Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 11

I couldn’t get my thoughts straight ever since Rose told us her story. I was glad I tagged along. I never would have believed she had such a sad story to tell. She’s so strong and resilient. I think I understand why she’s like that now. I wanted to be angry at her mother for abandoning her, but how can I be? Her mom is a victim too, and now she’s dying. The only person to be pissed at is her father, and I plan to find out who he is exactly. I’ll rain hell down on his life for what he’s done.

Rose stood before us, her head was held high, but her eyes were on the ground. She was thinking. About what? I’m not sure. Leo was the first to speak. He had been through hell these past couple of days, and being with Rose was the first time I had seen him relaxed.

‘Thank you for tonight, Liv. Know I’m here for you, whatever you need. We half orphans gotta stick together.’ I know he was trying to be funny, but it was poor timing. Her mom wasn’t dead yet, and bringing it up made Rose’s face scrunch for a moment. I slapped Leo upside the head again, giving him a ‘you’re so stupid’ look as I stared at him.

‘Sorry.’ He scratched at the back of his neck.

‘It’s fine.’ She gave him a small smile, but I could tell it wasn’t real. I stepped forward, grabbing her hand without asking. I couldn’t hug her earlier because Leo had beaten me to it. So, I pulled her flush against my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around her. I kissed the top of her head before I spoke.

‘You’re amazing, Rose,’ I whispered into her ear, wanting her to know how I looked at her. ‘Text me when you need me, and I’ll show up.’

‘We’ll see you later,’ Leo called to her as we walked off. Leo was silent as we made our way to my car. I could tell he was deep in thought, but I wasn’t sure what about. There’s so much happening right now, it’s impossible to tell what’s going on in his mind. He stopped walking for a moment, making me stop to turn and look at him.

‘What’s up?’ I furrowed my brow at him in concern.

‘Do you think she regrets telling us?’ His piercing was moving left and right over his lip again. He was worried she’d push away now, and honestly, I was too.

‘Probably,’ I admitted. ‘But don’t worry, we’ll make sure she keeps talking to us.’

Leo nodded his head before we continued walking. The ride to his house was quiet as Leo stared out the window the whole way. I know he’s sad about his father, but we all knew it was coming. It wasn’t as big of a shock as it was when his father had his accident. I know it still hurts, but I think it helps him know it was coming.

‘Want me to spend the night again?’ I asked him as we pulled into his circular driveway. The place was dark inside, letting me know his mom called it a night already. It was Leo and his mom since his brother, John, died in the same accident that put his father in a coma. Last year was hell for us all, with the loss of John and Ivy.

John was my age, and we had a ton of classes together in high school and college. Leo and he were my two closest friends. John was a great guy, the life of the party. He was the man every girl wanted, and every guy wanted to be. He was the best wing man too. The image of him lying peacefully in his casket still haunts me, as well as Ivy’s, and now, the image of Mr. Darius will haunt me. Their father was always this big man with a large heart and a glorious smile. You would think nothing would have been able to hurt him, but a semi can do a lot of damage to anyone, in this case, three someones. My heart still aches thinking about Ivy and John.

‘No, it’s alright. Thanks though.’ He sighed as he got out of the car, closing the door behind him. I turned the car off, getting down myself. ‘I said no, Lucas.’ He rolled his eyes at me.

‘I know, I heard. I’m ignoring it, because I can tell you still need me.’ My elbow hit his side lightly, trying to be annoying.

‘Whatever.’ He rolled his eyes, but I saw the smallest tug at the corner of his lips. He appreciated it.

I walked inside with my hands in my pockets. The nostalgic scent of Loe’s mother’s perfume, which always lingered in the halls like a ghost, greeted me as I entered. Growing up, I’d spent more time here than in my home. I knew these hallways and rooms better than my own.

‘We’re not sleeping on the same bed.’ He pointed at me.

‘Awe, but you’re such a good little spoon,’ I teased him, causing him to blush the slightest bit. I let out a laugh at his innocent reaction.

‘I am not. These arms are meant to hold, not be held.’ He flexed his biceps, which he’s clearly been working on. I poked it, pretending to inspect it.

