Sanctuary's Fiend

Chapter 3

“Well, what did he say?” my mom asked, after I’d told her about my plan.

I lifted my head up from the marble counter top. “I’m not actually sure,” I admitted.

I had been scared and a bit nervous. Let’s just say that if Rick grew up to be like his dad, then I’d never have anything to complain about. And still, that accent!

I’d told my mom all about this too. And my dad. They were demons, and they’d adopted me when my real parents had… well, I’d never known my real parents. My mother had given me up at birth. All I knew was that they were both Vampires. Yes, vampires can have kids the regular, human way. Apparently. I’d never met another one, so I don’t know if that’s weird or not, but it doesn’t always involve blood everywhere. Or maybe it did, I didn’t know. Either way, these parents were my real parents as far as I was concerned.

My parents were made for each other. My mother a succubus, and my father an incubus. Sex demons. They fed off the essence of humans, and apparently humans were much tastier when they were… excited. Needless to say, my parents were very open about sex. So why wouldn’t I tell them about my crush on Rick?

And when I told them about my nervousness talking to Rick’s dad, Mr. Anderton, they both nodded knowingly and agreed amongst themselves that he would be a ‘very tasty treat’.

Yes, it was weird, but I’d gotten used to it. Still not an image I wanted in my head, though.

My dad walked over to the kitchen counter, munching from a bowl of cereal. Dry cereal. At five in the afternoon. And motioned for me to continue.

“So, he said that yes, I could tutor Rick.” I held my hands out to stop my parents being too enthusiastic. “And he thanked me for offering. Buuuut. He was very specific about what he wanted me to help him with.”

“Well?” they asked together.

“He wants me to teach him to be ‘American’.”

My dad choked on his cereal. Serves him right for trying to eat it dry. And for laughing.

As he walked around the kitchen having a coughing fit, my mom poured me some more milk into a glass. “So, you need to teach him about what exactly?”

I knocked back the milk in one go. “I really don’t know. But I did agree to do it.”

“Well that’s great, honey! Just take out all of the weird ’u’s they put into their words, and stop him from calling football ‘rugby’ and you’re set!”

“’I guess, yeah. We’ll see when I first do it.”

My mom turned sharply to my dad, who had recovered from his coughing fit, and glared at him. Sure enough, he looked like he was about to make a stupid dad joke. I don’t know what about. He was weird though.

“Are you coming to the meeting tonight? Or is Ariel coming over?” my mom asked, turning back to me.

“I dunno…” They always asked if I wanted to come. None of the other sixteen year olds ever went. They acted like there was no pressure on me, but they’d already explained why they always asked. Every other species of supernatural was represented at the meetings. But not vampires. Because I was the only one in Sanctuary.

“It’s up to you, sweetie. No pressure. Maybe next week.” It was all said with a smile. Right, no pressure.

“Yeah, maybe next week. I think I’ll just go out with Ariel.”

Her face turned into a slight frown. “Oh. Where are you going?”

“Just around.”

“Well, stay in supernatural neighborhoods.”

“Jeez mom. I go to school with humans. They aren’t that dangerous. They don’t know we exist.”

“That’s right, and let’s keep it that way. You know what they could do to us.” The same story, every time. Did she think I’d forgotten since last week?

“Most of them are my friends, mom.” Well, only two of them were really my friends, but she didn’t need to know that. Just because the rest never talked to me didn’t mean they were dangerous.

“I know, darling, but if rumors start spreading, then a hunter might come to Sanctuary. And we don’t want that, do we?”

Every warning they ever gave came down to ‘a hunter will come and get you’. Hunters were just normal humans. I really didn’t see how they could compare to the abilities and super strength an entire community of supernaturals could bring to the fight.

“No, mom. Hunters would be bad, mom.”

My mom turned to my dad. “Tell her, Tom.”

“Your mother’s right,” Dad said.

“Oh is she?” I asked, seeing he was doing what he usually did. “What’s she right about, dad?”

My dad looked up from his phone. “Everything.”

He certainly knew how to cover his bases.

“Great job, Tom. Way to be an active parent,” my mom scolded.

His jaw tightened. “I’m sorry Freya, but I’m busy arranging the meeting tonight. I’m not superman.”

“I’m trying to teach her valuable life lessons, and you’re sending texts?”

“Pictures too!”

“How long until the meeting?”

“Two hours.”

“That’s just enough time to…”

He caught her meaning and grinned. “My thoughts exactly.”

“Wait,” my mom said. “Did you just use your powers on me, Tom?!”

“Busted,” I said, sliding out of my chair. I knew exactly where this was going.

My dad stuttered and spluttered, having no excuse for using his incubus powers to try and get out of an argument.

“Get upstairs,” my mom told him.

“Yes, ma’am.” My dad snapped a salute and marched upstairs. Still texting.

“Oh God. You guys. Ick.” Just because they were open about sexuality with me did not mean I wanted to know they actually did stuff. As far as I was concerned they were both virgins. Virgin sex demons, yes. Ick, ick, icky. “I’m off to meet Ariel.”

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