wanted to know the reason he slept with so many women. He probably doesn’t want to talk about it.

‘What’s on your mind?’ He asked me, not looking away from my eyes.

‘The truth?’ I asked, seeing him nod in response. ‘Wondering why you sleep with so many women.’ Lucas sighed, pouting for a second.

‘I’m only sleeping with you, Rose. I haven’t slept with another girl since we slept together the second time.’

‘Are you serious?’ I couldn’t believe what he was saying. ‘What about Janessa?’

‘I broke it off with her the same night she showed up. I don’t want anyone else, Rose.’

‘It’s kind of hard to believe, Lucas.’ I shook my head.

‘I know it is.’ He sighed again.

It got quiet again as I watched Lucas stare up at the sky. He tapped his foot on the lounger rapidly as he thought. Eventually, he turned and looked at me. He looked so serious I had to swallow the nerves in my throat down.

‘Something happened to me a few years ago. Something I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone. It changed me, and the way I looked at women. It’s the reason I slept around so much.’ He gave me a vague reason, which was more than I was hoping for.

‘I’m sorry, Lucas. Do you want to talk about it?’ I hoped he would open up more.

‘Maybe another night.’ He looked away from me, staring at the multicolored straps on the lounge chair as he stuck his finger between the two of them. Is he fidgeting right now? I pulled my chair closer to his, having them meet. I could smell his hearty cologne with how close we were. Lucas looked back up at me again. I could see the pain he was trying to hide in his eyes. I scooted closer to him, never breaking our eye contact.

‘I am going to hold you to that, Lucas. I hope you know I’m here for you the same way you’ve been here for me.’ I leaned forward, kissing his lips tenderly. I am not usually one to start our kisses, always being worried about feeling too romantic about him. With what I know about him now, and what he’s telling me, maybe it is time I gave him a real chance. We’ll see how the date he wants will go.

‘Thank you, Rose,’ he whispered, as he ran the backs of his finger over my arm. Goosebumps erupted under his touch. It was electrifying.

‘Lucas, I need to know what you want from me? Am I some conquest or do you want something serious in the end?’ I bit the bullet, asking him the question that’s been eating away at me since he asked me on another date.

‘You’re not a conquest, Rose. You’re so much more. I would like to be serious with you.’

His answer was what I was hoping to hear, but it didn’t relieve my worries. I still felt like I was taking a huge chance on liking him. It would be so easy for him to crush my heart. I still need to be careful. I think I’ll need time to trust him before this feeling finally goes away.

‘Okay, Lucas. I hope you know Leo feels the same way,’ I reminded him he wasn’t the only one after me. Leo was worming his way into my heart, too. We may not have the same intensity I have with Lucas, but he’s sweet and secure. I feel I can trust him a lot easier than I can Lucas. I wish it wasn’t the case, but it is.

‘I know. I have an idea about that, one Leo and I have discussed already. We are wondering if you will seriously date us both for 6 months and at the end of the 6 months pick which one of us you want to be your boyfriend. Are you up for it?’

His suggestion caught me off guard. I didn’t realize they spoke to each other about dating me. They have a great friendship, and I was glad I wasn’t ruining it. I contemplated his suggestion, and it seemed logical enough.

‘Okay.’ I nodded.

‘There are rules.’

‘Alright, tell me.’

Lucas explained each of them would get at least one date a week. If there were to be more than one date, the other would have to have at least one more date as well. They can’t interrupt each other’s dates with me, which includes texting. They told me I can’t share what the other one is doing or what they have planned. I don’t have to share when or if I sleep with either of them. They don’t want to hear and they don’t care.

I feel like the bachelorette. What is this daytime drama?

Lucas’ P.O.V.

My phone was by my side all day, trying not to miss Rose’s call or text. I want to make sure I am there for her when she goes in for surgery. I’ve been looking up the best oncologists in the state, and one familiar name popped up. But I refuse to let him see her, even if he is conveniently located nearby. I hate him. He’s no better than my father.

Kane Phillips is a pompous ass. He thinks himself better than the rest with his high and mighty act. ‘I not only help my patients with their cancer, I help their families as well,’ he said that to us at the dinner table once. I had seen him ‘help’ the family before. She was bent over his desk as he ‘helped’ her.

I didn’t see him the same after that. He took advantage of her. He said it was the only time he had done it when I confronted him about it. I didn’t believe him, but I was only 16, so no one actually cared what I had to say about him. He married the woman, as if to prove a point to me. They divorced three years later. We never saw much of her in those years. She was like this hidden secret wife. It was the strangest thing.

If Rose needs an oncologist, then I’ll fly one here for her. Someone who isn’t Kane. I won’t have him taking advantage of her. I hope to never let her meet him, but I know she’ll have to when we go on our date on Sunday. Of course, that’s only if she’s okay by then.

Mom’s birthday is Sunday, and she likes to have a family brunch. Kane, being her older brother, means he’ll be there. I want Rose to meet mom, seeing as she met dad last time. Mom is a saint compared to dad. Honestly, compared to dad, many people are angels. The man is a massive dick with serious control issues. Not to mention the anger issues he lashes out with. I make sure they’re always directed at me. I would never let him hurt Lisa the same way he hurt mom, or me.

