Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 6


I’ve never been to a wedding before. I assume they are supposed to be happy times. Love in the air and happiness radiating off one another. But instead, I have an overwhelming sense of dread. I can’t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen or maybe I’m still too heartbroken to pretend to be happy.

Yesterday after dinner I came back to elf country with Jasmine. Theo said he had pre-wedding errands to run. I ended up hanging out with Jasmine and her two friends Laura and Beth. They are sisters with Beth being the oldest at seventeen and Laura being fifteen.

We stayed at Jasmine’s house and had a girl’s night. Painting our nails, doing each other’s hair, and talking about boys of course. I didn’t talk about my complicated love life but I listened to them brag about theirs. Beth and Laura are single but Laura has a crush on a boy at school. There is a small school here that teaches kids of all ages. Jasmine is a teacher for the younger elves and Laura helps out.

Now it’s almost wedding time. We are still at Jasmine’s house and the place is crowded. Her mom, aunt, friends, and Theo’s mom Theresa are here. The room is overcrowded and it’s overwhelming. I decide to step outside and get some air.

Outside I see people running around everywhere. People carry baskets of flowers, food, and drinks as they continue to set up. I have no idea how an elf wedding is but I’m sure it will be beautiful. I walk along a stone path. It leads to a small pond and I see a familiar figure standing.


She turns around and smiles at me. “Hello, Swift. Beautiful day isn’t it?”

She is so nice I don’t like her. Nobody is that nice. “Hi. Robin is it?”

The smile doesn’t leave her face and I frown. “Yes, it’s Robin. I’m happy you're here. Zane has been worried about you.”

I scoff. “Yeah, I’m sure he is.”

She lets out a small chuckle and wraps her arms around herself. “I am not the enemy here. My relationship with Zane is merely platonic. He cares for you and loves you. I am just a friendly face for now.”

“Yeah friendly enough to move into his place. Sleep in our bed together?” I’m pissed just thinking about it as I take a menacing step toward her. She doesn’t budge. She isn’t scared of me. She should be.

She smirks. “We do not sleep together. I lay in the guest room. But if you are so bothered you can simply return to Zane. You’re meant to be together why fight it?”

I let out a laugh. Robin must have a death wish. Because she continues to push me with her words and the smug smile on her face doesn’t help. “You don’t know anything, vampire! Why don’t you go back to where you belong!”

“I will see you soon Swift enjoy the wedding.” In seconds she is gone using her vamp speed to run away.

I decide to go back to Jasmine’s house. I’m almost there when I’m grabbed and shoved against a wall. Gray piercing eyes stare back at me. “Sasha, what are you wearing?”

I look down at my outfit. I’m wearing a sky-blue dress. It’s tight and the top is a v-cut. A long slip on one side goes above my thigh. I also have on silver high heels which I hate but I was told to dress up, so I am.

“It’s just a dress.” I frown at him and he grips my waist. I hate that I’m letting him touch me but his touch sends sparks all up my body calming me.

“You look beautiful. Like our first date. The seafood restaurant by the beach.” He starts to whisper gently grazing my ear. “Making love under the moonlight after.” He starts trailing kisses on my neck and I moan in response.

“Zane please.” I put my hands on his chest and push him away his red eyes fade back to the usual gray.

He runs his hand through his hair. The look in his eyes is desperate. “I’m sorry love not sure what came over me, forgive me.”

I rub my dress down that somehow got pushed up. I look Zane up and down. He's wearing a three-piece suit. It’s black and white with a bow tie and he looks devilishly handsome. He smirks seeing me check him out. “Goodbye, Zane.”

I walk away fast. Luckily Zane doesn’t follow me. But I can feel his eyes staring me down as I walk away. I like him watching me. But I know I need to stay away from him. The temptation is hard when the mate bond just tries to pull us together.

Quickly making my way back to Jasmine’s I burst through the door with a scowl on my face. Three surprised faces stare at me. Jasmine, Laura, and Beth. Walking towards them slowly I smile. “Sorry, I needed some air. Is it time?”

Jasmine has the biggest grin on her face as she looks from her friends to me. “It’s time in a few hours I will be married!” She squeals.

She isn’t wrong. This wedding probably will take two hours if not longer. The wedding is beautifully decorated. It’s in a large field with the brightest green grass, flowers are glowing and floating around the air thanks to Queen Merda. There is a beautiful blue Jacaranda tree that the couple is standing under. A waterfall is behind them and all the guests are sitting in handmade wooden chairs.

In the first hour of the wedding, the priest speaks in elf language reciting their history. I have no idea what he is saying but everyone seems to love it while I try not to fall asleep.

Now a choir of Elves are singing. My butt starts to feel numb from the seat when I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Sasha I need to talk to you.”

I ignore him.

“Sasha please, it’s important.”

I ignore him still.

“Come on Sasha I know your perfect ass is almost numb by now, please it will only take a moment.”

I turn and stare into his gray eyes. He grabs my hand and in a split second, we are behind a house with his body pressed against mine. He has an arm on each side of me trapping me. I don’t like it.


Because my body is reacting to his. The closer he is to me. The more I crave him. Breathing in his musky cologne brings back so many memories. Memories of his tongue roaming all over my body, his big rough hands gripping onto me like he is afraid to let me go, and his large member sliding in and out of my wet cunt.

My brain is screaming at me to give in. To touch him like I want to. To unbutton his shirt and run my hands down his chest. I clench my thighs together because I’m sure I’m dripping now. But instead of giving in, I get angry. Even though I left him he moved on. He is protecting another girl now, loving another. Probably touching her as he touched me.

