Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 10

Dad had called, but I ignored it. I didn’t want to talk to him right now, especially not by mom. It’s his fault I missed all these years with her. It’s his fault she had to run away. How could he ever hurt her like that? I watched mom sleep, wondering how she endured him for 10 years. She was strong in her own way.

I used this time to call my doctor and get myself checked. She placed an order with the hospital I was at to take my blood and have it tested. I would have the results in two weeks, and we’d talk about options once she had them. She then scheduled me for a breast screening at the end of the month. I checked in on mom again, seeing she was still asleep.

‘Sorry to bother you, Nancy.’ I spoke to the nurse at the round desk. ‘Can you please let my mother know I went to get my blood drawn if she wakes up wondering where I went?’

‘Of course, darling. No problem.’ She answered in her sweet southern accent. I’d only ever heard it in movies, having lived in the north all my life. It was adorable to listen to.

‘I am glad you got it going,’ Mom told me the next day.

She had slept for the rest of my visit Monday, but I had stayed by her side anyway, only going home once it had gotten dark. Neither Lucas nor Leo had texted me yesterday or today, which was fine. I know Leo is going through a lot, and I’m sure Lucas is by his side. I didn’t text them myself, feeling like I would be a nuisance right now.

‘She told me I would get my results in a couple of weeks.’

You might not be here to hear them.

The thought had my chest squeezing in pain. A depressed and overwhelmed feeling clutched at my heart. I wanted to cure her cancer. I wished there was something I could do for her, but there’s nothing. My phone vibrated once, letting me know I had a text.

Leo: How’s your mom?

He just lost his father, but he was checking in on me. He shouldn’t be worrying about me.

Olive: Not well. How are you holding up?

I asked him, wishing there was more I could do or say to make him feel better. I’ve only known him a week, but in that week I’ve seen Leo had a gentle heart. He’s kind, and he’s funny. He’s clumsy, but still somehow cool.

Leo: Not well.

Olive: I am so sorry, Leo. Is there anything I can do for you?

I have a lot on my plate right now, but I would add on to it, if it would help him.

Leo: Distract me.

Olive: No problem! Are you wanting memes? Dark humor? Or maybe a rundown of my life? Lol, kidding about the last one.

I will scour the internet for the best memes to make him laugh, but not really sure what his sense of humor is.

Leo: Actually, the rundown of your life seemed the most interesting of my options. Haha.

I slapped my forehead so hard I almost woke mom back up. She stirred for a moment, taking a deep breath. She was still beautiful despite her graying complection.

Olive: Oof, I would need lots of alcohol and about 3 hours of your life. Lol.

Leo: I’ll bring the alcohol if you tell me what you like to drink, because I clearly don’t know.

He referred to his choice of drink for me at the tunnel nightclub on Friday.

Olive: Deal! Bring Whiskey, I need to feel the burn, and whiskey always gets me talking about deeper things in life. Hospital roof sound good?

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever opened up about my past to anyone, aside from Davis. Hailey knows the most about me, but even with her I hadn’t told her about my mom or dad until last week when I found out mom had cancer and needed someone to talk to.

Leo: Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll come around 7 tonight. Hope it’s okay. Lucas is coming too. I haven’t been able to get him to leave me alone.

Another loud forehead slap had mom stirring. I am sure my forehead is red now. I sighed, because telling Lucas about my life feels different from telling Leo. It feels more intimate which I am not a fan of.

Olive: In that case, I’m going to need more alcohol.

Leo: No problem. Thank you, Olive. I appreciate this.

That was enough to make me feel better about the whole thing. I took a deep breath, letting the nerves fly away.

Olive: I got you, Leo! Also, call me Liv.

Leo: Okay, Liv. See you at 7.

I refocused on my schoolwork, not trying to fall behind in my senior year. It feels impossible to get out of the hole you dig if you miss too much work or class.

‘There she is, the woman of the hour,’ Leo greeted me with open arms as I walked through the roof door.

I wasn’t sure if the door would lock behind me, so I left a wooden block as a wedge. Leo greeted me with a big hug. I felt his arms wrap around me and squeeze me tightly. He inhaled deeply, slumping his shoulders, sniffling as he pulled away. He was trying to bite back the tears. I could see my future in him right now. I’ll probably be the same way in a week.

‘Do I get one of those too?’ Lucas asked with a smirk, his arms held open.

I pondered over it for a moment, but Lucas didn’t give me much of a choice. He took me in his arms, squeezing me gently. I melted into the hug, wrapping my arms around him, too. His sandalwood and vanilla cologne attacked my lungs, making me dizzy with lust for a moment. I was the one to pull back first, when I realized this hug had become a long embrace.

‘Okay, where’s the whiskey?’ I asked, looking around.

Lucas handed me the bottle.

‘No glasses?’ I asked.

‘Nope. The bottle is for you. Leo and I are drinking beer,’ Lucas explained, holding up a 6 pack.

‘Perfect.’ I smiled. I opened the bottle, chugging a good amount, feeling like I incinerated my chest. Lucas and Leo stared at me with wide eyes as I downed a quarter of the bottle in one go.