I don’t think Rose realizes she and I share some of the same trauma… an abusive dad. Only my father hurt his kids too, not just mom. Thankfully, he’s not a fighter with large muscles, but he does still strike a mean punch, always somewhere that isn’t noticeable. I’ve kept him away from Lisa as often as I could. He’s only ever laid hands on her once, and I quickly stopped it.

Rose: Surgery is scheduled for 9 a.m. tomorrow. It’s an outpatient procedure, so I’ll be in and out the same day.

Olive’s text had my chest constricting. I need her to be okay. I need this to not be cancer, even if we are all thinking it is. She shouldn’t have to deal with this. It isn’t right. She deserves a much happier life, and I plan on giving it to her. No matter what the results of the biopsy, I plan on bringing her joy.

Lucas: I’ll be there Rose.

Rose: Thanks.

Lucas: Do you need anything right now?

I know it’s currently the middle of the day, but after I left the roof of her loft yesterday, I couldn’t help but miss her. She had agreed to our proposal and I’m going to be fighting hard for the next 6 months. I need to show her I’m the one for her. I need her to see how much better I am for her.

Rose: I hate to say it, but I could use some company. It’s too quiet and Hailey has classes all day today.

Lucas: Say no more. I’m on my way 😉

Rose: Thanks, Lucas

I grabbed my keys, almost running to my car. With everything that has been going on I have had little alone time with her and I miss my Rose. I am grateful she asked me to come and not Leo. I may have driven a few too many miles over the speed limit as I made my way to her, not having been this excited in a while.

She opened her door, greeting me with a messy bun, black sweatpants and a baby blue shirt. She looked so cozy and cute. I wanted to pick her up, wrap her in a blanket, and hold her on the couch all day.

‘Hello, my beautiful Rose.’ I smiled at her as I entered. She gave me a small smirk, amused by my antics.

‘Thanks for coming. It was pretty quiet here, and it was unsettling. I’m not used to being alone,’ she admitted.

‘I’ll come over whenever you need me. All you have to do is send me a text,’ I assured her. ‘Doesn’t matter at what time, either. I have a severe case of insomnia. My body doesn’t get along with sleep.’

‘I’ll bear it in mind.’ She nodded. ‘Do you wanna watch a movie with me? I was about to play a horror film, because I need some action right now more than wholesome Disney movies.’ Her movie choice caught me off guard for a second, but I quickly nodded my head.

‘I’m down for whatever you’d like to do.’

‘Perfect. I’ll go pop some popcorn, you go sit.’

I grabbed a blanket from the little wooden ladder she used as a throw blanket holder before taking my spot on the couch. I heard her humming as she waited on the popcorn by the microwave. She tapped her fingers on the counter, making me realize we had a similar taste in music as I recognized the song.

‘I like this song.’ I sang along with her humming, making her smile.

‘It’s one of my favorites from the band. Well, one of the slower favorites. I honestly like too many of their songs. Linkin Park is the best.’ Rose sounded almost giddy as she spoke about them.

‘I second that statement.’ I loved learning something new about her. If only there could be a concert to go to, but with Chester Bennington dead, there’s no way. It wouldn’t be the same.

‘What do you want to drink with your popcorn?’

‘Anything is fine,’ I called back. She emerged from the kitchen with a tray of popcorn, drinks, and a few assorted candies. I saw my favorites amongst them, some hot tamales. I love cinnamon flavored things.

Rose started the movie, taking a seat directly beside me. I smiled, realizing she wanted contact with me. She could have sat at the other end of the couch, but she sat close enough that our thighs were touching. She pulled her legs in, placing the popcorn bucket in her lap, and started the movie.

Rose would jump sometimes, but never scream. She somehow never spilled the popcorn either. I had grabbed her legs part way through the movie, placing them over my lap. My hands gently massaged her calves as she laid back on the couch with her head propped up by a cushion. I felt her look at me a few times throughout the movie. I had done the same, watching her when I could.

‘You’re cute when you jump,’ I teased her as the credits rolled through the screen. She threw the pillow at me from under her head. I caught it chuckling. She immediately sat up, straddling my lap. She grabbed my wrists, placing them above my head. I was curious what she was planning to do, so I let her do what she wanted without a fight. Her lust filled eyes landed on my lips, watching as I licked them.

‘What are you doing, Rose?’

‘Taking what I want, if that’s okay?’ She bit her lip, a little embarrassed by her words, but sticking to them.

‘More than okay.’ I nodded.

Her hands were still on my wrists, above my head, as she leaned down. She pressed those rosy red lips against mine in a frenzy. She was hot and demanding as she kissed me. This passion was new to her. I quite enjoyed it as she sucked on my lower lip. I groaned, pushing my pelvis towards her center more. She swayed her hips on me, grinding against my very prominent erection now. She was clearly wanting more, but I was letting her take charge. Everything will be at her pace.

‘Lucas?’ She called my name, stopping for a second to look me deeply in the eyes. She was so vulnerable right now.

‘Yes, Rose?’

‘Can you make me forget all about tomorrow?’ My chest tightened, seeing her so anxious. I was anxious, too. Tomorrow determines a lot about her life.

‘I’ll do my best.’

I’ll give her what she wants as best I can

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