Sanctuary II

Chapter Almost Heaven

In the small outpost town, in the Desert of Light, where the ruins of Terrana and Una Academy sat, Rychard Pyre was still working away on the nanomachines, that he planned to use to take control of the Senior Partners.

Treleva was sat on the roof of the old prefab cabin, watching the townsfolk walk about below. It had been the first time in eons he had been in one place for so long, and even longer since he felt so at peace.

Treleva sighed and looked at the dim blue sky, and the sun shining pale through the miasma.

"I never wanted to be anything more than a Mystic, but I have been stabbed in the back so many times..." He mumbled to himself. In the past year, his enthusiasm for Rychard's plan had waned, but the idea of Rychard alone taking control of the Senior Partners was worse than anything.

Treleva began to drift off to sleep, but was suddenly awoken by the sound of cheering in the office below, he sighed and reluctantly made his way down from the roof, and he pushed the worn sliding door to the side.

"What now?" Treleva grumbled.

"It's done!" Rychard smiled, as he held a vial of... something into the air, as Treleva looked closer, he noticed whatever was in the vial was moving, it was thousands of tiny machines swarming. "At last we have the God Key" He cheered.

"The God Key?" Treleva asked, shrugging.

"Yeah, the nanomachines are complete, finally we can leave this dump behind" Rychard grinned.

"What about the broken water converter you promised the townspeople that you'd fix?" Treleva asked.

"Screw the townspeople" Rychard shrugged.

"They fed us when we were at our lowest, Rychard. I've done some real fucked up shit in my life, but I'm not gonna leave these people who have aided us to die" Treleva grunted.

"What happened to you? You've gone soft... perhaps this plan should be left to me, while you care for this godsforsaken town" Rychard shrugged.

"I'm going with you. Just fix the damned converter, it will take you one afternoon, then we can go" Treleva demanded.

"Fine" Rychard shrugged. "Just make yourself useful and keep a lookout for anyone who is looking for us" He added.

"Like who? It's been a year, Rychard, they probably think you're dead" Treleva replied.

"Roisin isn't one who leaves a stone unturned, she will come, that you can guarantee" Rychard sighed as he walked outside. Treleva sighed and walked over to the large window that overlooked the town, an old holographic interface popped up.

"Hello [Guest] and welcome to the joint coalition settlement, Camp 'Almost Heaven' - Operated by staff from Ishtall, Raryst and Crystech, to secure a future for the Eastern Continent" An automated voice spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, lady" Treleva sighed, as he swiped the interface to the side, and watched over the village. Day turned to night, and floodlights beamed down on the town, Treleva was sat in a chair watching the town below, it had begun to rain.

He thought to himself about the city that had once existed here, about how it had been destroyed in just one day.

"The Gods abandoned us. The Guardians sat and watched as the world fell to chaos. The Harbingers cut the lands into nations. Mankind obeyed" He said in a prayer-like tone. He sighed and stood up, he spotted Rychard approaching and groaned.

Rychard climbed the stairs and headed back into the old office.

"It's done, happy?" Rychard asked.

"Not particularly, but it'll do" Treleva shrugged.

"Good, because we're heading out" Rychard replied.

"We're not waiting til morning?" Treleva asked. "I know you want to get this done, but it's reckless to head out at this time" Treleva sighed.

"Once we get a mile or two out it wont matter either way" Rychard shrugged.

"A mile or two of safety is worth waiting a night for" Treleva stated. "Remember, I've walked this cursed world much longer than you" He added.

"Fine, we'll go at sunrise, happy?" Rychard grunted, as he laid down on a makeshift bed. "And don't give me that 'not particularly crap either" He added. Treleva chuckled slightly.

"I won't friend, forgive me for being so... stubborn" Treleva said, as he sat against the wall.

"It's fine" Rychard sighed. "I just wanna get this done" He added.

"Me too" Treleva lied.

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