‘If you say so.’ I shrugged, heading up the stairs, leaving him to chase after me to say something else.

‘I say so,’ he whispered so as not to wake his mom when we passed her room. Leo’s room was at the end of the hall. He usually stays on campus in his dorm, but with everything that happened, he’s been staying here for his mom this week. In the same way Rose has been staying at the hospital with her mother. I felt my chest tighten at the thought of her hurting.

‘Let’s go to bed.’ Leo threw one of his pillows at me. He had a giant king bed with black sheets to match the black walls. He had a dark gray leather couch to the side of the room. I’m guessing I’ll have to claim it as my bed tonight.

‘Fine by me.’ I threw the pillow down on the cold couch and jumped on it. ‘Tuck me in, daddy,’ I joked. Leo sighed, clearly getting annoyed with my antics, but that only made it better.

‘Here, you can use this.’ He threw me a small throw which barely covered my shoulders and my feet at the same time.

‘Where’s my goodnight kiss?’ I puckered my lips at him.

‘Go to bed, Lucas. You’re being annoying,’ he spoke in a stern voice, only making me smile with amusement. I felt my phone vibrate once before stopping. I fetched it from my back pocket to see I had a text from Rose. My heart sped, surprising me at how excited I could be to get a text from her.

Rose: Can you meet with me tomorrow? I need some good sex.

I couldn’t help the shit-eating grin on my face. I heard Leo’s phone vibrate next. His face illuminated by the blue light of his phone, revealing the same grin on his face. Did she text him too?

‘Who’s bothering you so late at night?’

‘It’s Liv. I guess she isn’t regretting telling us,’ he answered me without prying his eyes away from his phone.

‘Oh, yeah? What did she say?’

‘She’s glad she could help make me feel better.’ He smiled again as he typed a response.

Two can play that game.

Lucas: You know I’ll come whenever you need me, my not so innocent Rose. You gotta do something for me first.

I smiled, waiting for her response, but all I heard was Leo’s phone vibrating a few more times, as my text stayed on delivered. Is she choosing to talk to Leo over me? I felt a pang of jealousy as I looked Leo’s way.

Rose: What might that be? O⁠_⁠o

Lucas: You have to wear what I tell you.

Rose: (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠; ⁠) um, depends. What it is you’re wanting me to wear?

I noticed Leo’s vibrating had slowed, letting me know she was focusing on our conversation now.

‘Who’s got you smiling?’ Leo caught on now.

‘Rose,’ I answered him, as I typed my response. I wanted to tell him she wanted to hook up again, but I also didn’t want to be a dick and cause him more heartache right now.

‘What are you guys talking about?’ He arched a brow at me as he pulled the sheets over his shoulders.

‘You sure you want to know?’

‘Maybe?’ He wasn’t sure. He was curious, but he wasn’t sure he was ready for the answer.

‘I’m just giving her advice on what to wear,’ I told him a partial lie, to spare his feelings.

‘Oh, okay. I mean, that’s weird.’ He shrugged his shoulders.

Lucas: I’ll send it to the penthouse tomorrow. I know a place we can go to have sex that is unbelievable.

I love dressing my Rose. I know exactly what to put her in to make her feel as sexy as I think she is.

Rose: I don’t know, Lucas. I just want something simple right now.

Her text had my chest tightening. I guess she’s going through a lot right now to want to try something new.

Lucas: I understand, Rose. Perhaps another time. Tell me where you want me and when. I’m yours 😉

Rose: Thanks, Lucas. Tomorrow, your place, around 7?

Lucas: Sounds good to me. I’ll come get you.

Rose: Okay. See you then.

Rose: Thank you for not being weird after I told you my story.

Lucas: Me? Weird? Never. ᕦ⁠(⁠ò⁠_⁠ó⁠ˇ⁠)⁠ᕤ

Rosa: Is that you flexing? X’D.

Lucas: You like it?

Rosa: mmm, yeah totally, those little lines are definitely doing it for me 😉

I let out a laugh by mistake, gaining a glare from Lucas.