‘Damn,’ Lucas muttered with a smirk, as if he enjoyed seeing the way I could handle my liquor. Leo, on the other hand, had his brows slightly furrowed with concern.

‘Where do you want me to start?’ I asked Leo, because tonight is about making him feel better, even if it’s at my expense.

‘At the beginning, tell me about your childhood.’ Leo smiled. Poor guy probably doesn’t realize he’s asking for the worst years of my life.

‘Okay, one second.’ I drank more whiskey, to their surprise.

‘Is it that hard for you to open up?’ Lucas raised a brow.

‘You’ll see. We should probably sit.’ I pointed to the folding chairs set out here, probably by staff members. After we each took a seat, I took a deep breath and dove right in.

‘I grew up in New Hampshire, in a small house on a winding road. We didn’t have close neighbors, and looking back at it now, I know it was on purpose. My father didn’t want others hearing the screams.’ They both looked at each other for a moment as I stared at the ground. I took another swig.

‘My mom, dad, and I were only ever a picture perfect family in public, but behind closed doors my father would abuse my mother. I am not sure when it started or why, but as long as I can remember, they would fight. It always started with yelling, leading to things being thrown, and eventually him hitting her.’

‘Olive…Liv, you don’t have to. I’m sorry I didn’t realize.’ Leo shook his head.

‘No, it’s fine. It’s too late now. I’ve already drunk quite a lot.’ I smiled. ‘Anyway, my dad was an MMA fighter, so his punches were always hard. One time I got in front of my mom, trying to keep him from hurting her, but in his fit of rage, he pushed me away to get to her. I hit my head on the corner of the kitchen counter, splitting my forehead open.’ I touched the scar, remembering the warmth of my blood flowing down my face. I have to continue this story now that I have started it.

‘A month after the incident, mom left us. She didn’t take me with her and she never contacted me again until last week. Dad raised me from the age of 10 until the second I turned 18. He taught me to fight, and he taught me how to be safe, but the man showed no affection. Not a single hug or a simple I love you. He was cold, and for the first few years, he was determined to find my mother. I had to take care of myself since he had turned into an alcoholic. Eventually, he realized he wouldn’t find her and gave up. Which only dove him deeper into the alcohol.’ Leo and Lucas were so quiet, they were listening attentively. Leo looked at me with deep concern while Lucas had his hands fisted beside him, looking mad as hell.

‘My 8th grade year a teacher noticed my giftedness and had me apply for a scholarship to a private high school with a high rate for getting kids into Ivy League colleges. Dad sobered up around then, realizing he was failing as a father. He had to drive me to the high school since it was so far and they didn’t have buses. I would get picked on a lot by the students there, since I was the scholarship kid who came from nothing.’ I picked at the string poking out on my pants, feeling the need to fidget with something as I spoke.

‘I hate people like that. Money doesn’t make a person. I am sorry you went through all of that, Liv,’ Leo told me, reaching for my hand and squeezing it.

‘Thanks, but they definitely believed differently. I did well in my studies and worked part time to save for college for most of high school. Eventually, I got my acceptance letter to Columbia, and it made it all worthwhile. I was pretty sheltered in high school because of my lack of friends. So I never attended a high school party, or even had a boyfriend. Hailey was the one to burst me out of my bubble freshman year of college.’ I smiled at the thought of her.

‘She took me to my first party where I had my first kiss over a stupid pass the card game. The guy made the card fall so he could kiss me. His name was Adam, and he was a senior. He tried to get me to do more, but I refused, and when he didn’t take no for an answer, I beat the shit out of him.’

‘Of course you did.’ Lucas smiled at me proudly, making me smile too.

‘I am, to this day, still not allowed to any parties on sorority row.’ I let a laugh out. ‘Hailey still found other parties for us to attend, and during the second semester of freshman year, I met Julius.’ I sighed, remembering the feelings I held for him once upon a time. ‘He was my first boyfriend, but I was still a virgin and I didn’t want to hand it over after having held on to it for so long. We dated and eventually he asked me to be his girlfriend. I stupidly said yes, and in the spring of sophomore year I slept with him for the first time. I should have known he had been cheating on me. What guy would be with a girl for a year and be fine and dandy not sleeping with her the entire time?’

‘If it were with you, I would be,’ Leo quickly responded, making me blush a bit.

‘Last Friday I walked in on him fucking my roommate, Clover, for God knows how many times. He tried to tell me it meant nothing, but it didn’t matter. I don’t forgive unfaithfulness, ever.’ I looked at Lucas as I said this; I am not sure why I felt the need for him to know this. He nodded his head for me to continue.

‘That’s when Hailey offered for me to stay with her and forced me out to the club where I met this one.’ I pointed to Lucas with a smile. ‘It was meant to be a one-night stand to show Julius, and myself, I was just fine.’

‘Okay, wait, so you’re telling me I’m only the second guy you’ve slept with?’ Lucas asked with a shit-eating grin.

‘Yes, that’s right. Don’t get a big head about it. Anyway, I met you and saw him again, and here we are.’ I summarized.

‘Wait, you didn’t say why you’re here. What’s going on with your mom?’ Leo cocked his head to the side.

