Sanctuary's Fiend

Chapter 4

“So what do you want to do?”

The usual?

“Yeah. My mom gave me another lecture. Yours?”

Same as every week. Yeah.

We walked down the street, heading out of the supernatural neighborhood. The sun was beginning to set, but it was still warm enough for shorts.

Every week on a Thursday evening, all the parents would get together in their big meeting and talk about stuff. I’d been once, and it bored me rigid. They had spent the whole night deciding whether or not old man McGaffy who’d just moved into the big house on the corner opposite was a human or one of us. They said he was so weird and old, he had to be supernatural. They wanted to send an official welcoming delegation to his house. Long story short, after a lot of embarrassment, he was human. Then they moved on to zoning laws. Also, it turns out that we’re not allowed statue gargoyles on our houses. Too much of a giveaway. The actual gargoyles were not happy. I left after that because I had more important things to do, like sleeping.

While the parents were wasting time talking about that fun stuff, we kids had started our own meetings. All the kids got together and talked. Talked about things that really mattered! We were discovering ourselves. Our parents wanted us to integrate with humans. Deny our true natures. So we started a club to find out just what those true natures were. I’m a vampire, and all I know about my kind is that, unlike the movies, sunlight doesn’t kill me, and I can see in the dark. No fangs, no flight, no turning into mist, no super strength, I love garlic, and I don’t combust when I step in a church. I hadn’t been brave enough to stick wood through my heart - I figure that would kill most things, so wouldn’t prove much. Oh, and I was alive. My heart beat, I had blood, I was completely alive. I could hold my breath for a really long time though. That was useful on the swim team.

And again, actually going along to this club was all Ariel’s idea. I definitely wouldn’t go on my own.

She was always so keen to go. She and the other sirens huddled into a soundproof room and talked to each other. Aloud. In theory, with enough practice, one day Ariel would be able to talk to normal humans without causing them to spasm in ecstasy. Well, good for her.

You’re looking forward to this, right?

“Duhh. Sure. It’s great practice!”

Unfortunately, this left me on my own. I’d have to talk to all the hormone enraged boys who were finding out just how strong and fast they were. Ugh. They got themselves all excited and then started showing off. It was so repulsive. Rick was far more refined.

I bit my lip at the thought of him. I hoped I could see him again soon. Maybe he’d want some Friday night tutoring.

We reached the road that separated our neighborhood from the humans. It was a normal street, just like any other. Green trees lined the road, accompanied by big green lawns and small hedges. The houses looked identical on both sides of the street. But on one side, only humans, and the other, only us.

Until a month ago.

Now there was one house filled with humans on our side. Rick and his dad, Mr. Anderton.

No one knew how that had slipped through the cracks. It shouldn’t have been able to happen. Apparently, we had supernaturals in jobs working specifically to stop exactly that from happening.

Oh well! The adults were always worrying about these silly things. If they paid more attention to us, then we wouldn’t have to have our own special club.

I mean, just give me a book, let me read about it. That’s all I want. Not hanging around these testosterone fueled numbskulls.

Speaking of testosterone fueled numbskulls, I heard footsteps behind me.

“Hey ladies!” Johnny shouted, forcing his way between us. He rested his arms around both our shoulders, and as one, me and Ariel threw his arms off.

“Hi Johnny,” I said, rolling my eyes and stroking my hair back into place.

“You excited for tonight?” Johnny asked.

I wanted to tell the truth - that I wasn’t at all. It would maybe calm his enthusiasm down and get him away from me, but I didn’t want to hurt Ariel’s feelings. ‘Yeah. Going to get lots done today. You?’

“You know it! Me and the rest of the Elves are going to find out just how strong our glamor is.”

Elves. Arrogant. Tall, beautiful, and sexy, yes, but arrogant.

“Didn’t you do that last week?”

“Yeah, sure. But the others need to keep practicing.”

“The others, but not you, right?” He was so easy to see through.

“Of course not! I nailed it last week.”

Me and Ariel looked at each other knowingly.

“See you there, slowpokes!” Johnny ran ahead. Well, he didn’t so much run, as just suddenly walk twice as fast as us. Elves. So annoying. I tried my best not to stare at him as he walked ahead. Elves had a thing for skin-tight clothing.

What are you going to do while I’m off talking?

“Umm, I guess I’ll see what the Succubi are up to. Always good to know exactly what powers my parents have I guess.”

That’s a good idea, yeah. Going to try anything yourself, or just watch?

“You do know what they get up to, right?”

She nodded.

“They go in, all looking normal, and then they start using their powers. Whatever it is they’re doing, I definitely can’t do.”

Have you tried?

“I wouldn’t even know how! They go from looking normal, to turning into the most beautiful, sexy things I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s ridiculous. Hey, maybe if I had that power, and really ramped up my sex appeal, I’d end up looking like they do before they even start. Normal.”

She squeezed my hand. Texting expertly, without even needing to look at what she wrote with the other hand. Hey. Is this about Rick still?

“Not really.”

Well what’s up?

“Come on. I’m surrounded by people who are all ‘exploring’ themselves and their powers, and are getting stronger. And I’m here, just being… me. On my own.”

We were nearing the end of the street. A hole in a wooden fence marked the start of a forest.

Ariel turned, looking worried, and I realized I’d said too much. Stupid, stupid. She needed this. This gave her a freedom even I couldn’t give her as her best friend.

I interrupted her texting. “You go. Have fun. I’ll be finding out what my parents can do.”

Her phone started buzzing with continual texts. The other sirens were wondering where she was. I pushed her ahead so she could go meet them in the makeshift den in the middle of the woods that we’d claimed as our clubhouse. I think it was an abandoned bunker or something.

She looked back for a moment, but she knew me well enough to know I wasn’t going to talk about it anymore. She waved, and pushed open the bunker door.

I debated turning around. I could just go back to my empty house. I needed to study more. Maybe I could catch up with Peter and Bhav, see how they were getting on. I knew they were having a hard time. I was sure they could use the support.

I wrapped a strand of my hair around my hand and tugged gently. Nope. I was here now. And who knew, maybe tonight would be the night something actually happened. Most of the supernaturals didn’t start showing any powers until around my age, so… any day now.

I trudged down the steps after Ariel.

On my own.

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