‘Sorry.’ I held my hand up. I turned to my side, so I didn’t have to see his eyes on me again.

Lucas: Goodnight, Rose. I look forward to touching your body again.

Rose: Goodnight, Lucas.

I closed my eyes, feeling a little too excited about tomorrow now. There are so many things I want to do to her. I hope she gives me control again.

Olive’s P.O.V.

I had a hard time going to bed last night. Lucas’ texts had my heart racing with excitement. I had a stupid grin as we texted last night, which I later got onto myself about. I can’t let myself get too attached. He wants nothing serious, and fooling myself into thinking he does will end in my heartbreak.

This is just sex.

‘Mom, this is Hailey.’ I had convinced Hailey to come up during her lunchtime to meet mom. She, of course, accepted, excited to meet my mother. ‘She’s my best friend and current roommate.’

‘It’s so nice to meet you!’ Hailey smiled sweetly, giving mom an unexpected hug. Hailey has always been very affectionate. She attributes it to her being latina. She tells me Spanish is the language of love, and love involves a lot of affection.

‘It’s lovely to meet you. Thank you for caring for my Livie.’ Mom spoke with her eyes still wide in shock.

‘It’s no trouble. I very much enjoy having Liv with me. She’s tons of fun, and like a sister to me. She’s great!” Hailey’s words had me blushing a bit. I thought of her as a sister too, but I’d never told her. It was nice to have it confirmed.

‘I’m glad to hear it. Please tell me more stories about my baby girl. Ones she may not have been so inclined to share with me herself.’ Mom was fishing for information, making me suddenly regret bringing Hailey. We sat and talked for about an hour before Hailey had to go back to Columbia for her afternoon classes. Mom had enjoyed getting some juicy gossip about me from Hailey. It was odd, but I liked how she knew all these new things about me now.

Leo: Think you can come down to the hospital garden for a little while?

Leo’s text had surprised me as mom slept. She’d been sleeping a lot here lately. Every little thing would exhaust her and even though she fought it hard, the exhaustion was consuming her. I could see death approaching soon, tearing me up inside.

Olive: When? Now?

Leo: In 5 minutes?

Rose: Yeah, okay, see you then.

I responded as I headed out of the room towards the elevators. It took a good 5 minutes to get to the garden from where I was. When I arrived, I could see Leo standing under the shade of a massive tree. The weather was beautiful with the warm sun and cool breeze of a soon approaching autumn.

‘What’s up?’ I asked him as I hopped next to him. He turned, giving me a bright smile, making my heart skip. Leo looked even more handsome with all his piercings on display. He had the top section of his shaggy hair tied back so it didn’t fall on his face. He looked damn good right now.

‘I wanted to talk to you. It’s probably bad timing, but I wanted to get this off my chest and I wanted to tell you in person.’ He kept his clear-blue eyes on me.

‘Okay, I am listening.’ I said wearily, because when someone wants to speak in person, it’s usually serious.

‘I genuinely like you, Olive. Liv, I mean. You’re absolutely amazing, and I want to take you out on a date, but I know you have something going on with Lucas. I am not trying to make you my girlfriend yet, so I don’t care that you do. I want you to see I’m an option, too.’ He spoke clearly, never once breaking eye contact.

His words surprised me. I didn’t know Leo felt this way about me. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard him say it. The fact that two extremely hot and rich men wanted my attention was shocking to me. I am not sure I can handle it. I don’t know how I could go about dating one while sleeping with the other. Leo’s piercing moved side to side as I contemplated his offer. He was nervous, very nervous.

‘I don’t know, Leo. I just got out of a long relationship last week. My heart needs time before I jump into another one. I don’t want to lead you on into thinking we would be anything more anytime soon,’ I admitted, trying not to be too harsh.

‘I’m okay with that. I just want a chance to take you out on a date. It could be just one, and then you can see if you want to go on another one with me or not. We don’t have to put any kind of label on it.’ He stepped closer as he spoke to me.

I could feel the heat radiating off his body from his proximity. He lifted his hand, grabbing a lock of my hair and placing it behind my ear, letting his fingers graze my face. I felt a light blush tinge my cheeks, because I did find him attractive, even if he was a couple of years younger than me.