And worse it’s a fucking vampire!

I push him away. “What do you want Zane?”

“I want to talk to you. I need answers. Why did you leave?”

I turn away. I can’t look into his eyes and lie to him again. That’s why I left a note before. I was a coward when it came to breaking up with him. Sadly he followed me that day and we argued and argued until he got fed up and left.

But even now months later I can’t tell him the truth. I can’t tell him how the nightmares I had weren’t a dream but were real. That I was pulled into the land of the fae. How they tormented me over and over pulling me into their world until I finally gave in.

The damn fae. I hate them. They are self-centered, obnoxious jerks. They used them against me, my family. Told me I was a traitor like my mother. How I chose to love another kind instead of mating with my own. How I was a danger to the world and my friends. How they were better off without me.

So I gave in. I told them I would forget about them. That I would fix the mess I caused. I promised to personally go after her, Jewel, the black witch. So the elders gave me a gift, the gift of the sun. With that, I will find the black witch and kill her. She will regret ever messing with me.

I feel my body being shaken and look up. Zane has a hold of my shoulders. Concern and desperation present in his eyes. “Sasha, did you hear anything I said? There is a bounty on your head, you’re not safe.”

I scoff. “I haven’t been safe my whole life. What’s new?” I won’t tell him I already know about the bounty.

He drops his arms down defeated and I step away from the wall afraid to be trapped by his muscles again. He runs his hand through his perfect brown locks. “I think you should come home with me. I can protect you.”

“Protect me? Yeah right. Seems you have your hands full with your girlfriend.” I protest.

Zane's eyes turn red. He is angry. I must have struck a nerve. “Damn it, Sasha! You have no right to be jealous! I love you and no one else! Get it through your thick head love!” He points at his head and begins pacing.

I open my mouth to speak. To tell him I love him also but a scream echoes around. Zane and I give each other worried glances. I move to run towards the wedding but he grabs my arm not letting me go.

“Wait. It’s vampires, more than one I’m sure.”

I’m appalled. How did vampires get here? No one knows where the elves live. But then my thoughts are drowned out by a loud male voice.

“We know she is here. Swift the vampire hunter! Give her to us and no one has to die!”

I look at Zane who shakes his head. I narrow my eyes at him. I don’t like this. We need to do something. Everyone out there is innocent. They just want me. I can save them.

A female voice starts talking next. “Come on Burt maybe she isn’t here. I mean it’s just a bunch of fucking elves.”

The first vampire voice growls. “No, she is here. She sent us here for a reason.”

A third voice pipes up. “Let’s just feed and go. These elves look fucking delicious!” He growls.

I hear the guests start to gasp and whisper. I have to do something I can’t just sit here. I start to pull away from Zane but he pushes me into the wall again. “No Sasha. I won’t let you go out there. It’s not safe.”

I’m pissed I stomp on his foot. “Sounds like there are only three. We can take them easily before anyone gets hurt.”

Zane looks hesitant but lets go of my arm. We take one step when I hear a familiar voice, Queen Merda. “This Swift person you speak of is not here. Now please leave. We want to maintain peace but I will not tolerate any threats to the safety of my people.”

I hear a blood-curdling scream and start running towards the wedding. I stop dead in my tracks when I see a vampire holding Queen Merda’s large heart in his hands. He is licking it and smiling. “Dumb elf.” He spats. “Now listen up people bring us the vampire hunter and we will let the rest of you go.” The first vampire looks around then he spots me. He smirks and I start running toward him.

He leaps in the air and lands behind me. I kick him in the chest and he flies back. More vampires seem to rush out from the woods and I hear fighting all around me.

The vampire moves beside me and I elbow him in the face. He grabs the back of my hair and I pull out a knife I had taped to my thigh stabbing him in the leg. He lets go of me and I turn around to face him.

He pulls the knife out of his thigh and starts walking toward me. I walk backward until I bump into a wooden chair. I grab it and break a leg off.

“You’re a good fighter but are you fast enough?” He snarls and uses his vamp speed to run away.

I feel a tingling sensation behind me and turn around in time to stab the vampire through the heart with the wooden leg. He looks surprised before he turns to ashes.

I grab the wooden leg off the ground and look around. The whole place is a disaster. Chairs are knocked over, the glowing flowers have fallen to the ground dead, and elves are lying around injured. But I see no vampires. They must all be dead.

Zane races over to me he hugs me in a tight embrace. I don’t hug him back and he pulls away. “We need to go. It isn’t safe here for you.” He tells me worried.

Looking around I see elves crying and chanting, a group has formed around Queen Merda’s body and the pit of my stomach starts to hurt. I feel so guilty. If I wasn’t hiding with Zane I could have stopped this. No one would be hurt and their Queen wouldn’t be dead.

Everyone will die because of you Sasha

My hands ball up into fists. I’m so pissed. Why did I listen to him? Why did I hide? I don’t hide. I fight and being a coward gets you killed. I shove Zane away leaving him standing there confused. I rush back to Jasmine’s and grab my bag. I start walking towards the shortcut to leave this place.

I hear Zane yelling for me but I don’t stop. I walk through the thick forest until my legs start to get heavy. After a while, I realize I must have missed a turn because as I look around I don’t recognize where I am. I hear a twig snap behind me but I’m too late.

I feel something pressed into my neck. I reach up and feel a needle. The last thing I hear is a male voice. “Don’t worry sweetie pie I have big plans for you.” My legs start to give out and darkness overtakes me.

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