‘My dad called me the night you dropped me off,’ I told Leo. ‘ He told me my mom had gotten a hold of him. She is in hospice here. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see her after the way she left me, but I couldn’t deny the little girl in me who wanted her mother. My mom told me her side of things and now I’m using the little time I have left to catch up and talk as often as we can. She has breast cancer, and she’s having me get screened. They took my blood yesterday and I’ll have results in a couple of weeks, but she doesn’t have too much time left. She probably won’t be around by the time I get them.’

Saying it out loud killed me, making my heart shatter. A dot of water fell on my pants, making me think it was raining until I realized it was a tear. I had begun to cry without noticing. Leo knelt before me, pulling me into a tight embrace. I only cried harder in his arms. I hadn’t realized how sad I had been. Between telling them my life story, the alcohol, and the embrace, I was letting everything out.

‘We’re here for you, Rose.’ Lucas’ voice came from beside me. He wiped at my tears as Leo continued to hold me.

‘I’m sorry. I am supposed to be comforting you, Leo.’ I sniffled as my tears slowed. He pulled back, letting me go. I wiped the rest of my tears with my sleeve.

‘You already have. I am sorry I had you spill your life’s secrets to us. I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be that way. You’re such a bright person. I assumed you’d tell me these wonderful things about your life. Liv, you’re amazing! Considering the things you’ve been through, I am surprised you’re still able to smile so beautifully. You even care enough to comfort someone you met a week ago. Thank you,’ he whispered before kissing my forehead, surprising me. His lips were soft and warm, and I could still feel them on my skin when he pulled away.

The rest of our time was spent talking about frivolous things. We laughed at Leo and Lucas’ expense as they retold embarrassing stories of one another. They wrestled with each other playfully when they got upset about the very embarrassing stories. I let out a loud laugh at them, making them stop. They both smiled at me with their arms around one another.

‘I better head back down. Mom will probably wake up one last time before going to sleep again.’

‘Can we come?’ Lucas asked.

‘Yes, I would love to meet your mother before we can’t.’ Leo added, getting a slap to the back of the head by Lucas.

‘Idiot, don’t word it like that,’ he scolded him. I laughed again, feeling at peace for once. Maybe it was the alcohol in my system, but I nodded my head.

‘Okay, but don’t be loud, and remember, she has cancer. She doesn’t look her best.’ I pointed my finger at them in a sort of warning.

‘Yes, ma’am.’ Leo saluted, making me chuckle again.

‘Come on, then.’ I walked them down to her room.

We were all definitely drunk as we stumbled a bit. Lucas and Leo sounded like schoolgirls with their giggling and shushing. They sobered up when we got to my mom’s room. They stood straight, clearing their throats and pushing their hair back. The two of them were almost like twins with the same mannerisms.

‘Mom?’ I called her name softly. I found her sitting up in her bed with a thick book on her lap.

‘Hey, Livie, I was wondering where you wandered off to.’ She smiled sweetly at me.

‘Are you feeling up to meeting a couple of my friends?’ I asked her shyly.

‘Are you sure? You want me to meet them?’ She looked so happy, almost as if I had told her she wouldn’t be dying this week.

‘Yeah, I mean, if you’re up for it.’ I picked at the sides of my fingers as I spoke.

‘Of course!’ She smiled, sitting up straighter.

‘Come on in, guys,’ I called out to them. ‘Mom, this is Leo and this is Lucas.’ I pointed to each of them.

‘Oh, I see.’ Mom raised a brow, appraising Lucas since she partially knew what he was to me. ‘It’s lovely to meet you handsome young men. I am Abigail Rose, Olive’s mother. You can call me Abi.’ I forget mom’s maiden name is Rose. It’s funny Lucas calls me Rose.

‘The pleasure is all mine, Abi.’ Lucas gave her a dazzling smile, making my heart skip at the sight.

‘It’s nice to meet the woman who created Olive,’ Leo added with his own sweet smile.

‘You both seem polite enough, but sadly, I don’t have enough time to get to know you better. So, let me just say if either of you hurt my baby girl, I will crawl out from my grave and drag you down to hell with me.’ Mom scared me for a moment with the casual way she just threatened them.

‘I wouldn’t dream of hurting her,’ Leo responded first.

‘You have my word. I’ll do nothing but please your daughter,’ Lucas assured her, making me blush deeply.

‘Good.’ Mom nodded at them both. We spent another hour together, the four of us talking. It was nice seeing mom get to know them both. I have to be sure to bring Hailey tomorrow. I need mom to meet my best friend too.

‘We should go. It’s getting late,’ I told mom, seeing her yawn for the 5th time now. She didn’t want us to go, but I knew she was growing tired.

‘Are you sure?’ She asked, almost sadly.

‘Yeah, but I’ll be back in the morning.’ I kissed her forehead as I told her.

‘Are you sure you should be missing so much school?’ She was concerned about my studies.

‘Yes, mom, it’s fine. I’ve already spoken to my professors,’ I assured her. ‘Get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Okay, Livie. Goodnight.’

‘Goodnight, Mom.’

I closed the door to her room behind us. Okay, now how do I say goodbye to these two?

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