‘Say yes, Liv. Please.’ He grazed the back of his knuckles against my cheekbone.

‘Okay, just one.’ I held my finger up. Leo smiled so wide the corners of his eyes wrinkled. He was beautiful when he smiled.

‘Thank you, Liv.’ He leaned in, kissing my forehead with his hot lips. I couldn’t help the way my heart raced. ‘Tomorrow okay?’

‘Um, yeah, it should be fine.’ I nodded, still feeling his lips on my forehead.

‘Perfect. I won’t keep you long. I know this time with your mom is important,’ he said, making me like him a little more now.

‘Thank you, Leo.’

‘No problem.’ He held my face with his hands, letting his thumb rub against my jaw line. I felt myself leaning towards him.

God, I must be hornier than I thought. What’s wrong with me?

‘Leo?’ I whispered his name.

‘Yeah?’ He leaned further down towards me, our noses almost pressed together.

‘Was there anything else you wanted to say?’ I asked, feeling my heart race with excitement.

‘No, that was all,’ he whispered to me, letting me feel his breath fan across my lips.

‘Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow,’ I told him, staring at his lips, not moving a muscle, even though I was saying goodbye in not so many words.

‘See you then.’

His voice was so smooth, like velvet. He stepped back, pulling away before he did anything. I felt my head spinning with emotions as I watched him walk away. I was seeing him differently now, noticing how broad his shoulders were. How tall and absolutely handsome he was, too. Shit, what is this?

I headed back towards mom’s room, trying to get rid of the itch Leo left behind. I was glad I would see Lucas tonight, because I need the tension released now.

‘Olive, sweetie?’ Nancy called me over from the nurses’ station when she saw me step out of the elevator.

‘Hello, Nancy. What can I do for you?’ I asked her, leaning my arm over the counter of the desk.

‘Did I just hear a handsome boy was kissing you in the garden?’ She arched her brow.

‘Nancy, how the hell did you even hear about it so fast?’ I asked her, astonished. I knew she was the best nurse at knowing every rumor or gossip going about these walls, but still, that was way too fast. ‘We weren’t kissing. More like he was asking me out on a date while being super close to my face.’

‘Mhmm, sure, sweetheart. Just be careful with these boys. They can be cruel,’ Nancy cautioned me as she bit into her juicy nectarine.

‘I hear you, Nancy. No need to worry about me. I already know how cruel men can be,’ I informed her.

When I walked into the room, mom was sitting upright. She looked pale, grayer than usual. She had a puke bucket in front of her, letting me know she was nauseous today.

I sat beside her on the bed, rubbing her back as she dry heaved over the bucket.

‘Everything okay?’ She asked me, like she wasn’t about to hurl.

‘I’m fine. You’re the one almost throwing up.’ I wrinkled my nose at her. She rolled her eyes at me.

‘Something is bothering you. Tell me.’ She was trying to get her words out before gagging again.

‘Leo asked me out on a date. I said yes, but I don’t know how I feel about it. Lucas and I have plans tonight, but I know he wants nothing serious. Leo seems like he would, and I don’t know if I’m ready for it. Now I feel guilty for going to be with Lucas tonight and then going on a date with Leo tomorrow. It feels kind of slutty.’ I bit at the inside of my cheek as I thought about it further.

‘Oh sweetheart, you don’t owe either of them your full attention. You’re not their girlfriend, and it’s okay to date more than one person as long as they are both aware of it. Let Lucas know tonight. You’re not limited to one person until they ask you to be,’ she assured me right before she threw up.

I rubbed her back, trying to make her feel better as she hurled. I hated seeing her this way, suffering for no reason. Her words stayed in my head, trying to make myself not feel guilty. She was right, neither of them own me. Currently, I’m not anyone’s girlfriend, so I could date Leo. Lucas and I can stop what we are doing if I get a boyfriend.

‘Thanks for the advice, Mom.’ She nodded her head, unable to speak at the moment. I will have to tell Lucas tonight. I hope it doesn’t ruin the mood.

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